Take memories, leave footprints! 👣 Meer informatie Sankt Gallen, Schweiz
  • Dag 17

    On the way back home

    5 november 2023, Zwitserland

    Und scho sind die zwei Wuche ume. Mir hend so viel dörfe erlebe, so tolli Mensche dörfe kennelerne und so viel Idrück dörfet mir mitheineh. Leider isch denn aber am 16.25 Ortsziit uf Bali für üs wieder heigange.

    Üse ersti Stop ufem Heiweg hend mer in Kuala Lumpur gmacht. Bereits mit Verspötig simmer abgfloge, was dezue gführt het, dass mir in Malaysia acho sind und grad wieder is nöchste Flugzüg gstiege sind, denn de Flug isch nu 1.5 Stund usenand gsi. Au de Flug isch einigermasse guet gange, trotz es paar Unannehmlichkeite. Noch knapp 8 Stund simmer denn in Doha glandet.

    Au do hend mer nu öppe 2 Stund Pause gha bis de Flug gange isch. Chli verdutzt simmer gsi, wome usegfunde hend, dass mir nöd nebenand chönd sitze. Mir hend denn aber s Personal gfrogt und sie hend üs en Platz chöne Abüte, womer über de Gang hinweg "nebenand" ghogget sind. Au de Flug isch einigermasse guet gange und denn simmer am 7ni am Morge zu Schwiizerziit in Züri glandet. De letscht Abschnitt isch denn mitm Zug gsi und denn simmer am 9ni au entli dehei gsi.


    Those two weeks have gone by so quickly. We were able to meet so many friendly people and made such great memories :) At 16:25 we left Bali by plane heading back.

    Our first stop was at Kuala Lumpur airport. Already having a delayed departure of our first flight we only had 1.5 hours time to change airplanes. The second flight has gone pretty well execpt from some smalles incoveniences. About 8 hours later we had our second stop in Doha.

    With about 2 hours break still a quite short connection. In disbeliev we had to learn that our seats on our last flight were not next to each other. But with some talented seat rearangements up in the air the flight attendend has found us two spots on each side of the aisle.
    This flight has alao gone by well so that we have safely landed in zurich at 7 am. A short train ride after we finally arrived back home at 9 o'clock.
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  • Dag 15

    Letschti Abentür in Indonesie

    3 november 2023, Indonesië ⋅ ☁️ 29 °C

    Au hüt hemmer wieder chli was ob gha, so churz vor em Hei go. Aber vo Afang ah.

    Üse Tag het wieder gmüetlich mitme Zmorge gstartet (immer seehr guet gsi, muess mer scho moll no erwähne). Guet gstärcht simmer denn am am 9ni scho los gfahre. Denn mer hend hüt e Quad Tour buecht gha. Noch eppe 45 Minute simmer denn bim Ziil acho, sind über alles informiert worde, hend üs entsprechend umzoge und sind grad losgfahre. E sehr cooli Erfahrig, womer do hend dörfe mache. Durch de Wald, über Strosse, im Wasser wie au im Sand simmer gfahre. Noch öppe enere Stund, und eimoll Bode küsse (aber pssst), simmer denn wieder retour gsi bim Startpunkt. Dank de Duschene hend mer üs vo all dem Dreck und Staub chöne befreie und aschlüssend hend mer e feins Mie Goreng dörfe gnüsse.

    Dos üs e chli id Arme gange isch, hend mer üs denkt, gnüsset mer moll no e Massage - simmer jo nöd grad Gester gsi 🤭 aber d Massage do, muess mer scho moll no erwähne, sind sehr entspannend und tüend mega guet.

    Recht müed vo dem allem, hemmer denn de Nomittag no bitz entspannt und sind denn hüt moll chli früener go Znacht esse. Es italienischs esse und Pizza usem Steiofe hend mer üs natürli nöd entgo loh. Zur Vorspies hend mer en gmischte Salat und Bruschetta gha und zum Hauptgang e Pizza und Lasagne. Üs hets so guet pässlet, dass mer bime Aperol und Arrancia Spritz no über e Stund Kniffel gspielt hend. Zum Abschluss hets denn no en Afogato geh.

