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    • Day 22

      Ein Tag am Cradle Mountain

      November 17, 2022 in Australia ⋅ ⛅ 6 °C

      Eigentlich wollten wir von der Lodge aus los wandern aber der ausgesuchte Weg war auf Grund des Wetters sehr schlammig. Also ein Blick auf die Karte und schon ist die Entscheidung gefallen. Wir wandern heute erst mal um den Dove Lake am Fuße des Cradle Mountain. Die Wanderung ist als moderat beschrieben und dauert ca. 3 Stunden. Mit dem Bus geht es zum Ausgangsort, der ist für uns kostenlos, wir sind ordentliche Touris und haben schon ein Permit für alle Nationalparks und das ist auch hier die Fahrkarte. Es ist wirklich ein sehr schöner Wanderweg. Nach reichlich 3 Stunden sind wir rum und beschließen den Wombatpool zu besichtigen. Der Weg geht über viele Treppen bergauf und ist ganz schön anstrengend, geschafft. Der kleine See liegt in der Sonne aber kein Wombat zu sehen also Rückweg und über den Lake Lilla Track zurück zur Bushaltestelle. Belohnung gibt es hundert Meter vor der Bushaltestelle auf der Wiese tummeln sich mehrere unserer felligen Freunde.Read more

    • Day 21

      Tasmanian Devils

      February 2 in Australia ⋅ 🌬 12 °C

      Visited a Tasmanian Devil sanctuary to watch them get fed and learn more about them.

      They have the strongest bite for size of any mammal, when the mate the male blocks the exit so the woman can't mate with another male, they weren't only in Tasmania, there's a cancer (the only one passed through biting) that is killing lots of them at the moment but they hope a vaccine might be available in about 3 years so they can start releasing ones from the sanctuary.

      There were also Quolls which I had never heard about.

      Ultimately they were all really cute, until they were eating then it got a bit messy, then cute again.
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    • Day 5

      Devils at Cradle

      March 2, 2023 in Australia ⋅ ☁️ 12 °C

      Was there 5:20pm and got to take a look around the sanctuary for some minutes on my own.
      The tour started just in time.
      We got a lot of information about the Tasmanian Devil and the sickness that has killed 80% of them.
      To much to repeat here.
      They also have some Eastern Quoll, the small ones without with spots on the tail, they are on the red list already and really need more protection.
      The Spotted Tail Quoll, much bigger with white spots on the tail, are also in danger. So the sanctuary does a lot to keep these 3 Spezies native to Australia.
      So glad I did this tour. But I was very tired. The tour finished at 6:40 pm. I went to my car so I can get straight away to the campground. As i am in my way to start the car, I saw a Wallaby. So I got out of the car for a picture and then I saw the Wombat. Wallaby and Wombat at the same time. Amazing! Wombat Nr 10 for today 😉
      Then I went to the Campground just 15 minutes away from the Park.
      Well it's not a real campground. There are just to Dixie's and that's it.
      As i was very tired I had a sandwich for lunch, set up my tent and wanted to lay down as I started to talk to the German couple closed to my tent. Ending up talking beside a nice fire until 10:15 pm. It got really cold in the evening so I was wrapping up like a burrito and hoping to stay warm. 🥶
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    • Day 43

      T1 - Tasmanien

      December 2, 2018 in Australia ⋅ ⛅ 12 °C

      ▪️Nach 10h gegen 7Uhr sind wir in Devonport mit der Fähre angekommen
      ▪️Die Überfahrt ging echt schnell, konnten alle recht gut in den Schlafsitzen schlafen
      ▪️Sind erstmal zu Coles unser Obst und Gemüse wieder einkaufen gegangen und haben gefrühstückt
      ▪️Haben uns eine Tropfsteinhöhle "Marakoopa Cave" im Mole Creek Karst National Park angeschaut
      ▪️Dort floß ein Höhlenfluss und Glühwürmchen hingen an der Decke
      ▪️Unser kostenloser Campingplatz ist an einen richtig schönen Platz, direkt an einen Fluss mitten im Nationalpark
      ▪️Um in den Nationalparks schlafen zu können, mussten wir einen Pass kaufen für 60$
      ▪️Der ist jetzt 2 Monate gültig und gilt für alle Nationalparks auf Tasmanien
      ▪️Am Abend hat uns ein kleines flauschiges Possum besucht

