Bercianos del Real Camino

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    • Giorno 18

      Another route variant

      9 agosto 2022, Spagna ⋅ ☀️ 33 °C

      Today, after Sahagún, we had 2 options: the standard route passing by a village or two, or the Trajan variant going to Calzadilla de los Hermanillos, a little longer, less traveled, using an old Roman road.
      We chose the latter. By the time we got to the decision point it was getting hot, and we didn't know that there would be virtually no shade, but we would have taken it regardless, as I bet the standard route didn't have much shade either.
      We took a break about 2k before the destination because there was a reat area with lots of shade and a water fountain. After a good pause, we continued to the village.
      The private albergue I saw great reviews for was closed, and we went to the municipal albergue instead. Jan and I were the only guests again.
      We had a very nice evening chatting with Madeleine, the hospitalera, cooking and sharing food.
      The albergue was partially renovated recently. The sleeping area is still old, but toilets and showers are new, and the kitchen was only installed last week!
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    • Giorno 16

      Late Start and „cheating“ a bit

      1 agosto 2022, Spagna ⋅ 🌙 15 °C

      Today I am giving my tortured legs a bit of a rest. I’ll be taking a bus past the industrial outskirts of Leon, which is essentially just a cat and mouse game against trucks and speeding cars on the freeway, and I pre-booked my bunk bed in an albergue to have a little more time to get there and see the town.

      Yesterday’s 25 kilometers along the freeway, my boots pounding asphalt more than any other surface, led to slightly more discomfort than I am willing to admit (Mikka is getting old). If I want to make it to Astorga on the 4th and Foncebaddon on the 6th, it’s maybe not a bad idea to start fresher tomorrow.

      With Leon I am slowly leaving the Meseta for the hilly final 250 kilometers towards Sarria. O Cebreiro and the Cruz de Ferro lie ahead, both nice day-long inclines to the highest and second highest point of my journey respectively, The landscape will turn green again, oak trees at first, followed by eucalyptus forests as the climate goes from desert to mountainous and then ocean.

      I’ll certainly miss the gruff landscape and its equally gruff inhabitants. On the other hand, I can do with a little more shade, temperatures are forecast to soar again.
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    • Giorno 22

      Moratinos to El Burgo Ranero

      13 aprile, Spagna ⋅ ⛅ 23 °C

      Dinner was actually really good, so those Italians live to see another day. There were only seven of us staying there (off stage), which made for an interesting table. Me, a nuts Italian guy on a bicycle, an Austrian guy. A completely nice and normal Austrian couple and an unusual American couple, in that they'd been travelling constantly since they both lost their businesses in 2020 (she works online to support them though I'm not entirely sure how given that work is "running a non-profit"). The solo Austrian guy tried to rollerskate from Munich to Hamburg once because his colleague told him he couldn't. He got 100km then bought a bike. Like I said. Odd crew.

      I'm a sensory princess at the best of times and today for some reason really set me off. There was something *touching me* constantly - a cobweb, a hair, my pack straps, ugh! Each day, after a while in the heat with my hands swinging my sides, my fingers swell up and I have to take my tightest ring off. Today, I could actually feel the breeze in the tiny tiny hairs on my knuckles and I didn't like it. The cobwebs in particular I do not understand. I'm walking a well worn path. I'm not the first today, I won't be the last. HOW is there a spiderweb here, what determined little Charlotte is at work, she can CHILL OUT until later because her work is just going to keep getting wrecked.

      Every day for the past four (?) days, I've been passed by two old guys biking in the opposite direction. This I also do not understand. Are they orbiting me? Does my version of the Truman Show not have enough extras? If they are doing this in reverse we should have crossed once. Tomorrow I shall fling myself in their path and demand an explanation.

      Another 30km day and I'm in El Burgo Ranero, listening to a Dutch girl that just got to the albergue say she came here because her private room across the road had flies - can you imagine? I certainly can, it's nearly 30 degrees, we're in farm land, and the window was probably open. But sure babe, you do you.
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    • Giorno 15–16

      Day 14 Calzadilla-Bercianos Real Camino

      10 maggio, Spagna ⋅ ☀️ 23 °C

      32km (417 km from start). 2021 calories. 39.000 steps. 6h 10min on the road. 6 km/t

      Last night dinner was big disappointment. When you walk alone during the day you look forward to some Camino time with fellow pilgrims. I sat at table with 3 Italians. When they didn’t fight they talked to their families home in Italy - of course with sound on. Lame idiots 😡

      Started late today. We are on 900m above sea level and temperatures in the morning are quite low. Already at 9am temperature was above 17° and it was time to ditch the jacket and find sun cream.

