Provincia de La Rioja

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    • Dag 14–15

      Stormy weather

      19. mai, Spania ⋅ ☁️ 61 °F

      Today we are officially one week in the Camino, walking around 135km, and it was an adventure. We left the Casa Magical albergi behind early for an action packed 25 k walk to Los arcos with Trina, Kathy from Atlanta and our Dutch friend Fred from Netherlands.

      It was a beautiful day with lovely weather until we got the last 8 km in an open stretch with no services, water, homes or protection. Just vineyards, Olive groves, a wine fountain, an artist camp, farmland and wilderness, all beautiful, exept our approach leading us closer to the ominous storm clouds containing thunder and lightning.

      As we walked through the fields of wheat, barley, and wildflowers, we scoped out ditches to duck in of needed. We didn't touch the metal on our treking poles. We kept walking because there was no other choice, really. We made it to the town of Los Arcos around 7 pm, soaking wet, 40,000 steps later. As we arrived a man warmed us if the danger "pericola!" Before is... the city Streets were fenced off for the running of the bulls in the for their fiesta tonight around 8pm.

      We were soaked and cold and wanted to get through to find a bar to call a taxi. I looked at our map app and it would be a 40 minute walk to our hotel. No way. We decided to watch for a while, bulls were a symbol I was looking for on the way and here they are stopping is in our tracks.

      I had a beer in my pack we bought 4 hours ago. We shared it in my old metal cup I brought to drink rosado from the famous bodegas Irache wine fountain earlier on our route today.

      We hid behind the fence with a group of local senoritas dressed in red and white and watched the festivities of bulls and boys running and jumping over the fence for a bit, then called the hotel for transport. Another 10 minute walk to get to that. Progress.

      As we arrived we were deliriously laughing. We didn't know we were staying in a truck stop outside of town near the highway. Well at least we could get a hot shower, put up our feet and not sleep with a dorm room full of other Pilgrims.

      This surprise destination feels like luxury after our long day, complete with a loaded convenience store filled with jamon Ruffles, candy bars and $5 bottles of vino tinto. Plus a bar restaurant where we had a not so great dinner, but happy to have it. I'm not sure how they gather a 3 star ranking, but it is clean and friendly and convenient... if you are in a car. A Camino, not so much.

      So grateful for a place to rest and not be struck by lightning today or trampled by bulls. Today was not the day for that.

      Life is good! 🐂♉🐂
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    • Dag 8–9

      D7-Puente la Reina to Estella

      20. mai, Spania ⋅ ⛅ 18 °C

      We left Puente La Reina this morning looking back at the Historical bridge over the River Arga. Apparently the bridge was built for pilgrims in the 11th century. We take a right following the yellow arrows up along past the River Arga and then we start our climb upwards, there is good views back over Puente La Reina from up top. We stop at Mañeru for our first coffee of the day. We then continue and pass vineyards, olive trees and many wild flowers, the countryside is just so beautiful. The next village we go through is Cirauqui with its narrow cobbled streets and what a climb it was to get to the top. The church of San Roman stands at the highest point. We then make our way down the other side and make our way towards Estella. We stop at the village of Lorca for coffee and eat our picnic lunch (ham and cheese roll). We carried on to Estella, registered at Albergue Municipal de Perigrinos, showered then went out exploring. We picked up some pasta meals at the supermarket and had dinner at the Albergue.Les mer

    • Dag 10

      Day 9 Over kneebreaker mountain to Viana

      15. mai, Spania ⋅ ☁️ 43 °F

      Kneebreaker was not that bad! And the temperature when we started out this morning was 62 degrees, so it was a beautiful hiking day. We hiked past olive trees, almond trees, grape vines. We are staying in an apartment tonight in Viena with Stacie and Caroline from Canada, who we met our second day on the Camino.Les mer

