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    • Day 11

      Warschau Tag 2

      June 24, 2023 in Poland ⋅ ⛅ 18 °C

      Am zweiten Tag in Warschau hatte Mutter eine Tour durch das Ghetto in Warschau vorbereitet.
      Bevor wir uns auf den Weg gemacht haben, haben wir im Hotel noch etwas gefrühstückt und sind dann los.
      Bevor wir in die Bahn stiegen konnten wir noch einen Blick auf den Kulturpalast werfen, ein monumentales Gebäude welches Stalin den Polen geschenkt hatte.
      Deshalb ist der Kulturpalast auch in der Meinung der Menschen Zwiegestalten
      Nach einen paar Haltestellen mit der Bahn sind wir an dem Jüdischen Museums angekommen.
      Von dort aus hat mich Mutter durch das ganze ghetto geführt, von dem von früheren Tagen leider nicht mehr viel übrig ist, wir sind an dem “Umschlagplatz” vorbeigekommen, bei dem früher Juden in die Wagons, in Richtung der verschiedenen Konzentrationslager verladen wurden.
      Wir kamen an vielen Gedenktafeln vorbei, welche aber meistens nur einzelnen Personen gewidmet waren.
      Auf unserer Route kamen wir an einem alten Gestapo Gefängnis vorbei, indem wir uns eine Stunde aufhielten.
      Der Baum vor dem Gefängnis war ein Lichtblick für die Gefangenen, und als er in den 90er Jahren endgültig abgestorben war, wurde er mit der Zustimmung aller durch eine Detailgetreue Bronze Nachbildung ersetzt.
      Kurz vor Ende unserer Tour haben wir noch eine Originale Mauer von der Zeit aus dem Ghetto gesehen.
      Es waren noch Spuren des Krieges und des Warschauer Aufstandes inform von Verfärbungen und Einschusslöchern zu erkennen.
      Als wir die Tour durch das Ghetto abgeschlossen haben, haben wir uns noch dazu entschlossen die Königsstraße entlang zu gehen.
      Eine Straße in Warschau mit vielen Schlössern, zudem ist sie eine sehr beliebte Einkaufsstraße in Warschau.
      Entlang der Königsstraße haben wir bestimmt 5 Kirchen gesehen in denen geheiratet wird, oder grade wurde.
      Abseits von Kirchen waren auch mehrere Marktplätze, auf denen meistens Kramsch verkauft wurde aber unter anderem auch ein K-Pop Tanz Musikvideo gedreht wurde.
      Unter anderem sahen wir einen Typen mit einem Papageien, der auf dem Marktplatz Musik machte, und das Haus indem Marie Curie aufgewachsen war.

      Nachdem wir die Straße zu Ende gegangen sind, haben wir uns noch etwas zu essen gesucht und sind bei einem Kabab laden fündig geworden, der sogar recht lecker war.
      Danach sind wir zurück ins Hotel und haben unsere Abreise vorbereitet und sind dann schlafen gegangen.
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    • Day 273


      April 11 in Poland ⋅ ☀️ 8 °C

      Warschau die Hauptstadt von Polen. 🇵🇱. und mit über 1,86 Millionen Einwohnern die bevölkerungsreichste Stadt des Landes. Als eines der wichtigsten Verkehrs-, Wirtschafts- und Handelszentren Mittel- und Osteuropas genießt Warschau große politische und kulturelle Bedeutung.Read more

    • Day 7

      KZ Auschwitz und Birkenau

      August 31, 2020 in Poland ⋅ ⛅ 14 °C

      In Auschwitz hatten wir für eine Nacht ein tolles Appartement gemietet. Nach dem Einchecken kurz zwei Ladungen Wäsche laufen lassen und zum Italiener um die Ecke lecker Essen gegangen. MEGA die Pizzen dort!😋