    Abgschlosse hemmer de Obig bime gmüetliche Spaziergang und hend üs chli vo Ubud und vo Indonesie verabschiedet. Denn morn Morge wird denn au langsam packt und denn gohts bald wieder zrugg i di, wie mer chli mitbecho hend, scho bald wissi Schwiiz.

    Today was our last full day in indonesia.

    We started our day with a tasty breakfast at the hotel. At 9am we got picked up and 45 minutes later we arrived at the start of our ATV tour. After a short briefing and changing clothes we got on to our ATVs and started. Our Guide took us up an down through banana plantages, forests, roads, water, sand and dust. After about one hour and one of us kissing the groud (name known to the editors) we got back to our starting point. In the provided showers we where able to clean ourselfs from dirt and dust to enjoy our following mie goreng for lunch.

    Since the bumps and shakes of our ride caused a bit of sore arms we decided to enjoy another massage back in Ubud. Those massages are very relaxing and do really good.

    Pretty worn out we got back to the hotel to relax a bit before we went for an early dinner. We ate at an authentic italian restaurant. As a starter we had bruscetta and a salad and as a main we shared a pizza and a lasagne. We enjoyed this place so much that we stayed a bit longer after dinner and played some dice while having another drink.

    We wrapped up the day with an evening walk through Ubud and kinda said good bye to Indonesia already because it was our last full day before we head back to as we have seen almost snowy home tomorrow.
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  • Dag 14

    Usruebe und so

    2 november 2023, Indonesië ⋅ ⛅ 31 °C

    I glaub, i dere Ziit do in Indonesie hend mer no kein einzige Tag so wenig gmacht wie hüt. Und es het sich hervorragend agfühlt.

    Am Morge simmer wie immer gmüetlich ufgstande, hend üse Zmorge im Hotel gnosse, üs grichtet und deno simmer üses Quartier go besichtige gange. Noch eme Ziitli und paarne Souvenierläde hemmer üs denn en feine Smoothie und en Iced Tea nöd chöne entgoh loh. Do d Charte so guet usgseh het, hemmer üse Zmittag chli vorzoge und en Avocado Toast und Hummus mit Pitabrot gnosse. Noch dem feine Zwischestop simmer denn witerglaufe, no zwei drü Sache kauft und denn wieder retour is Hotel.

    Zum chli entspanne hend mer üs wieder e Massage buecht. Het das guettue! Anderthalb Stund dureknettet werde und noher no en feine Tee. Isch sehr schö gsi.
    Mit dere Entspannig simmer denn zrugg is Hotel und direkt an Pool go witer relaxe.

    Üse Obig hend mer denn demit verbrocht, dass mer es Restaurant-Hopping gmacht hend. Im einte hemmer en Apero trunke, im andere e Vorspies und im letschte denn Znacht.
    I think during our time in Indonesia we havent had a day on which we were doing as little as today. And it felt great to have such a relaxing day.

    In the morning we got up in no hurry and had breakfast at our hotel. Then we went out to see our quater of the city. After a couple of souvenir shops he went for a smothie and an iced tea. Since the menu was very tempting we also hand an avocado toast and pita bread with humus. After this tasty pitstop we walked on an bought a couple of smaller things before returning to the hotel.

    To relax we have booked another massage. Which was sooo relieving! They took 1.5 hours time to relax our sore muscles and we even got a tasty tea after. We then went back to our hotel to chill a bit at the pool.

    In the evening we did some restaurant hopping. A drink in the first, a starter in the second and a pizza for dinner in the last restaurant.
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  • Dag 13

    Roadtrip to Ubud (Part 2)

    1 november 2023, Indonesië ⋅ ☁️ 28 °C

    Witer is zunre Kafi Plantage gange. D Iheimisch, wo üs begleitet het, het üs ganz viel Pflanzene zeigt. Unter anderem de Zimtbaum, d Vanille aber au Ingwer und Kurkuma Pflanzene. Sie het sehr viel über die verzellt, wenns riif sind, wenns gerntet werdet und teils hemmer sogar dörfe probiere. De Remo isch meega glücklich gsi, wos e gelbi, riifi Kakaofrucht gseh hend und er sie denn het dörfe probiere.

    Womer denn ame Chäfig verbi glaufe sind, het üs üsi Begleitig gseit, dass die Tier Luwak heisset, au bekannt als Kafichatz. Die Tier fresset d Kafibeeri weg de süesse Frucht um d Bohne rund ume. Da sie d Bohne selber nöd chönd verdaue, wird die irgendwenn wieder ganze use cho. Die sammlets denn, tüends wäsche und schlussentli röste.

