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  • Dag 1

    Trial Run

    8 januari 2018, Nya Zeeland ⋅ ⛅ 29 °C

    This is a practice to see what can be achieved, and perhaps adding pictures. A different format to get used to ,but related to Travel Pod apparently ,which will be so good, ability to also make a book at the end... We will see how it goes, plenty of time to perfect,and add everyone into the mix. Hopefully it is easy access as well for the readers.Läs mer

  • Dag 135


    22 maj 2018, Nya Zeeland ⋅ ☀️ 11 °C

    Making Sure..
    Here I am fine tuning the BLOG, making sure those who wish ,are connected and all is up and running. Time is racing by ,and many last minute things to be done, fortunately good weather, is helpful.
    Cetrece came home for “The Wedding”, and that was so good, we loved it all, nice to see happiness in the world around us.!
    Christchurch on Thursday, then first thing Sunday to Auckland ,and on to Hong Kong early afternoon, where we have 2 full days, flying to Amsterdam on Tuesday night/Wednesday morning,1.15 am..! Our cruise begins on June 2nd,from there. A new terminal in the city now, so all very convenient.
    Enjoy our journey, as we certainly will.. Bye now, Faye and Sam.
    Not sure if this has posted ?
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  • Dag 136

    Another Try

    23 maj 2018, Nya Zeeland ⋅ 🌬 24 °C

    Trying a new post in the hope you can see some notification, hopefully.? Seemed to be all correct yesterday, but nothing came to notify, this time maybe.? Faye

  • Dag 141

    Hong Kong

    28 maj 2018, Hong Kong ⋅ ⛅ 30 °C

    Our journey began in slight alarm ,when Sam came in from retrieving the paper with snow on him!!! However as daylight came, it settled ,and was a nice sunny day by time we were in Ophir, a breeze and rising temperatures, good journey and ever amazed at the “green” to the tops of the hills, it’s so lush, and the grass is rippling in the wind….!
    Mum having a game of scrabble with Jennifer when we arrived , looking more tiny than ever…! The following day not so good, with many hours spent at the medical centre and in A & E, for she and I, high BP causing issues ,but out of not good situations ,come good things ,like the kindness we experienced along the way, everyone was so good, at A & E they took her in ,out of the cold waiting room ,and popped her in heated blankets ,and gave us picnic lunches, it was later in the afternoon by then , Thelma came with supplies.. we couldn’t even eat .. Lots of time to spend with Mum, we had great chats..and some laughter along the way… Sunday we had a lunch at Thelma’s, with much that was delicious… and that Mum enjoyed. She is warm and kindly treated, and exactly where she wants to be.. Christian has made a great recovery from his operation, and he hardly gives it a thought these days he said...The little dogs a joy, in our bed the first morning...! A cosy warm home.

