A Guarda

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    • Tag 17

      Markttag in Caminha

      20. September 2023 in Portugal ⋅ ☁️ 19 °C

      Mittwoch ist immer Markktag in Caminha und hier ist der Markt noch richtig authentisch. Da wir heute einen Wing-Kurs Ruhetag einlegen, sind wir in die Stadt geradelt. Wir waren eine der wenigen Touristen zwischen den vielen Einheimischen.
      Man bekommt hier alles und noch mehr … vom selbst gebackenen Schwarzbrot bis zu Möbeln, Kleidung und Pflanzen.
      Am Käse- und Wurststand haben wir dann ordentlich zugeschlagen, es war aber alles sooo köstlich. 😋
      Nach den anstrengenden Einkäufen haben wir uns typisch portugiesische Köstlichkeiten schmecken lassen. Es ist ja nicht gerade die ganz leichte Küche, aber es schmeckt echt gut! 😋 Wir haben wirklich versucht, die köstliche Ente aus dem Ofen und die Spareribs zu verputzen, aber es ist uns einfach nicht gelungen. Da hier die Portionen richtig, richtig groß sind, wurde uns die Hälfte der Spareribs eingepackt.
      Na, so können wir auch noch am nächsten Tag die super guten Rippchen genießen.

    • Tag 24

      From Portugal to Spain #5

      4. Juni 2023 in Portugal ⋅ ⛅ 20 °C

      Last day in Portugal, saw an easy walk along the coast, past many vegie gardens arriving at Caminha and the great Rio Minho. I was blown away by the size of the tomatoes and cherries in the local mercado. Then after quick visit to the church to try for a pilgrim stamp we headed to the water taxi. For just six Euros we crossed the mighty Rio Minho leaving Portugal and landing in Galacia, Spain. What a hoot and no passport control! It blew my mind.Weiterlesen

    • Tag 30

      Weniger Regen als angekündigt in Caminha

      15. Oktober 2023 in Portugal ⋅ 🌧 19 °C

      Eigentlich sollte es laut der Wetter Apps den ganzen Tag regnen. Aber schon ab mittags blieb es trocken und am Nachmittag zeigte sich sogar die Sonne einweg.
      Wenns nicht schlechter wird...

      Was macht man an solchen Tagen? Besichtigungen. Und so haben wir uns das Städtchen und die Kirchen angesehen. Toll, sowohl das eine als auch das andereWeiterlesen

    • Tag 8

      Losing hours!!!

      15. Mai 2023 in Portugal ⋅ ☁️ 18 °C

      Slept like a log (again) and was up and ready to go just before 0800. We found a fabulous place for breakfast (chocolate croissant 😋😋😋) then set off looking for the boat taxi to take us from Caminha in Portugal to A Guarda in Spain. Marcel made an appearance, he being a seasoned salty sailor 😅 which was a good thing as he could tell us what to do! We bought our tickets, then waited... We were eventually summoned and walked on to the beach where we were greeted with a small boat thing, just big enough for 6 people. Climbing on was hilarious (the steps were 3 beer crates!), and we set off. Half way across the water the 'pilot' (I use the term lightly) asked us to put on buoyancy aids ("Police!" he said, pointing towards Spain!) but there were only 4 aids! He then just left the steering wheel and wandered to the front of the boat for 2 more 😆. Cue many gasps, nervous laughs and lots of praying🤣🤣🤣.
      Climbing off into Spain, we wandered into A Guarda for a coke and to make a plan. Of course, we were now +1 hour, and we'd already spent over an hour getting to Spain so we were, essentially, 2+ hours short on our day!
      Our real walk only started at 1230 and it was just an hour later when we stopped for lunch. What fantastic good fortune! We found a piper having a good practice - it was wonderful! We continued, walking across headlands, along busy roads and through pine forests, eventually finding a bar (supposedly open only in summer but very much open and doing a brisk business) for a very welcome Estrella Galicia (our first of this camino but definitely not our last!)
      After another 6 kms we reached Oia, a delightful coastal village and there, right in front of us, was Jose's Taxi! We'd decided that the day had been long enough for us, and losing the morning meant we'd have reached our accommodation much too late to enjoy the evening. Jose brought us to Camping O Muino where we a have a 'bijou' caravan. But it's clean and it's a bed for the night. Supper included a bottle of red (and I still have 2 bags of popcorn 😲😆.
      Jan's feet have been tended to and OurDave (her son) has already suggested she needs a new pair of boots 🙄😆.
      Looks like we may have a short day tomorrow, although knowing our luck... 😜

