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  • Day 19


    September 30, 2023 in Italy ⋅ ☀️ 82 °F

    The rest of us get to see Siena today in its glory instead of staring at it from a distance. The drive is not as bad as Bernie, Nicole, and Jane have been there already. It is a warm beautiful day and the tourists are out in full force. We walk towards the center of town the ll Campo. It's a curved center like a shallow bowl, this is where they have their by-yearly famous horse races. Now it is surrounded by shops and restaurants. Of course, we arrived in front of our favorite shop the Gelateria. It's gelato time! After we go in search of the torture museum. For a small fee, we see all the ways people were tortured. Humans can be quite barbaric and cruel. Now psychopaths have a bible on how to torture and kill with the history collected. People would be tortured for some of the simplest things, I would be dead now, and thank god we have evolved over the centuries for freedom of speech. After we walked to discover little things about Siena, like how difficult it is to get around with a vehicle (not us) and a festival going on that evening. Talking about vehicles, we found our Vespra to take our photo with. We were a total embarrassment for Ron but it was all done with a lot of laughs. We had drinks to discuss dinner plans. All of a sudden you could hear a marching band and a parade of people in the streets ending in ll Campo. We went to a place for Steak Florentine that was at the bottom of Siena I swear. A quaint spot, not busy at all due to the locals being at the festival. It happened to be a victory party for the owner of the last winning horse race. They sure go all out! The steak dinner was awesome and not for those who don't want their steak dead. It is done rare and comes as 1-2 kg of T-bone meat. We left feeling good and not overly stuffed which was good for the walk uphill. It was an enjoyable day.Read more

  • Day 18


    September 29, 2023 in Italy ⋅ ☀️ 79 °F

    Today I had the honor of driving with Bernie and Nicole in the standard car. It was highly recommended by Miriam and Jane. They would always come back from the drive in hysterics. Bernie and Nicole had more of a nervous what the fuck just happened laugh, wishing they could just have a nice leisurely drive in the country, enjoying the view. Our trip started after a slow start this morning deciding to go to Montalcino. Directions were placed in Waze and off we went, enjoying a beautiful Tuscan drive. The hills were rolling and freshly plowed. Cypress trees line driveways and property lines. It is a gorgeous day and everything seems to be neatly in place. The Italians take so much pride in keeping their property clean and tidy. Their roads are well-maintained and so many roundabouts that I will be a pro at them when home. Waze gave us the best route but only to here. We ended up riding this one-vehicle gravel road with no way but to go forward and a view so glorious we almost shit our pants. It was a nerve-racking experience but I kept my lips sealed and full trust in Bernie's re-virginated standard driving skills. Montalcino is beautiful high on the hills. All the homes are made of stones from medieval times. Lots of stairs to climb and a view for miles. Lunch was in a restaurant with a view of what romance and dreams are made of. We had a tasty Tuscan vegetable soup, Caprese salad, and of course the wine of the region Brunello. I so enjoyed the soup that I looked it up on Google for a recipe. We entered a few stores and walked around to strengthen our endurance for exercise. Getting out of town was a challenge in itself. Everywhere you turned there was a vehicle or people in the most inconvenient areas. Of course, Waze brought us back to the dirt road that we did not want so we turned around. We all agreed to follow the bus out of town and it got us home safe and sound. No road seemed like the same coming back. I guess that was God's way of saying "You wanted to see Tuscany, you're going to see Tuscany." It's wine time!!! Tonight we sat outside under the Tuscan full moon drinking today's wine and leftovers from our home-cooked meal from two nights ago. It is breezy this evening and I only wish we had an outdoor fire to go with it.Read more