      Long they on the road when sun is burning down. When I arrived to my destination temperature is 25° - nothing special if you are just chilling in the shade - but not funny when you walk 32 km.

      One more time I am happy I booked all my hostels in advance. People are using huge amounts of time and energy to make sure they have a bed day after. Maybe I have taken impulsivity from my Camino - but at least I know there is a bed with my name on it - every single day until Santiago.
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    • Giorno 21

      Terradillos de los Templarios to Bercian

      22 aprile, Spagna ⋅ ☀️ 59 °F

      280 miles done. 220 to go. 56%…over half way

      16 miles walk today, and met several people along the way for whom the pain of blisters, or a hurt ankle, or other malady is a struggle. Prayers for them as they slowly push through their pain on the Camino.

      Around lunchtime, I found a little place that advertised pizzas. I’d been craving one. They had many options, but I chose the Tex Mex one and it was fantastic to have some spicy food… Spanish food (at least that I’ve encountered) isn’t spicy at all and is fairly bland, similar to English food. The Tex Mex pizza hit the spot.

      Dinner was a typical pilgrims meal… and bland. lol.

      Downloaded a couple episodes of Franklin on AppleTV and watched them before bed. Amazing forefather of the US who was gifted in so many various ways.

      Till tomorrow—
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    • Giorno 17


      17 luglio 2022, Spagna ⋅ ☀️ 100 °F

      Again, we beat the heat, arriving in Bercianos before 12. It was a comfortable walk, but the last 2k seem to take forever. We continue to see many little houses dug into mountain sides. The sign explains how they are used. I guess I can stop looking for Hobbits, along the way. 😁 My picture is at the end of our walk, where I took a nap on the cement, until the albergue opened an hour and a half later. We are staying at a Parochial albergue, run by volunteers, that do not charge, but accept donations. They do not have wifi, so we are sitting in a bar, using their wifi, l enjoying a beer, and watching the Tour de France on TV and locals playing lively games of dominos. Lots of slamming on the tables, and observers yelling. I guess I've been playing dominos the wrong way all these years!😂I've been able to keep in touch with Cyndee- she has been doing some site seeing, plans to continue to bus ahead to Sarria, then walk 10k a day until she reaches Santiago. So glad she is doing the Camino her way.❤️Leggi altro

    • Giorno 3.124

      Bercianos del Real Camino

      10 marzo, Spagna ⋅ 🌬 7 °C

      Vor dem Ort führt der Camino Frances an einer ehemaligen Eremitage vorbei. Die Casa de la Cultura verfügt über einen Turm, der aber leider nicht bestiegen werden kann; die Sicht dürfte von dort sehr weit gehen.Leggi altro

    • Giorno 23

      Legidos - Bercianos del Real Camino

      23 maggio 2012, Spagna ⋅ 18 °C

      Heute Morgen bin ich um 06.30 Uhr aus der Herberge aufgebrochen. Die Sonne geht gerade auf. Am Ortsausgang muss ich mich erstmal entscheiden, wie ich laufen möchte: Auf der Stasse sind viele Pfeile eingezeichnet worden – zwei nach links und sechs nach rechts. Ich gehe also erstmal rechts herum.

      Das ermöglicht mir, in Terradillos de los Templarios in ein Cafe einzukehren. Hier treffe ich die netten Australierinnen wieder, die ich schon von Hontanas kenne. Bei einem Schwätzchen wird ausgiebig gefrühstückt. Ich habe ja entgegen meiner ursprünglichen Planung den Etappenzuschnitt etwas geändert. Ca. 26 KM sind es also heute. Kein Grund zu hetzen.

      Bei dem Dörfchen Moratinos fühle ich mich sofort an den Film „Der Herr der Ringe“ erinnert. Die in den Berg gebauten Bodegas erinnern doch stark an Hobbingen. Das Wetter ist herrlich heute. Nicht zuletzt deswegen wähle ich hinter San Nicolas die etwas ausschweifendere Wegvariante. Diese wird wohl lediglich in meinem Reiseführer beschrieben, denn alle ausser einem weiteren deutschen Wanderer mit dem selben Führer ignorieren den unmarkierten Abzweig und laufen an der Straße weiter. Mein Weg führt etwas von der N-120 und der Autobahn weg.

