south east asia

Kasım 2022 - Haziran 2024
elias adventures tarafından sınır tanımayan bir macera Okumaya devam et
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  • Gün 11


    25 Kasım 2022, Tayland ⋅ ☁️ 22 °C

    9 a.m. - I talked to a spanish guy at breakfast and we reckon that we both are planning the same jungle trekking tour in Chiang Mai.

    9:30 a.m. - I went for my first little hike to the white buddha. I easily could go with a scooter but I am to scared because they drive on the left side of the street, the streets are not in a good condition and i saw so many people with serious injuries. Don‘t want to end my trip after almost two weeks.

    10:30 a.m. - I arrived at the white buddha and it was amazing. The buddha itself and the view especially. I sat down and just thought about life and wrote it down in my travel journal.

    11:30 a.m. - I left after one hour.

    11:45 a.m. - I saw a cool café on the way to the temple called „fat cat“. I ate something like milk rice with fruits and a iced coffee. Honestly this café is one of my favorites. It is a little bit outside the town but the ambiance is gorgeous. I really loved the space where you ate. It was kind of a bamboo platform in the height with a lot of sitting areas.

    12:45 p.m. - It should have been cloudy but it was so hot when I walked back. I tough I don’t need any suncream and got my first small sunburn.

    1:30 p.m. - I arrived in the hostel and gave up my laundry because I only have one t-shirt and one short left. In the afternoon I read my book at the pool and relaxed a little bit.

    5 p.m. - Exploring Pai is kind of my daily routine now

    6:30 p.m. - I got a good hot yellow curry in a thai restaurant

    8 p.m. - Earlier that day I got a flyer for a nice party in a bar. So I went there and they had good prices for alcoholic drinks. Furthermore there was a free BBQ wich was really tasty and a DJ. I also met there some people I already knew from Bangkok and we had a really fun time.
    Okumaya devam et

  • Gün 12


    26 Kasım 2022, Tayland ⋅ ☁️ 23 °C

    9:30 a.m. - I woke up a little bit hungover and got me a small breakfast. Every morning mom gave us fresh fruits from her garden. Going out every evening is definitely nothing for me.

    10:45 a.m. - I got breakfast and coffee in the „coffeeandcake“ café. I ate a bagel mit peanut butter, nutella & banana’s. Honestly I love peanut butter especially „roti“ with peanut butter.

    12 p.m. - I decided to visit a 1.5h Breathwork class at „Bodhi Tree Yoga“. Breathwork is the practice of consciously working with the breath, generally for relaxation, meditation, or therapeutic purposes, and to unwind tension patterns in the physical, mental, and emotional body. The goal is to get trough breathwork access to the deeper dimensions of the body, psyche, and spirit, in support of therapeutic healing, insight, and self-discovery.

    3 p.m. - I had literally no expectations at the beginning. But afterwards I can say that this experience was one of the craziest in my life so far. At first it was a little bit weird but after a couple of minutes I got used to it. Suddenly everything was automatic and I was like in a trance. I began to tremble, my hands cramped, I had to cry and I kinda passed out for a short time. I could not describe my feelings afterwards. I was kind of sad and happy at the same time. I don‘t know how to explain but it was really intense.

    4 p.m. - I phoned my family and told them what happen the last days.

    7 p.m. - I went for a little walk and got asked by strangers what to do because there was a dog who got hit by a car. So I googled for something like a rescue center but I couldn’t find anything. The only option was to ask the locals and they told us that this dog got injured already five years ago and there is nothing they can do :(

    8 p.m. - I ate at the hostel and went to sleep early because the breathwork was extremely exhausting.

    P.S.: everywhere I go and whatever I do I am by far the youngest backpacker
    Okumaya devam et

  • Gün 13


    27 Kasım 2022, Tayland ⋅ ⛅ 21 °C

    9 a.m. - I got up and ate a little bit. Talked with the other guys in the hostel

    11 a.m. - I went into town to brunch in the
    „Om Garden Café“. I met a german couple which gave me some good advice for traveling alone. They also recommended me some activities they already made. I was almost ready to leave but suddenly another guy, Cesàr, came at my table and we directly had a nice talk.

    2:30 p.m. - I spent the afternoon at the pool in the hostel. Furthermore I got my laundry back.

