Europe - 2015

settembre - ottobre 2015
Un’avventura di 45 giorni di Phil Leggi altro
  • 43impronte
  • 8paesi
  • 45giorni
  • 178fotografie
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  • 20,2kchilometri
  • 16,8kchilometri
  • Giorno 21


    26 settembre 2015, Austria ⋅ ⛅ 12 °C

    Last day in St Gilgan. Still no sun or blue sky, but a nice day for a bit of a morning walk followed by an afternoon poking around the town which we really haven't had much time for so far.

    Tomorrow we jump back on the bus to take us back to the train station in Salzberg and then grab a train for Vienna. It has been a nice quiet break here, but we are looking forward to the sights and sounds of the famous city.Leggi altro

  • Giorno 23


    28 settembre 2015, Austria ⋅ 🌙 11 °C

    Our bus and train connections all went according to plan yesterday. We found our apartment which is in a good location for getting around. It is pretty plain which is fine with us, but we were thinking that it wouldn't be such a good idea for people who need someone to help them settle in to a place. We were met, given the keys and given vague directions to the nearest metro station and supermarket. That was pretty much it. Luckily (well not really luck we did search) the nearest metro was at Karlplatz which had easy connections whichever way you wanted to go.
    Vienna is really beautiful and much more dynamic and fun than I expected. When we are travelling we tend to get off to a slow start and keep going far later than we would at home. Vienna was alive at any time, maybe even more than Paris, No hunting around for somewhere to have morning tea in the afternoon, or lunch at nearly tea time - always going and ready for whatever. So much to look at and enjoy.
    There was so much to see and do - first full day in Vienna we checked out the opera house a park with Mozart's statue (the boy got around, but Vienna was probably his main haunt) and a major look around Schonbrunn Palace (we didn't quite manage all 1,414 rooms, but we did a few). The main story line we followed was that of Empress Maria Theresa and Emperor Franz Stephan. She, in particular, seemed to have quite a story line to follow.
    Another very efficient U-Bahn and the actual stations were just amazing - shopping malls with a train running through the middle.
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  • Giorno 24


    29 settembre 2015, Austria ⋅ 🌙 12 °C

    Day two in Vienna and time for a bit of a river cruise. We didn't go on one of those monsters of the rivers in Europe, although we saw plenty of them. Looooong they are and narrow. We took the train to visit Melk Abbey, a Benedictine abbey above the town of Melk, We arrived in plenty of time to climb up to the abbey and have a good explore (this was an all inclusive ticket purchased though the train companay) around this old and well preserved complex. Then we had plenty of time to have a look around the town before catching our river boat for the cruise back to Vienna along the Danube. It was beautiful up on top of the boat for a while and then it got a bit too chilly in the breeze and we retired to the main cabin. The food on offer was pretty good and not outrageously expensive considering. We were proud of ourselves for figuring out where to switch from the train taking us from the dock to Vianna to the metro to get us back home with the minimum of fuss.Leggi altro

  • Giorno 25


    30 settembre 2015, Austria ⋅ ⛅ 11 °C

    Gallery time today and what a beauty the Albertina is. A great permanent collection of artwork to view as well as special exhibitions and quite a section of the former palace still set out as it was when the Habsburgs roamed the halls. It was certainly a highlight of a great day exploring the delights of Venice.

    The advantage of daylight saving and those nice long afternoons means more time to explore without sacrificing time to just poke around and enjoy places at our leisure. This afternoon we are off to Schloss Belvedere another palace perhaps, but real beauty not far from where we are staying - in two parts both with artwork as well as the grand buildings on display and with an enormous garden running between the two.

    And then we tracked down a jazz club for supper and music. Not the easiest place to track down in the end, but we got there and had a really enjoyable night.
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  • Giorno 27

    Cesky Krumlov

    2 ottobre 2015, Repubblica Ceca ⋅ ☀️ 15 °C

    There were no connections from Vienna to Cesky Krumlov through normal train and bus services that weren't long and round about. So after some heavy consideration of internet possibilities we decided on a a shuttle service. The service was a fairly reasonable price and also did a pick up and delivery at your actual address which meant no expensive taxi to get to a station of some sort. The shuttle bus (about an 8 seater at a push) arrived on time. We were picked up first, but the driver asked if we could sit up front. It was a bit of a squeeze, but not too bad. It turned out that we were picking up a gaggle of Japanese girls who did a pretty good job of filling up the back. It seemed like it was going to be a bit of a dull journey, but the driver was a fairly young guy with reasonable English and in the mood for a chat. Quite and interesting chat.,

    Our room in Cesky Krumlov attracted us partly because it was on the ground floor, which seemed quite a good idea as many of these old buildings have no lift. It was indeed on the ground floor, but what they didn't mention was that the reception and main door weren't on the ground floor they were on the street level. The more you travel the more you find that fools you.

