February 2024 Family Ski trip

Februari - Maret 2024
7 nights atShiga Kogen, followed by 5 nights in Tokyo Baca selengkapnya
  • 14footprint
  • 1negara
  • 15hari
  • 135foto
  • 0video
  • 525kilometer
  • Hari 14

    Our last day

    1 Maret, Jepang ⋅ ⛅ 15 °C

    This morning, we were woken by an earthquake rocking the house before 6am. Mum and I set off for combini breakfast. Then it was packing time, and a bit of a relax until our 10am check out.

    We then dragged our luggage to Skytree and stowed it in lockers. We then rode the train to Asakusa and decided since the weather cleared up to do a cruise down the Sumida river to Hamarikyu Gardens. The next boat was at 11:40, so with 40mins to kill, we walked into Asakusa to get some Taiyaki from the guy on Orange street. Custard tayaki eaten, we headed back to the boat terminal.

    The boat boarded at 11:40 and took about 35mins to get to Hamarikyu Gardens. The biat entered a lock type entrance and moored at the gardens. We walked around the garden, saw some early blossoms and we to the pond with teahouses in the middle. As it was past midday, the family needed feeding again. We walked to Shiodome station and rode the train a few stops to Azubu-juban station. Here we found a small burger cafe and decended upon it. The teriyaki burgers were pretty good. By now, it was 2pm, and there was not enough time to go up Azabudai Hills. So we caught the train back to Oshigae, arriving around 2:40. We retrieved our luggage from the lockers and headed for the 3:44pm train to the airport.

    Arriving at the airport, we retrieved our skis, checked in rather painlessly, self checkin, but then needed oversize and boarding pass, so had to go through the line anyway. Dinner was freshness burger, can rate their teriyaki burger. All set for our 9pm flight.
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  • Hari 13

    Asakusa, Shibuya & Harajuku

    29 Februari, Jepang ⋅ ☁️ 11 °C

    Jason sat out sick today. We did our usual combini breakfast. Mum,I, and the kids headed off to see some sites. Our first stop was Asakusa, where we took Mum up Nakimise Street, where some shopping was done, we did not leave here until after 11am

    Our next stop was Shibuya to experience the scramble crossing. We also found a nearby Maragume udon place for lunch. From here, we rode trains one stop to Harajuku, where Dale spent up at Daiso. We walked down Takeshita Street and went back to the train station.

    We went back to Asakusa to purchase some gifts we had seen and had an early dinner around 4:45 pm at the great Tonkatsu place along the main street. From here, we headed home arriving just before 6 pm.

    Here I collected Jason, and we headed out back to Asakusa to purchase Jason alcohol from Don Quixote. $200 and 8 bottles later, we headed home, arriving around 8 pm.
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  • Hari 12

    Tokyo Disney Resort

    28 Februari, Jepang ⋅ ☀️ 13 °C

    We had breakfast and were out at the trains station by 7am. This put us at Maihama just before 8 am, where we joined a long line of people waiting to enter Disneyland. They did not let anyone in until 9am. We headed for Beauty and the Beast ride, but it was at 120min wait time already. We organised a DAS pass for Oscar and were told to return at 11:50.

    We also got a 40th anniversary pass for Monsters hide n go seek at 11:50-12:50. Oscar wanted to ride. It's a small world, so we headed off and did this. Then we went into Toon town and rode the coaster there, followed by the kids going through Chip and Dale's treehouse. We returned to ride beauty and the Beast at 11:50am, it was a lovely ride, though not sure it was worth the hype.

    We grabbed a DAS pass for space mountain for 2:10pm on our way to Monsters Inc. We rode Monsters Inc. Then, I grabbed some calzones and pizza in Tommowland. We also tried the alien mochi. These were yummy.

    Then we walked the main street, did Cinderella's hall, then the caurosel, and headed to space mountain. Jason sat this one out as he was unwell today. Oscar, Dale and Nanny all rode it. Dale loved it, Oscar was not too thrilled.
    From here, we rode Pirates of the Caribbean, then we went to Frontierland and we got a DAS pass for splash mountain for 6:18pm. Then we rode the paddle boat steamer around the water. Then about 5pm we found a good spot to watch the parade, some stayed and other got food. Jason and Dale had the turkey leg. Nanny minded our spot while we went and rode splah mountain. Oscar still loved it, while Dale hated it just as much as she did when she was 5.