      Für heute früh hatten wir zuhause bereits Tickets für eine Führung im KZ Auschwitz gebucht.
      In Polen nehmen sie alles viel genauer wegen Corona, Mundschutz und Co ähnlich wie bei uns, die Tschechen gehen da viel lockerer mit um. Bei der Ankunft im KZ mussten wir durch eine Schleuse, in der man besprüht wird (irgendwas mit Alkohol soll da glaub drin sein zur Desinfektion). Danach folgten Sicherheitskontrollen des Gepäcks wie am Flughafen.
      Zum KZ bzw. Vernichtungslager selbst kann ich gar nicht viel schreiben oder sagen. Man ist einfach sprachlos. 😔😔😔

      Nach der Tour sind wir um die 350 km nach Warschau weiter gefahren. Hier haben wir uns wieder ein nettes Appartement gemietet, sogar mit Hängematte im Wohnzimmer. 😂
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    • Day 260

      Krakow to Warsaw

      May 21, 2017 in Poland ⋅ ⛅ 18 °C

      Well I decided on not doing the salt mine tour after all because of the cost. After to talking to two young polish girls last night in the hostel they recommended Warsaw and Gdansk. I decided to move on. So far on my travels the Polish people are the kindest, nicest, happiest and helpful people. By far this is the safest country I have been in. Three hour fast train ride and I'm in Warsaw. Another beautiful city. It was completely flattened in WW2 but totally rebuilt and is pristine. Coming out from the train station I'm met head on with the technical building and in behind the art gallery. It looked like the Empire State Building. A twenty minute walk to the hostel and the city is again buzzing and there is music everywhere. A quick shower and change and I'm out to catch the sites. It's Sunday and the museums and exhibits are free. I walk through the market and winding little streets, more music, and a old man playing a old piano with a parrot singing along. Lucky me I manage to catch the exhibition to the Royal Palace and it is magnificent. I don't know much about Polish Royalty but am totally impressed with the whole palace. Looks like a prelude to St. Petersburg. I finish up with a walk along the promenade and then find a restaurant for a pizza and a couple of beers....and delightfully people watch for two hours. My waiter is a student and has a nametag saying so and tells me he is learning. Brilliant! This stops people from being nasty to him. Next I see the water truck coming along the street and watering all the flowers and soldiers tapping each other on the back and laughing. It feels good to be in Poland!Read more

    • Day 261


      May 22, 2017 in Poland ⋅ ⛅ 22 °C

      Early morning start today after having a great breakfast at the hostel. Headed out in the sunshine by 8:30 am to beat the Korean tourists in the park. Not being biased here but there are hoards of them here with their selfie sticks and I can't get a photo in edgewise. Today I did! Started with the tomb of the unknown soldier which is guarded by two soldiers and a burning flame. Behind it is the beautiful park with a huge fountain and statues of Greek gods. I was off then to the modern part of the city to look around. Made my way back to the Chopin museum and then stopped off for a coffee crema at Tschibo. I walked for 4 hours and then went back to my room to rest my feet. After my test I was on the search for the long stairway and the underground tunnels. I found the stairway but not the tunnels. I asked a waiter for directions and he told me to wait for him after work and he would show me. The guys here are certainly not shy to ask a girl out. I had to ditch him (not my type) nicely. I found the mermaid in the old square which is a symbol of Warsaw and is said to be the protector of Poland (once rescued by a fisherman). I had an early dinner at the restaurant next door and it was fabulous. Soft and airy potatoe dumpings with forest mushroom and garlic sauce and a beer ($13.39 CAD). Warsaw: home of Madam Curie, Chopin, Lech Walensa, and many famous movie stars and playwrights. Never there was so much history here.Read more