    Cesky Krumlov is another old walled city dominated by a fortress - this time with Unesco Heritage listing. Our taxi driver had been complaining about the fact that Cesky Krumlov got all the publicity and tourists when there were other cities (like the one he was from that were just as beautiful, but no tourists to speak of. Our guide for a night time guided walk on the first night was adamant that it was the heritage listing that made the difference.
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  • Giorno 28

    Cesky Krumlov Castle

    3 ottobre 2015, Repubblica Ceca ⋅ ⛅ 19 °C

    Our second full day in Cesky was pretty much a fortress day. One of the main reasons for the heritage listing, the fortress is one of the oldest and best preserved in Europe. This good fortune is mainly due to the fact that the town was never bombed in WW2. The whole town is remarkably well preserved for the same reason. The fortress was fun to wander about although to get into any of the buildings you had to take a guided tour. We did a tour of the main part of the castle which was quite interesting, but the better tor sure was through an old refurbished theatre. They had restored these old systems of pulleys and props so that scenes could be changed on stage in something like less than 2 seconds. They still use the theatre a few times a year to put on plays and they had a very interesting tour and video presentation.
    There was still plenty of time wander about a bit to find a restaurant overlooking the river to enjoy a drink or a coffee as the day drifted by. Dinner at Papa's again.
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  • Giorno 29


    4 ottobre 2015, Repubblica Ceca ⋅ ⛅ 17 °C

    Another travel day to get from Cesky Krumlov to Prague. This time we took the bus - the 'Student Agency Bus' and in particular one of their 'fun buses'. Free wi-fi, video screens on the back of the seat in front of you which even included english movies with czech subtitles and a hostess dispensing free coffees. All for 8 Euro. Lucky Bronny found out about this early enough to get a couple of the last seats.

    We managed to find our studio apartment in Prague ok. Another very strange offering from - three keys to get to it including one which you needed in order to get the elevator to go to the fourth floor. Without it you could only go to the third. We were supposed to meet the security guy from the building but he wasn't around. There was a fellow who looked and sounded just like Bill Murray coming down the stairs and thought we might be looking for the gallery on the first floor - he was impressed that we were actually staying there - good area.
    Still had some time for a quick look around - it didn't take long to walk to most of the places we wanted to see.
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  • Giorno 30

    Prague Castle

    5 ottobre 2015, Repubblica Ceca ⋅ ☀️ 16 °C

    We tend to avoid tours, preferring to bumble along at our own pace and not getting bogged down with too much information that you are never going to remember anyway. Today's experience only strengthened our resolve. We got sucked in by a glossy brochure for the "Ultimate", all inclusive day tour of Prague. Suffice it to say that it was the ultimate rip off tour of Prague. I won't go into a great rant, and I am sure that some of the other day tours would have been pretty much the same, but not at an 'Ultimate' price.
    It wasn't a total disaster, we saw and learned a lot (even if trying to understand the guides heavily accented english was tiring) as we walked and trammed and boated our way around the city. I really like the vibe of the place and from all we have learned it was such a sad place for so long when the Russians were about the place. There is no hiding the enormous hostility the Czechs feel toward the Russians and there delight in seeing them go.
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  • Giorno 31

    Municipal House

    6 ottobre 2015, Repubblica Ceca ⋅ ⛅ 17 °C

    The perfect antidote to a really crappy tour was a whole day just pottering about on our own. Dodging the crowds of people and just aimlessly and capriciously wandering.

    Municipal house was really interesting - its main claim to fame a beautiful concert hall. The hall was closed, but by paying a few Euro we not only got to visit a fairly interesting exhibition on the third floor, but we were able to have a quick sticky though the doors of the concert hall and listen to the orchestra rehearsing with Jose Carera (the reason for the closure) which provided one of those unscripted delights that going your own way can provide. One interesting poster in the exhibitions was advertising a fund raiser which must have been for the survivors of the San Francisco earthquake.
    Downstairs we had a quick drink at the American Bar - the oldest bar in Prague - just because there had never been a bar in Prague that was called a bar before, not such a big claim to fame. We had a really nice lunch in the adjoining restaurant though.
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  • Giorno 32

    Little Venice?

    7 ottobre 2015, Repubblica Ceca ⋅ 🌧 14 °C

    Last day in Prague was a bit grey and drizzly. Still lots to see and do. We wandered down towards the Charles Bridge looking for an area that was described as Prague's version of Venice, complete with canal. I thought I knew where it was but I was wrong (now there's a surprise). But we did find a boat cruise leaving in 5 minutes which included... Little Venice. It was a good tour and just the thing for a drizzly day. The guy driving the boat and providing commentary didn't think that Little Venice was remotely like Venice but that it had been used in movies - mainly as it was cheaper - The League of Gentlemen for one.
    After our boat ride we still had plenty of time to wander around on our own. We tracked down the Lennon Wall (as in John) which was the site of various protests against the Russians and came complete with stories of the Russians painting it all out only to find it all back again the next day.
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