    We then watched the electric parade, it was just as good as before. Joining the crowd of people exiting the park we were spent. We luckily managed to get straight on a train and headed back to Oshiage around 9pm.
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  • Hari 11

    Kawagoe Day trip

    27 Februari, Jepang ⋅ 🌬 10 °C

    Today, the plan was to head to Kawagoe (it was going to be a Disney day, but there were very strong winds). After our combini breakfast, we headed off on trains towards Kawagoe, with the journey taking a bit over an hour or so. It was just as windy there. A visit to the tourist info centre informed us that the historic town was about 2km away, so we bought the all-day bus ticket for 400yen and set off.

    We walked up one side of the historic dection, visiting shops along the way, then headed left to the candy alley street, our lunch stop was some bakery treats, before walking back down the other side. We also saw the bell tower. The wind, however, made it really unpleasant to be outside. So we headed back to the station. With a small Don Quixote detour. The over hour long journey home was made longer by wind delays. Our train became a local train. At one point, we jumped off and across platform to an express with some locals who were doing the same.

    Once at Oshiage, we were going to go up Skytree, but tickets were all sold out. So we instead went up to the 30th floor of skytree view at 4:30pm and sat and waited for the sunset and watched with a nice view. After sunset it was off in the still driving winds to Coco Curry for dinner. Once home, we were glad to be out of the wind. Hats were blown off heads a few times during the day.
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  • Hari 10

    Kamakura day trip

    26 Februari, Jepang ⋅ 🌬 12 °C

    We had an easy start to the day and introduced mum to the combini breakfast.

    After this, we set off to Kamakura. We walked up the old shopping street, tasting some goodies along the way, such as curry bread, awesome fresh Taiyaki, and an amazing chicken curry croquette. We walked up to the temple and the back down the main street, stopping at stores along the way.

    We then stopped in at Saizariya for a sit-down lunch. After this, we caught the bus to Daibutsu, the giant Budda. Mum wanted to see this as her father, my grandfather, had photos here from after the war. We also paid the 50yen extra and went inside.

    From here, we walked down to Hase station to Enoshima and then caught the Shonan monorail back up to Ofuna, and from here, the train back to Yokohama.

    At Yokohama, we visited the showroom of Nissan world headquarters. Jason and I got to sit in a GTR, Dale and Oscar got to have a go at driving a simulator. Then we went to Suraguya and the kids had a ball spending money on lots of cheap stuff. Namely, a giant goat stuffy from Disney wish for 300yen. After we managed to drag the kids out of the store we went and had dinner at Wendy's - teriyaki burgers were nice.

    It was late and we rode trains bavk to Oshiage (skytree) where we were staying.
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  • Hari 9

    Shiga Kogen to Sumida

    25 Februari, Jepang ⋅ 🌧 5 °C

    We got up at 6am and were ready to go for breakfast at 6:45am - our last buffet breakfast. Then we checked out and rode the 7:57am bus back down to Nagano. From here we caught the 10:56 Shinkansen arriving in Ueno at 12:14pm. We then picked up our subway passes for later in the week, and boarded a train for Oshiage.

    Here in the giant mall maze that is Skytree. We found where the luggage storage was and off loaded the bags as check in was 4pm. Then we tried to find food, the mall and the food court were packed, so we ended up at the family mart across the street. Then there was a capsule toyshop, so the kids each got one. Back into the mall we found a Hello Kitty and Pokemon store where the kids spent up a bit.

    As it was time to walk to the house, it was steadily raining, so we went back in and bought a few umbrella at Daiso. Then walked to our house, dumped the bags. After only a few minutes it was time to walk back to skytree to catch the 5:04pm train back to the airport to collect mum.

    After we collected Mum, we had some airport food for dinner. Then it was back on the train to Oshiage.
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  • Hari 8

    Day 6 - on snow (the last one)

    24 Februari, Jepang ⋅ ⛅ -1 °C

    Woke to a cloudy sky with small bits of snow falling few and far between. As it was our last snow day, we decided to head over to the Okushiga kogen side of the mountain.

