South America Adventure

Mei - Julai 2023
Lu and Angus take on South America! Baca lagi
  • 38footprint
  • 6negara
  • 81hari
  • 684gambar
  • 22video
  • 28.0kkilometer
  • 17.3kkilometer
  • Hari 1

    Arrival In Quito

    2 Mei 2023, Ecuador ⋅ ☁️ 17 °C

    After a long day beginning at 5am, we made it safely to Quito! Flying above the city was amazing! It was such a clear day and the sun was beginning to set which left us with an incredible view! We then went to La Ronda street and found a little restaurant for dinner! The food was delicious!Baca lagi

  • Hari 3


    4 Mei 2023, Ecuador ⋅ ☁️ 19 °C

    We have spent the past two days exploring the beautiful city of Quito! We did a walking tour that explored some of the churches, markets, and main squares of the city! We also took the gondola up the mountain to have the most incredible view over the city! I think I said 'Wow' about 1000 times. Overall it has been an amazing start to the trip with epic food and lots of fun! Now onto our first two major hikes in Quilotoa and Cotopaxi!Baca lagi

  • Hari 4


    5 Mei 2023, Ecuador ⋅ ☁️ 10 °C

    We departed Quito and took our first long bus ride to Latacunga. The bus ride was crazy and involved many people hopping on and off the moving bus to try and sell things to you as well as a wild Thai Action movie with dubbed spanish. All in all, it was a very unique ride.

    After quickly dropping our bags off in Latacunga, we set off to Quilotoa with our epic guide/driver. Our driver stopped on the way up the mountain to pick up day old bread from the local market. Each time he goes to Quilotoa he gets this bread to throw out the window and feed the stray dogs. He had us doing that the whole way up which resulted in lots of flying bread and even more laughter! The drive was incredibly scenic and we stopped many times to take pictures. My two favourite stops were at the canyon and the viewpoint for the 7 peaks!

    Once we arrived at Quilotoa, we had an amazing lunch with honestly one of the best fish I have ever had. The first time seeing the lake was insane! It was so breathtaking that I had to ask the guide the Spanish word for amazing, beautiful, and spectacular. The lake is inside an inactive volcano and its vastness and beauty was awe-inspiring. We walked around and just marveled at the view for a while and honestly this was the moment where it really set in that I was living out a dream! I had seen the photos of this place many times but it is not even compared to the real thing! What an absolutely incredible day!
    Baca lagi

  • Hari 5


    6 Mei 2023, Ecuador ⋅ ☁️ 11 °C

    Today we set off for an early morning adventure at Cotopaxi National Park. We had the same guide as yesterday as well as a local Indigenous guide, both of whom were very fun! On the way in our Indigenous guide sang a song in honor of Cotopaxi and then discussed with us the uses of many medicinal plants that grow in the park. We stopped on the way to get some Coca tea (made from the same leaves that make cocaine... Don't worry it's safe to drink, tastes great, and is a local remedy for altitude sickness). We stopped many times along the way to admire the amazing view and we even had a dance celebration in tribute to the volcano (I got to wear an epic orange hat... See pictures). The ride was one of the bumpiest journeys ever. Our guide said it was like getting a massage but honestly felt more like a wooden roller coaster at Wonderland.

    We were blessed with incredible sunny weather in the morning and thus, got the most beautiful view of the Cotopaxi volcano in its entirety. We also were able to see 3 other surrounding volcanos. Once we got to the "parking lot" we began our accent. This was an hour long uphill hike that was breathtaking - in that it was beautiful and literally took my breath away because we were hiking over 4500m in elevation. We took it slow and took lots of breaks to catch our breath and admire the view. Our guides were very helpful and were always checking in on us. As we neared the Jose Rivas Refuge, the wind picked up and a few times Angus and I had to hold each other to stop ourselves from being blown over! At the top (4864m) we stopped for a short rest with some hot chocolate before heading back down. The way down was much faster and we saw a fox which was pretty neat.

    We then continue to the Laguna Limpiopungo. We got to see some of the local birds and wild life as well as a lot of wild horses! We then headed out of the park and had some food before returning home in the afternoon. It was a long and tiring but absolutely epic day!

    Also challenge: try to find my name on the Canadian flag (you sign it once you reach the base camp!)
    Baca lagi

  • Hari 6

    Casa del Arbol (Arrival in Banos)

    7 Mei 2023, Ecuador ⋅ ☁️ 17 °C

    After saying goodbye to Karina and Shannon (sad to see them leave as we were having so much fun but excited to hear about all their adventures in Costa Rica and Panama), we departed Latacunga for Banos. The drive was just as chaotic as last time (only a Spanish version of The Terminator was playing). Our hotel is very beautiful with rooftop hammocks and foosball (I smoked Angus 😂). We took some time to have lunch and relax before leaving at 4pm for Casa Del Arbol.