    • Tag 8

      6.Etappe Caminha-Vila Nova de Cerveira

      13. Mai in Portugal ⋅ 🌫 15 °C

      Es geht wieder los, heute leider ein wenig im Regen 😳. Wir hatten Gestern keine Energie mehr zum Schreiben … nun eben heute . Wir hatten 6 Stunden Regen ☔️!!! 6 Stunden!!!!!! Wir hatten aber , auch wenn es uns niemand glaubt , wirklich viel Spaß und haben gelacht und gesungenWeiterlesen

    • Tag 8


      30. Juli 2022 in Portugal ⋅ ☀️ 25 °C

      Nach guten 10 Km Fußmarsch zum Supermarkt und wieder zurück zum Campingplatz, lassen wir den Mittag nun entspannt ausklingen mit einer kalten Fanta. Unsere aktuelle Temperatur liegt gerade bei 28 Grad. Gleich geht es für uns an den Strand baden ⛱☀️Weiterlesen

    • Tag 5

      Tag 5 - Carrečo - Caminha (19km)

      15. Mai in Portugal ⋅ ☁️ 12 °C

      Min Plan hüt wär gsi zum ah paar Kilometer meh z'mache wie die letschte Täg, wills die nögste Täg ziemli sött regne.. so bini scho am 8ti losgloffe.

      Dä Plan het sich gänderet, nochdem i unterwegs an 77Jöhrige Ami troffe ha, wo i ide Unterkunft am obed davor scho kenneglernt ha. Normalerwis bevorzug i zum allei laufe, eiges Tempo, mini Ruah. Bim Arnold hani aber ah Usnahm gmacht und entsprechend eher langsam gloffe 😄 Öppe nochere Stund hend mer usegfunde, dass mer üs bereits sit Tag 1 kenned und zwor döt wo i in Tränne usbroche bi will i kei Decki überko ha und er het sis Handy verlore ka 🤣

      Ahko in Caminha hend sich üsi Weg dänn trennt. I bi go zmittagesse und blöderwis hets kei Glas Wisswih geh sondern nur Fläsche 😬 Hani also scho ah klises Rüschli ka und mi entschiede zum do übernachte.

      Will i jo nonöd gwüsst ha wie wit dassi hüt lauf, hani au nix vorreserviert und ha drum nur no die kompletti Abstiegig überko 🙈 Ah Appartment für Pilger wo kei Unterkunft me finded, hets gheisse. dUnterkunft gseht us wie vonere Grossmuetter wo erst gad gstorbe isch, schmöckt au danoch 🥴
      Da unfründlich Bsitzer het nöd nur ah Herberg und das "Appartment" ka, sondern auno ah Bar. Isch gad glege ko 😅 Döt hani mini restlich Zit vom Tag verbrocht.

      Mini zwei Zimmergnosse hani direkt ide Bar kenneglernt, notürlich zwei Engländer 😄
      Sie (Patricia): a Flight Attendant, öppe i mim Alter, die einzig Tussi woni bis jetzt kenneglernt ha, het 15kg packt und loht sich 8kg davo immer mit transportiere (ka mer anschienend für 10euro/Tag)
      Er (Shawn): a Fireman, ha denkt isch 40gi, isch aber scho 58gi, isch hüt 47km gloffe 🙈

      Het paar Bier & GinTonic geh. Ide Halbzit döff dass au mol si 😊

      Morn mussi mi dänn entscheide, öb i da Weg witer ah da Küste entlang gang oder Inland via Tui.

    • Tag 65

      Schei😡wetter in A Guarda ☔🌧

      18. Oktober 2022 in Spanien ⋅ 🌧 20 °C

      Eigentlich wollten wir in dieser Region länger bleiben, aber das Wetter ist absolut grottig. Auf dem verlassenen Campingplatz Santa Tecla herrschte Endzeitstimmung und das einzige Ziel des Tages war dann für uns, noch irgendwo in der Nähe ein geöffnetes Lokal zu finden und nach Möglichkeit dabei nicht allzu nass zu werden. Die Windböen hatten eine Geschwindigkeit von bis zu 65 kmh und da war weder an eine Radtour noch an das Öffnen eines Schirms 🌂 zu denken. In einem kleinen Nachbarort wurden wir fündig und landeten in einem urigen Dorf Restaurant 🥳.

