Nomadic November

novembro - dezembro 2023
Yoga and sailing, breathing and being! Leia mais
  • 45pegadas
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  • 16,9kquilômetros
  • Dia 11

    Costa Rica

    11 de novembro de 2023, Costa Rica ⋅ 🌧 26 °C

    Up early and headed to the free breakfast and then got a yoga mat from reception and headed to the “look out” to do yoga with Lynn.
    We then headed to the stables to do a ride (thankfully Lynn had a spare pare of closed toe shoes). We trotted a lot and galloped a few times… it was amazing. We rode 1 hour to Oropendola Waterfalls, swam in the Falls and rode back. We sat by the pool for awhile and I actually read (Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance), then caught the 4 pm shuttle to the hot springs again. In the evening we went to the bar for nachos and pizza and then to sip our tea by the fire pits before calling it a night.Leia mais

  • Dia 12

    Alone at last

    12 de novembro de 2023, Costa Rica ⋅ 🌧 30 °C

    Up and finished packing. We had another nice breakfast and Lynn headed off to go tubing while I opted for a hike to Chorreras Waterfalls. It was a nice walk and the falls were beautiful…. I wondered off up the river and then had to hustle to get back before checkout. A quick shower using there amazing products (going to miss the lemongrass soap… but washed a lot of my clothes in it last night).
    We waited at the pool for our driver to arrive, and then he dropped me off at Casa Buda, my Airbnb, and continued on to the airport with Lynn. I hung out for awhile, then took a bike out to explore Liberia, and came back to the Airbnb where I went to bed early! So nice to have no roommates… although lots of barking dogs.
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  • Dia 13

    Work Day at Casa Buda

    13 de novembro de 2023, Costa Rica ⋅ ☁️ 31 °C

    Started the day with coffee and then reading Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance. I walked around outside while reading as sitting was to hot. Then I did some yoga on the sliver of grass. In the morning I took a shower and tried to leave the blue shampoo in my head to take away the brassy sun damage. It didn’t work.
    I hand washed a bunch of clothes and hung them outside to dry. I worked on and off all day, taking breaks in between. Mainly in FTHS stuff.
    I won’t have to buy food, just eat fruit and leftovers… and lots of coffee.
    I tried to lay in the hammock when the monkeys came to the back yard to visit, but the flies were relentless.
    To bed by 10pm.
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  • Dia 14

    North America bound

    14 de novembro de 2023, Canadá ⋅ ☁️ 3 °C

    Up early and got some coffee, eat a mango and watermelon, followed by the routine of reading outside, playing with the dogs and doing some yoga. The hosts invited me to join them for a traditional Venezuelan breakfast and I accepted.
    After I biked to Walmart to buy some coffee as a gift and back to the house to shower and get ready for my flight.
    My throat was scratchy yesterday and is starting to hurt today. I can’t find anything but Halls at Walmart. Hoping it is just allergies to the cat and dogs.
    Fabiola drove me to the airport ($10) and I had plenty of time. The security line was packed and I got to the end of the line only to find I needed a hard copy boarding pass. Went to wait in the Air Canada line and back to an even longer security line. Lots of standing! Long and uncomfortable flight. I had hoped to work, but the cabin was dark, cramped and I wore my mask the whole time… so tried to rest instead.
    Arrived to Ashlynn’s at 10pm and chatted for awhile before going to bed. She has health concoctions and tinctures that she makes so I took a few for my throat as I am supposed to leave for Antigua on Thursday.
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  • Dia 15


    15 de novembro de 2023, Canadá

    Up and went for a nice walk with Ashlynn in the morning. I didn’t sleep great but my throat is a bit better so I didn’t go to an after hours clinic.
    I was supposed to meet Thane but he wasn’t up for the drive and so it didn’t happen. I had a Zoom call with a client in the morning and then Ashlynn and I went to an awesome Brazilian, Gluten Free, spot for lunch. I worked all afternoon and made tons of phone calls as I haven’t had access to phone for two weeks and won’t for another three.
    Ashlynn made a delicious curry dish and I was drinking her Elixir to help the throat. Later in the evening she pulled out the sewing machine to fix my pants and grabbed a Covid test if I wanted to take it. Since I was starting to feel better I took it at 10pm and then went to the bathroom….. Ashlynn yelled at me that she thought it was positive. It was a very faint, nearly invisible line, and I didn’t believe it. However, at this point it’s midnight in Antigua and I leave at 7am. I reached Brian who wants me to still come, but I tell him he needs to inform the crew that I might have it. I wore a mask for the flight…. Have no idea how I could have contracted it, unless someone at the retreat had it.
    Have decided to make the trek to Antigua, double masked so as to not pass it along, if I indeed have it. Grateful I was wearing a mask yesterday too!
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  • Dia 16

