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    • Päivä 2

      Seattle [Samstag, 30.07, Tag 1]

      31. heinäkuuta 2016, Yhdysvallat ⋅ 🌙 17 °C

      Gestern Abend sind wir noch in Seattle gewesen. Beim Parken kamen uns viele Menschen mit Campingstühlen entgegen. Also haben wir kurzerhand beschlossen, unsere gerade gekauften Campingstühle ebenfalls mitzunehmen. Eine gute Entscheidung! Die ganze Stadt war voller Menschen, die mit ihrem halben Haushalt an der Straße saßen. Wir haben uns dann einfach dazu gestetzt. Dort haben wir erfahren, dass gestern die Torchlight Parade war, bei der alle möglichen Vereine und Unternehmen aus Seattle in bunten, ausgefallenen Kostümen mit lauter Musik durch die Straßen marschiert sind. Es war ein tolles Spektakel!Lue lisää

    • Päivä 66

      Seattle USA

      8. marraskuuta 2018, Yhdysvallat ⋅ ⛅ 7 °C

      Seit gestern ist nun Mara aus Bremen für die nächsten drei Wochen mit dabei. Wir haben Sie in Vancouver getroffen und sofort gemerkt, das passt.
      Nach einem Nervenaufreibenden Grenzübertritt in die USA, der ca 2,5 Stunden und unzählige fragen mit einem eher nicht so freundlichen Grenzbeamten mit sich brachte, haben wir heute Seattle unsicher gemacht. Die Stadt ist echt einen Tagesausflug wert.Lue lisää

    • Päivä 41

      Seattle, Washington

      20. toukokuuta 2015, Yhdysvallat ⋅ ☁️ 15 °C

      Wir sind gut in Seattle, Washington gelandet. Nun gehts mit dem neuen Camper in Richtung Norden nach Alaska, uns erwarten sicher super Tage. Die Landschaft allein um Seattle herum ist schon toll, am Campground angekommen erwartet uns gleich ein regenwaldähnlicher Wald, welch Unterschied zum Osten der USA. Wir sind gespannt was noch kommen wird.Lue lisää

    • Päivä 32

      Sleepy in Seattle

      30. heinäkuuta 2017, Yhdysvallat ⋅ ⛅ 21 °C

      After a much needed lie in (no one will ever accuse me of being Sleepless in Seattle) Kate and I ventured to Kerry Park for an elevated city skyline view. Sadly it was slightly obscured by cranes. I would later discover that due to Seattle's rapid development there are at least 17 cranes currently in use across the city. Kate had also hoped that Mt Rainier would be visible but sadly she was hiding. All in all it wasn't quite the view we had hoped for but onwards and upwards. I was on a separate mission from Kerry Park to look for a very special house. Back to my slightly sad film and TV location hunting ways I hiked up the hill in search of Meredith Grey's house. Yes another Grey's Anatomy reference I'm afraid. After finding it and taking lots of sneaky pictures whilst trying to blend in with the neighbourhood I mooched back down the hill to find Lake Union.

      I arrived at Lake Union much earlier than my planned boat tour which would take me past Tom Hank's infamous house boat - my final Ephron stop of the trip. I sat in the park and watched the seaplanes land and take off from Kenmore Air. The more I watched, the more I wanted to play so needless to say I went to enquire. Astounded by the comparable cheapness to the recent helicopter ride I took over the Canyon I bit the girls hand off and looked forward to my seaplane tour around Seattle tomorrow morning. You can take the girl away from flying for 7 weeks but you can't take flying away from the girl!

      Feeling very in the moment I took things a step further that afternoon and opted for a Six Gill Shark Bite cocktail on the boat which contained gin, triple sec, ginger ale and pineapple juice. I don't usually drink in the afternoon so needless to say I was rather tipsy by the time I got off the boat. I'd just had a message from Kate saying she'd found another large soft toy she could not separate from. I told her she could have it so long as I could take home the lamppost I was currently hugging in the Argosy Cruises car park. After convincing her I didn't need rescuing we reunited at the market in search of dinner. We settled for fish and chips at the pier which was an excellent choice.

