Meander Valley

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    • Dag 16

      Cataract Gorge

      28. februar, Australien ⋅ ☁️ 27 °C

      Cataract Gorge is about 5 mins round the corner from our site. It was Launceston Cup day, which might explain why there were lots of folk at the gorge today, think everyone had an unofficial day off. On a midweek Wednesday, there should only have been a few seniors (us included!)

      We jumped on the chairlift and traversed the gorge basin, it was quiet, calm and the views were beautiful. After a cuppa we wandered back over the suspension bridge and back to the magic bus. The sun was hot and think we both caught the sun at that point, as we’re sporting vibrant pink patches now 😬

      Next stop, Platipi…..
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    • Dag 7


      7. februar 2023, Australien ⋅ ☁️ 15 °C

      Was war das denn für ein Tag heute. Ich starte heute morgen in Hobart mit dem Check out. Anschließend mache ich einen Spaziergang in den Hafen von Hobart und zu einem Outdoorladen, um Essen für meine Wanderung am 11.2 zu besorgen. Alles hat super funktioniert. Nun kann ich mich aufmachen zu meiner 3 - stündigen Autofahrt nach Laucestion. Ich schaffe es sogar auf dem Weg noch zu tanken. Es hat alles super funktioniert.
      Als ich angekommen bin, hatte ich nicht bedacht das ich ja dort kein Parkplatz habe. So bleibt die noch eine Parkplatz suche offen. Es ist unglaublich. Es gibt reichlich Parkplätze zum parken, allerdings nur zwei übernacht. Ich ergattere mir ein Parkplatz und mache mich auf in die Unterkunft um mich frisch zu machen. Von dort entschied ich eine kleine Runde am Fluss spazieren zu gehen. Ein kleinen Rast im Park mache ich. Du einen sehr aufmerksamen Asiatische jungen Mann entdeckt ich 3 Pfauen. Sie sehen wunderbar aus. Ich lass mich auf einer Bank nieder und die Pfauen kommen richtig nah. Ich bin schwer beeindruckt. Kann mein Glück kaum fassen, das ganze bleibt keine einmaliges Erlebnis sondern wiederholte sich. Voller Faszination verliere ich das Zeitgefühl und verweile hier über eine Stunde. Auf dem Rückweg habe ich mich leider verlaufen, da ich so von den Tieren beeindruckt war. Voller Motivation mache ich mich in das Hostel. Eigentlich freue ich mich auf mein Omlet nur leider wird das nichts. Denn vor lauter erschrecken Stelle ich fest, es gibt kein Herd, kein Salz, Pfeffer und Öl gibt es auch nicht. Nun muss improvisieren. Es gibt dann Salat und Brot. Das Brot wird mit ordentlich Avocado 🥑 Frischkäse und Tomaten belegt. Dazu gibt es Salat mit Tomaten, Pilzen und Avocado. Sehr lecker!!!
      Jetzt verstehe ich auch warum in der Küche niemand isst 😃
      Ich war etwas traurig das ich heute nicht ein Wort Englisch gesprochen habe und mich irgendwie etwas nach Gesellschaft beim Essen gesehnt habe. Sehe es aber optimistisch, so habe ich für morgen mehr Energie und bin fit beim frühen Aufstehen.
      Nun will mich startklar machen, um in meiner Kapsel zu schlafen. Super witzig. Man fühlt sich wie in einem Raumschiff. Bin gespannt wie ich hier drin schlafe. Wie durch ein Wunder schlafen in der Kapsel neben an 2 Mädels aus Australien. Wir unterhalten uns noch etwas und sie laden mich zum Cafe zu sich nach Hause ein. Eine wohnt in Melbourne und eine in Perth. Beide sehr nett zu dem Café wird es aber nicht kommen. Lustig ist das sie für morgen die selben Pläne haben wie ich auch. Mal schauen ob ich sie morgen auf der Wanderung treffe und in der Unterkunft sehe. Sie haben die selbe Unterkunft. Ein sehr schöner abendlicher Ausklang.
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    • Dag 6


      18. januar 2023, Australien ⋅ ☁️ 21 °C

      Launceston. A city I had not heard about until I started planning this trip. So, I came here with no expectations at all, actually getting out of here on the same evening my hiking trip concludes (after a shower ;-)).

      So, I just strolled through the town this morning, towards the little river I saw on the map… lucky surprise - I ended at the Launceston Cataract Gorge - which was indeed gorgeous. And ended to be much more sweaty than expected. A beautiful spot…

      After that, back to my hotel (still impressed that the guy at the reception knew my name and the duration of my stay simply by telling him my room number!), grabbing my stuff for the pre-trip meeting for my Cradle Mountain Overland Trail hiking tour starting tomorrow. 7 guests (6 women), 2 guides, and we will be ready to go early tomorrow… and it sounds as if we may have to endure a bit of a temperature shock… about 30C today - down to 13 tomorrow… but I was told that the weather constantly changes and we can expect snow or heat or both in one trip - so let’s see what we will get.