  • Day 17


    September 28, 2023 in Italy ⋅ ☁️ 77 °F

    Today was our trip to Florence to do the Santa Maria del Fiore Duomo, Baptistery, Uffizi Museum, and Leather School. Since driving to Florence is taking your life in your hands we all came to the conclusion train is our best option. Again Florence is hot with a nice breeze but congested with people everywhere. We enjoyed breakfast at Sophie Loren cafe before going to the dome. I was hesitant to climb and did not make my decision until I was forced to at the bottom of the stairs. All of us climbed except Miriam and Linda. They are medieval stairs with narrow halls and corkscrew staircases. All 463 stairs are one way with only a few peeks out the windows for a breeze and catch your breath. They have balconies on the way up and down that surround the inside of the dome to admire the paintings on the ceilings. It amazes me how the men could paint these ceilings upside down at such a height that you would hate to forget a brush. I was feeling a little off just from the height and thank god it was a secure stone balcony. I had two rewards once I completed those stairs. One was the beautiful view of Florence and the cool, refreshing breeze. The other was the accomplishment of climbing those stairs not being short of breath or having sore legs. My endurance has improved on this trip and I feel great. Just need to keep it up when home. The Baptistery is made of marble on the outside with a door of pure gold. The inside was under construction. Not so exciting. Next was the Uffizi with all its art from the Renaissance and going forward. Seeing advancement in painting techniques over the years. I didn't find the Rick Steeves app helpful in the Museum because the paintings moved from the rooms of the recording, making it difficult to follow. It was nice to see Botticelli's Birth of Venus. On completion of that Museum, we met up, and the guys went to the Museum of Galileo, the girls searching for the Leather School. Both enjoyed the separation. Before leaving we had to have gelato and visit the Ponta Vecchio Bridge. This is the jewelry mecca of Florence. It's a version of Venice's Rialto Bridge. Our stroll back to the train station was a crowded one but we heard a busker singing opera in the street. I could have sat down with a glass of wine and listened to him all night. Talk about wine, we have had our eyes on the lookout for a wine window. It would have been a disappointment if we had not found one. We did but it was closed, thank goodness someone pointed out the one down the street. We just had to stop as it was an Italy bucket list item. We enjoyed a Valpolicella on the side of the road trying to avoid getting hit by a car or bike. Once finished we rushed to the train station missing the train by minutes. We sat outside in the cool air watching people struggle with their luggage up and down the stairs. What was to be an hour-and-a-half train trip turned into a 3-hour tour. Once on the train, we ended up with an emergency delay due to the previous train. All of us were falling asleep on the train hoping to crash soon at home. Unfortunately for Bernie's car that was not the case. They had a close encounter with a head-on bus, and getting out of the train station. Bernie was fried on arrival at home. We all had the intention of going to bed due to the exhaustion but no we downed a bottle of limoncello for hs sedation. Goodnight!!!Read more

  • Day 15–22

    Tuscany day 16

    September 26, 2023 in Italy ⋅ ☀️ 81 °F

    A short train trip from Bologna started with a blip as the cab company only sent one cab instead of two. Ron, Miriam, and I were left behind. We all rejoined each other about 30 minutes later at the train station. We arrived in Florence by train and stored our bags for a few hours. We went to see David at the Academia Galleria. It was busy, but we were all able to take in the strong beauty he is. I was always fascinated by the fact that when David was created human anatomy was not well known and yet it is captured so well, especially the veins which are bigger than some of David's other parts if you know what I mean. We also observed some other creations in the museum including a beauty called Grateful, which pretty much sums up my whole trip with what it has given me so far. I am sure that we had gelato before heading out of town. It does not go well if it is missed. Well, the trip from Florence Airport Car Rental to our accommodations outside of Siena was truly the most frustrating adventure of our trip so far. Driving is scary in Italy, and our Google Maps didn't want to cooperate. We all saw a whole other side of some people in the group that my mother wouldn't believe. You know who you are! We passed our villa on the highway, and we thought that was it, but we ended up in a town separated by two cars and lost. Of course, that villa on the hill was ours. Once we found our villa, we stopped to enjoy the fresh air and the breathtaking view of Siena. All of us are quite excited about our accommodations. We all watched the sunset, and our frustrating day was over, or so we thought. Ron, Linda, and I decided to go get a few groceries while the others awaited in the Cassetta Bar. We did not get far before Google Maps' directions disappeared. In total frustration, wine was more important than grocery shopping. Back to the bar we went to, and all our worries disappeared. Having dinner outside in the beautiful evenings is becoming a favorite for everyone. We just relax and enjoy all that is given to us at that moment. Dinner was the bar special. An exceptional ravioli with ragu and very cheap good wine. The waitress was very accommodating in assisting the non-Italian-speaking woman at the bar to speak with us. She was happy for the customers as it was not busy. All of our frustrations were gone for the day. The next morning was a day to gather groceries, and Bernie, Nicole, and Jane went into Siena. I just laid around monitoring the laundry and writing. No one wanted to do much, but relax and rejuvenate and enjoy our location on the hill. Our evening deserves its entry.Read more

