Northern Trek June - July 2018

juin - juillet 2018
Starting in Los Angeles we will visit California, Arizona, Utah, Wyoming, Montana, Washington, Oregon, and back to Cali. This time in a car we are looking forward to creating a whole lot of new memories with our travelling friends Carl and Paola. En savoir plus
  • 34empreintes
  • 2pays
  • 29jours
  • 268photos
  • 1vidéos
  • 8,1kkilomètres
  • 2,5kkilomètres
  • Jour 1

    Forest Lake, QLD

    15 juin 2018, Australie ⋅ 🌙 12 °C

    D day
    It’s been 4 years since we did our Camira Crusade trip and here we are the day is finally here. Carl and Paola will be 24 hours behind us. We will organise the National Parks pass and some data and then pick them up from LAX on Saturday morning.
    See you in The city of angles.
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  • Jour 1

    City of Angles, Los Angeles

    15 juin 2018, États Unis ⋅ ☀️ 25 °C

    After a short delay in Brisbane we got under way. A sleepless night on a full flight. Noela squeezed in 6 movies and me 3, along with a couple of docos.
    Arrived LAX at 06.30 and joined the immigration cattle run.

    Thrifty bettered the price on the vehicle which is a Jeep with 4000 miles on the clock. And away we went with Noela being my second set of eyes and ears when we hit the Streets of LA. (She did the eyes and ears thing a little to well and is current walking back to the motel.)
    Our first stop was the National Forest office in Arcadia where picked up a National Parks pass. This should save us some money on park entries in the coming weeks.

    We the headed into the hills to the North of LA for some views of the San Bernardino valley and the greater LA but bush fire smoke spoilt the view.

    Showered and feeling semi human again we ventured down to Manhattan Beach for dinner. Great Fish and Chips at the Brewco. By the way the beer was shared between us.

    After dinner it will be a very well deserved sleep.
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  • Jour 2

    Fresno Follys

    16 juin 2018, États Unis ⋅ 🌙 15 °C

    Headed for Fresno via Bakersfield famous for being the Country Music capital of the West, oilfields and the "Bakersfield drillers". Fantastic driving up the I5 after clearing LA traffic and being held up due to a phantom brush fire. The driving through the hills North of LA was an ever changing landscape of sandy and rocky, low bush to rolling hills with dry grass.

    After coming off the high ground we hit the flat plains 50 mile Souths of Bakersfield. The area is full of stone fruit crops, grapes, grain and the I5 cuts straight through the middle. All around and in the distance behind the dust haze we could just make out the mountains.

    Found a great café (Café Smitten) in Bakersfield where we had lunch opposite the original Harley dealership.

    Back out on the freeway we continued North where the GPS kept throwing detours and avoidances at us. Finally in Fresno, a quick visit to Fresno Harley, picked up a touring road atlas so that we are less reliant on the GPS. Dinner at Dennys, where we mapped out tomorrows plan for Yosemite National Park.

    Photos to follow soon.
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  • Jour 3

    Yosemite in a day Mammoth Lakes

    17 juin 2018, États Unis ⋅ 🌙 8 °C

    On the road at 7.00am to Madera, Oakhurst and into Yosemite. The drive out through what appeared to be beef country with rolling hills.
    After Oakhurst we rapidly climbed into the mountains. Narrow roads Sequoia and pine forests.

    Our first stop was Glacier point at around 7000 feet.
    Absolutely brilliant geography. This are is an extinct glacier and the remaking granite features dominate the landscape. Features such as Half Dome, El Capitain, Tunnelview, Bridalvale Falls and the list goes on.

    This is a very popular hiking area and there where plenty of them out today.

    The road wound back down to Yosemite Village where we saw a different perspective of the features above. The village had a great information centre with amazing geological displays.

    With our destination being Mammoth lakes we carried on across Tioga Pass and again the scenery was mind blowing.

    We stopped at Tenaya Lake where temptation got to me and I had my highest altitude swim 8130 feet. Air temp 10 degrees, water temp bloody freezing.

    Arrived at Mammoth at 5.30 ready for a shower and dinner.

