Iceland 2021

Temmuz - Ağustos 2021
Two week camper van trip around the Ring Road and the Westfjords Okumaya devam et
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  • Packed and Ready for Iceland

    20 Temmuz 2021, Amerika Birleşik Devletleri ⋅ ⛅ 66 °F

    Alan thinks he will be speaking Icelandic by the end of this trip! 😂

    Back in 2018 we were able to spend a couple of days in Iceland on a stopover on our way home from Spain, and we decided we definitely HAD to come back.

    But, after the disappointment of COVID canceling our trip last summer, I wasn’t sure when we would be able to go.

    Fast forward to a year later…we can now be excited! 😀

    Plane tickets ✅
    Passports and vaccination cards✅
    Camper van rented for 2 weeks ✅

    Once we are settled in the van, I hope to post each day so our memories are saved, and I’m also going to keep tabs on Alan’s mastery of the Icelandic language. 😂
    Okumaya devam et

  • Finally Here

    23 Temmuz 2021, İzlanda ⋅ 🌧 52 °F

    As I write this, we have been up for over 30 hours and we are SO tired!

    We are now in Arnarstapi. We went on a hike along the coast and marveled at the basalt columns and Gatklettur - the Arch Rock in Arnarstapi. There is also a rock sculpture of Bárður Snæfellsás who they say was the settler of this area. He was half a troll and half a man, but his mother was human. He is said to be the Protector of the Snæfellsnes Peninsula.

    We are camped at the base of Mt. Stapafell. We’ve managed to avoid the protective Arctic terns who have been dive bombing our heads 😂, we had a quick dinner and now it’s 7:00 pm and we’re climbing into bed.

    Tomorrow we will continue around the Snæfellsnes Peninsula in West-Iceland.
    Okumaya devam et

  • Búðardalur

    24 Temmuz 2021, İzlanda ⋅ 🌧 52 °F

    It was so good to get some sleep last night (even though a big group of local campers partied until 4 am😳😳). We slept hard from 7:30 - 12:30, then again from 4 am until 8:00.

    Our first stop today was Djúpalónssandur, a black pebble beach with lava formations and the rusted remains of a crashed fishing ship. At Djúpalónssandur beach there are 4 differently sized stones. They are well-known Aflraunasteinar - Steinatök or lifting-stones. They were used to measure the strength of fishermen in Iceland. The name given to each stone is the rank you earn when you lift it to at least waist height:

    Amlóði (weakling) - 23kg
    Hálfdrættingur (half-carrier) - 54kg
    Hálfsterkur (half strong) - 100kg
    Fullsterkur (full strong) - 154kg

    It was foggy this morning which made the mossy lava on the path to the beach look awesome!

    We then drove to Kirkjufell Mountain. During the whole drive there, we saw literally 100’s of water falls streaming from the green hills and mountains but Kirkjufell with it’s falls topped them all and definitely lived up to my expectations. I took WAY too many pictures and video shots 😂😂

    Afterwards, we drove through Grundarfjörður, a gorgeous stretch of road…there were Icelandic horses on the hillsides amongst the waterfalls and streams and sheep everywhere! Alan had to stop a few times to not hit them.

    We drove to the end of a small peninsula to Stykkishólmur - It’s an adorable fishing village where I guess they filmed part of “The Secret Life of Walter Mitty”.

    We walked to the harbor and hiked to the top of the cliff for a great view of the town and to see the cute orange lighthouse.

    Our last stretch of road today was our first experience on an Iceland gravel road. It was at times a tad bit bumpier than Alan would have liked 😂. It took us to Búðardalur where we are now camped for the night. Tomorrow we head into the Westfjords.
    Okumaya devam et

  • Breidavik

    25 Temmuz 2021, İzlanda ⋅ 🌧 48 °F

    We got to experience the dirt/gravel roads of the Westfjords today. Our poor van is somewhat clean on one side, but caked with mud and dirt on the other. We had spotted a dirty van our first day and couldn’t imagine how it had gotten so dirty, but now we know. 😂

    We drove to Hellalaug - a natural hot spring at the edge of the sea near the Flokalundur Hotel. While visiting with a mom and daughter from Idyllwild, CA and a man from Munich, it was decided we should maybe dunk ourselves in the sea then hop back into the warm water. The brave man from Munich went first and that spurred on the rest of us. It was only about 48 degrees outside, and the water was SO cold but we did it! The hot spring felt heavenly afterwards. 🙂

