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    • Dag 3

      Tag 3: Bilbao = Lebensfreude

      15 juni, Spanje ⋅ ☁️ 19 °C

      Der Flieger hat mich gestern sicher von Hamburg nach Bilbao (Spanien) gebracht. Bereits am Gate wurde ich aufgrund meines Wacken-Beutels freudig begrüßt und per Zufall direkt eine weitere Pilgerin kennengelernt. Im Bus vom Flughafen trafen wir uns wieder und schon hatte ich eine Vino-Bekanntschaft für den 1. Tag gewonnen. Danke für deine Zeit, liebe Selina und Buon Camino! 😊 Heute heißt es für mich noch etwas den Trubel und die Lebensfreude dieser Stadt genießen (und den Vino für 2€ 🤪 🍷) bevor morgen früh mein Weg auf dem Camino del Norte beginnt.

      PS: Am Guggenheim-Museum kurzfristig die Spinnenphobie überwunden. 🤣
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    • Dag 12


      21 oktober 2023, Spanje ⋅ ⛅ 19 °C

      We got to Bilbao on Saturday in time to visit the Guggenheim. This is an anniversary for the museum so admission was free, so we popped in for a preview. There were few works on display in the large galleries. We saw Picasso sculptures and a light box, a Jeff Koons sculpture in glass.

      The art was mostly modern. My favorite piece was the mostly black painting in the photos. Pay attention to both photos. I just looked at them at dinner and laughed out loud in the restaurant where we are having dinner. I generally love art, and support displaying art that I don’t understand. AND, the Guggenheim proved my point …. TO ME! Not all art resonates with all humans.

      As a result, we saw the whole Guggenheim in a shorter time than we expected, and for free (which was a nice break because Vueljng charged us 120 Euros to gate check our carry on bags, which is on par with their reputation for chicanery).

      The Guggenheim is said to have brought new life to Bilbao in these times where a significant amount of industrial jobs have moved to other countries. It’s impact on Bilbao is obvious, with lots of shops and restaurants located near the museum in a neighborhood that was previously industrial.

      We had a delicious variety of empanadas for dinner, definitely a go-to treat.
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    • Dag 49

      Day 46 ♥️Burgos♥️ - Bilbao

      6 november 2023, Spanje ⋅ ☀️ 15 °C

      My opportunities to enjoy tortilla de patata and cafe con leche are coming to a close😥
      I so enjoyed them both this morning🤗

      I wished the young Russian girl "Buen Camino" this morning. She gave me a small chocolate famous in Russia as a gift 😍 So sweet💕

      I am on the bus 😷 at present to Bilbao. The sun is shining and the clouds are so beautiful. I love the diversity of the Spanish landscape from fairly flat to mountainous.
      The lady I am sitting beside is from Sartuce which is very close to Bilbao. We have conversed a small amount ..... I really need to learn Spanish🥺 She gave me a tasty candy😉💖

      I arrived at the bus depot and bought a ticket to the airport. The Hotel I am staying at sent over a courtesy van to take me there. I was joined by another couple whose flight to Brussels had been delayed due to overbooking. They were very annoyed as the Airline made no apology at all.

      I went for a walk to a nearby village and bought a few things for dinner. I enjoyed the sun and warmth immensely😎

      I enjoyed the best shower in such a long time!!! Hot water! Towels! AND I don't have to share with anyone😉
      I feel like a 👸 for sure.

      My ride to the airport tomorrow is at 5:20 am with my flight to Amsterdam at 6:50. It will be a very long day but I have been prepared for that with this trip😉 Here's to Connections working out🤠👍🍀🙏
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    • Dag 12

      Guggenheim Museum

      27 augustus 2022, Spanje ⋅ ⛅ 23 °C

      Unser gestriges Ziel war das Guggenheim Museum in Bilbao.
      In der Großstadt angekommen machten wir uns auf die Suche nach einer Futterquelle. Gestärkt durch die leckeren Empanadas gingen wir auf Museumssuche.
      Das beeindruckende Gebäude war nicht schwer zu finden. Dieses architektonische Meisterwerk verhalf der Stadt Ender der 90er Jahre zu einem großen wirtschaftlichen Aufschwung, welcher auch als Bilbao-Effekt bezeichnet wird. Die Ausstellungsstücke und Gemälde waren sehr imposant. Die aktuelle Sonderstellung- Motion - hat uns besonders gut gefallen.
      Zum Abschluss noch das beste Stieleis unseres Lebens genossen und weiter ging die Reise. Einmal durch Kantabrien in den Osten Asturiens. Von hier aus werden wir die nächsten Tage noch einiges unternehmen.…
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    • Dag 11