    6 p.m. - Walking trough the nightmarket looking for food and some clothes I met some Spanish girls from Bangkok. It’s crazy how many I already met twice.

    9 p.m. - Later I hooked up with Cesàr the Belgium guy from the morning and we watched the Belgium World Cup game.

    P.S.: Watching the World Cup when it’s warm and with people from all over the world is fun :)

    I don’t have many other places to compare but I love Pai. It’s a smaller town in the north of Thailand. Although Pai is perfect to relax and explore the nature there is always action in the evening. Furthermore I also love the good café‘s. I almost went in another every day to brunch and read or watching people. As I already mention before I have not rented a scooter because of safety but the next time I definitely will. So I can explore the beauty of Pai by my self.
    Okumaya devam et

  • Gün 14

    Pai -> Chiang Mai

    28 Kasım 2022, Tayland ⋅ ⛅ 22 °C

    8 a.m. - I woke up early today because I moved later to Chiang Mai and I needed to pack my luggage.

    10 a.m. - I said goodbye to my lovely hosts mom and dad. I had a great stay at there accommodation. Samuel, a guy from the hostel, drove me with his motorbike into the center of Pai.

    10:30 a.m. - I had some time to spend so I went into a café to drink a coffee. There I met the Swiss couple from my hostel and we had a nice little chat.

    11:30 a.m. - I hooked up with Elena and Anne to brunch and say goodbye.

    1 p.m. - My bus left from Pai to Chiang Mai. Honestly I think the driver wanted to set a new time record. He drove so fast and criminal it was an adventure.

    4 p.m. - I arrived in Chiang Mai and shared a taxi with other travelers to get to my hostel.

    5 p.m. - I checked in into my hostel called “SmileRobotist”. The owner was very friendly and nice. He recommended me some good places for food, party and sightseeing.

    5:30 p.m. - I went to „Kats Kitchen“ for dinner one of the restaurants my host recommended. I ate Khao Soi and it was excellent but also extremely hot. I never sweated so much. Don’t get me wrong spice is nice but I need to taste the other things as well. Not just burning your mouth. This restaurant seems popular because when I left there was a long queue.

    9 p.m. - I bought tickets for the Muay Thai Figh tonight. I met Cole, Jena and Eliza at my hostel and they also went there. It was a fun night with those american guys. We saw seven entertaining but hard fights and made some bets between us.

    0:30 a.m. - We went back to our hostel and Cole began to play the guitar. Elza joined im later.
    Okumaya devam et

  • Gün 15

    Chiang Mai

    29 Kasım 2022, Tayland ⋅ ⛅ 25 °C

    9 a.m. - Ton the owner of the hostel got us some breakfast.

    10 a.m. - Later Ton has advised me some activities for the next couple of days and I booked some of them.

    11:30 a.m. - I got me a free bicycle for the hole day to explore the city.

    12 p.m. - I visited the temple’s “Wat Chiang Man” and “Wat Phra Singh”. I mean if you saw a few temple’s you saw them all but everyone has another story and the architecture is fascinating. After that I made a little break and drunk for the first time Thai Tee at “Zohng Coffee”. It was unexpected good. Furthermore I went to the pharmacy because I got a cold from the fans and air conditioning. Afterwards I visited another temple “Wat Chedi Luang”.

    2:30 p.m. - There I chatted with monks almost 1.5h. They just sat there and you could asked them whatever you wanted. It was really inspiring, helpful & interesting.

    4 p.m. - I continued my driving around the city. I love just walking/driving around and explore the area.

    5 p.m. - I got hungry so I went to “Blue Noodle” another recommendation of my host. It was a normal noodle soup nothing special. So I was a little bit disappointed.

    8 p.m. - I met two guys at the hostel and we hooked up for dinner. I ate the first time mango and sticky rice as a dessert and I loved it.

    9 p.m. - After dinner we went to a Ladyboy Show. At first we were convinced because the drinks were very expensive and the show started slowly. But after a while we enjoyed it and were sad when they took a 20min break. The second part was even better than the first one because they involved the audience. One part of the show was a wedding and the groom was a guy that in the audience. The whole situation was so funny especially when e dropped the bride. I also got involved several times with dancing, flirting and kissing. At the end we partied all together and we took photos with the actors. I loved it and we had the time of our life so I highly recommend it.