    • Dag 9–10

      D8- Estella to Los Arcos

      21. mai, Spania ⋅ ⛅ 17 °C

      We left our Albergue this morning through the streets of Estella and passed the amazing old church Iglesia de San Miguel. It is believed the church dates back to the 12th century. A few kms out from Estella we come to the Fuente del Vino where pilgrims can fill their shells with wine. We then mistakenly take the alternative route to Luquin which is the high road and less travelled. This route skirts the slopes of Monte Jurra through woodland paths. We eventually pass through the town of Luquin without seeing one local, the only other life we saw was pilgrims. A few more crops and more vineyards today and we still enjoy the wild flowers. A few kms from our destination today we are rewarded with another Camino angel - a mobile coffee and food van, our only refreshment stop today. There were tables and chairs all set out for our weary selves to take a break. Coffee and baguettes all round and we were on our way to Los Arcos. We stayed in the Albergue de Perigrinos “Isaac Santiago”. We were only metres from the town square and spent the afternoon with refreshments at the cafe.Les mer

    • Dag 7–8

      Day 6 to Los Arcos

      12. mai, Spania ⋅ ☁️ 18 °C

      Easy day
      Not much happening
      The wine fountain only opens at 9... we were more than an hour early for that... damn... thought we could fill our cups at 8am... nah... clearly too early for drinking!

      Saw Stella on the road... lady from North Africa living in Italy. And Erica & I talked to Philipe - dude from Hamburg... that walks like maniac! And sleeps/camps next to the road... he keeps to himself... till he had a beer... then super loud!! He walked faster than us... he is a nurse and needs a hip replacement 😳

      Also saw Frankie & Patou again... they break my heart... not sure why I feel so sorry for him and his dog... it's not about money or means... just sad...

      So many things about the Camino reminds me of the Comrades... the need to see people finish/succeed....doesn't matter when and how... just not give up... is the same.

      The human race can be so incredibly supportive when needs be... but damn we can be assholes too.
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    • Dag 11

      Lorca to Luquin

      6. mai 2023, Spania

      We absolutely loved our lodging choice last night and did NOT want to leave. Close to 12 miles on today’s agenda. No days off planned for the next week so we just keep walking 🚶‍♀️🚶‍♀️🚶‍♀️🚶‍♀️

    • Dag 6

      Day 3 - A day of reckoning

      18. september 2022, Spania ⋅ ⛅ 18 °C

      ."Adopt the pace of nature: her secret is patience” - Ralph Waldo Emerson.

      Day 3 - Villatuerta to Villamayor de Monjardin
      -13.1 km

      7:15 am start and today was a hard day. Physically and emotionally. I definitely had a leak in my waterworks! So many times today I just cried. I am disappointed in the distances I’m walking as they are not as long as I had hoped. Disappointed in myself for gaining my weight back, not training for this and all manner of other things. And honestly, despite the beauty, the amazing people I have met and the fact I am privileged enough to be here at all, I just kept thinking “I am NOT having fun. I am NOT enjoying this”. One thought built on the other and went on repeat as I slowly worked my way up and down hills and through towns.

      I rested a lot. Had breakfast in Estella at a lovely place called Namas-Te (a tea house!). As the server put my pintoxs in front of me, in walked Bill and Rip. We ate pretty quickly (wasn’t getting caught out again). They were headed on the alternate route to Luquin and I to Villamayor de Monjardin. The ladies in Namas-Te could see I was upset. More tears with them.

      The blues hit me bad again on my way out of Estella. I cried and walked and cried some more. I stopped at the Irache wine fountain at the Monestario Irache. (the vineyards add 100L of wine to the fountain everyday, for pilgrims to enjoy). Carried on walking and cried some more. I was actually hating what I am doing, at that point. Rested a bit more and of course took ages to get moving again, due to the foot pain.

      Made it past Irache and on to Azqueta. Lots of downhill this section which means only one thing…the uphills are coming. Rested here, cried a bit more. Got going again for the last 2km - majority of it uphill. Not steep this time - just continuous. I cried when seeing the church spire of Villamayor de Monjardin - well made the motions - I had no tears left!

      Got to the Albergue at about 1:15pm. I have not made any reservations and they don’t open until 3pm on Sundays. So myself and other pilgrims sat and waited. I was desperately hoping for a bed (they only have 21!) as I knew the next town was “Completo” (fully booked already). I got lucky! Bed in a shared room of 5. Luck is subjective though…hit the shower to find I may have picked up some hitch hikers after all. Red spots all over my chest, torso and arms. Right where my long black shirt had been sitting. And the black shirt was stuffed into my backpack beside the lightweight backpack that Marie gave me back the day before :-(. Hand washed my clothes, dried in the sun and sealed in my drysack to avoid any cross contamination with my other clothes… I hope. My next stop needs to have a proper laundry and dryer so I can heat dry everything and hopefully prevent and more issues. Other than that little downer, it was a great dinner with all the other pilgrims and volunteers from the Albergue, and a quiet evening.

