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    • Dzień 362

      Der Zahn wird gezogen

      20 listopada 2023, Stany Zjednoczone ⋅ ⛅ 28 °C

      Wenn ich Zahnziehen in Texas höre, dann stelle ich mir vor wie der Zahnarzt seinen Colt zieht und den Zahn raus schießt 🤠
      Texas style. Ganz so oldschool war es dann doch nicht 🤣
      Ich bin nervös, aber wat mut, dat mut.
      Ich bekomme ein paar Betäubungsspritzen und der wackelige Teil geht easy raus. Der feste Teil ist ne andere Sache. Dr. Keith versucht ihn beweglich zu machen und muss den Zahn mit dem Bohrer zerteilen.
      Dann hab ich plötzlich einen Klumpen im Hals, den ich fast verschlucke. Nein, das war nicht der Zahn, sondern die Krone des Nachbarzahns. Nicht so schlimm. Gibt sogar mehr Platz zum rumhantieren.
      Irgendwann klappt es dann und der Backenzahn ist draußen. Die Krone zementiert er wieder fest und ich kann durchatmen.
      Jetzt muss ich nur noch die nächste Zeit aufpassen, dass das Blutgerinsel, das das daumengroße Loch verschließt, sich nicht auflöst, dass ich weiche Sachen auf der anderen Seite kaue und immer schön mit Salzwasser sanft den Mund spüle.
      Danke, Dr. Keith und danke, Kelly, der Assistentin. Ich habe mich gut aufgehoben gefühlt in ihren Händen und hab nicht mal ne Träne verdrückt 😊.

      Mit nem Eisbeutel auf der Wange, fahre ich mit dem Bus noch einmal in die Stadt, um eine Apotheke zu suchen und meine letzte Runde durch Austin, die einzige Stadt, die ich in Texas wirklich kennenlernen durfte, zu drehen.
      Ich bin Tony, den ich ja vorher nicht kannte, unheimlich dankbar, dass er all dies möglich gemacht hat.
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    • Dzień 63

      Day 62 - The Bats Have Fled.........

      23 czerwca 2019, Stany Zjednoczone ⋅ ☁️ 27 °C

      Struggled to get out of bed for a 9.30 breakfast & it was hardly worth it, particularly as some simpleton opposite was putting me off my food. After breakfast I tried to catch up with my blog, before we had to vacate our room.

      We headed east back to Stonewall, passing numerous wineries, including Fat Ass Ranch & Winery, Six Shooter Cellars & Armadillo’s Leap Winery. The Stonewall Peach JAMboree was just starting up again for a full day of events.

      We continued on to Johnson City, famous for being the home town of Lyndon B. Johnson. It was a bit arty, but not enough going for it to justify us stopping. Eastbound we continued through the wonderfully named Dripping Springs, which disappointingly turned out to be a town solely selling farm equipment. One sign boldly claimed ‘Patriot Erectors of Dripping Springs’. The mind boggles!!

      Our SatNav took us on a diversion via Bee Cave so that we could approach Austin, Texas via the relatively famous Pennybacker Bridge. From there we went drove to Umlauf Sculpture Garden, we parked up & saw it had a $5 entry fee, so we gave it a miss. To be fair we had seen a lot of the sculptures on the way in & Jackie is not a fan.

      Instead we drove to Zilker Park, which was heaving with cars & people all visiting Barton Natural Springs Pool. This is why we hate weekends.

      Without stopping, we continued to HOPE Outdoor Gallery, described as an Austin Graffiti Mecca. I don’t know why, but it had a fence & barbed wire around it, however the Graffiti could be clearly seen. It was ok, nothing amazing, but there seemed a steady stream of people arriving to see it.

      Next was The Bullock Texas State History Museum & State Capitol that we viewed from the outside only. By now it was mid-afternoon & we were looking for a suitable Downtown hotel. They were either ridiculously expensive or not very nice looking & probably not clean enough!

      As a result we drove several miles south & picked up a nice Ramada hotel for a lot less. Again we spent the last couple of hours of the afternoon by the pool.

      Close to 7.00pm we took an Uber+ back into town, which dropped us off on South Congressional Avenue Bridge, also known as Bat Bridge. People were already waiting on the the bridge & along the riverbank, so we bagged ourselves what we considered to be a perfect spot & waited for dusk.

      We, with everyone else, were here to witness the natural phenomena of nearly a million & a half Mexican free tailed bats leaving their roost in the crevices under the bridge sometime shortly before dusk. They are the largest colony of urban bats in the world. Their departure each night lasts about 20 minutes & they eat 30,000lb of insects nightly, which is important for the ecology of Austin.

      Over the next hour, the crowds massed 4 deep on the bridge & the river banks were chocker-block. On the Colorado River below, the official Bat Bridge Tour Boats were out & cruising up & down, there were flotillas of kayaks & even a couple of swan pedaloes. We all waited & waited, some people were forced to leave as they had dinner reservations, then the rumour mill started. We heard that last night the bats came out at 8.30pm, then 8.40pm & then that they didn’t come out at all.