      Bilbao 🥰

      19 augustus 2023, Spanje ⋅ ☀️ 32 °C

      I'm spending a couple of nights in Bilbao before heading back towards Biarritz for a Wednesday flight. Fortunately, a few of the other girls from the Picos holiday were overnighting in Bilbao yesterday, so we were able to meet up for a beer and a meal.
      There's a festival here at the mo, so down by the river it's a madness of stalls (beer, mojitos, burgers...) and a few large music stages, which were unbelievably loud! I wonder if I'm just getting old?😆
      We managed to find a quiet bar for a beer and a nice restaurant for food. Restaurants don't open until 8.00pm, though, and I like to be in bed by 10.00pm 😂 so I wasn't sure I'd make it 🙄😅. But I wasn't alone as the others had flights to catch today, so I just managed to hit the pillow in time for a very good sleep 🥱💤😅.
      Today, I bimbled down to the Guggenheim and was very pleased to gain entry as a 'pensionista'! I'm pleased, because the art wasn't much to my taste, so I didn't spend too long in there (and anyway, my feet were killing me!) I did appreciate some of the art, though, and it's such a fantastic building. The large 'muriel' is made of bottle tops - I've included the explanation - I can really appreciate this type of art!
      It being Sunday means most shops and restaurants are closed around the hotel so, unless I want to walk back to the Guggenheim and wait until 8.00pm, I'm going to be eating in my room. It's been stodge all day 😖 but as I've already walked 14km, I'll let myself off🙄😅.
      Hondarribia tomorrow 👏👏👏
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    • Dag 7

      Tag 7 - Bilbao kann doch schön sein

      10 september 2022, Spanje ⋅ ☀️ 24 °C

      Bis um 03:00 morgens hielt mich der Tennismatch wach und auch wohl er noch nicht zu Ende war, musste ich schlafen gehen. Von meinen Hotelnachbarn geweckt, da das Hotel so Hellhörig ist, öffete ich meinen Laptop und schaute das Spiel zu Ende. Kurz nach Mittagszeit, machte ich mich auf den Weg Richtung San Mames, dem Fussballstadion von Club Athletic Bilbao, einen Verein den ich seit ein paar Jahren verfolge und welcher mir echt sympathisch ist, da alle Spieler im Kader aus dem Baskenland sind, kein Ausländer und kein Spanier welcher nicht aus dem Norden von Spanien stammt. Das Stadion welches erst im Jahr 2013 renoviert wurde, hinterliess von aussen schon einen gewaltigen Eindruck. Einmal durchs Stadion gelaufen, sah ich das man auch hier eine Tour durchs Stadion inklusive Museum machen kann. Die Stadiontour hat mich sehr positiv überrascht. Es war alles modern und doch klassisch eingerichtet und als ich dann das Stadion von innen endlich sah, war ich gleich nochmals überrascht. Sieht selber! Nach der Stadiontour musste ich zuerst mal in einer Bar etwas trinken, denn als ich auf meine Wetterapp schaute, zeigte mir diese 30 Grad an, welche sehr zu spüren waren. Weiter zog es mich zum Guggenheim Museum welches ich nur von aussen betrachtete. Auf meinem Weg zu den beiden Sehenswürdigkeiten sah ich immer wieder spannende und schöne Skulpturen oder Gebäude. Das Bild welches ich gestern noch von Bilbao hatte, hat sich heute zum Glück gewendet. So freue ich mich auf zwei weitere schöne Tage hier. Was ich morgen machen werde, weiss ich noch nicht, denn es wird 38! Grad heiss, ich lasse mich also überraschen, dazu kommt noch das Real Madrid morgen bereits un 14:00 Uhr gegen Mallorca spielt, dies möchte ich ebenfalls nicht verpassen. Ich hole mit jetzt noch eine Pizza zum „znacht“ und gehe heute etwas früher ins Bett!Meer informatie

    • Dag 36


      30 juni 2023, Spanje ⋅ ☁️ 17 °C

      Ethan and I decided to take a day-trip to Bilbao. The city is amazing, and the Tour de France is starting from Bilbao this year, so the city is in full swing.

      We did a free walking tour with Sofia. An amazing guide, who unfortunately got hit by a skateboard on the leg in the middle of the trip (I think she was fine!). Regardless, she powered on like s trooper and gave us an amazing experience. I also caught her one lie, and I will be thanked when she eventually gains an Oscar on her acting career.Meer informatie

    • Dag 13

      Great Bilbao Sightseeing!

      22 oktober 2023, Spanje ⋅ ☁️ 20 °C

      Suzie’s friend Bart lives here in Bilbao and gave us a generous and super-informative tour of the City along with lots of background on this region and it’s role in Spanish history.