      And after grabbing some last things from the supermarket (snacks) and (almost) successfully fighting the temptation of all these outdoor stores here (another nice add on of this town) I’m now enjoying a glass of wine and a fancy dinner and the other amenities of modern life (shower, proper bed, light simply by pushing a switch, wifi, using the bathroom at night without shuffling out of a sleeping bag, finding shoes, a headlamp and walking through the cold), before heading out tomorrow.

      Remaining question: Should I bring my camera or just take the phone?!?

      There may not be many updates during the next 6 days - so all the fancy hiking pics and weird stories will have to wait…

      Fun fact: the sun sets only at 8:45pm - and I and my body are sooooo confused…

      PS: Launceston is Tasmania’s second largest city with a population of a bit less than 90k, which makes it 18th largest city of Australia. It’s a UNESCO city of gastronomy (little did I know that existed), has some nice restored Victorian houses and at least 8 churches.

      PPS: For anyone interested - this is what I’m doing the next couple of days:…
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    • Dag 52

      Launceston: QVMAG

      1. februar, Australien ⋅ 🌬 73 °F

      After a good night’s rest, we headed into the Launceston CBD to run a couple of errands. And then we were ready to spend time at QVMAG — which stands for Queen Victoria Museum and Art Gallery.

      The museum actually consists of two separate buildings.

      First up was the Art Gallery at Royal Park … described as reflecting “…our histories, identities, and stories in a fresh and contemporary context.”

      It was interesting … and some of the pieces were thought-provoking.
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    • Dag 93

      Je me tatoue 😱

      8. marts 2023, Australien ⋅ 🌬 16 °C

      Hello les amis,👋🏼
      Journée à Launceston, nous avons tous les 4 choisi de nous faire tatouer (oui, c'est pour la vie je sais !). Un petit cœur discret, il représente tout ce que nous avons vécu sur cette île, les rencontres fortes, les fous rires et les bons souvenirs.
      Et moi, j'ai décidé de me faire tatouer le 601, le chiffre qui m’a emmené loin et qui me guide d'une manière ou d'une autre. Il me dit que je suis au bon endroit au bon moment.
      La petite Alice s'est fait tatouer pour la première fois.
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    • Dag 41

      Windy excursion 🌪🏔🌬🏖

      27. januar, Australien ⋅ ☁️ 16 °C

      My first way today was to the famous Harvest market in Launceston, which takes place pnly saturdays and even is a UNESCO heritage. 👩🏼‍🌾👨🏽‍🌾
      Besides local fruit (especially cherries 🍒), herbs and vegtables one can also find local pastry, honey, olive oil and food stands. 🍇🍐🥦🥕🥐🍯🥟🍔☕️
      It was a really lovely market, especially when a live band started to play as well. 🎶🎙
      After about an hour there I made my way to the Ben Lomond national park, as I wanted to hike up to the summit of Mt. Ben Lomond, which is around 1,500m high. 🏔
      In winter locals can go skiing up there and in summer it's supposed to be a nice hiking spot. 🎿🥾
      On my way up (you have to drive up rather high) I already realizid, that I did not bring the right was sooo windy and freeeezing up there 🌪🌪🥶🥶 so I decided to just stop at Jacob's ladder and then drive back down...even more as the summit was completely foggy anyways 🌫😶‍🌫️
      I then drove to Bridgeport, a nice village on the northshore of the island and went for a little walk there 😊
      It was for sure warmer than on Ben Lomond, but I couldn't escape the wind today haha 🙈 it was so strong there, that I constantly had to hold my sunglasses on my nose, cause otherwise they would have been blown away 🤓 and no, taking them off was not an option, as I would have had all the sand blown in my eyes then 😅
      From Bridgeport I headed back to Launceston, where I spent a nice evening 😊

      Soundtrack of the day:
      Windy - The Association…
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    • Dag 40

      Aussie national day in Tassie 🥰

      26. januar, Australien ⋅ 🌙 15 °C

      First of all - happy Australian national day! 🇦🇺🥳
      Once again the alarm clock went off veeery early...see picture 😬
      So I got ready, walked to the airport (so glad the hostel was just a 10 mins walk from there) and dropped off the backpack.
      The plane took off punctually at 6 am and almost 3 hours later i safely landed in Tasmania 🤩🥳 so excitedto be here!
      When picking up my rental car, one of the agents said it's a must to go to the Cateract Gorge when staying in Launceston, so I did right away. 😉
      Driving there was a bit thrilling, since it's the first time for me to drive on the left side 🚙↔️ but I got used to it quiet fast 🙏
      The place was really nice, since it's not only the Gorge itself, but also a national park around. 🏞
      Even thought it's been rather crowded at the beginning - probably because it was a holiday and there's also a pool and a basin to swim in - I kept on walking paths for around 4 hours and probably met only 10 other people. 🤠
      Soooo enjoyed the hiking...being just with myself, listening to the Wind and the sounds of the wood and oh, this smell of it! 😍
      But I also had other encounters...with 2 wild kangaroos 🦘🦘 and 2 snakes 🐍🐍. For those who know how easily I get can imagine my reaction when I saw the snakes in the corner of my eye right next to the path 😱
      After this adventurous walk I drove to the hotel, did some grocery shopping & enjoyed my dinner in a nearby park. 😊🥕🥑🥪

      Soundtrack of the day:
      Meet me in the woods - Lord Huron…
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    • Dag 53

      OTR: Mural Town … Sheffield

      2. februar, Australien ⋅ ☀️ 64 °F

      From Deloraine, we headed to the town of Sheffield. That it was on our way to CMNP was a good thing. But we would have detoured for this one if necessary. You see, Sheffield is “The Town of Murals.” With over 100 pieces of artwork on display, it is part of Tasmania’s “Outdoor Art Gallery.”

