Aigle District

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    • Day 2

      Les Diablerets

      February 7, 2020 in Switzerland ⋅ ☀️ 0 °C

      Ein traumhafter Tag zum Ski fahren!! Sonne, Sonne und noch mehr Sonne ☀ 😃
      Es war fast ein bisschen warm, als die anderen mittags auf ner Hütte eingekehrt sind, bin ich durchgefahren... Es war so schön, und der Schnee wird vom in der Sonne sitzen ja nicht besser 😉
      Außerdem ist es auch mal schön, eine Abfahrt ohne Pausen durch zu fahren - so schön es ja ist in einer Gruppe zu fahren, man ist doch wesentlich langsamer unterwegs weil man sich immer mal wieder sammeln muss. Nach zwei Talabfahrten allein brennen die Beine auch ordentlich 😉😉
      Der Schnee hat dann aber doch besser durchgehalten als anfangs gedacht, der harte Kern von uns ist quasi bis zum Liftschluss durchgefahren 😃
      Insgesamt hatte ich heute 41km, und 13.950 Höhenmeter abwärts gemacht - ich finde da habe ich mir jetzt eine Pizza verdient! ☺
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    • Day 18


      October 16, 2023 in Switzerland ⋅ ⛅ 14 °C

      Exploring the Lake Geneva Shoreline with Richie

      Took the train around to Montreaux (same montreaux as "smoke on the water"). Took a cable train up to Roche's de Naye, at 2000m elevation could see everything, including Switzerland's 3 biggest mountains (though they looked tiny from a distance). Had a walk along the water edge in Montreaux and visited the Freddie Mercury statue and Queen Museum.

      Fun fact of the day: in the Alps there are heaps of empty shacks for hikers to stay in if they are stuck in the wilderness overnight.
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    • Day 9

      Frank, Freddie and Travellers Cheques

      September 22, 2023 in Switzerland ⋅ 🌧 15 °C

      For years, ever since the children were old enough to find me annoying, there has been a young family tradition. To be fair it is my tradition and no-one else is overly impressed. On the day before any holiday ended, I would at some point start to sing the opening lines of Frank Sinatra's New York New York. "Start spreading the news, we're leaving to...morrow". Guaranteed to get a chorus of "Oh dad!", normally by the end of the 4th word. So today is that day and traditions must be upheld. But I will choose to uphold them silently, otherwise I may suffer actual bodily harm. I have been Jackie's sole companion for the last 9 days and even I accept that one can have too much of a good thing.

      Last night, despite warnings of an imminent heavy thunderstorm, we decided to travel to Vevey for dinner. It was a straightforward journey, 5 min by bus, 6 min by train, then a 7 minute walk. Leaving the restaurant, the heavens opened and the rain started to bounce off the pavement. We hopped, skipped and jumped between what cover we could find on the way back to the station, but by the time we got there we were soaked through. No matter, life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass, its about learning how to dance in the rain. And we did.

      This morning, we walked along the lakeside through Montreux, past numerous art installations, including the famous statue of Freddie Mercury. As a science graduate with a logical brain, I struggle with visual art in much the same way as I do when wine connoisseurs describe the bouquet of a fine wine. Take for example the sculpture in the photo. Whilst I see numerous vertical poles ending in metal figures, not unlike those we have found in toilet signage, the artist visualises "the trickle of ink paint in space, a tension between sculpture and painting. Through this work, I suspend time between 2 states, the flow of paint and the ascent of the sculptural form". Aye right then.

      After we had walked our fill of art, we returned via the Queen Studio Experience, a museum set in the Montreux's Casino Barrière, which previously housed the legendary Mountain Studios, the recording studios used by artists such as David Bowie, The Rolling Stones, Led Zeppelin and Yes. The studio was at one time owned by Queen, who recorded 6 albums there between 1978 and 1995. The Cassino is probably best known for burning down during a Frank Zappa concert in 1971, when a fan with a flare gun got a bit excited and set fire to the wooden roof. Deep Purple were also recording in Montreux at the time and seeing the smoke from the fire billowing across Lake Geneva were inspired to compose "Smoke on the Water".

      Afternoon coffee was accompanied by a delicious pastry with fresh, glazed raspberries but tested our cashless society approach to this holiday to the limit, when the café's card reader couldn't get a signal. As we had already eaten our fill, I considered it to be more their problem than mine and after a telephone discussion with IT support and switching the reader off then on again, everything turned out fine. It is perhaps one of the few positive legacies of the COVID pandemic that cash has lost its crown. It is certainly a far cry from travellers cheques and queuing at the post office for currency.