    After the best deep fried cod and burger at Hotel Flokalundur, we continued on to the Látrabjarg Cliffs. Latrabjarg is the westernmost point of Europe and home to millions of birds, including puffins. The road to get there was not for the faint of heart, and the bird cliffs are scary high. We braved torrential rain and crazy wind, but seeing the puffins made it all worth it. 🙂💕

    We are now camped at Breiðavík Beach Hotel and Campground. The sun was out for a bit so I took a few pictures of the church here, but now we are tucked into our camper van listening to it blow and rain. Tomorrow, we head to Isafjörður on some more dirt/gravel roads and a stop at Dynjandi.
    Okumaya devam et

  • Isafjordur

    26 Temmuz 2021, İzlanda ⋅ 🌧 52 °F

    We left Breidavik just after 6 am and ventured back over the dirt and gravel roads for a bit, then had a short reprieve before going up and over a pass from Flokalundur to Dynjandi. It was a very rough section at first that had us spinning our tires in a few spots (and maybe a few choice words were said😂) but then improved as we crossed over a landscape that I can’t even describe. Waterfalls were everywhere in all directions and snow patches on the mountains and hills. HUGE fjords would come into view and then we entered the Dynjandi area at the end of a fjord called Arnarfjordur. Seeing Dynjandi in person is impressive! It cascades some 320 feet, looking exactly like a beautiful bridal veil. On top, it’s about 100 feet wide and widens up to almost 200 feet at the bottom.

    There are 6 other waterfalls below, which we passed on our climb up to the base of Dynjandi. Alan walked back down and took a picture of me and I look SO, SO tiny in comparison. The best thing about this experience was we were only 2 of 4 people there!!! As we were leaving, more cars showed up as well as a few tour busses from a cruise ship.

    Other highlights:
    1. The Simbahöllin cafe for amazing late breakfast of Belgian waffles with rhubarb jam
    2. The 🌈 that appeared over the fjord while visiting Dynjandi
    3. The old fishing village called Osvor in Bolungarvik
    4. The three crazy tunnels through mountains (all being 4-5 k long) and one being a one lane road 😳)
    5. Bakery for lunch in Isafjordur
    6. 3D crosswalk in town
    7. Absolutely amazing fish buffet dinner at a restaurant called Tjöruhúsið.
    Okumaya devam et

  • Hvammstangi

    27 Temmuz 2021, İzlanda ⋅ ☁️ 46 °F

    We had a five hour drive from Isafjordur all along the fjords to Hvammstangi today. We were blessed with sunshine as we weaved our way along the water and had magnificent views of the mountains nearby and far off in the distance. I attempted to use the drone since the wind was calm but we were attacked by midges. We’ve decided the wind is a good thing if it keeps those pesky bugs away. 🙂 Maybe drone footage won’t happen this trip, we’ll see.

    We stopped at a small turf roofed house called the Litlibær Café and had yummy grilled ham and cheese sandwiches. Adorning the wooden walls inside are pictures of families past who used to live in the turf house. Some of the people represented on the photos are the ancestors of the family who currently own the house.

    Today was all about the drive…admiring the cascading waterfalls through gorges, dodging the sheep along the roads and stopping to get close ups of some Icelandic horses.

    We are camped in Hvammstangi, which is the seal capital of iceland (maybe tomorrow we will see some). Near our campsite is the Kirkjuhvammur church. Kirkjuhvammur was an assembly place in 1406 and a place of farming. Farming stopped here in the 1940’s, but the 1882 church is still standing.
    Okumaya devam et

  • Grafarkirkja, Akureyi, and Godafoss

    28 Temmuz 2021, İzlanda ⋅ ☁️ 48 °F

    We were able to see Grafarkirkja in North Iceland today. It’s the oldest turf church in Iceland. Parts of the church date back to the 1600's, while the rest is from 1884. The black trim has an old Norse design that was carved by a well-known wood carver of the time, Guðmundur Guðmundsson. Back in the olden days, Icelanders used to live in turf houses and the churches were made of turf. Now only a handful of turf churches remain in Iceland. The wind was calm (and the midges didn't attack us) so I was able to use the drone. 🙂

    We then drove around the peninsula through Siglufjordur and into Akureyi for lunch. Akureyi is the second largest city in Iceland and it’s smaller than Olympia. 😳

    After lunch we drove to Godafoss on the Skjalfandafljot river. The name Goðafoss means either waterfall of the gods or waterfall of the 'goði' (i.e. priest/ chieftain). The reason for this is its fascinating history.