    A really great day and Yosemite will be done again one day.
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  • Jour 4

    Furnace Creek, Death Valley

    18 juin 2018, États Unis ⋅ 🌙 35 °C

    We missed out on doing the Death Valley trip last time as we were on bikes and it was blistering hot. So, we put it back on the plan for this trip.
    After leaving Mammoth at 7.30 our first stop was to find Whitmore Springs or Wild Willys hot tub as it is known locally. We asked a local and by chance he put us on to another hot spring called Shepherds. This spring has now been set up like a hot tub in the middle of a field and is fed by a natural hot spring. Wow what a way to kick of the day, with the air temperature at 8 degrees C, we donned swimming gear and in we went.
    With amazing views all around we luxuriated for about 30 minutes and then spent another 10 minutes chatting to a guy back packing who claimed to be an animal communicator and he was able to ward of bears by barking like a dog.
    In the distance we could hear the howling of wolves. This was a truly amazing start to the day.
    From our altitude of 8000 feet we started downhill to Death Valley. Through the towns of Bishop, Big Pine and Lone Pine the last of which we stopped for a great coffee and purchased sandwiches for later in the day.
    Lone Pine is also the entry point for Death Valley and so with the snow-capped Sierra Nevada mountains on our right and another range on our left we headed South into one of the most hot and unforgiving parts of the world.
    It quickly dawned on us how amazing this place is with only 2 inches of rain a year if they are lucky it still supports fauna and flora. We say the settlements of Stovepipe Wells, Furnace Creek a beautiful oasis where a golf course and resort dominate the landscape, then we headed to Death Valley Junction and Armargosa Valley. We visited Artists Palette, Mesquite Flats sand dunes, The Devils Golf Course, Bad Water Basin the lowest point in North America at minus 282 feet below sea level. Dante’s Peak where we got view 110 miles up the Valley including Mt Whitney the USAs highest Peak.
    On the way out, we stopped for Fuel at Armargosa right next door was the alien Cathouse Brothel complete with pimp car out front.
    We made the final run into North Las Vegas well away from the strip for a well-earned night’s sleep.
    We were not sure what to expect from Death Valley, but it was absolutely stunning with a really clear day and temps topping out at 102F, 38.9 C, well worth the trip.
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  • Jour 5

    Zion National Park

    19 juin 2018, États Unis ⋅ ☀️ 32 °C

    After a night in a really flash but cheap casino in North Las Vegas we got on the road to Zion National Park, Zion Canyon just out of Hurricane Utah.

    There are no words to describe this place. We parked the car at Springvale and got onto the park service shuttle bus that drops you at the various hikes.

    We went to stop 9, Temple of Sinawaba and walked up the Riverside hike to the narrows our second stop was a 7 Weeping rock. Both of these locations were just amazing and no photo can do justice to the depth of the canyon and the colours and various structures.
    There are 9 walks in total and we were told that these two are spectacular, but you would need several days to cover the rest of these.

    The saying bigger and better in America really strikes a chord when it comes to their National Parks. I do keep reminding everyone that we have Mt Cootha.

    Now back in Hurricane sitting waiting for laundry to finish. It's still 32 degrees C whilst Brisbane is apparently shivering.

    Bryce Canyon tomorrow. But we again we will go via Zion to take in a different angle from the through road.
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  • Jour 6