    Airplane mode

    16 de novembro de 2023, Antígua e Barbuda ⋅ 🌬 27 °C

    So alarm was set, messaged an Uber at 4:40 who answered and arrived quick. I rushed out the door and about 10min later realized I forgot my purse and passport. Had to go back and try and wake up Ashlynn by calling multiple times. She answers, I get my purse and off to the airport again. Once on the first plane from Montreal to Toronto, I realize that I left my book at Ashlynn’s…. Damn! Well at least I bought the Women Who Run with Wolves in the Costa Rican airport and will have that to read.
    In Toronto, I ordered a kids breakfast (eggs, bacon and fruit) and a coffee before boarding for another long flight where I was double masked.
    Got to Antigua at 3:15 and had no problem through customs. Then outside I waited for Bada. He arrived in the back of a van with a man and women in the front. We had a nice drive and interesting conversation. He dropped me at Nelson Dockyard and I wandered and found Lorena.
    Sadly, I tested positive for Covid, and although Brian was happy to have me on the boat, none of the crew stayed.
    We went for a few walks around the yard and I kept my distance from everyone. Brian cooked a MahiMahi that he had caught a few days earlier, with some asparagus… delicious!
    It was hot on the boat (no a/c) so cool shower before bed.
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  • Dia 17


    17 de novembro de 2023, Antígua e Barbuda ⋅ 🌬 28 °C

    Hot hot night and a restless sleep. Woke up, had some coffee but didn’t feel like food. We had to get the main sail off to replace the batten, so we documented it and then took it off. I was feeling really weak! I waited beside the sail and the grass, and chatted with a local guy named Leroy (who paints boats). We had a long conversation about Rastafarians and what it means to him — Spirituality, love, being the best version you can be.
    Brian was working on the boat and came over when Zimbabwe around selling clams. He bought 2.5lbs for $20.
    I cooked up some eggs for lunch and then decided I was just to weak and needed to sleep. I laid in the helms cabin for a few hours, dozing on and off, catching a nice cross breeze while Brian took a conference call and created a beautiful pastel.
    While I was still laying down a public health officer came by as he had heard that I had Covid (word travels fast) and informed Brian that I need to stay in the boat except the bathrooms on shore for 5days. Gladly, my sore throat has receded and I am just exhausted.
    We cooked up the clams and determined that they didn’t smell good or we didn’t cook them correctly, so threw them overboard and cooked up some steak.
    We took a nice evening stroll, mask in hand and had a great conversation with John and Lena from Two Captains (and Dodger the dog), stopped at an open air restaurant (with a lone table at the bottom of stairs away from everyone) and had some water (San Pellegrino and regular) before heading back to the boat for the night.
    In the middle of the night it started raining and all the hatches were open, so we scrambled to close everything up.
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  • Dia 18

    Pigeon Beach

    18 de novembro de 2023, Antígua e Barbuda ⋅ ☁️ 29 °C

    My throat is still scratchy but more than anything I am just really tired! I slept for awhile in the V berth in the morning. Brian had workers on the boat and was doing stuff. Then I listened to the rest of the shortened audio version of the Zen book I forgot in Montreal and decided to write about it.
    Later in the afternoon we decided to head out to the beach, Pigeon beach, and go for a swim. It was nice to walk barefoot and swim in warm water with Brian. We then walked back another route and stopped at the Yacht Club to get some sushi. It was an open air restaurant…. So I cautiously agreed. We had a great meal, although they didn’t have any GF soy sausage, they had eel sauce. Lilly was the server and she was great. A lady named Jill Edward’s came to the table (a lawyer) and complimented me on my hair 💕…. Beach hair nonetheless.
    Later they had a DJ and we danced on our way outside. Fun as we had the floor to ourselves and we both look like old fools with our dance moves.
    Back to the boat and fireworks started at the house on the hill. It was magical.
    The minute my head hit the pillow I was asleep!
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  • Dia 19

    Covid fatigue

    19 de novembro de 2023, Antígua e Barbuda ⋅ ☁️ 29 °C

    Exhausted today! I tried to do some work but had to sleep a lot of the day as I was really tired. Walked around Nelson Dockyard and Admirals inn for an evening stroll. I think Brian is coming down with Covid too.
    The glassing work in the boat is nearly done, we are waiting for the carpet and chairs to be cleaned, and the sail to come back from North Sails and then we will head to either the anchorage in Falmouth.
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  • Dia 20


    20 de novembro de 2023, Antígua e Barbuda ⋅ ⛅ 30 °C

    Sadly, there is not a lot of gluten free options here, but every morning the bakery comes by to the boats to sell item and Brian often gets a croissant. I usually make eggs or yogurt and granola.
    Boat work and my work was the task for the day. Less tired today, but starting to get a cough. Brains crew, that left before I arrived, thinks that he/me were faking the Covid story so we could spend time alone and are snubbing him altogether. I had him pick up another test, as I would be happy to have them on the boat. Again, super faint line…. But Mr Google says that still means Covid. I don’t think I left the boat at all today.Leia mais