    Now a wee update from a VERY HOT Hong Kong,35o , we have heat warnings, and it is fryingly hot… Humidity is much lower, just 50%,so its burning, it’s their spring ,and like the world ..its far too warm.! Of course cities of this size make it seem worse…!
    Our journey was very nice food and gentle souls ,quite comfortable..glided in to a calm, fairyland, the harbour is spectacular.. a little early…LOVED Peter Rabbit, so, so gorgeous ,just felt like watching it again, not for kids …at all… The rest of the in flight entertainment was a bit limited, some good music, but Peter was worth waiting for.! None of the other ones I had been wanting to view.. It’s a long way, but we were off at speed ,on arrival.. and the many ks walked ,would have been good for us, spotted at 100 paces by our collectors, and swept in with a very nice older chap, who told us snippets…Like a new bridge to Macau has been built, thought we may go, but its way out by the Airport, sooo not this time.. We came in a different way, and saw the Fruit Market which operated at night, a huge conglomeration of trucks and boxes, and very busy men distributing it all for deliveries to be fresh for the morning. .We were settled here by 10.30, about 3am our time…
    First room a dud…SMOKING room.. smelt in the whole floor /corridors ,and we had ashtray and lighter !!!.. the nice room was smoky…NO, thank you, not having that, so as I had requested Non smoking, didn’t feel in the least bad …up to the 18th,to a much better one..Our view is of the Harbour, gorgeous, hence the name Harbour Grand, been before, a long time ago, and it is being older place now, but has the spacious rooms and bathrooms.. The food is very expensive now here, as is pretty much everything, we notice..We do have a little Coffee Shop that has better options..
    Had a good 5 hours sleep which is okay, and we are slightly out of the main area, in Whampoa, which is residential, and nice, some 60 story buildings of apartments around now,..7.5 million now occupy this city… just 5 mins in our regularly run shuttle, so we were off to see Dowson, at Times Optical, me for glasses and Sam for lens, Dowson is in Australia, sadly ,but Eddie is our man, so we are all set for a fraction of the price at home, collecting at 3pm tomorrow. Then to Airisim, for Sam’s supplies, a new extended shop here now ,easy walking, well not so much today, but there was shade…and cool watermelon juice along the way…got everything.. AND new swimming shorts ,yet again ,his are residing at home, a garage sale he thinks, as this happens each time…!
    Back mid afternoon after mingling with the masses ,and saying NO to a hundred Tailors…its all just part of the game..just look and smile at it all so ,so, hectic.,an amazing place that we still love.! People are so covered for the UV, lightweight suit things that completely cover them, just provision for the eyes, and babies have various coverings, purpose built.. That is why their skin is beautiful, and many of ours ,of course is not.! There are all the beautiful things ,large and small here of course,so much to see such an experience, still...
    We adjourned to our roof top pool later, its nice, and did find a shady covered chair, but the tiled surrounds actually were seriously burning my feet.!Like at the Dead Sea..!! Great care to be taken in not getting burnt… Refreshing, though quite warm ,water, and the people watching is a delight, this is Cell Phone nightmare stuff, just never out of their
    hands ,even in the water, they have special packets to keep on talking ,and take sooo many “selfies”,it’s so funny..!
    We have chosen our tea , it seems like we are late of course ,some dumpling delights, a little later on..!
    Tomorrow is to be more excessive heat, but we will explore nearby, and be ready for the glasses at 3pm..
    On to Amsterdam at 12.15 am.. Hope you are all in place, this is a trial of things distant ,and maybe a map or two should appear…
    Bye from us, slightly weary now, in Hong Kong..
    Pics are our Pool,and Room view..
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  • Dag 143

    Hong Kong To Amsterdam

    30 maj 2018, Nederländerna ⋅ 🌧 20 °C

    Hong Kong To Amsterdam

    Our last day in Hong Kong was so good ,we were out early, still very hot 30o, at 8am..but we walked in our neighbourhood ,amongst the many Families going to work and taking the children to day care and school, all in uniform ,and they are very cute of course.. Little cafes with things western and also local food ,a big circuit in the spotless surrounds ,the washing all out in various ingenious forms of securement.. high above. Back for breakfast ,coffee shop with harbour views, and later further afield for a glimpse of more local life, supermarket in depth, its such precision ,of beautiful display. Lunch in an area of so many different foods, lots of Japanese and Bakery items, quite amazed that in this bustling area, a Mother left her little boy, gathered from Day care with all his treasures ,pictures and books, to settle, just beside us, and went off into the supermarket ,for a reasonable time, came back with food and off again, not many countries that could happen ,these are gentle people ,quiet and disciplined ,walking everywhere we don’t ever feel unsafe ,never have..I know there is organised crime on a huge scale, but we still love Hong Kong, after 8 times..and still much to see, restricted this time with the glasses being made, and we journeyed off for them later in the day ,all perfect ,after a wait in a downtown mall ,so much to watch ,needing to be out of the intense heat…
    Dinner packed and transported collected exactly on time as always happens in Hong Kong…The Airport more vast than ever, and we walked what seemed miles, even a train this time ,and in the end seemed to be roughly where we have been before.??? A 777 300 this time very huge and maybe not packed, as usual ,it’s a long way, and was a bumpy ride ,but sleep possible I think for longer than it seemed..A full and active day helped there…
    Need to share the pictures so a smaller post...
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  • Dag 144