    When Iceland was first settled in the 9th and 10th Centuries, the vast majority (who were not slaves, at least) were Norwegians who followed the Old Norse religion, worshipping deities like Thor, Odin, Loki and Freya. However, after the Commonwealth was established in 930 AD, pressure to convert began to push from Christianizing Europe.

    By 1000 AD, it seemed that Norway would almost certainly invade if the country were to stand by their pagan beliefs. The issue was thus discussed at Þingvellir, where the parliament met once a year. The lawspeaker at the time, the Ásatrú priest (or goði) Þorgeir Ljósvetningagoði, was given the responsibility to make the decision.

    It is said he lay under a fur blanket for a day and a night in silence, praying to his Old Gods for the right decision. Eventually, he emerged and said, for the good of the people, Christianity would be the official religion, but pagans could practice in private. To symbolize his decision, he returned to his home in north Iceland and threw idols of the Old Gods into a beautiful waterfall. Since then, it would be known as Goðafoss.

    We are camped 10 minutes away from Godafoss in Laugar. Tomorrow, we head to the Mývatn.
    Okumaya devam et

  • Mývatn

    29 Temmuz 2021, İzlanda ⋅ ⛅ 50 °F

    Today was the day we broke out the head nets!! We spent the whole day along the shore of Lake Myvatn and the midges are plentiful! We explored the Skútustaðagígar pseudocraters and then went to the Dimmuborgir (dimmu "dark", borgir "cities" or "forts", "castles") area of unusually shaped lava fields. We thought we were only doing about a 30 minute loop, but somehow we ended up following a loop that was WAY longer.

    So… after already doing 6 miles, we still had the climb up to the top of Hverfjall crater. We hiked around the whole rim with great views of Lake Mývatn and the steam vents all around.

    We spent our evening at the Myvatn Nature Baths, soaking in the blue, mineral rich water. Alan says he feels healed of all his ailments already. 😂 Seriously, it was very relaxing and the swim up bar was a bonus. 👍🏻

    One other thing…we ran into some sheep on a trail this morning and the one sheep leading the way was SO BEYOND pregnant!! I felt bad for her, but she was zipping along like it was nothing. 😂

    Tomorrow, we will continue exploring this volcanic area and then head to the Eastfjords.
    Okumaya devam et

  • Seyðisfjörður

    30 Temmuz 2021, İzlanda ⋅ ☀️ 55 °F

    So many things to see and do on our way to Seyðisfjörður!

    1. Hverir Geothermal area - cool, boiling mud pots and steam vents everywhere, but SO, SO stinky!!!
    2. Kafla Crater Hike with its gorgeous blue water
    3. Dettifoss and Selfoss waterfalls - Dettifoss is the most powerful waterfall in Europe!
    4. Seeing the Perpetual Shower
    5. Driving through an area that looked like Mars
    6. The stunning drive down into Seyðisfjörður

    We are now in Seyðisfjörður for the night camped near the rainbow 🌈 road and light blue church. This town is in a stunning location and it’s picture perfect. Tomorrow, after a hike to Hengifoss, we will continue around the Eastfjords. 🙂
    Okumaya devam et

  • Höfn

    31 Temmuz 2021, İzlanda ⋅ ⛅ 54 °F

    Today was a driving day around the Eastfjords.

    Memories from this Day:

    1. The waterfall on our way up out of Seydisfjordur
    2. The harbor in Djupivogur
    3. The rest stop along a black sand beach with the nesting birds and the sounds of the waves 🙂
    4. The random red chair attached to a rock on the side of the road
    5. Trying to get a view of Vestrahorn mountain
    6. First sighting of the glaciers of South Iceland from the edge of the water in Höfn
    7. Ben & Jerry’s ice cream for dinner 🍽 😋😋
    Okumaya devam et