      For our final treat of the day, we took the Funicular up Mt. Pèlerin. At 3,540 feet above sea level it is easily into the mountain classification, but with the summit covered in trees rather than snow and with Lake Geneva already at over 1200 feet, it looks more like a tall hill than a mountain. There are clusters of houses all way up the slope and the car soon filled with the excited shouts of school children returning home. The views of Lake Geneva and the towns of Montreux and Vevey below, with the backdrop of the French Alps across the water, were spectacular and we spent a lovely half hour sitting in the sun drinking it all in (the view - no wine involved).
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    • Day 4

      3.Etappe-Aigle-St. Maurice

      July 4, 2023 in Switzerland ⋅ ☀️ 18 °C

      Dieser dritte Tag war ganz okay, auch wenn die Füße am Ende wieder schmerzten, ja, Asphalt eben und neue Blasen... Ich hab dann in St. Maurice ein Klosterzimmer bekommen mit Küche, ich war die einzige Pilgerin. Abends habe ich mir Entrecôte gegönnt, wenn man schon billiger schläft, kann man ja auch was Gutes essen, oder? Und das Klosterbier war wirklich sehr gut. Der geschwätzige Priester mit eigenem Humor hat dann die ganze Klostergeschichte morgens um halb sieben aufgetischt, so dass er vom Frühstück kaum was gegessen hatte, ich hingegen futterte immerzu, ich wurde auch nichts gefragt... Insgesamt ein schöner, aussichtsreicher Tag, nach welchem ich noch die Kraft hatte, 1,5h das Kloster anzugucken.Read more

    • Day 7

      Cousin Time

      July 6, 2023 in Switzerland ⋅ ⛅ 68 °F

      So fortunate to get some time with Evelyn's cousin Gilles, his wife Rebecca and their son Basile at their home near Villars. Had an incredible charcuterie with a Spritz (or two) from their deck with a stunning view.Read more

    • Day 4

      Berge + Wein + Salz

      August 14, 2023 in Switzerland ⋅ ⛅ 24 °C

      Am Morgen, nach einem Kaffee an der Hütte geht es erstmal los zum Frühstück nach Aigle. Das bedeutet, ca 980 Höhenmeter ruuuuunter. Ich bin zu einer von Salomé (Gastgeberin) empfohlenen Bäckerei mit angebundenem Café. Perfekt…

      Danach bin ich ohne richtiges Ziel im Tal herum und dabei auf dieses schöne Château gestoßen. In die eine Richtung hohe Berge, in die andere Richtung Weinberge. Traumschön!

      Am Mittag habe ich dann die schon gebuchte Führung durch das Salzbergwerk gemacht. Und genau dieser Salzabbau war wohl einer der ersten Erfolgsgeschichten der Schweiz, die sie u.a. So unabhängig gemacht hat. Ahaaaa..
      Das war mal richtig spannend und total nett gemacht es gab am Ende sogar eine kleine Verkostung mit lokalen Produkten, natürlich mit Salz verfeinert.

      Der Guide war soo nett. Er sprach Schweizer deutsch mit französischem Akzent. Da könnte ich ewig lauschen 😀
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    • Day 6

      Refuge Restaurant

      December 26, 2019 in Switzerland ⋅ ☁️ 0 °C

      If you listen carefully in the videos, you can hear us struggling to breathe/survive. We almost turned back many times due to suspected altitude sickness & lack of sherpas. The walk to this tiny little shack serving drinks and food on the side of a cliff face was 2.5km, but it was worth the trek.Read more

    • Day 44

      Aigle 10 miles

      August 25, 2023 in Switzerland ⋅ ☁️ 23 °C

      Nice view from our room but noisy until about 2am with neighbouring bars and restaurants. Very hot in the room even with the fan going full blast. You either shut the windows and bake or open the windows and get the din.

      Final train journey. Again to where we finished yesterday. Very easy walk along to the end of the lake. Supermarket lunch, and then afternoon walk alongside the railway. Doesn’t get much flatter. Managed to go slow enough that we were able to check in when we arrived.

      Temperature down a little and no nearby bars or restaurants so you would think we would get plenty of sleep. But no, there is an historic tram that rumbles past outside until midnight and starts again at 5am apparently.

      As you would expect more beer again tonight. You would think madam was on holiday rather than sharing a deeply meaningful pilgrimage. Tonight it was washing down a very pleasant Thai.
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    • Day 17

      Aufs Oldenhorn und zurück (3.123m)

      September 17, 2019 in Switzerland ⋅ ⛅ 16 °C

      Als gestern klar war, dass die Reusch-Bahn nicht mehr in Betrieb ist, war klar, dass es heute anstrengend sein würde: Wanderung mit ~1.800 Höhenmetern ist schon eine Ansage.

      Wir gingen leicht verspätet im 09:50 los und standen gute 4 Stunden später auf dem Gipfel. Der Weg hinauf war sehr abwechslungsreich: zuerst durch den Wald, dann Steige über Almwiesen hinauf, an Wasserfällen vorbei. Der Endspurt führte dann über die Bergflanke, die uns auf der linken Seite den ganzen Gletscher überblicken ließ!

      Nach kurzer Gipfelrast ging es dann in 3,5 Studen wieder zurück zum Ausgangspunkt. Wir begegneten nur 1 weiteren Wanderer und 1 Jäger und hatten die tolle Bergkulisse für uns.

      Am Abend gab es mal wieder Essen auswärts - eine Riesen-Pizza bei Michelangelo - und dann Weiterfahrt nach Frankreich, Col de Colombière, wo wir morgen Klettern, Wandern und Fliegen wollen - und Steinböcke soll es auch geben...
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    • Day 2

      Genéve tot Sion

      April 17 in Switzerland ⋅ 🌫 2 °C

      Om middernag op Genéve lughawe geland, ingeklok, tasse gekry en my Switserse tannie het my daar ingewag. Weens verskriklike storm reën het ons gesukkel om Dubai lughawe te verlaat en is die vlug met baie ure vertraag. Van Genéve af is dit so twee ure se ry tot in Sion.Read more

    You might also know this place by the following names:

    Aigle District, District d'Aigle

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