    31 maj 2018, Nederländerna ⋅ 🌧 18 °C

    Arrived on a foggy morning ,still able to see the very tidy fields and farms at the end of the runway ,love the “order” that is Holland .Not long to taxi in to our Hotel, Bilderberg Garden, chosen to be in a lovely part of the city, leafy and near to huge Parks and gardens, Museums and very residential, everything is here and its not teaming with many..The Hotel, well not quite what the pictures portrayed, but spacious, with all we need ,quite a wait for our room as they were fully booked last night, its small ,just 3 floors. Wilted badly by room time, but rallied and sorted lots. Later walked on a warm ,sunny day to Vondel Park ,through the neighbourhoods of little cafes, shops, and bridges with flowers in pots ,across the water ways, and MANY bicycles ,the cycle lanes run adjacent to the roads ,beside the footpaths ,and the cyclists are at speed, strong, healthy people are the Dutch, bikes of every shape and creed with various attachments, most are very ordinary, no gears ,or fancy big tyres here ,this is tradition..some have large, varnished, attached ,small coffin like boxes for the children ,often more than one…its dangerous ,they go so fast and come from all angles, one has to be very alert.!
    The Park is huge and we covered a small corner with a tranquil lake , birds, geese with families, and many doggies ,space to run with ears flying…Beautiful trees, so green and lush in the spring, surrounded by very old beautiful, brick mansions, so we detoured back into the neighbourhood of these huge homes, with the high hooks to lift to upper floors, built from the 1600’s til the 1800’s and more, the gardens are so pretty just now, and its unique and lovely… They have tried to restore bees to the city, as they decline in the world, spray not happening ,wild flowers planted and things left a little unattended looking ,now the flowers are past,but now there are 61 different species of the bees, doing very well ,it has worked so well..
    We had organic juices and healthy veggies chips and things ,as we strolled along…Much more to enjoy tomorrow, and weary we are now…
    How exciting to have a link to Junes new BLOG, exciting for me to be a follower on their journey..

    Thursday..Dinner last evening outdoors in a nice setting ,accompanied by a CAT ,a resident of the area, he comes in for attention, a Black and White number, rather lean, and so friendly…but woke from his rest on a nice chair, at the smell of a tray of Prochetta ..delivered to the next table, and…hopped up for a sample…the guests just smiled and assisted him down, regulars I think…! We had a burger configuration with Truffle mayonnaise ,and asparagus ,delectable crunchy potatoes…beautiful. Our Hotel small that it is has a famous restaurant, with a Michelin Star chef ,Stefan van Sprang…we will try that at some stage…Later we thought a quick walk around the block , which of course resulted in much more it’s so ,so pretty, you just want to go on.. and a warm evening brought out lots of cyclists …large park like green spaces ,all down the centre of the roads ,with statues of various kinds ,everyone out at the Cafes, StreetSide… found a small supermarket for water and strawberries… so almost dark when we came back..! Much sleep needed and so we had many hours…!
    This morning, breakfast here ,with different and nice things like a soft yoghurt like “ fruit cheese”, boiled eggs as in all Dutch Breakfasts, beautiful brown bread, cold meats ,cheese and much more and then the usual breakfast things we have..
    Off on a mission for a Bank, humm, Bank said a resident shopkeeper, no Banks are a thing of the past around here.. internet is the way, so a tiny money machine, in a little leafy square, sticky and ants about, gave us what we wanted from our Travel Card…it all worked like magic…always in another language is interesting…! Then rain began, so we came back for umbrellas our destination The Museum Square, we walked for a distance everything interesting and different ,Café at the Opera House for re positioning, Sam is learning mode on the Maps on Phone, phew they have been a challenge for the older user..but the Children on reception have advice…!! The Museums are many and amazing, long cues and some only available on line, so we saw Van Gough, with a changing video, from the outside and some I rather liked..then Banksie has a little one which is special, I rather liked his statues and things..
    Over a large expanse the Rijksmuseum ,huge and amazing , one of the most outstanding , we were able to walk under that, into the narrow back streets of Old Amsterdam…most I loved the gardens, around Rijks , not huge but maze like in parts, some huge trees, reflection pond, and beautiful Busts in the Hornbeam hedges, a fountain that people stood in, the centre of whilst it displayed…All food for the soul and much of it…Thunder clouds gathering , so we came back a different way ,just followed our instincts…quicker and better than Google maps, though we had a quick check at one stage…..3 Hours solid walking ,and we do like Amsterdam..
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  • Dag 146