    We boarded an open bus that allowed for epic views of the surrounding mountains and volcanos. Our first stop was at an adventure park where Angus and I decided to go on this epic swing thing (see video). It was such a fun experience and the view was just stunning... Although it did give Angus a slight heart attack! We then continue to Casa Del Arbol where we got to swing on 'the swing at the end of the world'. The guy pushing you literally jumps as high as he can in the air and he gave me a lot of extra spins because I was having so much fun. We explored the park while watching the sun set over the mountains. It was quite the view.

    We then boarded the bus home where the driver had blasted the music and turned on party lights. This Argentinian couple behind us and some of the other passengers all started dancing and partying the whole way home! It was quite the experience.
    Baca lagi

  • Hari 7

    The Waterfall Route

    8 Mei 2023, Ecuador ⋅ 🌧 22 °C

    Today we biked the Waterfall Route. We rented bikes from our hotel and then set off on our journey (Angus was in charge of navigation...of course 😂). Luckily it was a very straight forward path that was mainly downhill and there were some bike paths. The bikes themselves were a little odd with some gears not changing properly and the kickstand being upside down; however, they made it through the journey successfully so that's the main thing!

    The first stop on the route was at Cascada Agoyan! This was a double waterfall and it had the option to add some adventure! So naturally, we decided to zipline across the waterfall superman style and then take a cable car back! The zipline was epic (it was my first time!) and it was so cool to fly along looking at such a nice view. The cable car was also a good way to take in the view fully on the way back.

    The second waterfall on our journey was Manto De La Novia. This one was larger and we were able to hike down to the waterfall so we were close enough to get slightly sprayed! Angus saw a little green snake on the way down the hike but luckily he slithered away before I saw it (thank god). We also saw a few other smaller waterfalls on the way.

    The last and most epic waterfall was Pailon Del Diablo. There are two different entrances to the falls, one that allows you to walk down these platforms/stairs and the other that has a suspension bridge and a view of the waterfall from above. We first went the platforms route where we had a 20 minute walk through the jungle before reaching the waterfall. Once we were there we explored the different viewing platforms and I was blown away by the scale of the waterfall. We then decided to take the trail that led to behind the waterfall but we literally had to crawl through a cave on our hands and knees. It was quite an adventure. From the other route it was a much shorter journey to the falls. We walked over a few suspension bridges and had an epic view from the top. We then took the trail behind the falls again and from this side of the park, you could get completely soaked and touch the waterfall (see video). I went underneath and was drenched in seconds and had puddles in my shoes the rest of the day (totally worth it... although the water washed off my sunscreen and now I'm slightly burnt)!

    We then returned home by riding in the back of this truck with our bikes before heading out to the hot springs! This was the perfect recovery activity after a long day. We were there with hardly any tourists and almost all locals. We had to wear swim caps and mine was highlighter yellow. We then jumped from the hot pool to the cold pool to the hottest pool to the mountain run off (freezing cold water pooled into a shower sort of thing off the edge of the mountain). Sticking with the waterfall theme, the hot springs were right next to a beautiful waterfall that had been lit up with different colours at night. Since there was no secure storage we didn't get any pictures... But just trust that it was epic and a very relaxing way to end the day. We then got dinner and it was delicious! All in all, another epic day!
    Baca lagi

  • Hari 8

    White Water Rafting

    9 Mei 2023, Ecuador ⋅ 🌧 20 °C

    This morning we woke up early to go white water rafting. We drove out to the river which was at the edge of the Andes Mountains. We then boarded our boat and had a brief training session with our guide (who was hilarious and kept joking that this was his first time on the raft just like us)! We then set off in the water and wow what an adventure. It was one of the most fun things I have ever done. We were completely surrounded by the most beautiful view that started in the Andes and ended in the Amazon. We saw waterfalls, birds, and many more things along the way. The rapids themselves were pretty epic and we got completely soaked. We also got to jump out and swim in the water briefly then took turns pulling each other back up. There were two boats and ours was the fun boat and we were laughing and chatting and cheering the entire time. Overall it was such an epic adventure. (Note: I am waiting for the photos to be emailed to me from the tour agency so I will add them when they arrive!)

