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  • Tag 10

    Day 10 - Cutters

    14. Juli 2022 in den USA ⋅ ☀️ 33 °C

    Today wasn’t too bad. Just a drive to the Illinois/Missouri border to play in East St. Louis. The club was a really big and echo-y place with a weird stage. You had to walk down into the dance floor then step up onto the stage. We got there pretty early and met with the guy who booked it and the Branson gig.

    The stage was super loud because of the environment. We set up then ordered food. I’m almost certain it was just a chicken patty they dropped into the fryer. Can’t expect much from those prices. People we know from the St Louis area showed up and we played. The promoter claimed he is booking us in Las Vegas now because of how much he liked us.

    After the gig we stayed at Shannon Courto and John Logan’s place. On the way we tried to find food and stopped at a Wendy’s but they close while we were in line. A group of people tried to get us to help them as they didn’t have a car so just stood in the drive-thru area. We had to get gross sandwiches at the QT down the road. Shoulda gotten pizza but the guys don’t like the St Louis style.

    We then got to the house and half of what they have is cat stuff, the other half baseball. I went into my room and got some sleep, long drive the next day to Omaha.

  • Tag 11

    Day 11 - B Bar

    15. Juli 2022 in den USA ⋅ ☀️ 33 °C

    Todays drive was about 6 hours. We woke up and had breakfast with our hosts. Doug told me his blowup mattress they gave him didn’t work and lost air so he slept on the floor.

    We made our way to Nebraska, on the way stopping at Arthur Bryant’s in Kansas City. Amazingly enough (or oddly) I got ribs which were great; I should have gotten more sauce but the woman was berating me for pouring some in my take out container. Not to mention the dudes there “loved” my Instant Lunch Maruchan shirt.

    We got into Omaha and checked into the hotel which was a nice Hampton. Two rooms and I lost the “pick the year” penny game so I stayed with Doug. We then went to the place and it was dead; we found out this was supposed to be an after party for some festival and now they wanted us to play at 10pm. Problem is we have to get up at 7 to get to Branson by 2 or so. We order food (they didn’t have the pork tenderloins the guys wanted but I got a Buffalo chicken salad) and do soundcheck. Maybe the worst soundcheck ever. The guy couldn’t figure out how to stop the vocals from howling and everything was in the sub woofers. During the gig it was insane, some notes on the harmonica fed back and hummed. Andrew eventually removed the DI and used just the amp. Really the best part was Dennis G’s sisters boyfriend was there (John) not to mention Brian, the husband of the lady who came to see us at Fioras (Laura). I legitimately didn’t remember them, it’s been so long.

    After the gig we landed up back at the hotel and I practically passed out. It was about 1-1:30 and it was time to call it a day!

  • Tag 12

    Day 12 - Branson Star

    16. Juli 2022 in den USA ⋅ ⛅ 37 °C

    Today was a long day having to wake up at 7 am and then driving about six hours. We made one stop to get lunch (Chipotle) then landed up in Branson decently early. Very big stage and they had a giant drumset but we convinced them to let us use mine. They put all of our gear on moveable risers so they could quickly cart it off. The sound check also took forever, they couldn’t manage what microphone was what.

    After we went to our rooms (I lost the game again) and then went to get kind just okay tacos. We then went as the other guy was playing and it was kinda cringey and funny, very over the top. He had dancers and everything for a pretty small audience. We then played and he introduced us, and then we met all the guys in the band. One was the grandson of Charlie Rich. We talked about amplifiers and drums.

    Afterward they had an after party karaoke thing which was really weird. Some guy talked to me about blues and then went on a rant about how if your mother eats too much salt you’ll have a salt womb, and that Bill Gates is controlling the population, and masks are unnatural and you breathe in sickness. Not to mention vaccines and medicine is bad because of some doctor in the 1800s saying so.

    After we left we headed to a gas station and I got a Klondike then we went back to the rooms. Des Moines is next.

  • Tag 13

    Day 13 - Noce w/ The Bel Airs

    17. Juli 2022 in den USA ⋅ ⛅ 30 °C

    Today was a long drive, and early morning. We drove for several hours and made it to Kansas City again and tried “Slaps BBQ” which was okay. We drove direct to the gig at Noce and set up.

    This gig was a lot of fun. The sound guy was really good and works with Boz Scaggs. As we walked in he was making insane noises into the microphone as he EQd it. I set up all my gear and then played a few songs very quickly with the Bel Airs as their drummer was sick and needed me to play with them. Overall the show went well, with Doug and the Bel Airs. At the end of the night we all played together, two bassists. It was also a great night as I got to meet my friend Guga!

    After the gig we drove to a Taco Bell and it was supposedly open. A little kid was running around outside and he was out there for about a minute until his mom came running from the gas station berating him then he fell down and started to cry. We went through the drive thru and they told us they were closed even though they just gave food to the person in front of us. Doug backed up and hit something (just a grate) then Andrew told him it was a person and then jumped and hit the ceiling to make Doug think he did it again. Don’t put that evil on Doug!!!

    We then drove to Casey’s and got pizza. It was better than last time we went there. We then went and hung out for a bit with Scott, then headed to bed. Day off tomorrow.

