Ecuador Adventures

August 2022 - August 2023
A 352-day adventure by Ecuador Adventures Read more
  • 66footprints
  • 4countries
  • 352days
  • 1.1kphotos
  • 97videos
  • 25.2kmiles
  • 19.9kmiles
  • Day 173

    More Olon

    February 7, 2023 in Ecuador

    A few more recent photos from Olon, featuring:

    —pool party with friends

    —more sunsets

    —adorable turtle festival in town, plus hatching of some turtles on the beach.

    —speech about pink river dolphins (see video)

    —swimming in the river during “recess” at school

    —trip to the ER an hour away to confirm that Talia did not break her ankle (it’s just a bad sprain). Talia was a real trooper about it; me not so much.
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  • Day 185

    Baños Dias Uno y Dos

    February 19, 2023 in Ecuador ⋅ ⛅ 64 °F

    We met up with our wonderful DC friends, Michelle, Mingo, Mateo and Zadie, and headed to Baños, the adrenaline capital of Ecuador. We were overjoyed to see some of our favorite familiar faces in such a crazy spot in Ecuador.

    Day 1 included a long van ride from Quito to Baños. We arrived in the late afternoon, checked into our little hotel and went out for surprisingly good Italian food. After dinner, we walked around town and realized that the carnival celebration starts a few days early in Baños. Zadie and Mateo loved getting sprayed with foam; Talia and the adults not so much.

    Day 2 included a breathtaking walk at caldero del diablo, followed by the most insane ziplines I’ve ever seen. I was nervous, but I eventually got into the ziplining spirit. I have to admit that, once I stopped screaming, the views were remarkable and the experience was fun—we flew along the tops of trees and careened over waterfalls.

    After the ziplines, the kids and Michelle convinced us to try out the “canopy walk,” which was truly terrifying and made me question all my life choices. I may never recover from the wobbly bridge-of-death (see photo). If Grammy is reading this, she may disown me for letting Talia participate. (Talia wants me to write that it was not really a bridge of death because we were secured by harnesses, but even she admits that it was scary).

    After the ziplines/death traps, we grabbed lunch at a roadside restaurant and headed to some insane swings over a huge cliff. Most of the group went on the swings, but I was done with adrenaline for the day. We eventually headed back to town and took the kids to a very weird enchanted forest, which may forever haunt my dreams. As I read this to Talia she asked me to add this about the enchanted forest: “it was so awkward.” She’s not wrong.
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  • Day 187

    Baños Day 3

    February 21, 2023 in Ecuador ⋅ ☁️ 63 °F

    Our final full day involved a treacherous trip up a mountain to see the “Manos de Dios,” which was a cheesey tourist trap with a number of roadside attractions aimed at pleasing kids and terrifying parents. The kids convinced us to try four-wheelers (sorry again, mom) before heading back down the mountain.

    After lunch, we went on a truly breathtaking horseback riding adventure. The kids, Michelle and Mingo had calm horses, but mine was itching to run and Kyla’s was loco and a bit of a sociopath. Despite these details, the horseback riding was a great and the least terrifying adventure of our time in Baños.

    In the morning, we packed up, said goodbye to our host and hopped in a van for the ride back to Quito. Two of the three kids puked on the curvy ride, but after the ziplines, we felt capable of dealing with anything.

    We loved, loved, loved seeing Mingelle and family—the weekend was full of laughter (everyone), screams (mostly me) and adventure.
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  • Day 188

    Quilotoa Loop Part Uno

    February 22, 2023 in Ecuador

    After our Baños adventure, the Mingelle/Zadie/Mateo/Kyla/Talia posse headed back to Quito in a van, and I hopped out in the small city of Latacunga. My friend, Emily, and her partner, Brad, met me there for a five day adventure that we planned about 12 hours in advance.

    Our goal was to do a three-day hike from Sigchos to Quilotoa, but we soon realized that “hike” was a strong word for what Em and I were capable of doing. We quickly determined that Emily and I would do shorter day hikes at each location and then hop in taxis/trucks to meet up with Brad as he hiked from town to town.

    Despite wimping out of the through-hike, we saw some amazing scenery and, because of the altitude, we felt like we hiked a million miles. The inns along the way were adorable and the scenery was awesome. I highly recommend this route to anyone in better shape than me! The towns are Latacunga, Sigchos, Isinlivi, Chugchilan and Quilotoa.

    These photos are from our time to and around Isinlivi, where we stayed at a sweet place called LluLlu Llama.
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  • Day 194

    Quilotoa Loop 2 +3 Plus Papallacta

    February 28, 2023 in Ecuador ⋅ ☁️ 52 °F

    After a night at LluLlu Llama, we sent Brad off on a hike to Chugchilan and Em and I did a short day hike right from the hotel (see the last post for Emily declaring that yodeling was meant for the hills of Ecuador). After our hike, we had an excellent lunch and then took a taxi to meet Brad in Chugchilan at the Black Sheep Inn (highly recommend this place too). I woke up to a beautiful sunrise (see photo), and, after breakfast, Em and I waved goodbye to Brad once again. We then took a truck to Quilotoa (a huge crater lake on top of a volcano), did a bit of walking and had a picnic lunch right on the rim of the crater. I had already visited Quilotoa once before, but I was still blown away by the views. Eventually, Brad emerged from the trail and we hopped back in a truck for back towards Quito. We landed at a hotel with amazing hot springs in Papallacta (thanks for the recommendation, Michelle).