    Once we finished rafting we headed home and took the afternoon to relax. We spent lots of time on the hammocks and we went to Aromi for hot chocolate and fondue. Best hot chocolate ever. We finished the night with Arepas for dinner (I am obsessed). Overall, an amazing day.
    Baca lagi

  • Hari 9


    10 Mei 2023, Ecuador ⋅ ☁️ 26 °C

    Today we went on an epic adventure to the Ecuadorian Amazon. The day started off with a long and winding bus ride to Puyo. Once we got off the bus we began a hike through the rainforest towards a waterfall. This hike was very beautiful and it was so cool to be in the rainforest. We saw some spider monkeys jumping from tree to tree and some other birds and insects. Our guide also got some clay from the river and used it to give me a facial (Angus opted not to participate lol). Eventually we reached the waterfall which was stunning. We had the opportunity to swim in the pool of water and Angus and I both did! We were able to go right under the falls and have a shower in the waterfall which was so fun. We then walked back and continued on our journey.

    The next stop on the trip was a traditional local canoe ride. During this time we realized why it was called the RAINforest because we were in the canoe during a down pour. That being said, it wasn't too bad and actually kinda cooled us off from the intense heat. The canoe ride was very peaceful and beautiful but the canoe itself was quite wobbly. I had to tense all my muscles and sway side to side to help prevent us from tipping. After the canoe ride we went for lunch.

    The next stop on the trip was to a local Indigenous village. Here we were treated to a very unique cultural experience. First they offered us some of their traditional drink, which Angus hated because it was basically fermented potato water (definitely not the tastiest)! They then painted our faces with the juice from a local fruit (this was very cool but a nightmare to wash off at night... we looked like we had a very bad orange spray tan for a while 😂)! We tried one of their local hunting weapons and then participated in a local dance where the men drummed and the girls twirled. Finally they brought out some birds and a snake 💀. We had the option to hold the snake or bird and I opted for the bird... no surprise there. We then looked at their handmade crafts and invested in a lovely beaded necklace.

    Next was this look out in Puyo. This was an epic stop that allowed us to hike to a view point where they had lovely hammocks to relax in as we enjoyed the view. We then got to try their rope swing which was super epic and fun (Angus found it the scariest swing so far)! We then hiked back down to find carvings of faces built into the mountain connected by tunnels. We explored this before heading to our last stop.

    Finally, we went to a farm that grows cocoa fruit and harvests the beans. We got to see how they made the cocoa and then got to try their hot chocolate and cocoa tea (both were delicious). We then traveled back home after a long but fun day. As I am writing this, we are on our first long bus ride (7.5 hours) to Cuenca, which is our final city in Ecuador!
    Baca lagi

  • Hari 11


    12 Mei 2023, Ecuador ⋅ ☁️ 19 °C

    So our 7.5 hour bus ride yesterday ended up taking almost 12 hours, meaning we did not arrive in Cuenca until late. We basically had some dinner and ice cream (which was delicious) and then went to bed.

    Today, we had a nice relaxing day beginning with a walking tour of Cuenca. We got to visit the look out point at the main church and then just explore the many different and beautiful streets. We saw a flower market and got to try what Ecuadorians believe to be holy water. Cuenca is a really beautiful city with lovely buildings and it definitely reminded me much more of Europe (spanish colonizers) than anywhere else in Ecuador so far.

    We went to a chocolate place to get some hot cocoa and dessert (very yummy) and the restaurant was playing older western pop music including 3 Glee covers which was wild. We also did a lot of the practical things like research as to how to best cross the border to Peru and such for our coming journey.

    Tomorrow we are heading to El Cajas National Park for our last day in Ecuador! We will then be continuing our adventures in Peru!
    Baca lagi

  • Hari 12

    El Cajas National Park

    13 Mei 2023, Ecuador ⋅ ☁️ 13 °C

    Today we boarded the bus and headed to El Cajas National Park for a 3.5 hour hike. The hike was absolutely stunning. It is so hard to describe and hard to tell from the pictures, but this park felt like another planet. The plants and trees all seemed like something out of a fantasy movie (the forest specifically reminded me of the forbidden forest in Harry Potter). We hike up and around gorgeous mountains and lakes at an altitude of 3800m. While still tiring, this altitude felt much more manageable than Cotopaxi (4800m), which had me gasping for air every 5 steps! It was so cool to be able to hike in this national park without a guide or anything. Apart from a few other hikers we passed, it felt like we had the whole area to ourselves. What a cool experience and another epic day.

    This has been our last day in Ecuador. We have tickets for an overnight bus tonight that will bring us into Peru... It will be a very long travel day but we have gone to the local candy store to buy some snacks to help us through it 😂. I am excited to continue our adventures in Peru; however, I am very sad to be leaving Ecuador. This country has surprised me in so many ways and surpassed all my expectations. We have met the loveliest and most helpful people here and have been treated to incredible food and culture. The national parks and hikes have taken my breath away! The vastness of this landscape and the preserved beauty is something to behold. So many amazing memories and bucket list items checked off in Ecuador and I know there will be many more exciting things around the corner. For now, so long Ecuador and thank you for being amazing (we will be back 😁).
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