    Am Schluss vo dere Tour hend mer denn no e Kafi & Tee Degustation dörfe mache und hend unter anderem au de Luwak Kopi probiert.

    Mangosteen: sehr fruchtig, intensiv
    Rosella: liecht bitter, zitrus ähnliches
    Herbal: kurkuma halt
    Lemongras: wie mers sich vorstellt
    Red ginger: intensiv und sehr scharf
    Ginger: scharf

    Cocoa: volli Ladi Kakao
    Moca: wie s Mocca Glace
    Ginger: wärmende Kafi, nöd scharf
    Vanilla: "ganz krass", "riiichtig nice"
    Avocado: schmöckt chli noch Banane
    Ginseng: nöd beschriebbar, herbal
    Pandan: schmöckt chli noch Chai Tea
    Coconut: sehr kokosnussig

    Luwak Coffee: sehr sanft
    Bali Coffee: sehr herb

    Noch dere Plantage hemmer denn no en Stop ime Tempel gmacht, wo aber im Verglich zum Wassertempel nöd annähernd so schön gsi isch. Drum simmer au recht zügig dure glaufe und witer gange.

    Schlussentli simmer denn im Hotel acho, hend icheckt und üses Zimmer bezoge. Au do simmer wieder überwältigt, wie schön Hotels sii chönd. De restlich Tag hend mer demit verbrocht zum üses Quartier no chli azluege. Mer sind no fein go esse und schlussentli sehr k.o is Bett glege.
    Our next stop was at a Coffee farm we we got welcomed by a local. She showed us a large viarity of diffrent plants. Starting with a cinamon tree but also some vanilla plants or diffrent kinds of ginger, curcuma and of course coffee . She told us a lot about when the plants are ripe, what parts to use and we were even able to try some. Remo was were happy when he was allowed to pick a ripe, yellow cocoa fruit from the tree and we were able to try it again.

    When we passed by a cage the guide told us that this animal is called Luwak also known as coffee cat. This animal eats the best coffee beans only due to the sweet flavour of their pulp. But it can't digest the bean itself thats why the come out again. They collect those beans clean and roast them to make coffee out of it.

    At the end of the tour we where able to try some teas and coffees they produce:

    Mangosteen: very fruity, intense
    Rosella: slightly bitter tast of citrus
    Herbal: curcuma
    Lemongras: like expected
    Red ginger: intense and very spicy
    Ginger: still spicy

    Cocoa: a full load of cocoa
    Moca: like the mocca ice cream
    Ginger: a warming coffee, not spicy at all
    Vanilla: awesome, very nice
    Avocado: tastes a bit like banana
    Ginseng: herbal ginseng like
    Pandan: tastes a bit like chai tea
    Coconut: very coconuty

    Luwak Coffee: very smooth taste of coffee
    Bali Coffee: very strong and herbal taste of coffee

    The last stop of ouf day tour was anothere temple near Ubud. This one wasnt nearly as beautiful as the one at the lake we did before. So we have go through that one at a bit a faster pace and did not stay there for too long.

    A bit overwelmed by all the things we have seen to today we then reached our hotel in Ubud, checked in and got into our room. In the evening we walked through the streets nearby to look at some shops. We then had a nice dinner in a restaurant before we finally fell into our beds quite exhauted from another busy day.
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  • Dag 13

    Roadtrip to Ubud (Part 1)

    1 november 2023, Indonesië ⋅ ⛅ 24 °C

    Punkt 8i simmer vo üsem private Chauffeur, womer am Sunntig kenneglernt hend, abgholt worde und hend üs uf de Weg noch Ubud gmacht.

    Wieder simmer über die Hauptstross gfahre, womer uf üsem Tüürli durch de Norde vo Bali am Wuchenend gmacht hend. Noch eppe 45min hemmer denn am Wassertempel Ulun Danu Beratan en Stop gmacht und de idrücklich Tempel uf üs wirke loh. Grad womer döt acho sind, sind Hindus im Glaubenszug inklusive Musig und Opfergabe zum Tempel glaufe.
    Um ene d Rueh z loh, simmer denn witer glaufe und schlussentli nocheme Ziitli wieder zum Auto zrugg.

