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    • Hari 41

      Savannah - Georgia

      14 Agustus 2021, Amerika Serikat ⋅ ☁️ 27 °C


      Und scho heiwer en witere Staat chennu gseh - Georgia. Ufere härzigu Farm mit vill Hänne, Chatze, Alpakas und Schaf :-) ebiz absits va Savannah heiwer ubernachtut. Savannah het sehr vill Mississipi-Flair, riisu Schiffi, der Fluss und iri Countrystyle-Müsig hent iesch de biz verzöibrut :-)Baca selengkapnya

    • Hari 8

      Fra Athens til Savannah

      25 Juni 2022, Amerika Serikat ⋅ ☀️ 28 °C

      Afsted fra vores luksus værelse kl. 9.00 kørsel gennem Georgia - vi så mange små og store amerikanske huse(som i film)
      Fremme ved Savannah måtte vi lige se en attraktion med en alle’ med 400 live oak trees.
      Kl. 16 ved hotellet i downtown Savannah, vi havde taget det billigste vi kunne finde - det var stadig til næste 1.900,- pr. Nat inkl. parkering. Og hold nu kæft det var grimt og lugtede meget gammelt. Man er her glad for hvide lagner og hvide håndklæder.
      Afsted ud af der værelse for at se på byen og få en øl oven på ca. 400 km.
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    • Hari 12


      15 September 2017, Amerika Serikat ⋅ ⛅ 30 °C

      Von Atlanta aus fuhren wir heute mit unserem Mietwagen nach Savannah, einer kleinen Ostküstenstadt. Savannah ist gleichermaßen Synonym für Südstaaten, Kolonialismus, Sklavenhandel usw.
      Das Flair der alten Häuser versprüht diesen Charme noch heute.

      Gleichermaßen war Savannah Kulisse u. a. für den weltbekannten Film "Forrest Gump". Nicht nur der Standort der Bank, auf der Gump den Großteil des Filmes saß, sondern auch der Kirchturm vom Anfang des Filmes erinnern an diesen schönen Film.
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    • Hari 16

      Riverfront am Savannah River

      1 Mei 2022, Amerika Serikat ⋅ ⛅ 25 °C

      Neben den wunderschönen Squares, verteilt in der ganzen Stadt, ist ein wahnsinnig toller Punkt in dieser Stadt die sehr lange Promenade am Savannah River. Nachdem wir Teile der Wohngebiete abgelaufen hatten ging’s an die Promenade und diese einmal auf und ab. Sowohl die vielen Restaurants, Läden, Bars und auch der Markt an der Promenade haben Erinnerungen hochkommen lassen. Vor allem im Markt an der Promenade konnte ich mich sehr gut erinnern, dass wir schon hier waren und damals auch was gekauft haben. Sehr imposant ist auch der Blick auf die gigantische Talmadge Memorial Bridge. Ursprünglich stand hier schon 1953 eine Brücke, die jetzige Brücke gibt es seit 1991. Die Brücke bietet Seeschiffen eine vertikale Navigationsfreiheit von 56 m. Die Durchfahrtshöhe ist mit 312 m wirklich gigantisch. Sie hat eine Hauptspannweite von 340 Metern und eine Gesamtlänge von 3,1 Kilometern. Nochmal andere Dimensionen hat der Savannah River. Der Savannah River ist 484 Kilometer lang und bildet den größten Teil der Grenze zwischen den Bundesstaaten South Carolina und Georgia. Wir sind die Promenade lang, bis wir an so einem schönen Park gekommen sind wo sich eine historische Sehenswürdigkeit befindet, nämlich das Old Harbor Light. Das Licht wurde schon 1858 errichtet, um Schiffe in den Hafen von Savannah zu führen und den sechs britischen Schiffen auszuweichen, die 1779 versenkt wurden, um französische und amerikanische Schiffe im Unabhängigkeitskrieg zu behindern. Von hier aus ging’s dann allmählich zurück in Richtung Auto.Baca selengkapnya

    • Hari 15

      Savannah und Sommer

      19 Februari 2017, Amerika Serikat ⋅ 🌙 18 °C

      Heute ging es dann zurück nach Georgia in die wunderschöne Südstaatenperle Savannah, die letzte größere Stadt an der Ostküste vor Florida.
      Über die Savannah River Bridge aus South Carolina kommend, bot sich schon von jener ein schöner Blick auf die Stadt. Die etwas größere Stadt hat jedoch den Charme einer verträumten Provinzstadt versprüht. Unzählige Parks mit uralten Eichen, von denen wie Rauschebärte die Bartflechten (Spanisches Moos) hängen, typische Häuser im Südstaatenlook oder die alten Speicherhäuser an der Hafenpromenade haben uns heute begleitet. Dazu kam noch strahlender Sonnenschein....fehlten nur noch Scarlett und Red.Baca selengkapnya

    • Hari 58

      Day 58 - Parks And Exhibitions

      4 November 2016, Amerika Serikat ⋅ ⛅ 22 °C

      Today was as slow and easy as yesterday, maybe more so. We spent the morning in bed watching TV and reading news online.

