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Harris County

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De 10 mest populære reisemålene Harris County
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    • Dag 26

      Museum Blitz

      15. juni 2023

      Today I woke up and had a quick breakfast, before we all headed out. We dropped John at the brewery and Hannah and I headed to Arne's. Arne's is the biggest party store I've ever been to. It was 2 levels and the shelves were packed with everything and anything you could think of. The off brand Disney pinatas, Barbie box costume, gummy hot dogs in proper packaging, honestly I could have spent hours there. We got some decorations for the pride run that the brewery is putting on Sunday.
      Then Hannah dropped me off in the museum district of Houston. Majority of museums are free on Thursdays/Thursdays after 2pm so it was time for a blitz. I wanted to stay out of the heat as my app said it felt like 40 degrees too. I started at the Fine Arts museum, wandering around 3 levels of some quite good art. It wasn't as abstract as some art museums I've been to. However I didn't know there were 2 more buildings to discover... But after 3 hours I was more than ready to have lunch.
      I stopped at a taco restaurant and grabbed enchiladas with a beer which were super dooper tasty. I then walked to the health museum which was definitely for children under about 7, so was absolutely teeming with families. I spent maybe 30 mins trying to read and enjoy but it was a lot. So I walked to the holocaust museum and that was fantastic. It did such a great job at humanising and sharing the story. I spent about 2 hours there and definitely needed a hug after.
      Last museum on the list was the natural science museum and wow when I got there, it was going off. There were people everywhere, I used it as my training for Disneyworld next week. The museum itself was set out in a rather confusing way, the signs were not clear and the exhibits were average. I did enjoy the exhibition which took you through evolution of life, through dinosaurs and megafauna but by the end I just wanted to get out.
      I thought about my options for dinner but then Hannah messaged me and told me they were going to finish up and head for dinner. So I caught the light rail downtown and walked to the brewery. I grabbed a beer and then we headed to a Mexican restaurant with their friend Connor who ran the trivia. It was great just all sitting around chatting and the waiter was so sweet. He didn't speak much English and was very forgetful, clearly stressed out as well. It was a great way to end the world's busiest day of museums.
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    • Dag 263–267

      #Houston die Dritte

      16. mars, Forente stater ⋅ ☁️ 21 °C

      Uuund wieder sind wir in Houston. Dieses mal für das Finale der Rodeo World Championship wobei sich "Weltmeister" natürlich auf die USA bezieht. Das Event ist einfach fanatisch. Rodeos sind ziemlich speziell und sicherlich nicht für jeden etwas, aber wir haben Spaß. Egal ob Bullen reiten, Kälber fesseln oder Fass-Rennen, es macht einfach Spaß zuzuschauen. Dieses mal gibt es auch ein Kinderrodeo, bei dem Kinder auf Schafe gesetzt werden. Die Kinder klammern sich wie Äffchen an das Schaf und versuchen nicht herunter zu fallen. Drei von uns finden das ziemlich lustig, aus einer von uns schlägt das Mutterherz zu laut, weshalb ich für jedes "Yeehaa" einen bösen Blick bekomme😈🤣

      Was darf nach einem Rodeo in Texas auf keinen Fall fehlen? Natürlich Maschinengewehre. An einem Schießstand testen wir eine Uzi, eine Magnum und eine M16. Es macht wirklich Spaß "rumzuballern" und das Testosteron steigt merklich an. Memo an mich selbst: Leg dich nie mit Mara an. Vorallem nicht wenn sie bewaffnet ist. Sie war verdammt Treffsicher.

      Abgesehen vom Rodeo und dem Schießstand lernen wir zudem die "Untergrundwelt" von Houston kennen. Die gesamte Innenstadt ist sowohl überirdisch, als auch unterirdisch zu begehen. Oben verläuft die Straßenbahn, es gibt Parks und Geschäftsgebäude. Unterirdisch gibt es Cafés, Restaurants und Unterhaltungsgeschäfte. Ziemlich cool und erstaunlich gepflegt.
      Jedes Mal wenn wir nach Houston kommen bietet uns die Stadt ein neues Highlight, ich bin gespannt, wann wir das nächste mal hier sind.
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    • Dag 18

      San Jacinto Battleground in Houston

      18. mai, Forente stater ⋅ ☁️ 28 °C

      Leider, vermutlich aufgrund des Thunderstorms, geschlossen!