    P.S.: I honestly believe one of the ladyboys got a crush on me. She flirted the hole time with me and kissed me on the cheeks.
    Okumaya devam et

  • Gün 16

    Chiang Mai

    30 Kasım 2022, Tayland ⋅ ⛅ 18 °C

    6:30 a.m. - I got up because I planned the Elephant Sanctuary Tour. I slept not really good because I got a damn cold.

    7:30 a.m. - We got hooked up at our hostel and drove into the mountains.

    10 a.m. - We arrived and got some information about the structure of the day. Furthermore we got a introduction what we can do and what not.
    Then we hiked a little bit in the jungle and suddenly they appeared. We fed them with bananas and sugar cane. Furthermore we gave them a massage and pet them. Honestly I have so much respect of them they are so majestic and strong.

    12:30 p.m. - After that we got some really good lunch with a beautiful view.

    1 p.m. - After lunch we made elephant medicine with vitamins and you had the opportunity to washed them. I decided not to wash them because it started to rain and I did not want to aggravate my cold.

    2 p.m. - We left the sanctuary. Just watching them eating buy themselves or walking trough the jungle and cutting random trees was the best part for me.

    3:30 p.m. - Although it was a nice day I arrived in the hostel extremely exhausted. After I took a refreshing shower I phoned my mom.

    6 p.m. - I hooked up with some girls from the elephant trip and we searched some food at the nightmarket. I left really early because I felt no well and wanted to get some rest.

    P.S.: I usually no longer ask for the name because I forget it again anyway
    Okumaya devam et

  • Gün 17

    Trekking Day 1

    1 Aralık 2022, Tayland ⋅ ☁️ 19 °C

    6:30 a.m. - I woke up and got the usual Ton breakfast. Two slices toast and a banana.

    7:30 a.m. - I got hooked up from the trekking company.

    9:30 a.m. - We drove outside the town into the jungle. On the way we made a small break for food and toilet.

    10 a.m. - We arrived in the jungle and started our two day trekking. San, our guide, Alexi the sportsman & another biology guy (forgot his name), both french, and I. On our trekking I saw once again elephants. Likewise told our guide that Thai man get randomly elected for military. They either pull a red card (military) or black card (no military). Furthermore I learned so many things about plants and their effects in the jungle. For example the „energie tree”. I don’t know exactly what he does but he is a little bit intoxicating.

    12:30 p.m. - We got our pre cooked lunch, fried rice with egg and pineapple, at a nice waterfall. After eating we took a refreshing swim and rested a bit.

    1:30 p.m. - We continued our trekking.

    2:30 p.m. - After 1h we got to another beautiful waterfall with a nice swing. So far on our way we met many other groups who did a one day trekking.

    2:45 p.m. - After leaving the second waterfall we got now into more remote territory. Because most of the people do a one day trekking so they just hike to the waterfall and back. We saw some wild koriander, lemon grass, mushrooms and many rice fields. Sadly we saw no snakes but many spiders.

    4 p.m. - We arrived in our camp for the night. It was really simple and nothing luxury but the view was amazing so I didn’t care. Not long after we arrived was a big thunderstorm and San told us the have no lightning protection.

    6 p.m. - I watched San prepare the dishes for dinner and had a little chat with him. Dinner as amazing. There was kind of a buffet with three different dishes.

    7 p.m. - Because of the bad weather we could not sit around a campfire so we played some “stick games”. We had a lot of fun although they were really tricky. Everyone went to bed early because we had an exhausting day and it was really cold.
    Okumaya devam et

  • Gün 18

    Trekking Day 2

    2 Aralık 2022, Tayland ⋅ ☁️ 21 °C

    8:30 a.m. - I woke up and realized that the weather was the complete opposite from the day before.

    9 a.m. - We got scrambled eggs and toast for breakfast.

    10 a.m. - We continue trekking and decided to go of track for a short time. Because of the heavy rain the day before everything was wet and muddy. My clothes were really dirty especially my shoes were covered by the red mud.
    On the second day we walked trough some Karen village’s and learned many things about there culture and agriculture. Furthermore I learned about there agriculture. I saw how the build new buildings, how they grow there plants like rice, corn, sugar cane and there animals. Mostly dogs, chickens and pigs.