    Üse nöchsti Stop hemmer bide grösste Riisterasse namens Tegallalang uf Bali gmacht. E riiise Flächi, wo do Riis apflanzt wird. Wie üs üse Fahrer gseit het, wird do fast nur Ris produziert zum d Lüt uf Bali ernähre. De Ris, wo uf de Insle produziert wird, langet aber nöd für alli Lüt uf Bali drum müends sogar no Ris importiere, meistens us Vietnam. Leider hemmers verpasst zum chli Riis probiere bzw z poste. Drum is noher witer gange.
    At exactly 8 am we got picked up by our private driver we met on sunday and started our way to Ubud.

    Inthe beginning we took that same main road northwards as we had taken on our first motorbike tour on the weekend. After about 45 minutes we reached the water temple Ulun Danu Beraten where we had our first stop. It was an impressive temple right at the lake. There was even a traditional hindu procession with their music and traditional clothes when the walked towards the temple.
    We then respectfully moved back to our car to not disturb them too much.

    Our next stop were the biggest rice terasses on Bali called Tegallalang. A huge are that they have terassed and flooded to produce rice. As we learnt from our driver the rice is mostly used to feed the people on Bali and not for export. In fact rice they produce on the island is not even enough for Bali itself thats why the need to import more rice mostly from Vietnam. Sadly we didnt spot any options to try the rice and missed to buy some rice there. Thererfore we went on after.
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  • Dag 12

    Eimoll Nordoste bitte...

    31 oktober 2023, Indonesië ⋅ ☀️ 24 °C

    Au hüt hemmers wieder gmüetlich gno, hend fein zmörgelet, de Roller gschnappt und sind um di halb 9ni losgfahre. Hüt nöd direkt südlich sondern de Küste richtig Nordoste. Ufem Weg hemmer aber no en churze Spot binre holländische Bäckerei gmacht - eme feine Süessgebäck chame natürli nöd widerstoh chöne. Mit dem im Gepäck simmer denn witer gfahre, ganz lang de Küsteregion noh, bis mer in Boengkoelan wieder d Stross richtig Süde gno hend.

    Dere kurvig Stross simmer bis noch Kintamani gfolgt. Zwüschetine hemmer no en Tankstopp gmacht, was do uf Bali heisst, dass mer am Strosserand e PET Fläsche mit Benzin dine kauft wos der denn i din Tank fülled. In Kintamani hemmer denn kehrt und sind denn richtig Weste gfahre. Mer sind a vielne schöne, grüene Wälder, Zitrus- und Kohlplantagene und a Riisfelder verbi gfahre. Mer hend d Sunne gnosse und schlussentli ide "Berge" sogar no müesse s Jäggli azieh, wells so chalt gsi isch. Üsi Route isch denn nöd ade GitGit Wasserfäll verbi gange sondern oberhalb vo de Zwilligssee (Danau Buan und Danau Tamblingan).

    Vo döt us hemmer 1300 Meter abe oder nomol 40 minute fahrt brucht zum zu üsem hotel uf Meereshöchi cho. Da isch e Herusforderig für d Bremse vo üsem Roller gsi, wo an Rand vom Oberhitze cho sind. Mir hend aber no gnueg chöne bremse zum üses Usfährtli heil beende.

    Öppe am halbi 3 simmer denn sehr müed (und es bitz Popo Schmerze) wieder im Hotel acho. Noch dene 6 Stund (jo fahre uf Bali goht länger als Google Maps vorschloht) hemmer üs zerst moll e Siesta gönnt. Geg de Obig het denn üse Buch glich chli grumoret, drum simmer ine Restaurant go esse. Aschlüssend hemmer zerst de Roller wieder zrugg zur Vermietig broch und hend denn de Obig am Meer mitme feine Bier usklinge loh.


    Today we had a rather relaxing day again. After the breakfast at the hotel we took our motor bike and started tadays ride at around 8:30 am. Today not directly southwards but along the northcoast first. The first stop of our ride was at a dutch bakery to get some sweet pastery. With some fresh mini dounuts on board we headed on along the coast until we reached Boengkoelan where we took the street southwards and uphill.