      We then left the motel and went for something to eat. The city market is an area that is particularly lively with various eating and drinking establishments. We decided on 'Wild Wings Cafe' and sat down and enjoyed our lunch in the afternoon sun. No wings this time, just regular chicken and rice for me and nachos for Alice. Next up was something we had been meaning to do for a while. Finding a post office and sending some items abroad. It took longer than expected and the staff were extremely helpful. We made our to Forsyth Park which was very nice and contained a large fountain. On the way out we stopped off for a coffee.

      Next on the list was the Savannah Museum. We were keen to learn and this slightly dated yet strangely appealing museum fitted the bill. There were ye olde dressed up mannequins, a huge steam train, a boat, the bench used in Forrest Gump, many other bits and pieces and lots of interesting information about Savannah during the Civil War. Alice and I now know a great deal more about this meticulously planned port city than we did before. Job done.

      That night I chose dinner and due to a marathon the next day there seemed to be a large number of people also looking for somewhere to eat. The first choice was struck off due to us being informed that there was an hour and three quarters wait for a table. We decided on another Italian restaurant for choice number two and their wait was a more palatable twenty minutes. Thirty or so minutes later and we were seated. Woo hoo! Vinnie Van Go Go's was actually just a pizza restaurant with the options simply being toppings and sauce. We were not disappointed once it arrived. We devoured our supremely tasty eighteen inch pizza and craft beers. All's well that ended well.

      Song of the Day:
      Andy Williams - Moon River (Alice drank Moon River beer with dinner)
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    • Hari 57

      Day 57 - Hi, Y'all!

      3 November 2016, Amerika Serikat ⋅ ☀️ 26 °C

      The weather has continued to impress, hitting 28 degrees today. There were a few things we wanted to see in Savannah and it wouldn't take too long to see them and so we took our time. We were advised by a local in the Persian restaurant last night that the best way to enjoy the city is to just walk around. It's not particularly big and has a grid formation with a large number of picturesque squares. He was not wrong.

      It is a beautiful city and retains that Southern charm. People are incredibly friendly and it has a genuine feel to it. Even in a clothes shop the guy working there asked about our accents and we proceeded to talk about everything from where he's lived to the baseball game last night. At no point was this a way to then point me in the way of a pair of trainers. Refreshing.

      We started the day with a healthy breakfast of eggs and then we headed to the riverside. The riverside immediately reminded both Alice and I of anywhere in France. The small cafes and shops and tree lined road were well looked after and we walked along the path next to the river stopping to read infomation boards on the way. It was nice and relaxing. Next up, was a walk into the city centre and we were looking for Chippewa Square specifically. It was the square where the famous park bench scene from Forrest Gump was filmed. The bench used in the movie was a prop and so we just went to the location of where it would have been, took obligatory photos and then found an actual bench to sit down on and admire the square. The sun was not giving up today and we did what you do when not doing much and it's hot. We got ice cream. Well Alice got ice cream and I decided on a cookie. I complimented my cookie with a coffee to go and we continued walking and window shopping, heading in the direction of our motel for a much needed rest from all this strolling.

      Dinner had been booked for the evening. The Old Pink House is described as 'Southern cuisine served in an elegant Colonial mansion'. We both shared fried green tomatoes because... it's the south... and they were great and for mains I went for the duck and Alice had the fried chicken and mac and cheese. Throughout the meal, not only did we have a very attentive server, but there was also a maitre d' who popped over to our table and peppered each new dish with a light joke. And whilst Alice and I shared our peanut mousse bomb, I think that's what it was called, another person came over to our table in colonial dress asking if everything was OK. It was all a great experience and Alice and I rolled all the way back to our motel.

      Some of the Day:
      Gladys Knight - Midnight Train to Georgia
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    • Hari 22

      Svannah aften

      29 Juni 2019, Amerika Serikat ⋅ ⛅ 28 °C

      Vi ankom kl ca 14 og spiste lidt brød med nutella og syltetøj. Så så drengene lidt fjernsyn og så gik de i pool.
      Bagefter spiste de en banan og så mere tv. Så gik vi ud i bye kl 17 og kørte gratis med deres DOT bus. Ned til byen og opleve en lørdag aften i Savannah. Musik alle steder, alle springvandet fyldt med børn og folk i kø til både barer og spisesteder.
      Vi fandt et sted og kom i kø til B&D burger.
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    • Hari 11

      Middleton Place to Savannah

      2 Juni 2017, Amerika Serikat ⋅ 🌙 23 °C

      Friday 2nd June
      We were sad to wave goodbye to Middleton Place, it was a very relaxing place that was also educational about the history of the plantation and slavery. Quite shocking what was considered acceptable and normal in times gone by.