      From there we took the monorail to the Space Needle. The monorail is a slightly bizarre construct in Seattle. It is a very small stretch running between downtown to the Space Needle and was originally constructed as part of the 1962 World Fair which as it happens was also when the Space Needle opened. It is worth bearing in mind that this coincided with Disney's original presentation of EPCOT which was presented at the very same fair - Disney also being a massive fan of the monorail.

      We learnt from our experience at the Empire State and deliberately booked a a lot on the Space Needle that got us up there just before sunset so we could appreciate the views by day and night. We had free green screen shots taken and giggled at the badly done composite - check out our green hair! You could choose your backdrop so naturally I chose the ferry boat. Sadly it would appear that despite my love of these ferries I would not get to ride on one as quite frankly there weren't going anywhere I had time to go!

      After persuading ourselves that we did not need matching Space Needle hats we ventured back to the piers to admire all the neon signs in the dark - this was Kate's geek time as Seattle by night was the backdrop for her favourite video game. We also browsed in a couple of souvenir shops where Kate had to stop me from buying my own set of Grey's Anatomy scrubs.

      We got back to the house late despairing at the early start we had tomorrow.
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    • Päivä 8

      Reis missions

      30. elokuuta 2018, Yhdysvallat ⋅ ☁️ 19 °C

      Lang dag. Mens moet glo vroeër in-check by die lughawe as wat mens jou bagasie ingee hier. Wat ek nie geweet het nie. Ons is toe letterlik 6 min laat daarvoor omdat ons die huurkar moes teruggee en nie die plek kon kry nie en moet toe ons vlug skuif. Daar is toe net plek vir 1 op die volgende vlug na Victoria. Ons vlieg toe Vancouver toe, net om uit te vind die ferries na Seattle (vanwaar ons vlieg na Alaska) werk nie vandag nie. Ons kry toe gelukkig 'n vlug van Victoria na Seattle, maar arme Betsie het al ons goed by die huis gelaai en ons opgetel by die Vancouver ferry en direk lughawe toe gevat, waar ons vinnig ons goed moes oorpak en in-check. Ons het met 'n klein vliegtuigie gevlieg Seattle toe, maar dis baie oulik en ek hou meer van dit. Van Seattle af het ons toe gevlieg na Anchorage waar ons 'n regte geel taxi gery het tot by ons verblyf. Ek sit 'n paar bonus foto's op van Banff, want vandag was net reis.Lue lisää

    • Päivä 16

      Seattle, muzeum pop kultury

      2. elokuuta 2019, Yhdysvallat ⋅ ⛅ 24 °C

      Gdzie mozna obok siebie zobaczyc kurtke terminatora, siekiere z Lsnienia, kolekcje broni z Man in Black, peleryne Harry Pottera i kadzie wypelnione odcietymi glowami z The Walking Dead? W muzeum pop kultury spedzilismy trzy godziny! Ekspozycje sa tu ulozone tematycznie: sci-fi, horror czy fantasy. Mozna obejrzec wystawe poswiecona grom komputerowym. Hitem sa motywy muzyczne: Nirvana, Jimy Hendrix czy najlepszy Pearl Jam na ktory niestety zabraklo nam juz czasu. Najwieksza frajde daly nam zabawy prawdziwymi instrumentami w kabinach studyjnych.

      . Tematycznie podzielone sale wypelnione byly rekwizytami z roznyc filmow: kurtka terminatora, siekiera z Lsnienia, bronie z Man in Black czy kadzie wypelnione glowami z The Walking Dead. Ekspozycje "horror:,
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    • Päivä 77

      Letzter Tag

      4. lokakuuta 2016, Yhdysvallat ⋅ ☁️ 14 °C

      Unser letzter Tag in Seattle versprach, nochmal regnerisch zu werden. So richtig viel Lust auf Outdooraktivitäten hatten wir also nicht. Wir sind daher erst noch einmal einkaufen gewesen – ein bisschen Proviant für den Rückflug. Gegen Mittag sind wir dann in die Seattle Public Library gefahren um ein bisschen zu stöbern und in Ruhe unseren Blog zu aktualisieren.