    1 p.m. - We arrived at another waterfall where we got fried noodles as lunch and a fresh pineapple for dessert. The waterfall was really impressive because you could walk through it to get into a cave behind the waterfall.

    2:30 p.m. - We got us some coffee from a local in a bamboo cup and continued our trek.

    16:30 p.m. - We got hooked up from the trekking company and drive back to Chiang Mai.

    6 p.m. - I arrived really exhausted in the hostel, took a refreshing shower and got me some rest.

    7 p.m. - I ate at the local nightmarket and went to bed early.
    Okumaya devam et

  • Gün 19

    Chiang Mai

    3 Aralık 2022, Tayland ⋅ ⛅ 21 °C

    7:30 a.m. - I woke up and got breakfast as every day from Ton.

    8 a.m. - I got picked up for the cooking class.

    9 a.m. - We arrived at the local market where Thais by there Ingredients to cook. Cici, our cooking teacher, showed us around and explained everything.

    9:30 a.m. - We arrived at the smile organic farm and started with a little introduction about the structure of the day. Furthermore everyone could choose the dishes they wanted to cook.

    10 a.m. - Herbs are really important in Thai food so they showed us there herbs garden. Furthermore we could smell, feel and taste everything.

    11 a.m. - We started with the cooking. I started with Spring Rolls and Pad Thai. After eating that I made Panaeng Curry and a Hot and Creamy Soup with shrimp. That was a little bit to much so I packed it for take away. Then we got a little break and continued with the dessert. I chose Mango with Sticky Rice and and least I made Papaya Salad.

    2:30 p.m. - We finished all dishes and to sum it up it was really easy to cook. Thai kitchen is really easy if you have the right ingredients.

    3:30 p.m. - I got back to the hostel and informed me a little about the south of Thailand. Where to stay at Christmas and new year. I freaked a little bit out and booked an accommodation for Christmas but now I am stressed because I have a timetable to follow and I don’t know if I am going to make it.

    6:30 p.m - I ate my remaining food from the cooking class and went into the city. There I met Elena and Anne for a drink. We found out that there is a event for local craftsman and artists. So we went there and had a look. It remained me a little bit of the local markets at home.

    8 p.m. - We went to the “Zoe in yellow” bar and met some people from Pai for a drink. Furthermore two girls from Vorarlberg joined our group and we had a nice evening.

    P.S.: Mom I can cook now :)
    Okumaya devam et

  • Gün 20

    Chiang Mai

    4 Aralık 2022, Tayland ⋅ ☀️ 23 °C

    8:30 a.m. - Breakfast and coffee to start the day. After that I informed me about the south again because I was stressed yesterday and some people told me the weather in the south is not so good. I already booked my flight and I know where to go but the weather can fuck it up. But we will see when I am there.

    11 a.m. - After the stress I got me my first thai massage. Eight euros for one our massage is not bad. Honestly the massage itself was painful because the lady used her knees, elbows, feet, hands and her hole body weight to massage. After the massage I felt newborn so I definitely need another one.

    12:30 p.m. - I made a coffee break at the fancy “muang coffee” café.

    1:30 p.m. - After that I explored the city and found some really cool graffiti art.

    3 p.m. - I relaxed a little bit and read my book.

    6 p.m. - The highlight of that day was the Sunday nightmarket. The biggest in Thailand. The main road is 1km long and there are also many side streets. There I met Elena, Anne and a couple I met in Pai. The market was really impressive there were so many different food zones. Too much good food to eat everything. There I also tried the crickets, it was not to bad. Furthermore you can buy there everything from clothes and souvenirs to handmade soaps and spices. There were so many things I would bought there if I knew I flight home soon. But firstly I have no space and don’t want to carry a heavy backpack. Secondly I don’t want to waste money on things I don’t need really.

    P.S.: It took us 2,5h to walk trough the market and we just saw one site of the road. I have never seen such a big market and so many people than you almost could not walk.

    Chiang Mai is definitely more busy than Pai. There are many cool activities you can do and I love the old town (the square). It is not that big so you can walk everywhere easily and you always have a orientation where you at. Furthermore I loved the graffiti arts in the streets and the Sunday nightmarket is a must seen. In my opinion Chiang Mai is a little bit overhyped but it’s nice and I really enjoyed my stay.
    Okumaya devam et