      The backstory to the murals goes back to 1986 when a group of locals wanted to find a way to save their town from economic hardship. A couple of the members had seen a documentary about a town in Canada — Chemainus — that had turned things around and made their town a tourist destination by painting murals on the walls of buildings. With a ready-made audience of Cradle Mountain bus tours stopping in Sheffield to use the public toilets, the town leaders decided to follow in the footsteps of Chemainus. And the rest, as they say, is history.

      We started out at the Mural Park. With some 30+ colorful works in one place, I was in mural heaven. I liked that each one had a cover over it to protect it from the elements. A quick in/out at the Art Gallery near the park. And then Mui pulled out the mural walking map and guided me around town to find the murals scattered all around the streets. I didn’t photograph them all … but came darn close to it.

      At about the halfway point, we stopped in at a café recommended by a local to get some meat pies for lunch. The flavor we wanted wasn’t out of the oven yet. The counter clerk checked and said they had 7 minutes to go … and promised to save us a couple when we said we’d go search for some more murals while we waited. Good thing she did. We were barely seated when a tour group packed the place.

      What a delightful time we had in Sheffield. Not even the wind that was a-blowin’ made a dent in our pleasure in seeing all the colorful art around town.
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    • Dag 122

      Sheffield and Overland

      24. januar 2023, Australien ⋅ ⛅ 20 °C

      Sheffield is genuinely so cute. It is called the town of murals and I love them all. We were only there for a little bit so I didnt get to see many which is very disappointing. I'm gonna try and go back there while I'm in tassie, see the murals properly.

      From there we drove down to Cradle Mountain. It is genuinely massive. Most of the group decided to climb up to the look out, I chose to wander the beginning if the Overland track.

      The Overland track is something I have considered doing but clearly do not have the physical willpower. It is a 7 day hike across the wilderness. A vibe but one I will maybe try in a few years. Once I have a better stamina and have done all the fun things you can do in this world!
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    • Dag 47

      Cradle Mountain

      24. januar 2023, Australien ⋅ ⛅ 11 °C

      Hüt si mir i Cradle Mountain Nationalpark gsi gah wanderä. Mitem Outo hei mir bis zum Visitor Center chönnä fahrä u när isches mitemnä Bus i Nationalpark innä gangä. Eigech hei mir planet dr Lake Dove Circuit z machä. Nachdäm mir gseh hei wi viu lüüt dert dürä si hei mir üs spontan entschiidä ufä Cradle Mountain ufäzgah.

      Zersch si mir vom Lake Dove zum Lake Lilla überägloffä u vo dert us wiiter zum Wombat Pool (leider hei mir ke Wombat gseh, nur ä Echidna). Vo dert us isches när düruf gangä zum Crater Lake, vo wo mä ä super Ussicht uf di angerä Seeä gha het 😃. När isches wiiter zum Marion Lookout gangä, wos mau gredi z Loch uf gangä isch u mä ä chliinä Teil nu het müessä Chlätterä 😅. Dobä aacho hei mir d Ussicht gnossä, nur zum när erfahrä, dass mir ersch i dr heufti si u dr Lookout nu wiiter obä isch 🤦🏼‍♀️ Drum hei mir üs grad ufä wiiterwäg gmacht u si zum eigentlichä Lookout ufä, was sich total glohnt het😊.

      Dr Cradle Mountain isch scho i griffnechi gsi, drum hei mir nid zviu Zyt verlorä u si wiiter gloffä. Bir nächschtä Verzwiigig hei mir üs aber när ufgrund vo dä unsicherä Wätterbedingigä entschlossä, dass mir nid ufä Gipfu ufä göh, sondern si via Horse Track nu dr Bärgchötti entlang, rund umä Crater Lake, gloffä. Mirä Meinig nach isches ä super umentscheidig gsi, isch nämlich wunderschön gsi 😍
      Uf däm Wäg isch nu äs Schlängeli glägä, wo trotz stampfä nid wäg het wöuä. Dr Christian hets de när doch nu gschafft sä chönnä z vertriebä 😅.

      Wieder im Tal unger si mir statt dr Nechi nah vo dr eintä Station wieder zrüg zum Start gloffä, dass het de aber scho afä chli aaghänkt 🥵 aber nach insgesamt über 5 Stung hei mirs wieder ufä Bus zrüg zum Outo gschafft.
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