
dicembre 2019 - gennaio 2020
Incredible trip exploring the wilderness of Southern Africa Leggi altro
  • 19impronte
  • 4paesi
  • 19giorni
  • 0fotografie
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  • 26,0kchilometri
  • 11,6kchilometri
  • Giorno 1

    Sydney —> Brisbane

    19 dicembre 2019, Australia ⋅ 🌙 28 °C

    -flight from Sydney to Brisbane
    -walked around Southbank and had lunch at Charming Squire before Adam picked us up and we got Armie from daycare
    -was great to see Adams new place plus Armie being so happy! We also saw Ane’s parents
    -Adam and Armie drove us to the airport where we took our international flight to South Africa
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  • Giorno 2


    20 dicembre 2019, Sud Africa ⋅ ☁️ 31 °C

    -landed in Johannesburg at 6am and quickly go to our hotel to leave our bags
    -had some breakfast then set out on our Joburg sightseeing adventure!
    -we got on a City Sightseeing hop on/off bus and listened to some history of the city whilst we made our way to Constitution HIll
    -we walked around there for a bit, saw the womens prison, court and old holding cells before we got on the bus again to the Gold Reef Casino
    -we walked around the casino a bit whilst we waited for our connection to Soweto!
    -had a fantastic time exploring the suburbs of Soweto including stops at the soccer stadium, Mandela House and Hector Pieterson memorial
    -we then went to the Apartheid Museum which was very eye-opening showing South Africa's past of segregation and an exhibit on the life of Nelson Mandela
    -we then went back to the hotel to check-in and have showers before going downstairs to the tour briefing
    -had dinner with Saya, Hannah, Peta and Steve before going to sleep
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  • Giorno 3

    Johannesburg -> Paje, Botswana

    21 dicembre 2019, Botswana ⋅ ☁️ 35 °C

    -What a day!
    -horrible start by our alarm not going off and the tour leaving without us!!
    -we frantically called Brayden and Intrepid before Sandile finally called back to say he had organised a car (his brother) to pick us up and meet the group
    -we encountered heavy traffic and a flat tyre which meant Daniel was changing a tyre on the side of a highway!
    -we finally caught up to the group (thankfully no one was too annoyed) and headed for the Botswana border
    -had an interesting 'quarantine' experience by stepping on a wet towel for foot and mouth disease
    -it was very hot and we finally arrived at the campsite at dusk where we set up tents, had showers and ate all in the company of Africa's insects!
    -the rhino game drive was postponed to the morning after today's delay so we went straight to bed for our first night under the stars
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  • Giorno 4

    Paje -> Maun

    22 dicembre 2019, Botswana ⋅ ☁️ 34 °C

    -had a fantastic start to the day by getting up at 4.30am and going on a game drive through the Khama Rhino Sanctuary
    -we saw Zebra, Springbok, Orich, Impalas, Wilderbeast, Antelope, Warthogs and got to see the first of the big 5 - white rhino!
    -it was amazing just seeing them, let alone seeing them in a group of 6! We also got to see dung beetles and their important role in the ecosystem
    -we returned for breakfast before heading out of camp on route to Maun
    -had a few stops along the way including the middle of the Kalahari Desert which was very hot!
    -we got to our campsite at a hotel in Maun, set up our tents and packed our bags for the next two couple of days at Okavango Delta
    -had a well-earned beer after a hot day with Steve and Peta and sent some messages home
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  • Giorno 5–7

    Okavango Delta

    23 dicembre 2019, Botswana ⋅ ☁️ 32 °C

    Day 1
    -woke up in Maun and packed our bags to head to the Okavango Delta
    -we jumped in safari trucks and headed to our pickup point where we got into makaro's (traditional dug out canoes)
    -it was amazing 'poling' through the shallow waters where we got to see hippos!
    -we got to our island and setup our tents on a very remote location surrounded by trees and wild life!
    -we had some lunch then got to chill for the afternoon where we played bullshit and monopoly deal with Steve, Peta, Adam, Joel, Prue, Jordan, Tony and Nicky
    -we then went on a bush walk around 5.30pm which was amazing! We saw lots of giraffes, zebra, impalas and a few warthogs!
    -General was our guide and he told us some great stories about how bushmen use elephant dung and other animals to put over themselves to enable them to get closer to animals and hunt them down
    -we also saw plenty of water buffalo just outside our camp
    -we came back for a delicious stew for dinner, marshmallows for dessert and some campfire games!