      Ansonsten hielten wir es heute mit Karl Valentin: "Ich freu mich, wenn’s regnet, weil, wenn ich mich nicht freu, regnets auch“ ☔😉🤷.

    • Tag 7

      Oh, What a Day...

      14. Mai in Spanien ⋅ ⛅ 14 °C

      With apologies to The Four Seasons!
      We started the day, ready to leave Tatania and Marcus's amazing house, at 0730. We crept down the stairs as quietly as we could - Tatania was quite an ebullient character, and we'd rather not have encountered her at such an early hour! It was a great stay, but one night was enough😂. A short walk took us to the local café for our first breakfast, which was delicious - sort of a turbo charged cinnamon bun 😋. Absolutely gorgeous and it kept us going for hours!
      We walked towards the coast (not far) and picked up the route, which took us through some beautiful woodland. It was quite amazing - we had the sound of birds all around us, and the crashing waves of the North Atlantic to our left. A wonderful walk 🤗🤗🤗.
      We ambled onwards towards Vila Praia de Ãncora, where we stopped for lunch. This was some 10km on from our starting point, and we'd added a couple of kilometres finding the right path, so we were 12km up by the time we fell into a café. Menu del dia (not sure what it is in Portuguese) was pork shoulder, rice, salad and chips 😋. I'd been craving chips, so I was made up! It was very tasty but I just couldn't finish it 🙄 although I did have a good go at the chocolate mousse for dessert!😄
      A stop at Moledo for a very special, personal Pilgrim's passport stamp from Gary (who brought out his whole Beatles Collection to show us, and asked me if I'd ever met Paul McCartney...) took us into Caminha, where we stopped for a cold drink before finding the water taxi from Portugal to A Guarda in Spain. The salesman had his patter down to a T and, as soon as there were 5 of us, led us down to the beach and the boat. Nothing massive, just a thing with an engine, that sped us to the opposite side in about 5 minutes. Marcel was very happy to be making an appearance and readily took control of the crossing 😂😂😂.
      As we'd gained an hour in just 5 minutes, we decided to get a taxi to our accommodation. No such luck, despite our efforts, so we had to walk about 4km, up up and up (or so it seemed), through lovely eucalyptus woods, and into A Guarda. We were shattered! We'd ended up walking 26km, often through driving rain and wind, but we were there, albeit 40 minutes too late for check in🙄. A pretty difficult telephone call later, neither of us being able to fully understand the other - where's our Jan when you need her? - and we were in our room. There were other pilgrims in the apartment so we went to explore and meet them.
      Time to shower now, then find something to eat, so back to our room we went... the door being as close as we got to our belongings because we couldn't open it!😱🙄😂 What to do??? A call and a few messages to our host (try again, she said, like we hadn't been doing that for 10 minutes!) and she promised she was on her way, but it'd take 30 minutes. 45 minutes later... approximately 60 minutes later she and her husband arrived. By this time, everyone had had a go - the blokes probably wondering what all the fuss was about 😂.
      "Sternest Headteacher faces when they arrive, Julie," says I! But, of course, they were lovely and apologetic, all in Spanish, of course, but still they couldn't open our door! Phew! Long story short, they managed to bodge it so our door opened, but there was no way we were ever shutting it, so we slept with it jammed open! But what a night! What a day, actually! It ended with a small snack and a beer, so all's well that ends well!

    • Tag 8

      Day 7 A Guarda to O Serrallo

      14. September 2023 in Spanien ⋅ ☀️ 18 °C

      Slight change of plans. I was supposed to walk to Oia, but I made my reservation for the 13th instead of the 14th 🙄 I had it in my calendar as the 14th…anyway, they were booked for tonight. So I’m pampering myself and staying in a hotel just the other side of Oia. They have a pool and I get breakfast.
      The walk was good, 18km. More hills! Who said Camino Portuguese is flat?? I met up with some ladies I first met in Esposende. Dory from Florida and her mum Jean (87) from North Carolina…wow! I’ll stop complaining now.
      I had my first “Menú del Peregrino” or Pilgrim´s menu at the Hotel Glasgow. Came with a full bottle of wine for 20€. I’m now half way to Santiago!

    Möglicherweise kennst du auch folgende Namen für diesen Ort:

    A Guarda, لا غوارديا, La Guardia, آ گواردا, ア・グアルダ, А-Гварда, А-Гуарда, آ گارڈا, 阿瓜尔达

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