    2 juni 2018, Nederländerna ⋅ ⛅ 15 °C

    Yesterday ended well, as we went “out” for our tea ,to our little shops and square close by ,discovered the best Deli, ever, with selections of simply everything you could imagine ,chose several salads, quiche, goats cheese and spinach and tomato, so creamy and tasty ,soft cheese and beautiful little biscuits and a berry fruit salad..The coleslaw like mix, had figs and apple, the green bean, celery and tomato, had tiny beans and chick peas ,onion and snowpeas.and there were more…,all so crisp and with different dressings ,some so creamy… The berry fruit salad had, Strawberries, Blackberries ,Grapes, Red currants ,Raspberries and Blueberries ,it looked and tasted divine… So we set up our table, bathmat for table cloth , and had a feast with spoons only, but you manage..! We have a nice Bay Window part, with two large comfy chairs in afternoon light ,the mornings in here are very dim, lighting not suited to the more senior eyes...!
    Very tired and needing to sleep far too early, so consequently we are up before 5am…never mind that will settle I was thinking we had done so well, sleeping well when required…
    Not the best idea, as awake before 4am…Off out this morning to Vodofone to rectify the phone problems ,done in an instant, but…even he wasn’t sure ,so now some stuff works anyway ,but I wont need it on board… Quite a hike which brought us many nice things to enjoy, and we walked for 3 hours ,right into the fringes of the inner city .What was good was a most wonderful Market ,went for many blocks ,all closed off specially. Fruits ad Veg ,fish, all things Dutch, like waffles, and then clothing , simply everything, all tidy and orderly as it would be in Holland. There were fabrics… of all kinds, and some quite amazing ones, lovely to think they still sew here. Lots of stunning furnishing fabrics, much to enjoy.
    As we explore we realise we are in a perfect spot here, not at all busy..
    Excellent meal last evening ,here at the Hotel..but it rained and became colder, so we didn’t go out for the evening walk. Prinsendam today, so exciting to be sailing away this evening, 1pm check in ,so plenty of time to get organised ,and check out by 12. The staff of this Hotel are simply the nicest of people.

    Dawn we hope you are not frozen, Middlemarch in the news ,and we saw this morning the Poolburn School pictures and read the article…Brrr ,but the Brass Monkey’s will be happy..or pretend to be.!
    I know notifications are not regular on Find Penguins, sorry but they only notify you once in 3 days, so as not to clutter your in-box…so when you go in you will find more than one post ,often. I so love that you are all there ,its like a warm gathering of friends and Family…Bye from Amsterdam, which we have loved .
    Saw a very thought provoking , sad ,but good movie, The Glass Castle, and there is a book by Jeannette Walls, which may be even better .It is based on her true story.
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  • Dag 148

    Prinsendam,and Sailing Away to Hamburg

    4 juni 2018, Tyskland ⋅ 🌙 15 °C

    On Board Prinsendam..

    An orderly departure and check in ,for HAL, ever efficient ,and on board by 1pm,our cabin is very well planned, and the large walk in wardrobe a great asset, tons of space for my ample belongings..! Nice bathroom, refurbished and very functional ,it is an older ship, so a little wear creeping in, but we knew that, it’s a very “easy ship” only 835 passengers and is full. Everything easily accessible. A light lunch and later a welcome function for returning passengers, meeting with the Officers, and a nice bunch they are .It is a different atmosphere to other ships ,this is a voyage of exploration, rather than come along for the food and glamourous occasions of formality. One of the Officers, Dutch, regaled his recent trip to NZ, walked Milford track, the Routeburn and on to The Rail Trail, so he knew our region well, and had lots of tales to tell.. and questions to ask us…all very friendly. Our captain is a tall middle aged Norwegian chap, Dag, chats away, at times ,[ some you never hear a word from…] and was very forceful and insistent during our drill ,instilling much confidence .Our fellow passengers are, in the main ,US residents, older and quaint souls, in their best denim , they have had from younger days, and hairstyles to match ,we have some Dutch, very concise and to the point folk, and met a nice couple from Lincoln, Ch Ch, who we had lengthy chats to last night at dinner… Its interesting getting to know the US physic again, a whole new world ..Our neighbours approached ,I greeted them warmly, but just asked for a spare Bible, they needed two.