      No more tears. Well, today anyway! I am able bodied and need to be grateful for that. Grateful for my ability to carry a pack and slog it out. Grateful that I am here. Part of my Camino is to learn to be kinder to myself and have a bit more grace - for myself and those around me. Big lessons learned today, but I am sure it won’t be the last one!

      We will see what tomorrow brings. More kms I think, but I hear it is flatter. Woohoo!
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    • Dag 5

      Day 4 walking!

      12. mai, Spania ⋅ ☀️ 13 °C

      We had more leisurely start at 8.30 this morning as our wonderful host Elena, had lovely help yourself to breakfast, permitting multiple cups of green tea 😊
      The walking today involved few steep bits but mainly gentle slopes and passing lots of lush fields. We met couple of nice Brits to walk and chat with for couple of hours, and we bumped into people we’ve met previously at the Albergue or while walking, which somehow makes the world feel smaller and the Camino less daunting!
      We passed through historic Los Arcos and stopped for a break and watched/heard the locals being called with bells to church in their Sunday finery! The scenery is breathtaking with lots of wild flowers especially poppies.
      As we were ambling along in the final stretch, a circadian flew past me landing on plant, so I stopped to bend down to photograph it and managed to topple over onto my back/rucksack like a turtle on its back!! Very funny and no harm done, lesson learnt, don’t lean or bend to far with heavy rucksack!!
      So we walked about 21 miles to our Albergue in Sansol, another high village with lots of old buildings. The Albergue appears to be a converted palace with wonderful ancient stairs and super terrace and outdoor space. The communal dinner was little unusual with spontaneous Korean song and American singing with a guitar! And the sun sets on another interesting day,
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    • Dag 16

      Bergsee und Ermita

      29. september 2023, Spania ⋅ ☀️ 20 °C

      Vom Campingplatz aus geht es weiter zu einem Bergsee, der Laguna Negra. Es geht auf teilweise asphaltierten Forstwegen rund 25 km hoch auf 1700 Meter Höhe. Die Schotterpiste zwischendurch hätten wir nicht fahren müssen. Aber wenn wir schon 4x4 haben dann muss man das auch mitnehmen. Eine echte Herausforderung wird es aber nicht, erzeugt aber schöne Staubwolken im Kiefernwald. Wir fahren durch bis zum letzten Parkplatz. Das hat den Vorteil, dass es nur noch 300 Meter bis zur sehr beeindruckenden Lagune sind. Das sieht fast aus wie ein Kratersee. Allerdings werden aus den 300 Metern dann doch noch eine richtige Bergwanderung, denn es geht noch höher hinaus zu einem weiteren Bergsee. Anstrengend, aber wunderbar. Wir überlegen, ob wir die Nacht hier verbringen sollen, verwerfen die Idee aber wieder. Es ist einfach zu viel Wandervolk hier unterwegs. Also geht es weiter zum nächsten Ziel. Das verraten wir aber erst beim nächsten Mal. Denn wir unterbrechen die Fahrt unterwegs an einem Ziel, was wir mal wieder eigentlich zufällig entdecken. Eine Ermita in einer tollen Schlucht, die mal wieder von zahlreichen Geiern bevölkert ist. Vom Parkplatz aus geht es 1 km bis zur Ermita. Was für ein tolles Gebiet. Hier werden wir morgen sicher noch etwas weiter in den Canyon wandern, denn die Nacht werden wir hier bleibenLes mer

    • Dag 4

      In der Wüste Bardenas Reales

      29. desember 2022, Spania ⋅ ☁️ 8 °C

      Nach einer wunderbaren Nacht bei den Pyrenäen,sind wir gut vom Berg runter gekommen. Weiterfahrt in die Wüste Bardenas reales. Es war ein Traum von Eindrücken von der einmaligen Schönheit dieser Wüste. Nun übernachten wir auf einem Naturplatz im Nirgendwo in der Nähe von Soria.Les mer

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