      At 9.15pm, it wasn’t looking good. It was nearly dark, the Bat Bridge Tour Boats were departing, so after a further 5 minutes we called it a day. We had waited on the bridge for a total of 2 hours 10 minutes for nothing, the unpredictability of nature is a wonderful thing!!

      We found a rough Aussie bar for a beer & more importantly a wee. Then headed out in search of pizza. I directed us to Rainey Street where it looked like there were a few bars & food joints. What we hadn’t anticipated was the sheer volume of youngsters heading to the same street. Despite this we found an outside bar immediately that had a pizza van in it’s grounds. So we had a slice of pizza & a beer.

      Jackie didn’t feel comfortable in all the crowds (she is not a city girl, we are discovering!) & expressed a desire to go back to the hotel. I was keen to see where all the crowds were going, so we compromised. We would walk the length of Rainey Street which was heaving with bars & clubs heaving with youngsters, then I would order an Uber. Unfortunately the other end of Rainey Street was a bit less salubrious, it was unlit, with blocks of flats & people hanging round in the shadows. This didn’t help Jackie’s nerves!

      Luckily we got to a crossroads, a suitable pick up point & ordered an Uber which arrived within a minute to take us back to the hotel & bed.

      Song of the Day - Bat Shit Crazy by The Amorettes.

      Bonus Song of the Day :-

      Graffiti by The Cadillac Three
      Under The Bridge by All Saints
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    • Dzień 59

      Austin day 1

      25 sierpnia 2021, Stany Zjednoczone ⋅ ☀️ 35 °C

      Nach einem feinen Zmorga fahren wir nach Austin. Dort machen wir uns einen gemütlichen Tag im Zilker Park. In dem Barton Springs Pool kühlen wir uns ab. Das Wasser ist im ersten Moment eisig kalt, denn wiederum besteht der Pool aus Flusswasser. Dennoch schwimmen wir ein paar Mal in dem Naturpool und geniessen das Nichtstun im Schatten unter einem grossen Baum. Nach etwa 4,5 h verlassen wir den Park und fahren zu einem nahegelegenen Thai-Foodtruck. Dort essen wir unser feines Znacht. Auf unserem Nachhauseweg stoppen wir noch bei H.E.B, dem texanischen Walmart (der Host hat uns gestern von diesem Laden erzählt). Wir sind neugierig und schauen uns dort umher. Beide aber sind wir uns einig, dass wir immer noch lieber bei Walmart einkaufen. Dennoch kaufen wir eine Wassermelone und essen diese als Dessert gemütlich im Bett. Czytaj więcej

    • Dzień 39

      Weird Austin.

      5 września 2019, Stany Zjednoczone ⋅ ☀️ 33 °C

      I visited the way too hot Austin for a few days as it is probably the city I know the most about. Following a local production company called Rooster Teeth for many years, I recognized all the streets, sights, restaurants, and oddities as if I had been here before. Also, I didn't plan on doing so, but I actually got to visit Rooster Teeth and be part of the live audience of my favorite comedy show called On The Spot. Definitely a highlight! As the "blueberry in the tomato soup", Austin defies the conservative Texan stereotypes. To do my part for "Keep Austin Weird", I didn't edit any of the photos for today's footprint. Or maybe I am just in a rush to get to the airport? We will never know. Czytaj więcej

    • Dzień 26

      Week 4 Complete

      6 maja 2022, Stany Zjednoczone ⋅ ⛅ 82 °F

      Well, I’ve made it to Austin TX, yeeeeehawww.

      Week 4 is officially complete. What a hell of a ride it’s been so far. This week was the most challenging both mentally and physically. I hit a few frustration points through the driving, the 1 night hotel stays, and the weather. After a few convos with friends and fam, I was back.

      Couple of exciting things:

      1. We’ve already closed multiple deals while on the road making this trip worth it already.

      2. Great meetings ahead. Excited for some of them particularly.

      3. Hit 5,000 miles on the sprinter van since departure.

      4. Our 25th meeting was this week so that was a fun milestone.

      Being solo on the road definitely has not been easy- especially managing the bookings, arranging with our resellers, driving to the locations, and mustering up the energy to be lively while demoing the products. There were a few times I was drained, but pumped myself up on the way by shouting a couple of affirmations at myself. It worked haha.

      Also this week, after I did an extremely hard boot camp in Dallas (which I threw up in), I decided that I need to kick my cardio into gear while on the road. I ran over 9 miles this week and lifted weights 3 times amidst all this madness. Proud of myself for that.

      Today, Friday has just been a phenomenal day. So many great calls and updates from our partners.

      Glad to be able to relax and spend the weekend in Austin and catch up with some friends that live here.

      Peace and love.