  • Day 14

    Bologna day 15

    September 25, 2023 in Italy ⋅ ☀️ 75 °F

    Day two in Bologna was a tour day of the Anatomical Theatre(yr 1637) It was a room dedicated to teaching doctors anatomy by doing secretive autopsies. The church disapproved of these actions. It is a marble slab surrounded by those who share their knowledge of anatomy. We also discovered Janes favorite saying. After that, we walked the streets for lunch. Miriam was looking for a charcuterie plate of Mortadella. It was found at a deli in which we all pigged out on sandwiches of fresh bread with deli meat of Mortadella, salami, and cheeses with Valpolicella Classico. We all died and went to heaven enjoying that lunch. After we continued our walks through the fresh fruit and vegetables market. Stopping for a drink before going on a tour proved to be a treat in itself. All we wanted was an expresso martini. Boy, did I piss the waitresses off? Who knew that the only drinks you could order in Italy had to be pictured on a menu? Expresso was delivered and when we said no she got all upset. I knew something was wrong when she just didn't get what we wanted in the first place. She just had to point out in the menu the list of drinks only allowed with a " why you do that. " Me bad..... I downed a beer and quickly left. The others sure didn't let me down on that one. We all decided to do a hop-on hop-off tour of Bologna but proved to be a sleep fest for all of us. The beer had nothing to do with it. It was nice to see other parts of the town but it was snooze time for all of us. We have a busy day going to Florence tomorrow to start our 7 days in Tuscany.Read more

  • Day 13–15


    September 24, 2023 in Italy ⋅ ☀️ 73 °F

    Arrival in Bologna was early and not too far from Venice. The weather has been fantastic, not too hot, and a breeze that is just comfortable. We had a cheap taxi ride to our accommodations with a helpful driver. We are staying in an old area and close to the oldest university in the world(1088). It is a nice walk down a cobblestone street shared by both cars and people with the utmost respect for each other. When your room is not ready on arrival, you go for a drink, or an Aperol spritz or cappuccino no matter what time of the day it is. After dropping our bags off, we headed off on an adventure to look for food and drink, Bologna is a gastronomic dream. The city Square of Plaza Maggoria was crowded with people enjoying the Francescano festival. It overflowed to the streets in the area. It was difficult to find a place to eat outside on the street for 7 people. One restaurant sat us in a room, our expectations high for our first meal in Bologna. The meal of pasta bolognese, which it is famous for was good but the service was terrible. We had to set the table ourselves. No utensils before the food arrived, or glasses for wine. It just did not leave a great first impression. Since our accommodations did not have a kitchen or living room, we brought back snack foods and wine for the evening. We also found the gelateria recommended to us below the two towers in Bologna. We have yet to miss a day of gelato.Read more

  • Day 10–13


    September 21, 2023 in Italy ⋅ ☀️ 75 °F

    Today, we arrived early in Venice via fast train. Figuring out the Vaporetto system is a task in itself. This is where you decide if you go up the canal or down the canal. Getting to our Airbnb was a little challenging, but we ended up by chance in front of Poggi restaurant. The Airbnb is huge and a mixture of old and contemporary, along with its canal. Day 1 in Venice was a day of getting lost in the many mazes of the city. We met a flirtatious bar server who picked on Miss I Don't Know (Jane). The discovery of a new refreshing drink Hugo was great. A visit to Aqua Liberia was a crowded one but perfect for a great group picture. We enjoyed a wonderful dinner by the canal outside that evening. Day 2, we ventured out to Burano taking photos of the colorful homes. It is popular for lace but none of us are interested in buying it. It was also lightly raining but only in short bursts. Sometimes, the unplanned plans are the best plans. Murano was next, and we were fortunate to have a private tour of how Murano glass products are made. The heat in those rooms is hell in itself now, I would hate to see what July would be like. A few trinkets were bought. It was an exhausting day walking around visiting the hospital front in Venice. Coincidently, the Island of San Michele (the cemetery) is directly across from the hospital. Exhausted, we had pizza, and all went to bed. Day 3 was Tour Day, an understatement of events today. First, we visited St. Mark's Square, where Bernie fulfilled his dream of dancing in the square. No cares in the world. We toured the Doge, prison, crossing the Bridge of Sighs, and St. Mark's Basilica. Excessive art on the ceilings and walls and a sore neck looking at it. Our tour guide was very informative but dry. We ended our tour on the Terrace of St. Mark's overlooking Venice. The real adventure started looking for Lorenzo Quinn's Building Bridge sculpture. It was on the far end of the island. Unfortunately, we have not eaten at this point, and finding it was not an easy task. I noticed that Italians say everything is 10 minutes away when it could be 30. This trip was not good due to not having bathroom access or being hungry. After finding blocks in our walk, we finally got on the Vaporetto and toured the outside of the island. We finally saw it from the water. Beautiful!! The benefit of this trip was that we were able to see the outside of Venice via boat. Our Vaporetto pass was money well spent. We traveled the canal and outside. This was my all-time favorite thing that we did in Venice.Read more

