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    • Dag 5

      Dove Lake - Cradle Mountain

      2. mars 2023, Australia

      I arrived at the Cradle Mountain Visitor Center around 12:30 pm. I packed my back anf fixed some wraps for lunch and then went inside to get some information about the walks and to get a ticket for the bus. And i couldn't believe it, suddenly the sky cleared up and the sun was coming out! Perfect timing!!
      You can not drive into the National Park on your own, you have to hope on one of the busses that is leaving every 10-25 minutes at each of the 4 stopps.
      I decided to dive to Dive Lake first. That is the last stop.
      As we just left Ronny Creek, one stop before Five Lake, the bus driver said: oh there is a Wombat already awake. It's cold enough today to be up so early already . I wanted off the buss now, but that was not possible. So i was hoping he'll be there when I come back.
      Was thinking about doing the Dove Lake walk, around 2 hours around the lake, but unfortunately a section of the track is closed at the moment so I did just the short walk to the boat shed.
      Could even see Cradle Mountain with out any clouds around him! What a beautiful place, I am so in love with this place already.
      I went back to the buss station and jumped on the next buss.
      Next stopp Ronny Creek.
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    • Dag 471

      Cradle mountain - Dove lake

      2. februar, Australia ⋅ 🌬 12 °C

      Nachdem uns das so viele leute empfohlen haben sind wir dann zum cradle mountain gegangen. Cradle mountain ist ein UNESCO welt natur erbe und erfüllt 7 kriterien dafür. Um welt natur erbe zu werden braucht man nur ein kriterium.. cradle mountain ist also besonders toll. Am ersten tag sind wir um den dove lake drum rum gelaufen. Der see ist direkt vor den bergen. Auf foto 3, 5 und 10 kann man cradle mountain ganz rechts sehen. Nur die ganz rechte spitze ist cradle mountain, die anderen haben andere namen.Les mer

    • Dag 473

      Cradle mountain pt 2

      4. februar, Australia ⋅ ☁️ 20 °C

      Weil unser busticket 3 tage gültig war sind wir nach einem tag pause nochmal zum cradle mountain gegangen und haben einen part vom (anscheinend) weltberühmten overlandtrack gemacht. Der overland track startet beim cradle mountain visitor center und geht dann durch den ganzen nationalpark und ich glaub auch durch die anliegenden. Es ist eine 6 tage 5 nächte wanderung.. das haben wir natürlich nicht gemacht. Wir waren nur für fast 4 stunden unterwegs... nach ganz vielen stufen haben wir uns dann enschieden noch 200 meter weiter hoch zu klettern... an einer eisenkette... um zum marions lookout zu kommen (8) und es hat sich angefühlt als wären wir fast genau so hoch wie die bergsspitze. Es sind 1224m über dem meeresspiegel. Die aussicht wars definitiv wert. Auf dem rückweg hab ich sogar ne schlange gesehen... bzw den letzten teil der schlange weil sie im busch verschwunden ist aber das war auch okay weil in tasmanien sowieso alle schlangen giftig sind. An dem tag haben wir 17 000 schritte gemacht und waren voll k.o.Les mer

    • Dag 5

      Ronny Creek - Wombat Parade

      2. mars 2023, Australia ⋅ ☁️ 15 °C

      As I got off the buss at Ronny Creek I scanned the hill for the Wombat. But he/she wasn't there anymore. Started talking to a couple from Australia on the way and as we came around one corner, there was a Wombat! 😍 Quite far away from the track but I got so happy, I couldn't believe it. He then said after a minute or so, well there is not just one Wombat, there are actually three of them. Look more to the right and you see a mummy with her baby. That was such an amazing moment. I was almost crying, it was really touching me to see them.
      Then we heard from people walking back to the buss station, that there is one mor just around the next corner, right beside the track.
      I am in heaven.
      Found even one more, closed to a bridge.
      Had number four walk right beside me over the track. Saw nr five on the way back to the buss station. One more closed to him, but I think that was nr one. 😉 So I will not count that one.
      And then one more right beside the track closed to the buss stopp. Big smiles everywhere.
      7 Wombat around 2pm in the middle of the day within 30 minutes. How amazing is that!
      After that I went to the Ranger Station stopp, had some lunch. Totally forgot about eating with all the Wombats around.
      Here I want to go for some shorter walks.
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    • Dag 7

      Overland Track 1/6

      19. januar 2023, Australia ⋅ ⛅ 13 °C

      Off we went… After an early morning start, a bumpy bus ride and coffee on the way, it was time to say goodbye to civilization. Our little group of 7 courageous hikers and 2 guides started our Overland Track from Ronny’s Creek to Waterfall Valley.
      The weather was probably the worst that day - but still not bad, just a bit windy and chilled. All of us had to get used to that bulky heavy thing on our backs - challenged right away with the steepest section of the trail…
      But… we survived and got rewarded with some pretty amazing views. Two little huts on the way - incl one that looked more like an old diver’s helmet where we learned that the best way to get a hut set up and potentially named after you is to die of hypothermia… if you ‘just’ fall - no hut, I’m afraid… (yup… bit of a weird humor here… but it should become a theme over the next days… luckily, there won’t be a new hut named after any of us anytime soon).
      Finally we reached the destination of this day, set up tent (far away from the toilets - which meant a long way to go for me twice (!) during the night) and said goodnight to our little wallaby neighbors…
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    • Dag 1 795

      Dove Canyon

      3. mars, Australia ⋅ 🌬 4 °C

      The main reason we drove all the way to Cradle Mountain is to go on a canyoning tour. We wanted to explore the Dove Canyon and it was a great tour but bloody cold! Unfortunately we got hit by a pretty bad storm so it was raining, super windy (100km/h gusts) and the temperature was around 5°C. Great to have a swim in a Canyon! It was so much fun!