      Wie üblich setzt die Markierung etwas nach dem Abzweig wieder ein.
      Die Aussicht auf die Felder des Umlands sind sehr schön. In Sahagun halte ich mich nicht all zu lange auf, treffe jedoch auch auf das ein oder andere bekannte Gesicht der letzten Tage. Weiter gehts dann entlang der Stasse durch die sanft hügelige Landschaft.
      Kurz vor Calzada de Coto muss man sich erneut für eine Wegvariante entscheiden: Links oder Rechts – Beide Wege kommen dann erst bei Reliegos, also etwas mehr als 30 KM später, wieder zusammen. Reliegos ist mein morgiges Ziel.

      Ich gehe den linken Weg. Dieser ist etwas frequentierter. Die Herbergen werden hier als angenehmer beschrieben. Um 13.30 bin ich dann am Ziel. Ich muss noch einen Moment warten, bis die Herberge öffnet, also setzte ich mich ein wenig in die Sonne. Andere Wanderer nutzen die Wartezeit, um schon einmal ihre Wäsche zu waschen. Über dem Waschplatz sind einige Schwalbennester. Man muss also zusehen, dass man beim Waschen nicht zugeschissen wird. Eine arme Portugiesin hat wenig Glück. Bei Ihr landet eine Schwalbe einen Volltreffer.

      Mit der Herberge in Bercianos del Real Camino habe ich dann einen echten Glückstreffer gemacht. Für mich eine der schönsten Herbergen am Weg. Nicht unbedingt wegen des Schlafsaals, aber in dieser Herberge hat einfach alles gepasst: Die Hospitaleros waren superfreundlich. Das Essen wird gemeinsam zubereitet und verspeist. Es war superlecker. Zum Abschluss trällert die Gruppe jeder Nation noch ein Liedchen. Wobei unsere Gruppe der Deutschen leider echt Schwierigkeiten hat, da was passendes, lustiges zu finden.
      Nach dem Essen sitzten wir noch eine ganze Weile draussen und geniessen auf dem Dach einer Bodega bei Gitarrenliedern den tollen Sonnenuntergang. Ein rundrum gelungener Tag.
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    • Giorno 23

      Bercianos del Real Camino - La Perala

      30 settembre 2019, Spagna ⋅ ⛅ 61 °F

      5.9 miles on those damn bikes and then we dropped them off in an albergue in Terradillos de los Templarios. From there on, we were back on our feet and happy to be doing so. 14.5 miles to reach a relatively new albergue. We have a lovely room with 5 beds and a private bathroom. Mia is feeling under the weather so we skipped the pilgrim meal again. I walked into town to get some fruit and snacks for us to munch on. That sun is brutal! I've got sunburns and funky tan lines all over my body.

      5.9 millas en esas malditas bicicletas y luego las dejamos en un albergue en Terradillos de los Templarios. A partir de ahí, volvimos a ponernos de pie y felices de hacerlo. 14.5 millas para llegar a un albergue relativamente nuevo. Tenemos una encantadora habitación con 5 camas y baño privado. Mia se siente mal, así que nos saltamos la comida peregrina nuevamente. Entré en la ciudad para conseguir algunas frutas y bocadillos para que comiéramos. ¡Ese sol es brutal! Tengo quemaduras solares y líneas bronceadas en todo mi cuerpo.
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    • Giorno 19

      Etappe 18

      19 febbraio 2023, Spagna

      Die heutige Etappe, von Moratinos nach Berciano del Real Camino war die meiner Meinung nach bisher unspektakulärste...viele Kilometer der Schnellstrasse lang und durch das ziemlich hässliche Kleinstädtchen Sahagun. Heute war meine Laune nicht auf dem Höhepunkt, ich brauchte unterwegs etwas Ablenkung und so habe ich mir 5 Stunden lang Harry Potter angehört😁
      Der Höhepunkt heute war, dass mitten in der Pampa ein Restaurant geöffnet war, dort bestelle ich mir zwei Caffé con Leche und ein Bocadillo con Queso😍Highlight des Tages!
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