      💡 Alkohol kann man nur in sogenannten Bottleshops oder Liquidshops kaufen.
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    • Day 31

      Hobart to Cradle Mountain

      March 2, 2020 in Australia ⋅ ⛅ 6 °C

      Today is Dave's Birthday. We checked out and went and had some breakfast at a nice bakery, picked because of the quality of the cakes. We chose three cakes and did our best to hide them away in the fridge in the car without Dave knowing. Did a bit of shopping as we were not sure what would be available at Cradle Mountain. We took a tourist route which took us past a couple of huge lakes / reservoirs used to feed the areas Hydro Electric plant. We stopped at Delaraine for lunch, a small town where everyone seemed to know everyone else. We had lunch in the Deli which was very good. We carried on to Cradle Mountain with the temperature dropping the closer we got. By the time we arrived it had dropped to 7 degrees the same temperature as Haverfordwest!!
      Cradle Mountain Wilderness Retreat is a development of small alpine chalets set in a huge National Park. There is a main reception with a bar and restaurant, so not quite the wilderness but very peaceful nonetheless. We stayed in and had sausage and beans on toast and played some cards. Steady night as big walk planned for tomorrow.
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    • Day 340

      🚌 Cradle Mountain⛰️

      January 26, 2023 in Australia ⋅ ☁️ 14 °C

      We where all so ready to climb the famous Cradle Mountain. Once we arrived got a bit disappointed on the tourist complex that we found surrounding the National Park and the amount of people in it. Still, we wouldn't misd the chance to go for it. I decided to finally buy a proper raincoat (yeah, after a year of going rainy season after rainy season), and investigated the best way to get to the top (spoke to a crazy lady in the front desk who made it look like we were gonna die on the attempt, which made Jesse a bit angry haha). I walked a bit the area, which was quite successful cause I got to see echidnas, wombats, padimelons and... Tiger snakes! And then we went into the only tabern in the place to study a bit and had some food. Jesse and Sarah decided to get some nice fancy food, which ended up being simple and overpriced, so I figured we'd figure we'd make the price even and renewed the bus' cutlery and ran back to our sweet sweet home. Got ready to go to bed for the next big day that was awaiting us, and... Right before finishing the day, we got to see the southern lights!!!! Sky was green in between the darkness of the night, which was soso exciting. Next morning, woke up, got on the shuttle but thay would take us to the beginning of the trail, and spread in two, Jesse wanted to do the toughest way to the end while I wanted to do the long one that went around different lakes and craters. So Sarah and I enjoyed that nice walk and met Jesse in a point in between. It was really foggy, windy and cold, so when we got to the emergency hut before the toughest part, it seemed like anyone there would dare to attempt the final climb. But we were pretty determined. As high as we would go, the toughest it would get, so the last hour was full boulder climbing, which was a good fun way (even though Sarah wasn't so keen about it, since she doesnt like rocks nor highs). Reached the peak, with no views at all, but it was still rewarding because of the challange it had been. On our way down, sky started clearing so we were lucky enough to get some views of the area, and as well, the place started getting busy, so we were happy that we managed to avoid the crowds, even if it was on a tiny adverse weather. Walked back and made it back to to the bus. The hike was clearly fun and a bit challenging, it remainded me a bit to hiking Pedraforca. It was good to activate ourselves after being taken evrrywhere by the bus. Once we got back and rested a bit, drove to the next destination, Launceston.

      📌 Essentials: Cradle Mountain Summit
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    • Day 18

      Doorstep of doom

      March 1 in Australia ⋅ ⛅ 20 °C

      At least once a day (but often more) when we’re on the move, I drop something. It never falls down at my feet - oh no - it manages to funnel itself down the side of the door, on to the low step I need to scale, when getting in /out of Sheila. The item is always dropped before I’ve used it, not when I’m putting it back into the glove compartment having done whatever. This makes me sooo frustrated! I can see the thing but won’t be able to reach it until we stop and I’ve climbed down.