    At 8:30, we were full of our usual hotel breakfast fare and riding the quad chair up to do runs E1, to D4 and over to the A gondola. At the top of this gondola, we headed off towards Okushiga-kogan, walking the traverse that goes uphill.

    From here, we played around on the runs off the chair at the edge of the resort. They had some fun kids runs, a mellow through the trees experience, and some bigger rollover jumps (last ski day they were under instruction not to break anything). The sun came out while we were over this side enjoying some blue sky. Around 11am, hubby reminded me we wanted to have pizza for lunch from the place beside the bridge at Takamagahara. (Oh, and my previous reports I have Tanne and Takamagahara switched around)

    So we headed off up the chairs, back across to Yakebitaiyama, down B1 to C2, and to the chair to take us up to Diamond. Down Diamond, across the bridge, up the middle chair at Family, through Tanne, and across to Takamagahara. Then it was unclip and walk across the road. The pizzas are fantastic (around 1,400yen) and their fries are great too (at only 350yen old). The view from our lunch table was just beautiful under the blue sky.

    After lunch, it was time to head back. The snow was a lot more sugary, boarding on slushy in the sunlight, but sure beats sheet ice, though that was still lurking in places. We reversed our journey without incident. Dried and packed the ski bags up (each just under 25kg) and sent them to the airport for 6,300 yen. Money well spent.

    Had our last dinner at the Ramen place, and our last onsen.
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  • Hari 7

    Day 5 - on snow all mountain

    23 Februari, Jepang ⋅ 🌫 -4 °C

    Today is Dale's 14th birthday. We woke to some snow on the ground and a bit in the trees. Regular breaky routine took place, and we were out by 8:30am. (Today is an eating and snow day, you are forewarned).

    The plan for today was to head straight to Aspen Shiga to actually have some pastries before they sold out. So out of Prince, down Diamond (less sheet ice today thankfully), across the bridge and up Family quad. From here, we deviated into Terakoya and then down to Hoppo- Bunadaira. Then powder had been well and truly tracked out.

    It was 10am, Aspen Shiga was open, there was pastries. But they were all savoury (I'm a sweet tooth). Hot chocolates were had Jason and Dale had a pastry. As we were sitting there, out came a few more trays of bakery goodness. The custard bread that is just devine. Oscar and I got one, hubbyhad one too (to split with the b'day girl).

    From here, we decided to head to Yokoteyama ski area. We have never been in all our trips to Shiga Kogen. Probably best to visit the 2300m elevation when its not like pea soup, but alas, we ventured onward and upward. By the time we got to the top. We were very cold. We saw the crumpet cafe but also saw the Mt Bakery. So we headed into the bakery for more hot chocolate and some lovely filled bread. Hubby got curry, Dale got cheese, and Oscar and I split a chocolate and custard one.

    We worked out which way was down and began our descent. Some of the switchbacks were very icy. The lower parts under the chair were nice. It was 12:20 when we were down, so we decided to ski Kumanoyu area. Now I'm sure there is an easier way to get to it from the bottom of Yokoteyama chair #1. We were directed to go down the road and then decend off the side, a path that was frozen solid and looked like it had 2 tracks where everyone had slid down. This was with skis off, after we all made it down (kids but slid) we put the skis on and headed through what seemed to be a carpark towards a hotel entrance. Now where do we go we thought. We a guy skis past us and heads to the door, but then turns left, there was another path. Equally as dubious as the first, this one however we climbed a bit, ski on and went through some garden and around a few buildings. The rest of my family skied down the icy path and ove rthe bridge to where we found some lifts (up on a hill). I, however, saw a remove skis here sign, and did so, trying not to slip on my pick you way through the frozen footsteps down the path.

    We ended up doing one run at Kumanoyu, before deciding we should aim for the 2:20 bus. Now we just needed to find where the bus stop was. Asked a local, found it, got in line, a bus came, but those in front of us did not get on. A person behind us got on, so we did the same. The bust went back up to Yokoteyama. As it was the last stop, the driver made us get out, so we joined the line and got back on. 3 out of the 4 of us got a seat. Now we realise why those in front of us did not get on.

