Uma 15aventura de um dia na THAC Taiwan Tour 2018 Leia mais
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  • Dia 1

    The Last School day in 2017

    2 de janeiro de 2018, Austrália ⋅ ☁️ 16 °C

    Let's meet again after Christmas and New Year holidays for our adventure in Taiwan.
    咱们 耶诞节/圣诞节 和 新年 假期后见!

  • Dia 6

    Day 1: Are We There Yet???

    7 de janeiro de 2018, Taiwan ⋅ 🌧 17 °C


    Today, Kyle, Ms. Tseng and myself (Kelly) left Hamilton, using three buses, one train and two aeroplanes to get to Taiwan.
    We had to get up at six in the morning, which I thought was far too early! We said farewell to Ms. Liu and Kyle's family before we left Hamilton on the bus. Lacey seemed especially happy to see her brother board the bus.
    Our journey had begun.
    We ate lunch at an airport café then spent both plane trips watching movies and sleeping (if we could).
    We didn't arrive at our hotel in Taipei until very early in the morning, but Kyle found that Fitzy was still awake!
    Now we are all very tired and need some sleep. Except Lacey, who is probably sleeping very well without her brother.
    Thank you everyone!
    Good night!

    作者:凯莉 Written by Kelly

    I left Myanmar at 10 o'clock. I landed in Taipei at half past four. Miss Tseng's younger brother and his wife took me to dinner in one of the restaurants close to the Taipei 101 building. We ate Korean food. When I was on the plane I broke my glasses, and when we were eating, the teacher's younger brother and his wife always looked me and laughed because my glasses and glasses frames often broke apart. Afterwards we bought jelly milk tea. By the time they dropped me off at the hotel I was tired, but also felt very excited, so I didn't sleep until Kyle arrived, at about 3 in the morning.

    作者:费兹 Written by Fitzie
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  • Dia 7

    Day 2: Getting lost in Taipei 101

    8 de janeiro de 2018, Taiwan ⋅ 🌧 18 °C

    晚上我们去了有名的餐厅《鼎泰丰》。我们吃了小笼包: 鸡肉和猪肉、肉丝炒饭、凉拌云耳、黄豆芽、蒸饺,烧卖和豆沙包。我真喜欢在那里吃晚饭!吃完饭我们就回旅馆。经过这一天,我们又累了,但是曾老师说,我们得写完日记才能休息。

    After getting to sleep well after midnight we were all very tired so we started our day at 11. From the hotel we went to the Zhou Family dumpling restaurant to have lunch. We tried some of the local dishes. They were all very good, but we particularly enjoyed the Seaweed and Taiwanese Kim Chi. After we finished eating we took the bus to Taipei 101. There we visited the shopping centres and spent a long time in the Eslite Bookstore. We also bought our sim cards. Taipei's sim cards are really good, because you only need 1 thousand NTD or around $45 AUD for unlimited internet. In the evening we went to the famous restaurant, Ding Tai Feng. We had Pork and Chicken steamed buns, fried rice, mushroom salad, soy bean sprouts, dumplings and red bean buns. I really enjoyed having dinner there! Afterward we went back to the hotel, tired once again but still needing to write the diary.

    作者:凯尔 Written by Kyle
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  • Dia 8

    Day 3: Taipei Rains On Our Parade

    9 de janeiro de 2018, Taiwan ⋅ ⛅ 10 °C


    This morning we woke up and saw that it was raining a lot, so after washing up we went downstairs for a nice hot breakfast. I (Kelly) think the boys must have been too hungry, because they didn't wait for Ms. Tseng or myself and went on the elevator without us! Breakfast had a very diverse selection of foods, we could eat an omelet, an egg boiled in tea, fruit, red bean bun and more. After we ate a big breakfast we boarded a bus to go to the Kai Ping culinary school.

    Today was our first day at the Kai Ping culinary school, so we were very nervous, but they helped us a lot and were lots of fun. We all introduced ourselves a bit and played games to break the ice. We couldn't stop smiling and made new friends very quickly. We ate a western style lunch at the school's restaurant. No matter whether they were chefs, waiters or cashiers, they were all students at the school.

    In the afternoon (even more rain) we attended a class on wine, but we couldn't understand what the teacher was saying. His voice and body language, however, was very interesting and allowed us to stay awake and guess what he was saying.

    In the evening (still raining!) we went to an area near the university in Gongguan to eat, so it was very cheap and tasty street foods. We ate a lot of different street foods. For example, fried pork meatballs in noodle soup, pork mince and rice, a spring onion pancake, black pepper pork bun, spring onion in a flaky pastry bun, a Chinese style burger and more.

    Because it was raining all day we had to learn how to use an umbrella.