      Yesterday’s unattainable item was my hand cream (slither of pink in pic) 🫤

      Today: tissues & my sun hat 🤷‍♀️
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    • Day 5

      The Vale of Belvoir

      March 2, 2023 in Australia ⋅ ☁️ 14 °C

      As I came closer and closer to Cradle Mountain National Park the weather got slightly better and better, even the sun came out mor often. 🤞
      I stopped at the Cradle Mountain Lookout where you have a super nice view over the Vale of Belvoir.
      This landscape is amazing. I am looking forward to explore the park.
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    • Day 6

      Road to Hedspen

      March 3, 2023 in Australia

      Driving was going pretty good. Was expecting to be more tired after the last night and the day in the canyon. But it was going good, so I drove all the way to Hedspen, a small town outside of Launceston. 23 degrees here and some lovely Lorikeet welcoming me on the campground. Got to call the owner as the reception was already closed since one hour at 6 pm. But they had a free tent side for me so I could stay and started building up my tent, had a shower and then was cooking diner. Talked to an older lady for a while and as I first couldn't figure out how to turn on the oven she invited me to her cabin to cook there. But just then I made it to turn them on, finally.
      I even watched some cockatoos fighting over the best spot in the tree. So lovely to see all the wonderful birds around again. 😍
      So I went to bed around 9:30pm I think. Still over 10 degrees. Looking forward for a warmer night!
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    • Day 51

      Höhle King Solomon + Leven Canyon

      January 17, 2020 in Australia ⋅ ⛅ 20 °C

      Tasmanien verfügt über unfassbar viele Tropfsteinhöhle (>800 Stück) . Um diese zu schützen sind nur 3 für Touristen zugänglich.
      Wir haben uns gedacht, dass dies mal eine ganz nette Abwechslung wäre und haben eine Tour gebucht.
      Unser Guide Erin erklärt uns, dass die meisten Höhlen ursprünglich durch unterirdische Flüsse entstanden sind. Stalaktiten und Stalakmiten entstehen durch die Ablagerung von Mineralien, die mit Wasser durch die Erde in die Höhlen gelangen. Je nach Mineralie lagert sich eine andere Farbgebung an. Auch durch die ersten Erkundungen vor vielen Jahren mit Öllampen oder durch Buschbrände konnten wir Rußablagerungen erkennen. Die Bilding eines Milimeters der Tropfsteine dauert extrem lange (10-30 Jahre). Besonders wichtig ist der Hinweis, dass diese nicht weiter wachsen können, wenn sie berührt werden (durch die Hautfette, die sich am Kristall ablagen)!

      Es waren lediglich 9 Grad in der Höhle und es war sehr eng (wirklich sehr eng, wir mussten den Kopf und Bauch oft einziehen). Die Höhle wurde damals gefunden, als ein gejagtes Tier hineinfiel. Der Originalschacht ist 30m tief und besteht noch (ist nicht mehr der heute genutzte Eingang). Bei der Führung wird zeitweise die Beleuchtung ausgemacht, damit man das Sonnenlicht im alten Schacht erkennen kann. Sehr eindrucksvoll und beruhigend!

      Die King Salomon Höhle war die beeindruckenste Tropfsteinhöhle, die wir bislang gesehen haben!

      Danach fahren wir zum Leven Canyon. Unsere Erwartungen sind nicht hoch, da die Bilder im Wanderführer eher 'naja' sind und wir auch im Internet nicht viel finden. Vor Ort gibt es aber nach einer kurzen Wanderung eine Aussichtsplattform mit einem genialen Ausblick! Der Rundweg führt dann über 697 Stufen zurück zum Parkplatz. Bei dem Spaziergang lernen wir Christine, Christian und die kleine Pauli aus Berlin kennen, die uns dazu überreden, eine Nacht vor Ort auf dem Parkplatz/Campinggelände zu bleiben. Dafür mussten sie uns mit Nudeln aushelfen, da wir nichts mehr Essbares dabei hatten und der nächste Supermarkt 40min entfernt war... Nachts haben wir uns auf Tiersuche im umliegenden Gestrüpp gemacht (wir haben unser erstes bushy tail gesehen) und ein wärmendes Lagerfeuer gemacht. Eine sehr nette kleine Familie 😊
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