      Since we have had the Mustang the rear passenger tyre slowly deflates over 2 days to around 14lb when it should be 31lb. We have been managing it by pumping it up but today it went down in a day so we may be changing it tomorrow – don’t want to be stuck with a flat on the way to the airport and miss our flight!!

      On the way out of Charleston we stopped at the only American Tea Plantation and had a tour of the plantation and the factory. It was very like those we have seen in Africa and Sri Lanka but more mechanised and cleaner. After tasting some tea we bought a few tins for home then carried on our journey to Savannah.

      Arriving at Savannah around 5pm on a Friday night our first priority was to find a room for the night. We stopped at the visitor information, but the only deal they had was on a hotel 20 miles outside town. We wanted to be closer than that so looked up a few local motels and set off to take a look. The first one, De-Luxe Inns, looked a bit basic from the outside but we stopped and I went to ask about availability. I was a bit put off by the handwritten notices stuck on windows in reception and the counter glass saying that under no circumstances would any refunds be given, very unfriendly. The reception was a shabby place which stank of curry. The counter had a ceiling to counter glass partition with a little hole, like at a bank, into which you could put money or whatever to pass to the person behind the counter. The room wasn’t expensive so I asked to see a room, the Asian man behind the counter said the only vacancy had a broken door lock but they could get it fixed. The room we were shown had ceiling to floor mirrors on 3 walls with a big king sized bed with dark brown covers, it was dark and pokey and stank of smoke. I felt deeply disturbed and uneasy about the whole set up and returning it to the man at the counter said we would think about it. We looked at a Quality Inn next, which was much better but in the end settled for a Best Western with laundry facilities and breakfast included. We like Best Western, having used them many times before. It feels much safer and a million miles away from the weird set up at the De-Luxe Inns.
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    • Hari 56

      Day 56 - Thunderbirds Are Go!

      2 November 2016, Amerika Serikat ⋅ ⛅ 22 °C

      Big drive today. Four hours to get to Savannah in Georgia. We started with a IHOP. I know, we're getting predictable.

      The drive was pretty boring, we're back on the intersections with little interruptions, tolls, etc. We drove on Interstate 95 for about 185 miles, maybe more.

      The arrival into Savannah includes a long drive over the Talmadge Memorial Bridge which feel like a rollercoaster ride. You appear to be driving up in to the sky and then over the hump of the bridge and then back down the other side. Savannah is then apparent as soon as you exit the bridge. Our motel was just a minute away from there and it is a really cool place. Alice specifically chose a 1960s themed retro motel, with bright colours on the doors and a huge neon sign out the front. Each day the room is refilled with a can of RC Cola and a Moonpie chocolate (it's like a mini wagon wheel) for each guest. Nice! Sixties music is also piped out of speakers from ten til eight every day. Considering it is not too loud and Alice and I both like this period of music, it works quite well. I'm currently listening to 'Hear Comes the Sun' by the Beatles as I write this post.

      In the evening we went for dinner at a Persian Restaurant. Alice was swayed to go for the special, lamb kofta, and she was very glad that she did. I went for the chicken kabob (that's right kabob) which was one large skewer with rice containing nuts, a few raisins and orange peel. It was top notch. After the meal, we fancied more beers and went to a local bar. By coincidence, game seven of the World Baseball Series was about to start. It was basically a big deal with both teams not having won the series for a long time. We had also stumbled into a bar that was about to start a pub quiz. This is now the second pub quiz that we've been present at here in the US and there is a big difference to how it's done in the UK. In the US, when a question is asked, a song is played and every team has to bring a slip of paper to the quiz master to check and then after the song the answer is revealed. In the UK, the quiz master reads out a long list of questions, then at the end of that round, each team swap their sheets with another team and all those answers are read out by the quiz master. Alice and I didn't take part in this quiz as we just couldn't be bothered to get up after each question and traipse over to the quiz master. Also the top prize was a bar tab that we thought we wouldn't have time to make use of anyway. We decided to just watch the baseball with beers and answer what questions we could amongst ourselves.

      Once we got back to the motel, I put the baseball on as it still hadn't finished. It started at 8pm and was still going on past midnight. A pretty epic game that the Chicago Cubs eventually won. A pretty good day too.

      Song of the Day:
      Prince - Musicology (heard a Prince song in the car and as we walked into IHOP we thought it was the same song playing as we entered. It wasn't. It was Musicology. We went with that anyway.)
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    Anda mungkin juga mengenal tempat ini dengan nama berikut:

    Savannah, سافانا, Горад Савана, Савана, ساوانا، جورجیا, סוואנה, SAV, サバンナ, 서배너, Savanna, सव्हाना, सभाना, 31401, Саванна, ساواناہ، جارجیا, סאוואנאה, 薩凡納, 沙瓦納

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