    • Day 20


      August 15, 2018 in Poland ⋅ ⛅ 22 °C

      Eastern Europe is a hipster’s wet dream, endless post industrial ruins and neighbourhoods ripe for ironic gentrification and the perks of good bars, coffee and craft beer. The speed with which the invasion is happening is incredible, like a blitzkrieg proceeding the wave of tourists finally waking up to the wonders of the east. Where Minsk this invasion was still raw and tentative, Warsaw, being further west and with a much more secure beachhead of tourists, had tipped over into full blown gentrification. Praga, a neighbourhood across the river from the centre, and a no go area after dark only a few years ago, now boasts the coolest, newest and most expensive real estate, which is slowly destroying decaying neighbourhoods, street art and markets. Not all is lost though, a few amazing examples of street art remain, the Soho district (really!) is a fantastic example of reuse of an old industrial area for the purpose of museums and public event spaces and Bazaar Rozicki remains, increasingly hedged in by increasingly shiny apartments on all sides.

      Bazaar Rozicki, was once Warsaw’s premier market, the epicentre of Warsaw’s thriving black market during the days of communism, since 1989 its popularity has waned significantly and is now a shadow of its former self. Today the lure of illicit goods has gone, but one could still easily outfit an entire polyester wedding thanks to the variety of cheap wedding dresses, kiddie tuxes and chintzy mother-of-the-bride gowns. It is still a great place to visit though with the characterful faded green wooden store fronts providing an atmospheric reminder of a time when Warsaw was a Communist backwater.

      While not Poland’s premier tourist destination, Warsaw was a shock after Minsk. Where the entirety of Belarus gets 100,000 international tourists in an entire year, the same number must have been in Warsaw on my first afternoon. Endless tour groups from every corner of the world and selfie sticks jostling for space and airtime in the tight streets of Warsaw’s beautifully reconstructed old town. Warsaw was completely obliterated in World War 2, what wasn’t destroyed by being in the middle of the be and flow of the eastern front was destroyed during and after the Warsaw Uprising in 1944, when the local population rose up in open rebellion against the Nazi’s. The uprising lasted just over 2 months in the forlorn hope of achieving the backing of the western powers and reestablishing an independent state before the Soviets arrived in town. 45,000 underarmed Poles kept the Nazi’s pinned down in bitter street fighting, before capitulating having run out of ammunition, food and water and receiving only limited support from the Allies, despite multiple promises of support. In retribution the Nazi’s ordered the destruction of the entire city, systematically going block by block blowing up every building. By the time the Soviets ‘liberated’ the city 85% of all buildings had been completely destroyed, and from a prewar population of 1.2 million people, less than 1000 remained living in sewers and basements. As a final nail in the coffin, the Soviets quickly rounded up all members of the Polish liberation forces and sent them to Siberian Gulags to ensure that any hope of national independence would be quashed. Finding themselves once again being “prisoners of geography”, experiencing first hand the manifest unfairness of being born in a small country in the no mans land between the east and the west.

      Other than the incredibly good Uprising Museum and monuments, today you wouldn’t know this was the case. The Old Town has been beautifully and faithfully restored, incorporating a huge number of original decorative features, which had been salvaged and hidden by locals in basements and houses for decades post war and using original stone and brick salvaged from other towns and cities across the country.

      My second day in Warsaw happened to coincide with a national holiday, Soldiers Day, a day similar to ANZAC day, but taking on an added level of gravity when you consider the countries geography and history. The city came to a standstill and there were various commemorative events culminating in an appropriately impressive parade of goose stepping soldiers, tanks and aircraft. A lot of the countries I have travelled through are celebrating 100 years of independence this year, which I have found a little ironic seeing as most have only been truely independent for a fraction of that time, but Poland is no different and so the parade was supersized this year, moving streets to a larger thoroughfare and including a large contingent of American servicemen and military hardware underlining the importance of NATO forces in bolstering the eastern front against an expansionist Russia. With the parade and formalities over it appeared that the entire city descended on the old town as one for an afternoon of eating and drink. This made the previous days crowds appear like a mere small gathering. The place was packed and I wandered the streets struggling to find anywhere for lunch or a drink that didn’t have lines stretching a block. As I was giving up and heading out, I heard someone call my name, and it was Tim, an American I’d met back in Riga. Tim lives in Germany and works for NATO and was randomly in town as part of the American contingent for the parade, it was serendipitous and another example of our crazy small world. Even better they had a table and a jug of beer and so I had somewhere to sit back and watch the passing parade and incredibly talented buskers who took over the town in the evening.
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    • Day 4


      May 10, 2018 in Poland ⋅ ⛅ 27 °C

      Nach 357km auf dem Campingplatz No.123 in Warschau angekommen. Nun sind es 28 Grad bei herrlichem Wetter.