    We followed the curvy road until Kintamani. In between we had to take a gas stop which on Bali means buying a PET bottle filled with gas on the side of the road which the pour into your tank. In Kintamani we turned around and rode westwards. We passed by many green forests, citrus or kale plantages and many rice fields. We enjoyed the sun but up in the mountains we had to wear a long sleave jacket because it got cooler. Instead of passing by the Git Git waterfall we took the road above the twin lakes (Danau Buan and Danau Tamblingan).

    From there on it took us 1300 meters down or another 40 minutes riding to our hotel at sealevel. This was a challenge for the breaks of our motorbike which were on the edge of overheating when we reached the bottom. But gladly we were still able to break enough to reach the bottom safely.

    At around 3 pm. we finished our rideat our hotel happy but with some butt pain. After the 6 hour ride (yes driving on Bali takes longer than google maps suggests) we did a siesta and got some rest. Towards the evening we had dinner at a restaurant and returned the motorbike back to rental. Finally we finished our day with a beer at the oceanfront restaurant.
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  • Dag 11

    Cooking Class (Part 2)

    30 oktober 2023, Indonesië ⋅ ☁️ 30 °C

    Punkt 4i het üse Chochlehrer üs denn wieder abgholt und het üs zu sich heigfahre. Bi em acho hend sini Frau und sin Sohn uf üs gwartet. Zerst het er üs die verschiedene Gwürz und Chrüter vorgstellt, wo unteranderem e paar au i sim "Vorgarte" pflanzt sind, denn hemmer üsi Schürzene azoge und los is gange. Als ersts hemmer agfange im Mörser inne diversi Gwürz und Chrüter chli z mahle. Me muess erwähne, eigentlich jedes Gricht wird bi ene im Mörser vorbereitet - ussert grösseri Lebensmittel, wo gschnitte werde müend. Die gmörseret Paste isch schlussentli so e Paste, wie mir sie ide Schwiiz au chönd poste, nu eifach frisch und sehr natürlich. Aschlüssend isch die Paste i heisses Öl oder heissi, selber uskocheti Bouillon geh worde und denn isch d Sauce drus gmacht worde.

    Total hemmer 6 Gricht erstellt.
    - Sayur Asam (Spinat-Mais Suppe)
    - Gado-Gado in peanutsauce (Gmües anre Erdnuss Sauce)
    - Tempe and Tofu Curry (Tempe sind fermentierti Soyabohne)
    - Tofu Saté (Tofu Spiess mit enere Erdnuss Sauce)
    - Chicken in Lemongrass
    - Banana in Coconut Milk (Bananeschiibe i erhitzer Kokosmilch, mit Zucker und Vanille)

    Es isch e sehr schös Erlebnis gsi, womer do hend dörfe mache. Sie hend üs vieles zeiget, mer hend alles dörfe froge und schlussentli hemmer e Festmahl vor üs stoh gha, wo unglaublich fein gsi isch.

    Mit volle Büch hemmer üs denn uf de Heiweg gmacht und sind um di 8i scho ipfuset.

    At 4 pm. we got picked up by our cooking teacher and he drove us to his home. At his place his wife and son have awaited us already. He began with presenting us the diffrent spices needed for the dishes. A few spices he even grows in his front yard so that he was able to show us the plant. So we put on our aprons and started the preperation. At fist we had to grind the spices an herbs. You need to know that all dishes he showed us were prepared in the grinder to get the paste which is the basic part for the sauce. That paste is similar to the one availabe for sale in back at home but of course freshly made. After that we added some oil and self made chicken broth to it so that we got a tasty sauce.

    So in total we cooked the following dishes:
    - Sayur Asam (spinach corn soup)
    - Gado-Gado in peanut sauce (vegetable in a peanut sauce)
    - Tempe and Tofu Curry (tempe are fermented soy beans)
    - Tofu Saté (tofu sticks with a peanut sauce)
    - Chicken in Lemongrass
    - Banana in Coconut Milk (banana pieces in a heated coco nut milk with sugar and vanilla)

    We have had a great experience. They showed us a lot, we were able to ask many questions and in the end we had prepared an amazing dinner which was so tasty.