    Back at the Shiga Kogen bus station, we caught the gondola back down, the quad up, and headed through Takamagahara to Ichinose, over the bridge and back up Diamond and down to Prince, the back up C1, and down to the door. The return journey was cold and just as icy as the day before. The new snow was all but scraped off.

    Back just after 4pm, freezing cold, the onsen was calling loudly. Then we were on the 5pm shuttle to Dale's birthday restaurant selection, the junk food cafe. They gave her a complimentary piece of cake and took our picture on a polaroid. She had never seen on before and was astonished by being given the picture. We were back at the Prince via the 6:15 shuttle to end our day.
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  • Hari 6

    Day 4 - on snow all mountain

    22 Februari, Jepang ⋅ ☁️ -2 °C

    Something different today. We woke to maybe 1cm of snow on the ground. Today was the start of our all mountain time, so after breakfast we purchased our all mountain tickets for the next 3 days. They were 21,900yen for adult child pack, 21,500 for adult and 18,400 for student. So the adult child pack saved us about $100. While we were buying the tickets the snow started for real, yet the rain affect slush had now all turned to sheets of ice. So we had dust on sheet ice. With the top temp of -5 it was not going to soften.

    We left Yakebitaiyama and skied down a hard ichinose Diamond, and over the bridge to Family. This too was hard and icy, and the quad chair to the top was not yet loading people. We ventured further to Takamagahara and skied a few runs here. Still hard ice, but the snow had started to add a bit of dust on top. By now the kids were cold, it was 10:30am, so we headed in for some hot chocolate, and found they also had a cake set. So cake and hot choc it was. Oscar and I had a lovely choc cookie piece cheesecake, Dale had strawberry cake and Jason had apple cake. We watched the snow fall steadily while we ate.

    Warmed up we headed up Takamagahara's quad to the top then headed over to hoppo-bunadaira. Here we found some creamy powder, it was devine, and a nice change from scrapping ice. So we lapped this using the small gondola about 4 times. We ended up at the bottom of Giant and went to our fav, Aspen Shiga for lunch. As it was a bit later, around 1pm, they had sold out of their devine pastries. The kids got spaghetti, I got corn soup and Jason got pizza.

    From here we walked to the gondola and went to the post office to send a postcard to Oscar's Principal. We also withdrew some cash. The machine charges 220yen fee. Now it was time to head back, all the higher elevations were in cloud. We caught the quad from near the small gondola, and skied towards Takamagahara and ended up on the other side of the road. So we crossed over and rode the quad up. Shortly after getting off we hit a slope full of sheet ice. Both kids had a few falls and butt slide the rest of the face. Once we were back in Takamagahara greens it was still hard ice, with a bit of dust to turn in.

    A run of ichinose Family finished off this side, we then crossed the bridge rode up Diamond back to the Prince at 4pm. Ending with a last run of C1, which was scrapped and icy in places. We were cold, and headed straight for the onsen to warm up.

    For dinner we thought we'd try something new. We caught the 5:35pm shuttle to ichinose and went to the izakaya down from the teppa room. The food was good, but not ideal for our family's tastes The 500yen per person table charge added an extra $20 to the bill. We left as a fight was breaking out between a group of patrons and the owner, and walked back to the Prince rather than waiting 45min for a shuttle.
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  • Hari 5

    Day 3 -on snow

    21 Februari, Jepang ⋅ 🌧 4 °C

    Went started our day like all others, getting ready and heading down to breakfast. After this we went out all set to ski and it started with light rain, we pushed on and skied in and out of rain, heading to the gondola and seeing if we could get above it, which we did in part. The wind picked up a bit and the rain came back, so we webwet and didn't want to get stuck by shut gondolas, so we called it a day early around 11am. We then dried out a bit and rested, before walking into Ichinose, where we noted a lot of places were shut. We grabbed lunch at Hi Happy cafe. Their sandwiches are huge. After walking back to the Prince we did some laundry, while the kids hit up the family fun park. It was raining again around 5pm, so we just dashed across to the ramen place again for dinner. We were back in the room by 6pm.Baca selengkapnya