      Ann: Die Fahrt hier hin war anstrengend, einmal war es sehr eintönig und zweitens war starker Wind. Ich musste das Lenkrad gut festhalten. Heute haben wir zum ersten mal in unsere Meile, Wäsche gewaschen....ist super geworden. Nun flattert sie im Wind hinter dem Womo auf Jobos selbstgebastelter Wäscheleine. So langsam entspannen wir uns 😊

      Jobo: Um 15:00 angekommen und nun noch etwas ausruhen, morgen geht es in die Stadt. Lecker gegrillt und den Abend bei einem naturtrüben WARKA Radler ausklingen lassen.

      Das letzte Bild ist die Einfahrt zum Campingplatz direkt von der Hauptstrasse aus, aber wir haben es im ersten Anlauf geschafft.
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    • Day 2

      Zweites Ziel erreicht

      July 28, 2020 in Poland ⋅ ☁️ 23 °C

      Gestern Abend haben wir das sonnige Regensburg mit einem Bade Abstecher am Regen verlassen und sind ohne Pause bis nach Warschau durchgefahren. Die Kinder haben geschlafen die Mira und ich uns abgewechselt beim fahren. Heute geht es in Warschau in Stadt. Der Campingplatz ist sehr klein und uralt. Aber egal, für den Campingplatz sind wir nicht in Warschau...Read more

    • Day 1

      Day 1 Warsaw

      August 3, 2018 in Poland ⋅ ⛅ 30 °C

      Time for a new trip: This time to the Baltic states and additional Warsaw! Marcel joined me and we drove to Memmingen airport to find out that the flight to Warsaw was late for 2:15 hours. We decided to have something to eat in the meantime until I checked the flight status again and luckily it changed to 15 minutes delay which was great. After the arrival we had a hassle to get another bus ticket to reach the city. Finally we arrived at the palace of culture which is a quite impressive relict of the Soviet time. We walked to our hostel and afterwards we explored the neighbourhood which consisted almost only of banks and businesses - okay for one night. At least we found a small shop which sold beer. Later we went back to the hostel and slept. This night Warsaw was only a stopover!Read more

    • Day 1

      Ibis style hotel Varšava

      January 9, 2022 in Poland ⋅ 🌙 -3 °C

      V hotelu opravim Check-in ter odidem v sobo. Soba mi je zelo všeč. Prostorna, svetla, čista in prelep rezgled na osvetljeno mesto. Razpakiram stvari in se odpravim pred hotel.

      Ob 19:15 se pred hotelom dobimo z Đorđom in Dimotom, ter odidemo v restevracijo v hotelo. Balkanska restavracija in temu primerna glasba.
      Na meniju pa lignji, pomes in sadni božični čaj. Aja mimo vrede tukaj je še vse lepo okrašeno, kar me sploh ne moti 😀.
      Pojemo hrano ter zadnji zapustimo restavracijo.
      Ker mi še ni za v sobo, se odpravim na kratek sprehod do centra, kjer posnamem par večernih fotografij.
      Napotim se do hotela, kjer sva z Dejanom preživela najino poročno potovanje, ko sva bila tukaj.

      Ker je zunaj prekleto mrzlo, se odravim nazaj do hotela.
      Stuširam se in utrujen ležem v posteljo.
      Jutri ustanem ob 6:15.
      Lahko noč
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