    My time with Em and Brad was full of hilarity and spontaneity (meaning neither Em nor I plan anything in advance). It was so, so good to spend time with an old friend. I was bummed that Kyla and Talia couldn’t join for the Em-Brad leg of the trip (especially since Kyla would have actually done the full hike)—I’m hoping we can go back.

    Talia has the following update on what she and kyla did while I was gone:

    So back in Olon, me and mommy had fun. I went back to school. School is always fun. The other kids went to the river but me and one of my friends did not go to the river. The other kids all got into the river without pants or a change of clothes.

    I painted my nails with my babysitter in the afternoon. Also, mommy and I did more fun things like we went out to brunch with one of my friends and her little sister and big sister. We had a very good time. We did other fun things too, like we swam in the pool at sunset and me mommy watched two movies. That’s all I want to say.
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  • Day 208

    Glapagos Part 1

    March 14, 2023, South Pacific Ocean ⋅ ☀️ 81 °F

    It’s pretty hard to describe how amazing the Galapagos Islands are, so we decided to do this blog entry in an interview format, in which we each asked and answered a few questions.

    QUESTION 1. Give an introduction to the trip.

    Talia: We are going to cool islands and seeing cool animals, including sea lions, which are all, all over. There are also cool, cool penguins. And the penguins are kinda like (my stuffed animal) Penguito, but they are alive.

    There is a hot tub on the tippy top of the boat, which is fun. Also, I’m having so much fun with my cousins and Grammy and Papa Charles.

    QUESTION 2. What’s your favorite bird?

    Kyla: I have two, a water bird and a land bird. I like the red footed boobies, and we didn’t see them when we went to Isla de Plata. The other one I really like is the penguin. When I was snorkeling, two of the little penguins swam with me.

    QUESTION 3. What is your favorite animal in the Galapagos?

    Talia: I have a few. I love the penguins, and I also really love the star fish. I’m not sure they’re really animal-animals, but still, I really loved them. Oh, and I liked the sea lions too, but they smell.

    QUESTION 4. What was the best thing you saw?

    Valerie: I love seeing our family all together and I love, love, love swimming with turtles.

    QUESTION 5. Tell me about the dance party.

    Talia: The dance party was amazing. Everyone was in a circle and I touched my toes to my head. It was really fun—super duper fun.

    QUESTION 6. Describe what you like about this boat.

    Kyla: The boat is the perfect size. It’s big enough that we don’t get sea sick, but small enough that it feels like we’re on a little day trip. Also, in our room, I love how there’s a bunk bed that lowers from the ceiling, which is supposed to be where kids sleep….but you end up sleeping in our bed.

    QUESTION 7. What will be your most treasured memory from this trip?

    Valerie: My most treasured memory will be introducing Penguito (the stuffed animal) to real penguins, and also the time our whole family, including Grammy and Papa Charles, snorkeled off the beach together.
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  • Day 224

    Home in Olon

    March 30, 2023 in Ecuador ⋅ 🌧 82 °F

    We had a nice few weeks in Olon between our Galapagos trip and Talia’s spring break. Canadians with 5 and 7 year old girls (Lake and Isla) moved into our building for a few months, and Talia is overjoyed to have some kids around. Sunset Shores (the name of our building) really lives up to its name and the three of us are typically the youngest people around; having some kids move in has been great.

    In addition to hanging out with new friends, these few weeks have been filled with a fun beach clean up organized by some very dedicated expats, lots of sunset swims, surf classes and a bit more practice with reading and writing. Talia resists writing, except when she’s upset with us and doesn’t want us to come into her room…and then she often regrets her hate mail and slides a sweet note under our door.
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  • Day 226

    Quilotoa Loop #2 :Horse-ventures Edition

    April 1, 2023 in Ecuador ⋅ 🌧 59 °F

    In February, my friend Emily and her partner, Brad, visited Ecuador and Brad hiked the Quilotoa Loop while Em and I did little day hikes in the area. The scenery was incredible and I wanted Kyla and Talia to experience it as well. Of course, Kyla actually wanted to do the three-day through hike, while I was more interested in soaking in the views without all that needless schlepping up and down mountains at altitude. Talia and I road horses around the various locations while Kyla hiked and we met up every evening at inns along the way. It was a truly magical experience!

    We started our adventures at at gorgeous horse farm (, where Talia and I took our first legit horseback riding lesson. For all of our other rides in Ecuador, we’ve just jumped on the horses with no instructions. It was great for us to learn some real skills, and Talia gained a lot of confidence in her ability to communicate with her horse (and she also learned how to ride backwards, balance with no hands, etc.).

    After some practice in a ring, we took off for a gorgeous ride around the countryside while Kyla took a taxi to the start of her hike in Sigchos.

    After our ride around the mountains, we came back to the farm and had a chance to learn about caring for horses and training the foals. We eventually grabbed a car to meet Kyla in Inslivi, the first stop on her hike. More on that in the next post.
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