    Sail away down the North Sea channel was so very interesting, and just loved everything we saw, and there was so much, a commentary ,that was so very informative ,by a woman with a very pleasant voice, and ease of manner, so that bodes well for the days ahead. The channel is through residential and industrial areas. Huge and clever modern designs, allotments amongst the apartments ,nothing high rise it seems, except the occasional one that stands out. Further down the ship yards, with much more to see, in huge craft for various purposes , Floating large Hotel ,an amazingly huge Wind Carrier, for the many wind farms and individual wind generators , dotted beside the channel , we came so close to so many, just meters away, in the evening silence ,so quiet we could hear people talking to their dogs, on their evening walks on shore ,it was interesting to dispel the myth that they make a noise ,they are whisper quiet, and noted no piles of dead birds around either.! Road tunnels under the channel now days ,it was begun in the 18oo’s.Many swans, white and graceful ,and then the Farms, all so neat and tidy ,crops ,and cycle tracks dot the land, and are used constantly. Strong people as a result ,the average Dutch man is 184 cm tall and women 170cm, just so as you know that.! We passed through Zandam, which originated in the 1600’s. Claude Monet resided there ,for a time ,and painted some famous works. It was misty, and cool, but we watched until we reached the locks to the North sea, had to have our fog horn going for hours.It was beautiful and so lovely to see. The Chanel is only about 300mtrs wide but brings shipping right to the centre of Amsterdam, a feat of engineering.
    Today a journey of 80ks up the Elbe river to Hamburg, a distant shore to begin with, then towns, and pretty homes ,and more industry nearer to the city, warm but cloudy .Air Bus has a huge complex on the river, which is the design and ingenuity centre for all Planes ,interesting, we thought it was in France, many aircraft and a huge runway. Later a city tour of 4 hours, with time to walk to things included, at first an ugly place , plain brick buildings, built post war, canals ,and many places have huge “Water Doors”, from times past and still required ,it seems flooding is a real danger here ,from the Nth sea, even this distance up river ,sometimes large parts of the city have been inundated. It is below sea level. St Michaels Church, a survivor of the war, is huge and has impressive statues, wooden spire of a great height .The city centre and city hall are much nicer, and a man made ,very large lake, completes the picture of a pretty inner city. I thought it would be older and chocolate box looking, but no not much left after the bombing .We had drinks and pastries on the shore ,under beautiful trees ,before an extensive look around. A delightful young man for our guide, who told it as it is good and bad. This is a very Turkish place they came to work here , and are a large part of Hamburg, but divided religion wise. He said we do not say we lost the War, we say we were liberated from the Nazis, they damaged our society unbelievably, and so a different way of thinking of how it was, in terrible times.
    Its sunny and warm and we are here for another day, trips to Berlin for some.
    We will explore more tomorrow. Settled now, very comfortable and relaxing.. Bye from Germany
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  • Dag 149

    Hamburg,Germany, Day 2

    5 juni 2018, North Atlantic Ocean ⋅ ⛅ 29 °C

    Hamburg day 2.
    More to remember …Today we set out early to explore on our own, an excellent shuttle provided for us, so we walked in the city for several hours, just taking time to stop and look and see what we missed yesterday. Clean ,modern but touches of the old around too. Sam had some lenses changed and the service was excellent, time taken, extras done, and then NO charge at all, we were amazed , optometry in our land is slightly over the top ,to say the least, so we beamed upon this chap and declared we would think very kindly of him, and we do..! Our second surprise of the day, earlier we had taken cards we received on arrival, worded in a confusing fashion, to the desk, to be told our Travel Agents have paid our onboard gratuities for this trip, overwhelmed really.! A considerable sum…! Some shopping for Sam, beautiful shops, spacious , and sales, helpful assistance ,and would you believe, Dogs come into the shops, so two beautiful Golden Retrievers on level 4 of a gorgeous store.! Coffee, a treat in its self ,my mocha piled with cream, and drizzled with chocolate syrup, 1000 calories in one hit I think, but a treat.!! in a tiny café ,a nice young girl who directed us to look in -depth at the Town Hall, what a breath -taking building, from the 1800’s,one of the most stunning I have seen, immaculately kept ,inside and out, huge and so intricate ,we spent ages ,its huge and dominates the inner city ,in its cobbled square, such a treat.
    Its dull and cloudy today and that apparently is normal for Hamburg ,but dry is good.
    This is the 3rd busiest Port in Europe ,so it’s a procession of ships coming and going every few minutes, so much to see…. This evening we had a” Beer Feist “ a rousing group of 3, leather pants for the chaps , entertained us with polkas and lots of other jolly music, they were actually good, and we had a huge spread of all traditional food, which was delicious, all gathered on the pool deck. It was cold, so rugs and jackets needed but enjoyable for all.. Tomorrow the Kiel Canal, a wonderful transit that takes from 10am until 8pm,so really through the middle of the countryside ,it will be a great sight.!
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