  • Day 8–9


    September 19, 2023 in Italy ⋅ ☀️ 81 °F

    Well, we arrived in Verona in the early evening and had to do a 20-minute walk from the train station to our Airbnb. It is quite exhausting lugging our backpacks everywhere. I am feeling a lot stronger as the days go on, but this Jillian Micheal's weight-loss program sucks a big one!! So, being the sabbatoger that I am, gelato was dinner tonight. From all the walking we did today in the heat and catching a train, no one felt like eating. We went for our dinner a short distance away in Plaza Bra. Returned and went to bed. Our accommodations are beautiful here in Verona. Very modern and contemporary in an old building. If too many electrical items are on, we blow the circuit breaker. Verona is the city of love ❤️ due to the fictional story of Romeo & Juliette. A city that is skipped by many tourists because it is underrated. I loved Verona and its leisure lifestyle. People take walks at night, sit in a trattoria, and just people watch. Everywhere you turn, there are neat things to see. From the hilltop, you can see the old city encapsulated by the clay running water of the river and more industrial on the outside. It is beautiful and I felt very comfortable walking around. On day 2 of Verona, we did a food, and wine tasting/history tour. Our guide, Alicia, was very informative and funny with her tidbits of history and folklore. We enjoyed pastries and sweet and savory snacks. A nice pasta lunch with a local Valpolicella. A wine and cheese shop with a tasting of Valpolicella, and Amarone. Finally a gelato stop. We met wonderful people on the tour.Read more

  • Day 7–8


    September 18, 2023 in Italy ⋅ 🌧 77 °F

    Day 6 was a travel day from Barbaresco to Milan. It was an early start. Part of a hilarious moment when Bernie announced that Nicole's beaver was hanging out. We all laughed as he adjusted it. Okay so apparently Nicole's beaver is the back covering of her knapsack. She was glad that he cleared that up. When we arrived in Milan we had to figure out the Metro. We were spinning but the thoughts of the TTC helped a lot and the map. It is a pretty good system. Our destination was the party spot of Navigli. It is a canal area of bars and restaurants. We stopped and enjoyed food and drink. We were awaiting terrible weather but it overpassed us for an hour. Newcastle football team( British) made it to the finals and were chanting and stomping "We are going to Milano" over and over. Quite exciting. Next was Duomo and the Galleria shopping center of high-name brands. The rain came down the lights came on and we headed back to our Airbnb. A light snack, a nightcap of wine, and we all died in bed.
    Today we did the "Last Supper" by Leonardo da Vinci. It is spectacular and the preservation of it is interesting. The history and hidden messages in the painting are fascinating. We continued the tour through Milan visiting churches, castles, parks, the Duomo, and Galleria, and ending at the statue of Leonardo da Vinci. Lunch was by the Galleria, Ristoranta da Gennaro. All of us enjoyed our meal. Caprese like
    Pizza was my lunch today and was very good. Some enjoyed Ceasar's salads, and gnocchi. No complaints from anyone. We stored our luggage today by the train station and finding it was a struggle. We walked a little farther than expected with our luggage on. So today we earned our gelato. We left Milan in the late afternoon for Verona via fast train. Our accommodations are fabulous. It is an apartment on the second floor (more stairs). Very modern and she left us a bottle of wine and water. My favorite place so far. Not far either to the train station or the Pl za Bra. Went for an evening walk like the Italians do and of course got our gelato. It was the end of a wonderful day and our looking forward to tomorrow's Verona adventures.
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  • Day 6


    September 17, 2023 in Italy ⋅ ☁️ 75 °F

    Today we had a private driver, Giorgio, take us to Barolo for wine tasting. Our day started with a wonderful breakfast at our Agriturismo. We enjoyed fresh bread, including the best Foccacia I have ever tasted. We were well treated to fruit, yogurt, juice, and omelets, all locally sourced. We left early and walked around La Morra to enjoy the spectacular views of the grapevines on the hills in a 360 view. You could never capture the beauty in a photo that you see with your own eyes. We visited 2 castles, one of which had an interactive museum about the history of wine-making throughout time starting with honey(Mead). The other castle belonged to the first Prime Minister of Italy. It was okay but it was not the highlight of the day. Just before that castle, we had the most disappointing meal of our life. Only joking it was the opposite. We went to La Cantinetta in Barolo. We enjoyed a wonderful lunch that included a raw sausage/cream cheese appetizer, veal with tuna cream sauce. The next course was our pasta dish which was light and tasty but the next dish was my favorite mushroom risotto, ending with a light-tasting delicious panna cotta with raspberries. Mama Mia. Our waiter was the owner and took great care of us with his generosity and humor. The meal itself was an experience of all our senses. We just didn't want it to end but our bellies were full. The next wine tour brought us to Marchesi di Barolo winery. Compared to yesterday's wine tour this was more corporate than local. The wooded barrels were twice the size and produced 1 million liters per year. At this point, we were all fading. We returned to Rivella Silva with some wine and groceries to enjoy by the pool. The weather was not the greatest today but the rain held off. We had no blips in our day today and it was enjoyed by all thanks to Giorgio riding us around. Tomorrow we head to Milan for the night.Read more

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