    Day 2
    -woke up in Okavango Delta after some amazing animal noises overnight
    -we went for a 3hr dawn walk across the Delta where we saw more giraffes, zebra, impala and some really good shots of warthogs!
    -we kept walking around and saw plenty of animal footprints including fresh lion prints!
    -we came back from breakfast and then had the rest of the day to chill out
    -tried my chance at 'poling' which was fun and went for a swim where we saw some nearby hippos!
    -came back and played more monopoly for the rest of the afternoon before going for another swim before heading out for a dusk mokoro
    -the canals were so peaceful and then we came across a herd of 20+ hippos which was amazing and we enjoyed some beers in the mokoro whilst watching the sunset!
    -we came back to camp to have some more yummy dinner before we were treated to an amazing singing and dancing show by the poler group
    -we also played some games around the campfire including an animal calling game which Daniel was a joint winner!
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  • Giorno 7

    Okavango Delta -> Maun

    25 dicembre 2019, Botswana ⋅ ☁️ 38 °C

    -we woke up on our last morning in the Delta and went for a very short morning walk to watch the sunrise before heading back for breakfast
    -everyone loved our Xmas shirts! :)
    -we then rowed back to the mainland in our mokoros where we said goodbye to our polers by touring their town
    -we then continued back to Maun to the same place from last time where we setup our tents and went for a refreshing swim!
    -we had lunch in the hotel restaurant which were yummy burgers and we got wifi and contacted our families to wish them a Merry Christmas!
    -we then went for another swim before heading to Maun international airport for our scenic flight over the Delta!
    -we were in a very small 4 seater plane (including the pilot, Rue) and had some incredible views of the wilderness including lots of elephants, hippos, zebra and impala!
    -we then went out for a Xmas dinner at an indian style restaurant before coming back and going for a swim and lots of laughs with the other Aussies! :)
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  • Giorno 8

    Maun -> Nata, Botswana

    26 dicembre 2019, Botswana ⋅ ☁️ 36 °C

    -woke up in Maun and had a nice breakfast before making our way to Nata, a small town in Botswana
    -we saw an elephant on the way which was really cool as well as the foot and mouth 'decontamination' procedure
    -we got to Nata Lodge where we setup our tents, had lunch and chilled by the pool with $1 beers!
    -the pool was very refreshing and we played some more Monopoly Deal
    -we then headed out on a buggie to the salt pans which is basically a desert with dried salt/sand ground
    -we saw lots of wilderbeast, flamingos (including a whole flock flying), zebra, springbok, helicopter birds and the national bird of Botswana called the bastard bird
    -we learnt of the 'Ugly 5' - Wilderbeast, Warthog, Vulture, Hyena and Marabou Stork
    -we saw plenty of 1000 year old trees and tried the fruit which is used to make tartare sauce
    -we then enjoyed some drinks as we watched the sunset in the middle of the desert
    -we returned to camp for delicious African chicken for dinner and a much needed shower
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  • Giorno 9

    Nata -> Chobe

    27 dicembre 2019, Botswana ⋅ 🌧 35 °C

    -had an early start in Nata at 4.30am before heading to Chobe where we saw some elephants on the way to Chobe NP
    -we were picked up at a park in 4x4s where we were taken to Chobe NP for a 3hr game drive
    -we saw plenty of impala and vultures on our first 'official' game drive including a drive along the Chobe River where we saw lots of hippos and elephants and the waters edge
    -we also saw plenty of wildlife birds including vultures feasting on a dead elephant
    -we then went to our campsite where we set up our tents quickly and had lunch before heading off to our sunset cruise
    -the sunset cruise on the Chobe River was incredible, we saw some crocodiles, plenty of hippos and water buffalo while a very heavy storm came over!
    -we made our way back to the campsite where we had the last group dinner of the tour before going to bed for a much needed sleep! After a previous hot night and big day it was a very welcome sleep.
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  • Giorno 10

    Chobe -> Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe

    28 dicembre 2019, Zimbabwe ⋅ ☁️ 30 °C

    -we had a little bit of a sleep in before heading off to Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe
    -we crossed the border very easily and then saw plenty of elephants and warthogs as we made our way into Zimbabwe
    -we stopped to get vouchers for the truck and those of us going on the helicopter ride got out transfer to the airport
    -the helicopter ride was incredible! We did multiple loops of the falls and took lots of incredible shots looking across and down the falls!
    -after the helicopter ride we made our way to the campsite where we setup tents before heading into town
    -we went to the Vic Falls National Park where we walked across opposite the falls and saw some amazing sights will lots of spray from the falls and got absolutely drenched!
    -there were some incredible drops off the edge of the cliff as we took in the sights of one of the seven natural wonders of the world
    -we had a small snack in the cafe before buying souvenirs and walking back to camp before having a much needed shower!
    -we then walked to dinner as a group which was a buffet and we had a fantastic night on the last evening of the first half of the trip, ending of course with monopoly deal!
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  • Giorno 11

    Victoria Falls

    29 dicembre 2019, Zimbabwe ⋅ ☁️ 31 °C

    -we said goodbye to Steve and Peta and then caught our transfer bus to where we would be going whitewater rafting!
    -we had our safety briefing before getting geared up and making our decent into the gorge
    -it was a difficult walk down but the views were incredible!
    -we got into our raft with our leader Colgate and Daniel was lucky enough to be at the front!
    -we started at the boiling pot which was what we saw on our walk yesterday
    -we went through 19 grade 5 rapids, except one which was a grade 6 that we had to walk past
    -it was soooo much fun rafting, we swapped around a bit but we never flipped! We even got to jump in the water and float down through whirlpools
    -we finished with a delicious lunch and a few cold beers after a very tough walk up!
    -we went back to camp and relaxed while there was a quick downpour
    -we then headed out for our dinner cruise which was a beautiful 3 course meal with starters and unlimited alcohol!
    -was fantastic to have some relaxing alone time! :)
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