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    • Dzień 8

      Greetings from Austin

      13 stycznia 2022, Stany Zjednoczone ⋅ ☀️ 18 °C

      Eine Woche ist es nun her seit meiner Ankunft in Austin… heute hatten wir endlich über 20 Grad - das Wetter ist in den letzten Tagen echt wechselhaft gewesen. Aber dennoch: ich genieße es vollstens, hier zu sein ☺️ Czytaj więcej

    • Dzień 136


      27 listopada 2016, Stany Zjednoczone ⋅ ☁️ 20 °C

      We had a wonderful thanksgiving trip to Austin! We loved relaxing with friends and family. I made bread with my mom, Ross cut down trees with my dad, and we all wore matching turkey trot t-shirts while we walked 2 miles around the ranch! Czytaj więcej

    • Dzień 5

      TCC Finale

      9 maja 2019, Stany Zjednoczone ⋅ ⛅ 20 °C

      Der letzte Tag war Agenda-mäßig sehr interessant. Zum Großteil. Seitenweise Feature-Listen (Mann haben wir viele Adapter). Power Enterprise Pools 2.0 und AI, da ist man wach geblieben.

      Zum Abschluss haben sich die deutschen Teilnehmer zum Steak versammelt (was sonst? Texas!) Und was „12oz“ bedeuten, weiß man erst wenn man es sieht. Czytaj więcej

    • Dzień 73


      10 listopada 2017, Stany Zjednoczone ⋅ ☁️ 16 °C

      We left New Mexico after visiting the International UFO Museum in Roswell. It was fun and pretty amateurish. Then we entered Texas. .

      In Texas, flags were at half mast for the church massacre by a former American soldier. The hopeless split between the Gun-lovin’ rednecks and reasonable people meant we travelers simply did not discuss it — with strangers, anyway. (Headline: “Hometown Hero Uses Gun on Gunman”). In fact, when Tarjei became irritated with another driver, I had to warn him “That guy is probably armed, so just cool it.”

      On a cheerier note, we saw the Abilene International Short Film Festival — really great. Very eclectic mix. A Syrian man in a refugee camp tossed his young daughter off the wharf into the sea to teach her to swim because he knew she had to learn to survive on the boat journey accross the Mediterranean. A quirky animated film showed chameleon romance in a subway station.

      We went to a great little bar in downtown Abilene and discovered (much to my disappointment) Abilene Texas is NOT the “prettiest town that I ever seen” — that song is about Abilene Kansas. But there were some very interesting women there, and they didn’t “treat us mean” so we had fun.

      In Austin, we had booked an Air BnB on a whim — an Airstream Trailer in somebody’s backyard. The on-line photo was taken at an angle which made it look quite large, which shows how clever the photographer was. There was barely space for the 4 of us to be in the structure at one time. If Tarjei and I were lying in bed, Boots and Jabba could fit on the floor. So we were very snug.

      We met up with Charlotte (my med school friend) and her husband Barry — they were visiting their son who is doing his PhD in Austin. Charlotte and I went swimming in Barton Springs — a huge natural spring — and the Guys & Dogs went to a canine-friendly bar for local brew. Both the beer and Barton Springs were very large, very cold, and lovely. All of Austin seemed to be dog-friendly. The restaurants had outdoor patios where every table had one or two dogs on leash, and dogs were expected to treat people & other dogs with civility. Jabba and Boots adjusted quickly except for the occasional raised hackles and throaty growl by Boots.

      We had an evening kayak paddle on LadyBird Lake in downtown Austin and watched thousands of bats emerge from under a bridge.

      In San Antonio We visited the Museum of Art and the Zoo. We saw one of my favorite singers, Iris Dement, in concert. (“Let the Mystery Be”, brilliant song, will be heard at my funeral.) She galvanized the audience and had us singing along with protest songs like it was 1968.

      Right now we are driving to Wimberly, Texas to visit our friend Angier Peavy for a couple of days. Who knows what adventures we will have with Angier, who used to be in the American foreign service.
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    • Dzień 169

      Walking Tours

      25 stycznia 2018, Stany Zjednoczone ⋅ ☀️ 15 °C

      Am zweiten Tag in Austin habe ich zuerst eine Walking Tour in Downtown Austin gemacht. Dabei habe ich auch den Tipp für mein fancy Mittagessen bekommen, dazu aber mehr im nächsten Beitrag.

      Nach der ersten Tour war ich mit zwei Australierinnen, die ich auf der Tour kennengelernt hatte, im Zilker Park und bei Barton Springs. Das ist ein "natürlicher" Pool. Das Flusswasser wird eben in einem Becken aufgehalten, damit man darin schwimmen kann. War ja aber eh viel zu kalt... Trotzd fand ich es total cool, dass man mitten in der Natur war, obwohl man gar nicht so weit von der Stadt weg ist!

      Am Nachmittag war ich dann noch bei einer Art Tour, bei der es um Street Art und Murals ging. War sehr cool, weil es da echt viel zu sehen gibt in Austin. Auf der Tour hab ich auch Gal kennengelernt. Er ist Israeli und wir haben dann festgestellt, dass wir mit dem gleichen Flug weiter nach New Orleans fliegen!

      Übrigens bin ich an dem Tag 13,1 Kilometer gelaufen, fast 20.000 Schritte!
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