    With full stomachs we got back to the hotel an fell asleep at 8 pm already.
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  • Dag 11

    Food, relaxing and food (Part 1)

    30 oktober 2023, Indonesië ⋅ ☀️ 30 °C

    Zur Abwechslig zum viele Umefahre, Entdecke und Tauche hend mir üs entschiede gha, zum hüt en Balinesische Chochkurs z bsueche. Agfange hets demit, dass mer us uuh vielne Gricht 6 hend dörfe uswähle. Nochdem mer üs entschiede gha hend, simmer am halb 10i vo üsem Chochlehrer abgholt worde und sind zum traditionelle Markt gfahre.

    De Markt isch e sehr e speziells Erlebnis gsi, sowohl positiv wie au negativ. Zumindest für d Rebecca hets es paar Moment gseh, wos ere chli unwohl worde isch. Üse Chochlehrer het üs sehr vieles erklärt, was was isch, für was mers bruche chan und noch was es schmöckt. Womer denn alles gha hend, hend mer üs verabschiedet, da mer erst am 4i s effektive Choche gha hend.

    Womer retour im Hotel gsi sind, hemmer üs vo dene Idrück chli erholt. Mitm E-Reader, paar Mangostan und eme chüele Getränk simmer denn an Pool glege und hend de ruhig Moment gnosse. So ganz entspanne hemmer aber nöd chöne und hend üs denn denkt, worum gnüsse mer nöd nomel e Massage. Mer sind denn wieder zu üsem Lieblingsgschäft gange und hend sogar grad en Termin becho. De Remo het e Hot Stone Massage gno und d Rebecca e Ayur Veda Massage. Noch 1.5h simmer denn schön entspannt no was chlises go Esse gsi, bevors wieder retour is Hotel gange isch.

    Instead of driving, discovering and diving like during last couple of days we decided to do a balinese cooking class today. When booking the course we were able to choose 6 dishes from a long list. At 9:30 am we got picked up by our cooking teacher to go to the traditional market.

    The market was definitly a mermorable experience, positivly as well as negtivly. At least Rebecca has had a few moments when she didnt feel to well. Our cooking teacher has showed us a variety of diffrent vegetables an spices and told us how and for what they us it. As we had bought everything we said good bye to the cooking teacher since the cooking stated at 4 pm.

    Back at the hotel we relaxed a bit. At the pool while reading on the e-reader, eating some mangosteen and a few cold drink we enjoyed a calm moment. For a complete relaxation after we went to our favourite massage place in town and got a 1.5 h massage. While Rebecca enjoyed an ayur veda massage Remo got a hot stone massage. Then we went for a small snack before going back to the hotel.
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  • Dag 10

    Scooter Tour around Lovina (Part 2)

    29 oktober 2023, Indonesië ⋅ ☁️ 25 °C

    Witer is gange Richtig Süde und zwor id Berge. Am höchste Punkt (ca. 1300 Meter über Meer) acho hemmer üs Nasi Goreng zum Zmittag bstellt. Viellicht ischs d Euphorie und d Glücksgfühl gsi, aber das Esse isch eifach nu super gsi.
    Noch dem feine Esse simmer denn witer durch d Gegend gfahre, hend vieli chlini Dörfli gseh, viel Riisfelder und no viel meh Wälder. Ame Stand am Strosserand hends Frücht verchauft. Wamer üs natürli nöd neh loh hend und denn sind es paar feini Banane i üsem Rucksack glandet.

    Noch über 5h ume fahre und d Umgebig erkunde, simmer im Hotel acho. Es isch so heiss gsi, do hemmer nöd andersch chöne, als i de chüel Pool ine z gumpe und eifach nur z gnüsse. Üs hets aber so ide Fingerspitze küsselet, denn mer hend üs gest noch de Massage so guet gfühlt, dass mer hüt grad wieder eini gno hend.

    Noch dere sehr guettuende Massage hemmer üse Roller gschnappet und sind noch Buleleng (de Nochbur-Bezirk) gfahre und hend üse Znacht ufeme Markt und ime Food Court gnosse. Es het Chicken Satay Spiess (Sate Ayam), es Chicken süss sauer (Ayam Asam Manis) und es Bami Goreng geh. Und so hemmer de Obig usklinge loh.
    We went on again southwards until we reached the top of the road (about 1300 Meter above sealevel) where we enjoyed a Nasi Goereng. We dont know if it was the euphoria and the endorphins of our trip or not but the food was really delicious. Further on our ride we got throug many little towns, rice fields and even more tropical forest parts. There were multiple stands where the locals sell their fruits. Of course we stopped one of them and some tasty banas found the way i to our backpack.