      Wir wollten uns noch reinschleichen, aber Sicherheitsbedienstete fuhren herum und sobald ich das Auto verließ wurde ich von diesen kleinen fießen Mücken 🦟 attackiert, dass es nur bei diesen Photos blieb.Les mer

    • Dag 2

      Nach Houston

      4. april, Forente stater ⋅ 🌙 23 °C

      Nach zehn Stunden Schlaf und einem kräftigen Frühstück fühle ich mich erholt von dem Flug gestern. Ich beginne den Tag mit einem weiteren Rundgang durch Dallas. Ich mache noch einen kurzen Besuch im 6th-Floor-Museum am Ort des Attentats auf John F. Kennedy 1963.
      Dann fädele ich mein Auto aus dem Parkhaus und mache mich auf den knapp 400 Kilometer langen Weg nach Houston. Anfangs macht die Navigation noch Probleme, doch dann funktioniert das gemietete Tablet einwandfrei. Auf der Autobahn fahre ich an grünen Wiesen, bunten Blumen und dicken Eichen vorbei. Dann tauche ich wieder in die Großstadt ein. Vierspurige Autobahnen, Verkehrsstaus und endlose Gewerbegebiete mit Baumärkten und Fastfoodläden.
      In Houston wohne ich bei einer Familie im Kinderzimmer. Ich hab es über airbnb gemietet. Ich mache noch einen Spaziergang nach Downtown. Ich finde einen Eingang in das unterirdische Tunnelsystem, das hier viele Gebäude verbindet. Aber hier unten ist fast niemand, und die Geschäfte sind geschlossen oder gleich ganz aufgegeben. Ich finde noch etwas zu essen und mache dann Feierabend.
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    • Dag 27

      Wandering around Houston

      16. juni 2023, Forente stater ⋅ ☀️ 36 °C

      Today I woke up greeted by the cat and John made us breakfast which was so yum. Hannah and I then went to Walmart which was massive. We got a few things that they needed for the run on Sunday then headed back to the brewery. I then played my day of walking out. It was about 43 degrees and 90% humidity, but I wanted to see some sights of downtown Houston. I visited multiple parks, the old courthouse, a church, the tallest building in Texas, and finally Sam Houston Park which had historic houses from the 1800s. The best part of walking around downtown is the murals which are on some buildings, they are diverse and beautiful! I sat here for a bit and read my book before jumping on the light rail to start my trek to a few other breweries. I stopped by a park near the convention centre and then continued on to True Anomaly brewing and 8th Wonder. The beer selection was big and they weren't bad at all. The venues were just a bit average compared to Frost Town. I then headed back into town and had dinner at an underground food court which had a cool vibe.
      I walked back to Frost Town and spoke with some regulars who literally bought an apartment based on the brewery being built where it is. They were a lovely couple and really great to talk to. Then Hannah ran bingo which was really busy, good to see them doing well.
      After that, Hannah and John took me to an Australian owned brewery called Platypus, which has tried to play on Aussie culture a bit. It was average, the beer was different. We then headed to a local bar so Hannah could get food and met up with some of their friends for a chat and another beer.
      It was a full day of exploring, drinking and meeting some cool humans!
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    • Dag 29