      Am Abend haben wir uns dann noch das Duell der Vizepräsidenten im Fernsehen angeschaut. So ganz am Wahlkampf vorbei kommen wir eben momentan auch nicht.
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    • Päivä 26

      Downtown Seattle

      15. toukokuuta 2015, Yhdysvallat ⋅ ☁️ 14 °C

      Leaving quiet Fremont behind we headed into Downtown Seattle and back across to the airport to check into our pre-Trek America tour hotel. Catching a bus into Downtown we then walked along 3rd Avenue to get the Link Light Rail to the airport. We were again greeted by people who were very willing to help us find our way around, our large backpacks giving us away as strangers in possible need of direction. After checking in and leaving our mammoth bags behind, we went back into Downtown.

      We went to Pike Place Market where fishermen's catch from the Pacific Coast is displayed and sold to locals and tourists alike. A steady stream of people pass stalls of giant fish, crabs and lobsters along with fruits, flowers and art. Outside, the docks and piers lean into the bay, where ferries carry commuters to the suburbs and tankers bring in goods to be unloaded by the dock's cranes. Seattle's Giant Wheel (ferris wheel) stands temporarily vacant whilst the seawall is renovated. People sit out on the grass under the gaze of totems and the odour of cannabis drifts through the islands of friends and families.

      We left the busy waterfront and walked along the avenues to the Seattle Centre. Originally built for the 1962 World Fair it is educational playground for the city and home to the landmark Space Needle and a collection of science and art exhibits. The line for the Space Needle was prohibitive enough for us to choose to walk back to the waterfront than spend hours in a queue.

      Back at Pike Place Market we got dinner from Piroshky Piroshky, a Russian bakery that has been at the market since 1922. We ordered the trademark salmon pate piroshky, which is shaped like a fish and delicious, before wandering back through artisan shops and street musicians.

      We got back to the hotel to ready ourselves for the start of our Trek America tour across the West of the U.S. that starts at 7:30am tomorrow. We also managed to meet a few of our Trek companions in the bar for a beer. However due to collective jet lag/general travel fatigue we were all in bed by 9:30pm!
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    • Päivä 11

      Seattle part 3

      24. kesäkuuta 2017, Yhdysvallat ⋅ ☀️ 18 °C

      Der Tag begann um 4.00h und Frühstück hatten wir um 5.30h, denn der frühe Vogel hat den Jetlag! Für unsere Tour nach downtown war das aber perfekt, schließlich ist heute Samstag und Temperaturen bis 30 Grad sind angesagt. Also, auf zum Pike Place Market, bevor alle anderen aufstehen. Es war noch total leer dort, als wir ankamen. Die Morgensonne schien durch die alten Glasscheiben, die Stände wurden gerade erst aufgebaut und all das Seafood ausgeladen. Riesige Lachse und Krabben türmten sich imposant auf Eisbergen. Markthallen haben ja immer ihre ganz besondere Atmosphäre, herrlich! Wir haben alles bestaunt, Bagels probiert, das goldene Schwein mit Münzen gefüttert, Picknick für den Nachmittag gekauft und dann noch einmal im Laufschritt eine extra Runde gedreht, um nach meiner Sonnenbrille zu suchen, die dann am Ende doch im Auto war. Gut an dieser zweiten Runde war allerdings feststellen zu können, dass es um 9.00h schlagartig voll wurde.Lue lisää

    • Päivä 26

      Pike Place Market

      19. toukokuuta 2018, Yhdysvallat ⋅ ⛅ 21 °C

      Is it the brilliant flowers, the original Starbucks, the masses of people or the huge salmon being thrown around by buff young guys? Yes, it’s all of these things and much much more.

      Sheree is great at choosing well when planning and she chose a hotel between the market and Seattle’s famed Sky Needle. First we rose 40 floors to get a 360 view of Seattle. Sadly the clouds limited the views but this city reminds me somewhat of Sydney for its harbour, waters and treed suburbs.

      Then the market called. Immediately upon arrival we were absorbed by the colours, the smells, the sounds, the diversity of people. The energy in this place is magnetic.

      We paused in an urban garden overlooking the bay for a moment and were amazed at the community spirit here as well.

      There is rule in this place - all marketeers are to be the creators of their craft. Be it painting, sculpture, glass, leather or T-shirt, the originality holds the freshness and ownership well.

      With cruise ships now beginning to arrive and a reputation spanning decades Pike Place Market continues to draw the crowds with its mystique and magic.

      We got drawn in... and loved it!! You will too!
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