    Totally Awesome, Bryce Canyon,

    20 juin 2018, États Unis ⋅ ☀️ 25 °C

    Once again, I am at a loss for words to describe the sites that we have seen today. No superlatives, no camera lens can truly capture the unbelievable grandeur of these natural wonders.
    Bryce Canyon lies to the east of the Grand Canyon, and Zion National Park, and each one of these has a special look and geology that is distinctly different from the other. Bryce is no exception.
    Today started with us driving through Zion so we got to look at it from another angle. We then headed further East to Red Canyon and then to Bryce. Once again, we took advantage of the free shuttle from the visitor’s information centre.
    Our first stop was Inspiration point, the view was breathtaking as we looked at the many shapes of the formations created by eons of erosion. The colours are outstanding and against the perfect blue sky we could not have asked for better. Whilst there are fenced viewing platforms the various trails lead along the top of the ridge with nothing to catch you if you fall. Getting close to the edge is not for the faint hearted. In a land of litigation, we were amazed at how open the cliff faces were, you certainly need to be sure footed and have control of your kids.
    We walked from Inspiration Point to Sunset point and the vista change moment by moment. At the sunset point viewing area, we took the Navajo trail a steep winding well defined foot track in amongst the formations. What walked down the hill must come back up and muscles have been severely challenged on that walk back. I completed the Navajo loop, whilst Noela, Paola, and Carl took a longer route.
    There will be some aches and pains tomorrow.
    Lunch followed at the general store, and we then got back on the road via Antimony and Otter Creek along a road less travelled. A few old mines used for mining the precious metal Antimony dotted the area, and Otter Creek is a popular trout fishing location. Tthe road to, through and after these towns was better that our pacific or New England highways and yet it has almost no traffic. The roads here are brilliant.
    We have stopped in Salina Utah overnight before a big transit day getting up to Wyoming. We do not know what we will see tomorrow, but that is half the challenge.
    Walmart is certainly on the agenda for a camera as she killed hers today.
    Till tomorrow.
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  • Jour 7

    Soda Fountain, Soda Springs ID

    21 juin 2018, États Unis ⋅ ☀️ 21 °C

    Whilst today has been mainly just a driving day we ha e seen some different country. Driving some minor roads through Utah. Utah of course is mainly Mormon as it was the Mormons settled these and farmed these lands in the late 1800s.

    There is some amazing history of those times in the Oregon trail that passes through this region. The Tabernacle (photo below) is a monument to those times.

    We passed through Ephriam, Coalville, Evanston, Paris, Laketown Garden City. We also stopped in Montpelier to visit the bank now a museum that was robbed by Butch Cassidy and accomplices, before arriving in Soda Springs.

    Laketown and Garden City sit on the shores of Bear Lake, a huge expanse of water. There is a species of fish that habitats here that is only otherwise found in Washington. The theory is that the lakes are connected via subterranean caves, this is unproven as the lake is so deep it has not yet been proven.

    Soda Springs is so named by the geyser was discovered here that provided a source of commercial grade drinkable carbonated Soda Water.
    It was a large source of revenue for the town.

    Now the geyser is controlled with releases on the hour, it is very impressive. We took a cup and drank straight from the geyser after the release. It was perfect.

    We chatted with a local girl who educated us about a number of local facts and has suggested that next time we are here to contact her mother who would be more than happy to play host and tour guide.

    A cold beer and a shared meal at the local Pub and the day is complete. Another stunning day weatherwise.

    Heading to Jackson tomorrow where snow has been falling.
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  • Jour 8

    We're goin to, Jackson WY

    22 juin 2018, États Unis ⋅ 🌫 15 °C

    Leaving Soda Springs behind and following State Highway 89, we set out to Jackson Hole Wyoming, gateway to the Tetons and Yellowstone national Park.

    We passed through some small towns, Freedom, Wilson, Etna and Alpine. In Etna we stopped at the General Store for breakfast, we were not expecting much we were blown away by the hospitality the coffee and the food. What a Gem.

    After Alpine we turned right to head towards Hoback Junction following the Snake River where we watched several rafting groups shooting downstream. Rafting here is big business but we will not get a chance to do this on this trip.

    We arrived in Jackson around 10.30 and went directly to the visitors centre, this was really helpful and informative. The shops beckoned so a visit to several were made including the camera shop confirming that Noela's camera is a dead duck. Picked up a T shirt at Chesters HD and then went back down to the American Legion rooms. This is set up like our RSLs to assist returned defence force personnel. Had a really nice lunch there before heading over to Snow King mountain. Carl, Noela and I rode the chairlift to the top whilst Paola sat this one out. The Ski run below the chairlift is the steepest in North America and it was really , really steep, we had amazing views all the way to the Tetons and surrounding areas.

    A quick checkin to the Motel 6, and we then drove over to the Bar T 5 Covered Wagon Cookout and Show. Highly recommend this show, After a ride out in horse drawn covered wagons we reached the dinner camp after a mock attack by horse back bandits. It was a great couple of hours with great food, camp oven style beef beans chicken and salad.

    Tomorrow morning we are being picked up to join a full day wildlife safari, hoping to see bear, moose , elk etc.

    Keep your fingers crossed for us
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