    Thank you everyone!

    作者:凯莉 Written by Kelly
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  • Dia 9

    Day 4: An Average Day

    10 de janeiro de 2018, Taiwan ⋅ ⛅ 10 °C

    This morning, Kyle and I were feeling tired so we slept in. At the school we did some of their P.E activities with the students. Afterwards they introduced their school and the surrounding area. We also introduced our school. For lunch we went to a small restaurant. We ordered pork mince with rice (which is currently my favourite dish so far). We also ordered rice cake, stewed fried tofu, stewed bamboo shoots and egg plant salad. Although it wasn’t expensive, it still tasted good
    Afterwards we split up into three groups and each accompanied by five students from the Kai Ping Culinary School went to “Da Dao Cheng”. This is Taipei’s oldest section of the city. On our way there, a student and I were constantly talking. This is because we both liked watching anime. After arriving at Da Dao Cheng, we first went to Building 027 Museum. The Kai Ping students thought it was very interesting, but I thought it was just okay. We went to temple for the god of dead, inside there is a god of love, he can help people find their lover by the “red string of fate” .I didn’t go inside because I didn’t want help.

    Afterwards we went to “Ri xing typography manufacturer“(traditional form of printing books), I wanted to buy the character “死“(meaning death), but I couldn’t find it. At five o’clock we said goodbye to the Kai Ping Students and went to have dinner. We ate oyster omelette, fried rice, and tried squid soup. We thought that the squid soup tasted like tomato sauce. Afterwards I also ate lamb marrow soup. Before arriving back at the hotel we bought and drank milk tea and concluded that it was better than yesterday’s milk tea.

    作者:费兹 Fitzie
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  • Dia 10

    Day 5: Taiwan: Festivals and Teaching

    11 de janeiro de 2018, Taiwan ⋅ ⛅ 15 °C

    (FYI Punctuation matters folks)

    今天又是忙碌的一天!早上我们去了开平餐饮学校。我们的台湾同学们为我们介绍了一下台湾的节日。然后,我们玩一些游戏。中午我们去附近的餐馆吃午饭。吃完以后, 曾老师和Kelly坐公车,我、Fitzy 、Wilson(开平的学生) 和一位开平的老师骑自行车去“为台湾而教(Teach for Taiwan)”。在那里我们跟TFT的成员讨论台湾的教育体制。现在台湾跟很多其他的国家都有教育不平等的问题。在大城市教育很好但是在穷或者遥的地方教育比较不好。所以《为台湾而教》的目标是为每一个孩子创造平等的教育机会。离开“为台湾而教”以后,我们走到一间韩国菜餐馆。然后我们参观了《京华城购物中心》。它特别的地方是看起来像一个球。从最高的楼看去出很漂亮。
    Today was another busy day! In the morning we went Kaiping where our Taiwan classmates introduced us to some of the major festivals they celebrate. After, we played some games and then went to a nearby restaurant for lunch. After we finished eating, Miss Tseng and Kelly took the bus, while Fitzie, Wilson ( a Kaiping student), one of the Kaiping teachers and I rode the U-Bikes to the Teach for Taiwan offices. There we discussed the education system in Taiwan with the TFT Staff; in particular the education inequality problem existent in Taiwan and other countries such as Australia. Because of this their aim is to provide satisfactory education to every child in Taiwan. We then left for the Korean restaurant. Finally, to conclude our day, we visited a unique shopping centre, shaped like a ball, called “Jing Hua Cheng”. From the highest floor the view out was beautiful!

    作者:凯尔 Written by Kyle
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  • Dia 11

    Day 6: The Longest Day EVER!

    12 de janeiro de 2018, Taiwan ⋅ ⛅ 13 °C

    首先,今天由我们给开平学生介绍澳洲的节日。我们安排了一些活动,从教他们怎么唱澳洲的Jingle Bells、怎么说澳式英语,到怎么踢澳式足球(因为台湾没有澳式足球,我们用的是一个排球)。活动很成功,我们都一直笑。
    在我们把学校到窗子笑破以前,我们和一些学生离开了学校,去士东市场。午饭我们在那儿吃日本菜,然后在市场里参观。今天是一个叫Medusa的同学陪我。她和我 一起尝试了“刀疗”!刀疗是用刀来按摩。做刀疗以前,我们很怕,但是尝试了以后都觉得很舒服。Medusa也教我很多花的中文名字,我特别喜欢兰花,台湾的国花。

    接着,我们去故宫博物馆,但是在进去以前,我们发现有木乃伊展览。对,在台湾我们看到了来自大英博物馆的木乃伊!两个博物馆都很有意思, 故宫博物馆最有名的展品是一个白菜的玉雕,叫“翠玉白菜”。

    Hello Everyone!