  • Tag 14

    Day 14 - Day Off in Des Moines

    18. Juli 2022 in den USA ⋅ ☀️ 33 °C

    Nothing insanely eventful today. Hung out with Matt Woods and Scott. Got lunch at Grazianos (got a sandwich with all kinds of Italian meats, called the Knuckle Sandwich), took a nap, ate some of Scott’s bbq pork and beans, had pickles, nothing crazy. Rock Island tomorrow.Weiterlesen

  • Tag 15

    Day 15 - Kavanaughs

    19. Juli 2022 in den USA ⋅ ☀️ 31 °C

    Fun day today. We spent the morning with Scott discussing booking next years shows in Iowa plus a winter blues festival with him. We then drove two hours to Rock Islam. On the way we stopped at Panera and I ran next door to the Starbucks. Because of that the guys made fun of me. We got to the hotel which happened to be a casino also (Harrahs) and we did the coin game and I won, so I got my own room. I walked around the casino and checked everything out.

    We got to the gig and it got pretty packed. We got our gear in and had a pretty decent burger. Guga showed up, along with BJ, Kim, and Jayme. It was an awesome show and the blues society did great. People really liked the harmonica thing. I’m feeling positive about it and think over time it’ll get more notice and hopefully get elevated even further.

    After the show we spoke to Jayme about working for the K Cup factory and how they make 1600 a minute. We then headed back to the hotel and I watched Seinfeld (Mulva), King of Queens (the episode they make them babysit Arthur and he eats spicy food), and Law and Order (the episode some guy buys a kidney for his son).

    Tomorrow St. Louis again. The tour is wrapping up here soon!

  • Tag 16

    Day 16 - Blue Strawberry

    20. Juli 2022 in den USA ⋅ ☀️ 36 °C

    Today was a short drive. We started at Panera and I got some Buffalo chicken sandwich. Pretty meh. The best part was Doug was making fun of me for getting Starbucks the day before and he landed up forgetting his drink in the restaurant.

    Getting into St Louis we get to the venue and set up. Without divulging the club owner doesn’t really know how to work out a good deal for musicians. The room was super nice and we did well for sales, especially on a Wednesday. We made them money. The sound was also really good. After we set up Andrew and I went to Five Guys down the street and Doug went to Qdoba and regretted that as they had an insanely long line.

    The crowd at the gig was the old blues city deli crowd, plus a lady brought her teenage son to see us (he wanted to see us!). We played really well and apparently the club owner really wanted us bad as he paid us a bit more. We all ordered Cesar salads as the 15 dollar allotment for food was insanely low as all their food was 17 dollars up. It was the tiniest baby salad ever. We then went to Shannon and John’s house and talked to them for a bit then went to sleep.

    Off to the Peoria area tomorrow!

  • Tag 17

    Day 17 - Oz’z Bar

    21. Juli 2022 in den USA ⋅ ☀️ 31 °C

    We woke up and hung out for a bit with John and Shannon at their place in St. Louis. Doug informed us they tipped us 200 on venmo which was super nice of them. We then left and went to the Blues City Deli. The owner Vinnie gave us a huge discount and was ridiculously nice. Everyone there was. I got a sandwich with a bunch of Italian meats called the Big V.

    We drove to the Peoria area and stayed on Blackjack Boulevard…yep, another hotel at a casino. Weird thing was the casino was separated and on a boat. Apparently in Illinois casinos have to be off the land. We then drove to the gig, set up, and someone helped Doug reattach something that was falling off the front of the van and then we got some Taco Johns (terrible).

    The gig was okay. Lightly attended. The owner talked to us about how he apparently knows Hulk Hogan and calls him Terry. Bob Keiser also made another trip out which was nice of him. Apparently he is close.

    After the gig we went right back to the room. The show in Oxford, Ohio is sold out which is super exciting. Back to the Eastern time zone!!!

  • Tag 18

    Day 18 - Big Song Music House

    22. Juli 2022 in den USA ⋅ ☀️ 31 °C

    Today was just a five or so hour drive to Oxford, Ohio. We made the trek and stopped in a small college town right outside of it to get lunch. Andrew and I got some Skyline Chili. We then got to the house and set up. Lisa Biales got there and sound checked with us and showed us the two songs she wanted to play with us.

    Afterward we all hung out as people arrived. The show was really well attended and we played quite well. We talked a lot between songs and overall it was one of my favorite shows I’ve ever played. One thing touring does is improve your playing and for sure I feel I’m playing better than ever.

    After the show we hung out and I tried a few of the chocolate pastry things then we all went to bed as we needed to be up for 7:30 breakfast then an 8:30 hit to drive to North Carolina for our last show in Brevard.

  • Tag 19

    Day 19 - DFR Music Lounge

    23. Juli 2022 in den USA ⋅ ⛅ 31 °C

    Todays trip was pretty long but I managed to sleep through half of it amazingly. When we got to Brevard we stopped at Bob and Nancy’s house to visit. Bob is very sick and couldn’t come to the show and they’re long time fans of the group. We spent time with them chatting about various things. After we went to the show and set up. It’s a really nice venue that’s under ground level with a nice stage. We were playing with Brian who is a friend of Doug and has played or known a lot of the big guys. Eddie Martin was supposed to make it out but had some family commitments.

    Overall the gig was great but it seemed like the old adage of being the biggest amp and turn it up held true. Doug and I used our small amps and every guitar player that had been invited did exactly the opposite. Regardless, it was still cool with a great audience. They invited us back and I’m sure we will be back.

    After the show we stopped at a gas station and the gas station had a full bar inside. Never seen that before. We then went to Brian’s house and I met his giant dog Luke then we went to bed. Another early morning as we have an 11 or so hour drive home.