      Der Hauptgrund warum wir den ganzen Weg zum Cradle Mountain gefahren sind ist eine Canyoning Tour durch den Dove Canyon. Leider haben wir noch immer kein Glück mit dem Wetter so ging unsere Tour bei 5°C, Windböen bis 100km/h und Regen los. Perfektes Wetter zum Baden in einer Schlucht! Es hat tatsächlich mega Spaß gemacht auch wenn es wirklich kalt war!
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    • Dag 5

      Enchanted Walk and King Billy Walk

      2. mars 2023, Australia ⋅ ☁️ 15 °C

      Next up the Enchanted Walk, super easy and nice walk beside a river. Started to rain though. Was waiting for it, as it got more dark clouds around. So I packed up my rain jacked and kept on going.
      Had to dress up a few times. In the sun it's warm, without fresh and with the rain almost cold. Funny game.
      But the walk was nice anyway. At the end of the Enchanted Walk i could continue to the King Billy Walk. Amazing old rainforest with Hugh trees. Really beautiful. Both walks together took me around 45 minutes instead of the estimated 1 hour.
      On the way back to Ranger Station I finally saw some Wallabies around the Giftshop. One was just jumping over the path right beside me. Amazing!
      As i started to get tired again, I just went on one more walk.
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    • Dag 53

      Cradle Mountain National Park

      19. januar 2020, Australia ⋅ ⛅ 27 °C

      Wir verbringen den Tag im Cradle Mountain St. Claire National Park. Die Nacht war kalt, der Tag im Nationalpark auf 1500m ü. N. N. dafür unerwartet warm.
      Die erste Wanderung führt uns um den Dove Lake. Der Rundwanderweg führt durch einen Mix aus verschieden Landschaftsbildern. Schroffes Buttongrass, das man meist in Feuchtgebieten findet, windet sich entlang des Weges und mündet in kleinen sandigen Buchten. Wasserfälle säumen hier und da den Weg und dichter moosbewachsener Regenwald verzaubert abschnittsweise.

      Wir wechseln den Wanderweg und siehe da, wir sehen unsere ersten wilden Wombat!!! Die runden Kugeln lassen sich wirklich durch wenig aus der Ruhe bringen, immer fokussiert auf den nächsten saftigen Grashalm 😁.

      Das Erreichen des Startpunktes der nächsten Wanderung gestaltet sich ein wenig schwierig, da die im Park verkehrenden Shuttelbusse irgendwie immerwieder ausversehen am Startpunkt des Weges vorbei fahren. Einmal den Startpunkt erreicht hat es für uns den Vorteil, dass auf der kompletten Strecke kein anderer Wanderer zu sehen ist.

      Zum Abschluss marschieren wir noch schnell entlang des Entchanted Walk, der durch die schiefen moosbewachsenen Bäume dem Namen entsprechend ein wenig verzaubert wirkt.

      Wir beenden den Tag mit einem Veggieburgerbarbeque im Park von Sheffield. Die letzte Fahrt des Tages führt uns durch einen schier nicht enden wollenden Weg durch den Wald (mit wild wahnsinnig vielen verrückten Melonen auf beinen - >Pademellons) bis zum Startpunkt für die morgige Wanderung zu den Meander Falls.
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    • Dag 5

      Pencil Pine Falls and Knyvet Falls

      2. mars 2023, Australia ⋅ ☁️ 16 °C

      First walk up was the Knyvet Falls walk through a beautiful rainforest. Short walk of the track leads to Pencil Pine Falls. Lovely waterfalls but to crowed to i just took a picture and went on to Knyvet Falls.
      The track was going up and down a little, not to bad but a good training for my Canyoning Trip tomorrow!
      The walk is about to take around 45 min, I think I finished it in around 30 min.
      Knyvet Falls was a little bit disappointing as you are standing on top of the waterfall but you can't get down there. The rock formations were really special.
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    • Dag 5

      Rainforest Walk

      2. mars 2023, Australia ⋅ ☁️ 15 °C

      Last ones up was the Rainforest Walk.
      The shortest one of all, about 10 minutes. Also very nice and easy walk. Got to see the Penci Pine Falls from the other side of the river.
      After that I took a buss to the car park and saw another Wombat during the drive, Wombat Nr 9 😉
      Could be worst.
      I had a little break and then went to Devils@Cradle for the 5:30pm feeding tour.
      The one km there I could drive with my car as the sanctuary is just outside the Cradle Mountain National Park.
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