    It was a very long day today.
    Firstly, we introduced Australian festivals to the Kaiping students. We organised a few activities , from teaching them how to sing Australian Jingle Bells and how to speak "Australian", to how to play Australian Rules Football using a netball(because there are no Aussie footballs in Taiwan, we had to use a netball). The activities were a success, we couldn't stop laughing!

    Before we broke the school windows, a few students left with us for Shi Dong market. We ate Japanese cuisine for lunch then we were left to explore. A fellow student, Medusa, accompanied me and we had a "knife massage" together! A knife massage is where knives are used to massage around the back, neck and shoulders. Before we got the massage we were a bit afraid, but afterwards we felt very comfortable. Medusa also taught me a lot of flower names in Chinese. I especially liked the Lan Hua, Taiwan's national flower.
    Afterwards we went to the National Palace Museum, but before we went in we went discovered the Mummy exhibit. Yes! We went to see the British Museum's Mummy exhibit in Taiwan! Both museums were very interesting, the National Palace Museum's most famous exhibit was a jade cabbage, called "Jadeite Cabbage With Insects".

    This day still isn't over! In the evening we went to the Shi Lin night market, ate a lot of small snacks and played some small carnival games. We ate fried chicken cutlet, spring onion pancake, Taiwanese sausage, oyster omelette, fish ball soup, papaya milk, carrot juice and roast mushroom. We also played a lot of games. Fitzie played the best, but after spending a lot of money (400NTD = $17.10), we all won a prize.

    We will sleep very well tonight!!

    作者:凯丽 Written by Kelly
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  • Dia 12

    Day 7 [Waiting for Fitzy's photos]

    13 de janeiro de 2018, Taiwan ⋅ ⛅ 15 °C


    Today was Saturday. We woke up late and skipped hotel breakfast but ate radish cake. We took a taxi to meet Ms. Tseng’s family. First we went to a restaurant to sour cabbage and pork hotpot. It is a type of hotpot that Northern Chinese people eat. Afterwards we went to their house to drink tea and eat fruit at their apartment. Afterwards we went to “Dan Shui” the area near the mouth of the river also called “Dan Shui”. We visited the Portuguese fort “Hong Mao Cheng”. It is called this because it was built by the Dutch, and many of them had orange/red hair, so in the past, the Taiwanese called it ‘Red Hair Fort’. It was on top of a hill. Kyle took many photos. We walked around for a long time. For dinner we went to a small restaurant and ordered sesame noodle, beef noodle soup, rice ball soup, boiled cabbage, and onion rice. Afterwards we bought dried fruit, black eggs, candied strawberries on a stick, Japanese donuts, sponge cake, fish chips, and egg roll cookies. At the hotel we drank bubble milk tea and the food that we bought.

    作者:费兹 Written by Fitzy
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  • Dia 13

    Day 8: A “Golden” opportunity

    14 de janeiro de 2018, Taiwan ⋅ ☀️ 19 °C


    今天老师也让我们晚起一点,早饭我们吃了很多昨天晚上买的东西。十点半我们从酒店离开坐公共汽车到九份。一个小时后我们到达九份。因为九份近海靠山,风景十分优美!从我们的照片你就可以知道我说的不假。我们去新北市立黄金博物馆。在那里我们参观了本山五坑,了解一百年前矿工的生活。 然后我们去九份老街吃晚饭。我们吃了卤肉饭、鱼丸、炒冬粉、油豆腐和凉拌黄瓜。晚饭后我们去山上看日落。然后我们再去九份老街吃芋圆,芋圆是一种用芋头做成的甜点。在吃完了以后我们回去台北市参观台北一〇一。从八十九层的观景台,我们可以看到全台北市。景色壮观!

    The clouds parted for our activities today!
    Today we slept in! For breakfast we ate many of the things we bought last night, and then left the hotel at 10:30. We then caught the bus to Jiu Fen. 1 hour later we arrived! Because Jiu Fen is located both close to the sea and amongst the mountains every view was amazing! Hopefully you can also experience the beautiful scenery through our photos. We first went to the New Taipei City Gold Museum. There we took a tour of the old Ben Shan Wu Keng gold mining tunnel. Afterward we went to Jiu Fen’s old street to eat dinner. We ate Pork oil rice, fish meatball soup, mung bean noodles, fried tofu and cold cucumber salad. After eating dinner we went up one of the mountains to watch the sunset over the bay. Then we went back to Jiu Fen’s old street for dessert; boiled taro balls. After we finished eating we returned to Taipei to visit Taipei 101. You could see the whole of Taipei from the view from the 89th floor. Absolutely spectacular!

    作者:凯尔 Written by Kyle
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