      We wandered around the City sampling the neighborhoods and the food. Whoever invented tapas had a great idea!

      We learned about the Spanish revolution and the Basque Region’s effective strategy for retaining a prominent political role. We sat in a beautiful plaza for for a relaxing lunch and delightful conversation.

      We visited San Francisco (a Bilbao neighborhood) for delicious hot chocolate with a floral-infused-water chaser. I’m simpatico with their culinary sensibility because I love water and chocolate together as well. So, we travelled about 9,000 miles to go to San Francisco and drink hot chocolate. Well, it was with it. Bilbao is a lovely city in a beautiful country with friendly people.

      Thanks Bart!
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    • Dag 14

      The end 😕

      22 augustus 2023, Spanje ⋅ ⛅ 30 °C

      After enjoying a day in Bilbao I had fully intended to take an early-ish bus to San Sebastian then the train to Irun, where I'd either walk the few kms to Hondarribia or take the bus, depending on the weather, my mood and my feet! "Have you bought your ticket?" asked sensible Mick the night before... Of course I hadn't! I was a solo traveller and there was bound to be one seat on one of the many buses to SS! Well, Mick was right, of course 🙄😂. All of the buses were booked (and I was at the station by 9.30am) and the first I could take was at 2.45pm that afternoon. So it was another half day in Bilbao - no problem at all, except I was carrying my backpack - and a rethink about how to get to Hondarribia. I wandered down to the Guggenheim and enjoyed a late breakfast of a chocolate donut (my Camino staple) and a coke zero, and just enjoyed reading my book and people watching. Then it was back to the bus station with plenty of time for a small lunch. Somehow, though, 🤔🙄😜 I managed to get thoroughly lost and found myself wandering through housing estates and commercial centres! Thank goodness I'd left myself lots of time to get to the station, because I needed it 😂. Anyway, I still managed to eat lunch and get there in time for my bus, which was then 45 minutes late 😱. Doesn't do you any good when you don't understand the language too well 😂. By this time, I'd decided I'd be a little profligate and find myself a taxi at SS for the 18km journey to Hondarribia. The fare was a tad eye popping but well worth it 😉. I'd treated myself to a bit of a posh hotel, a 12th century former tower/palace/whatever, that does a very good breakfast, which Mick and I had stayed in years ago. The room was ace but I was hoping the church bells gave up at 10.00pm so i could sleep😂. After lots of salad for dinner, I enjoyed an excellent night's sleep with no bells👏👏👏.
      Next morning I breakfasted very well indeed, and dumped my backpack at reception so I could enjoy Hondarribia. It's an interesting town - ancient and modern all in one - metres thick stone walls and modern apartment blocks. And it's an approved route on the Camino del Norte, although Julie and I took a different direction last year. There's even a beach, although it's tiny, and I found out I could get a boat from here right to Hendaye, where I was catching the bus to Biarritz airport, ready for my flight. I didn't take the boat, though, as Mick told me it's a circuitous route to the station and the last thing I needed to do was get lost (again!)😅. So, it was the bus to Irun and a walk to Hendaye, where I bought Amy (great neice) a flamenco dress and Finn (great nephew) a Basque beret 😅. The 35 minute bus trip to Biarritz airport took an hour and a half 🙄 and cost less than €1.50! I think the driver might have misunderstood my French accent 😆. Apart from my journey home, this really was the end of my Spanish adventure 😕. I've loved (just about) every minute of it - but I'm not doing it again! Next year, I think I'm going back to the cruise-type holiday (as long as there's a climbing wall on board😜)
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    • Dag 21

      Im Land der Basken

      16 mei 2023, Spanje ⋅ ☁️ 15 °C

      Nachdem ich gestern lediglich viel Strecke machte und an einigen Nationalparks, mit wirklich wunderschönen Ausblicken alleine von der Autobahn, vorbeifuhr, machte ich über Nacht einen Stopp in Bilbao.

      Das Baskenland wirkt ein wenig wie Österreicher, viel grün, viele Berge, viele Weiden. Lediglich das es hier natürlich den Anschluss zum Atlantik gibt.

      Die Basken die ja zum Teil ihre eigene baskische Sprache habe, stellten für jemanden der kein Spanisch spricht keine große Veränderung dar 😂👍🏻

      Ansonsten super schön, sehr modern und super künstlerisch 🧑‍🎨

      Das Guggenheim Museum ist natürlich der Blickfang. Leider war der Puppy in einem Gerüst eingehüllt da die Bepflanzung gerade geändert wird aber ich konnte ein Selfie von einem Bild des Hundes machen 🐶 😂

      Weiter gehts 🚎💨
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