      Sunday Funday

      18. juni 2023, Forente stater ⋅ ☀️ 37 °C

      Today I woke up and headed to Frost Town with John. It was the day of the Frost Town Pride 5k run. It was already busy at the brewery and I helped set up the decoration station for the run. I had a few helpers decorate me with rainbows and other crayons. There was about 40 people who came and we all took a big group photo. I hung with Jess who I met on Wednesday at trivia, we ran for 2kms then stopped to take photos of the people running on the way back. It was so fun to cheer people on, especially since it was about 30 degrees already. We finally walked back and met Hannah who was happy with how the event had gone. Back at the brewery heaps of people were drinking and enjoying the vibes. I met and spoke with a couple of other people who worked or had worked at the brewery, they were all so lovely. I bought a shirt and said bye to Frost Town for the last time.
      We headed home for a shower and went to brunch called Cafe Brussels, a fun taster before I head there later in the trip. The food was delicious. Hannah and I then rode the bikes to Holler Brewery which was a cool vibe and delicious beers. We then went to Drunk Shakespeare which was a show where they perform a Shakespeare play but one cast member takes 4 shots at the beginning of the performance. It was very funny and crude, the best part was watching the crowds reactions to all the jokes and things. Definitely an interesting concept.
      We then went to a bar in the oldest constantly used commercial building in Houston. It was quirky and dark, with cheap beer!! We then headed to a bar that gives all the profit to charity which is such a wonderful initiative. I would spend a lot of money here! Then we headed for pizza at a place called homeslice which was massive.
      I packed my bags and got ready for the next stop on my journey!
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    • Dag 18

      Stromausfall in Houston

      18. mai, Forente stater ⋅ ☁️ 20 °C

      Wir wollten eigentlich zu JAX Bar & Grill, um Zydeco Livemusic zu hören. Alles war dunkel, Ampeln gingen nicht und es war gespenstisch ruhig. Aufgrund des Sturmes war Halb Houston ohne Strom und alle Restaurants waren geschlossen.

      Nix mit Zydeco!
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    • Dag 2

      Ab nach Guatemala!

      1. november 2022, Forente stater ⋅ ⛅ 23 °C

      Um 5.20 gehts los zum Flughafen Zürich. Wir fliegen via Amsterdam und Houston nach Guatemala City. Ich habe ohne es zu wissen Premium Plus gekauft, also reisen wir so luxuriös wie noch nie. Wir können uns fast vollständig ablegen, haben Stoffservietten und Beautycases 😅 Wir erreichen GUA um - 18.30 und fahren direkt weiter nach Antigua. Hier haben wir ein tolles kleines Hotel. Nach fast 24h on the road fallen wir ins Bett.Les mer

    • Dag 16

      NASA Space Center Houston

      16. mai, Forente stater ⋅ ☀️ 28 °C

      Den ganzen Donnerstag verbrachten wir im NASA Space Center.

      Dort durften wir eine der Apollo Raketen bestaunen, in ein Space Shuttle steigen, einen von 8 Mondsteinen auf der Welt, die man anfassen kann, berühren und durch die sehr kurzweilige Ausstellung laufen.

      Sehr gut gemacht 👏🏻. Hat uns gut gefallen.
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    • Dag 22

      Søndag d. 9.7.

      9. juli 2023, Forente stater ⋅ ⛅ 34 °C

      El jefe forsøgte endnu engang at se solopgang kl 6.15. Heldigvis var det fra hendes seng. I dag var det overskyet, så jeg sov hurtigt videre.
      Morgentur og derefter afsted mod Space Center Houston til noget rum-halløj.
      Vi brugte fem timer, og så både rumfartshistorie, raketter og det mission kontrolcenter som styrede Apollo 11 til månen. Seancen gik blandt andet ud på at opleve de sidste minutter inden astronauterne landede på månen. Fin oplevelse som nok var en smule “over-solgt”.
      Det meste af dagen foregik heldigvis indendørs, for puha en varme de holder sig i Houston.
      Til aften fandt vi en dejlig mexicansk restaurant og spiste fish tacos.
      Vi er blevet ret glade for Margarithas.
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    Det kan også være du kjenner dette stedet med følgende navn:

    Harris County, مقاطعة هاريس, Харис, হারিস কাউন্টি, Swydd Harris, Condado de Harris, Harrise maakond, Harris konderria, شهرستان هریس، تگزاس, Comté de Harris, Harris megye, Հարիս շրջան, County Harris, Contea di Harris, ハリス郡, Konteth Harris, Harris Comitatus, ഹാരിസ് കൗണ്ടി, Harris Kūn, Hrabstwo Harris, ہیرس کاؤنٹی, Comitatul Harris, Харрис, Округ Харис, Гарріс, ہیرس کاؤنٹی، ٹیکساس, Quận Harris, Condado han Harris, 哈里斯縣

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