    The over 5 hour long ride of us exploring the island found an end at our hotel again. It was the time to jump into the hotel pool and cool off and enjoy. After that we enjoyed a relaxing massage in the hotel again.

    In the evening we took our motorbike again to get to Buleleng (Distict next to Lovina) an had dinner at the food court of the local market. We enjoyed chicken satay sticks (Sate Ayam), chicken sweet and sour (Ayam Asam Manis) and a bami goreng. We then called it a day and returned to our hotel.
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  • Dag 10

    Scooter Tour around Lovina (Part 1)

    29 oktober 2023, Indonesië ⋅ ⛅ 29 °C

    Entli moll "usschlofe", i üsem Fall het da 7ni ufewache gheisse. Es het aber dennoch sehr guet tue. Gmüetlich simmer denn ufgstande und hend üse Zmorge im Hotel gnosse und dezue ane üse Tag agfange plane. Und was macht mer, wenn mer en volle Tag het und nüt ob het? Genau, mir hend en Roller gmietet und sind eifach druf los gfahre - e sehr spannendi Erfahrig, so uf de linke Strossesite z fahre. Hupe heisst do eher: "Achtung i überhol di etz denn gad" und s rote Liechtsignal isch mengmol meh e Empfehlig. Vom Norde, uf Meereshöchi, simmer wieder südewerts gstartet, in Richtig "Berge", womer denn bim Ceburan Dukuh Wasserfall en halt gmacht hend. Noch eme ca. viertelstündige Spaziergang über Stock und Stei simmer denn am Wasserfall acho. Isch das e schös Erlebnis gsi! Mir sind ganz allei döte gsi und hend de Moment, d Rueh und d Chüeli vollkomme chönne gnüsse und uf üs iwirke loh. Leider hemmer nöd ewigs chöne döt bliebe, drum simmer witer gange. Ufem Zruggweg het üs üse Guide verschiedeni Pflanze zeigt. Under anderem e Vanillepflanze oder au en Kakaobaum, wo er üs extra e Kakaofrucht obenanbe gholt het. Mir hend schnell gmerkt, dass s Wisse Fruchtfleisch zwor sehr fein isch aber de Kakaokern selber (het roh e violetti Farb) zerst no bitz tröchne und fermentiere brucht bis er gnüssbar wär. Nochher hemmer no en wietere Dorfbewohner troffe, wo chli mit üs gred het. Mer hend chli was über en erfahre, dass er moll Taxifahrer in Ubud gsi isch, was er etze so schafft und wien er so lebt. Im Gspröch inne het er üs noch üsne Ferie gfrogt und wos denn noher no witer goht. Mer hend mit em druf abe abgmacht, dass wenn mir witer reiset, mir mit em lueget, ob und wo dure mir e Privat Tour chönd mache. Er isch sehr dankbar gsi, dass mir ihm ä Chance zum schaffe gebet. Obs klappet, da gsehnd mer no 😅
    Finally some "sleeping in", for us that meant 7 o'clock in the morning. But still did good. We got up, had some breakfast at the hotel and started planing our day. The big question was: what to do with a whole free day on bali? Exactly we rented a motorbike and started our ride at sealevel. Its quite an experience to ride the roades of Bali. Driving on the left side, honking means more of an "Attention im passing by" and red lights are sometimes more of a suggestion to stop. Our ride took us from the north of Bali southwards in to the mountains. We firstly stopped at Ceburab Dukuh Waterfall. It took us about a 15 minute hike down to reach the waterfall. It was such a nice experience to be completely alone enjoying the calm and cool atmosphere there.
    During the hike back up our guide showed us multiple plants such as a vanilla plant or even a Cocoa tree of which he took a fruit down for us to try. We quickly notived that the white fruit pulp of the cocoa is very tasty but the seed itself (raw it is violet in color) at least needs some drying and fermentation before its enjoyable. Later we met another citizen of the nearby village who we talked to. He told us about his time of being a taxidriver in Ubud, what he does now and about his life on bali. He asked us about our holidays and what we are planing to do. He also offered to drive take us on a one day tour showing diffrent spots while driving us to Ubud. We accepted and he was very thankful that we give him an ability to work. We'll see if he showes up on wednesday 😅
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