Città del Vaticano
Città del Vaticano

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Viaggiatori in questo posto
    • Giorno 123

      Last day in Rome

      22 luglio 2022, Città del Vaticano ⋅ ☀️ 95 °F

      Miles: 4.01 Steps: 9272
      Flights stairs: 32

      Today was our last day in Rome. Moving on in the morning. The last thing we had yet to see was St Peter’s Square & Basilica. We’ve seen a few basilicas now and I’d agree that this one is the largest so far. It’s claim to fame is it’s the largest in the world.

      We were able to hike up to the top of the dome finally. We didn’t get tickets early enough in Florence, so we’re glad to see we could do it here. It was really high and walking the stairs was weird being right next to the curved walls. Was 551 steps to the top … crazy, but fun even in 103° heat!
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    • Giorno 25

      Rom und seine Kirchen

      6 agosto 2022, Città del Vaticano ⋅ ☀️ 35 °C

      An diesem Tag habe ich vor allem die Kirchen Roms besucht. Bei einer Nachtwanderung habe ich auch ein paar Bilder gemacht, welche nicht von den Kirchen sind, aber diese packe ich in den nächsten Footprint 😉. Nirgends gibt es so viele Kirchen auf einem Fleck wie in Rom und diese sind für mich wie eine Art Museum. Unfassbar wie schön diese gestaltet sind und immer wieder denke ich daran: Wie konnten die Menschen sowas erbauen und was für eine Wirkungskraft müssen diese Kirchen damals gehabt haben, wenn sie mich jetzt teilweise noch umhauen… Die beeindruckendste Kirche (bzw. Dom) ist der Sant Peters Dom, so viele Kirchen, Kathedralen etc. habe ich gesehen, aber dieser Anblick ist wirklich heftig. Aber auch die anderen Kirchen: San Giovanni in Laterano, Sant Ignazio, Santa Maria in Trastevere (um nur einige zu nennen) sind wunderschön gestaltet. Abends habe ich dann noch eine geführte Nachtwanderung gemacht, bevor ich dann wieder ins Hostel ging 😴.Leggi altro

    • Giorno 11

      Rom Tag 2, Vatikan

      19 settembre 2022, Città del Vaticano ⋅ ⛅ 25 °C

      Heute bin ich sehr viel durch die Gegend gelaufen. Erst ging es zum Trevi-Brunnen, an dem leider gerade gebaut wurde und der dementsprechend ohne Wasser war, dann zum Pantheon und danach in den Vatikan.
      Ich wär auch sehr gerne in den Petersdom gegangen, aber da mir meine Hose nur bis kurz über die Knie ging hätte man mir den Eintritt verweigert. Dafür saß ich dann eine Weile auf dem Petersplatz und habe die wundervolle Architektur gewundert.
      Nach dem Abstecher in mein erstes nicht-EU-Land, habe ich mich dann auf die Suche nach etwas zu Essen gemacht. Da mir die glutenfreien Restaurants alle zu teuer waren, bin ich einfach erstmal in einen Supermarkt gegangen und habe mir Frühstück für morgen geholt. Ganz so dringend hatte ich mein Mittag sowieso noch nicht nötig, denn zum Frühstück gabs um 11:30 Uhr ja ein großes glutenfreies Eis (Oreo und Zitrone).
      Als ich den Einkauf weggebracht hatte, bin ich noch einmal aus meinem Zimmer raus und habe mich in das Restaurant 50 Meter weiter gesetzt. Die Pizza dort war auch relativ gut, aber ist meilenweit von neapolitanischer Pizza entfernt.
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    • Giorno 428

      The Vactican Museums

      12 settembre 2022, Città del Vaticano ⋅ ☀️ 30 °C

      By Ruby

      Everywhere is decorated with beautiful things. Mosaics cover the floors, the walls are painted with extraordinary works of art and more often than not, so are the ceilings. Sculptures stand in every corner. The Vatican Museums house the biggest collection of art that any of us have every seen and we are delighted to join a guided tour.

      There is an overwhelming amount of statues, mostly Roman. There is a labyrinth of rooms just full to the brim with them, and it’s hard to believe what we’re seeing. I always thought that an intact ancient statue was extremely rare, but now I know where all the long-lost ones are kept!

      We walk through an extremely long hall next. The floor is mosaic and the ceiling is beautifully designed and divided into hundreds of individual works of art. We are in the hall of maps and there are over forty giant frescos on the walls, each one depicting a different part of Italy. The room radiate wealth and power and in my opinion is one of the most stunning rooms in the Vatican, and that’s saying a lot.

      Another impressive room is the hall of tapestries, each one ginormous. They depict the story of Christ and we follow his life walking the length of the hall. One in particular is very striking, and our tour guide stops to explain that it is ‘The massacre of the innocents’ . This scene is rarely portrayed in the story of Christ because of its brutality. The tapestry is very detailed and took years to make. All of the tapestries once lined the walls of the Sistene Chapel, but were removed during Covid.

      We continue on through a maze of rooms covered in paintings by Raphael. We get to see the famous ‘School of Athens’ and learn a bit about it. It features the face of Leonardo da Vinci painted as Plato, pointing his finger at the sky. Michelangelo’s and Raphael’s faces are also to be found in the painting.

      Now it’s time for the highlight of our tour (You may be able to guess it) . . . . The Sistene Chapel! We are herded into the crowded chapel by security guards. Everyone is standing and staring up at the marvel on the ceiling. It seems almost surreal that I am actually seeing ‘The creation of Adam’ by Michelangelo. I take a few photos forgetting the no photo rule — don’t tell anyone. We also see ‘The Last Judgment’, which takes up one entire wall!

      And so ends our trip around the Vatican Museums. The tour guide said that if we spent a minute at every piece of art here, we would be here for twelve years. We’re not that dedicated and amazing as it is we’re already quite hungry.
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    • Giorno 123


      9 settembre 2022, Città del Vaticano ⋅ ☀️ 29 °C

      After numerous trips to Rome , I finally made it to the Vatican.
      Here is some pics of it, including a sneaky photo of the Sistine Chapel , in the 2nd and 3rd pic. You are welcome. You not allowed to take photos so here is an exclusive view of it just for uuuu. Then there is some sneaky 0.5s outside in the plazaaaa.
      And finally, because of our clear day of rebelling , we may have put our tootsies in the fountain for a cool down 🤫🫶🏼
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    • Giorno 45

      Tagesausflug: Rom

      2 novembre 2022, Città del Vaticano ⋅ ⛅ 22 °C

      Da ich im 1. Monat auch jede Hauptstadt des jeweiligen Landes gesehen habe, dürfte Rom auf meiner Reise natürlich nicht fehlen! In einem Tag alles in Rom zu sehen scheint so gut wie unmöglich, ist es auch wenn man sich wirklich Zeit lassen möchte und die Stadt gemütlich erkundet… ich habe in Rom eher einen Speedrun gemacht. Kann aber sagen dass ich alle berühmten Sehenswürdigkeiten und Plätze gesehen habe, die man in Rom sehen muss (Kolosseum, Forum Romanum, Trevi Brunnen, Spanische Treppen, Pantheon, Engelsburg und auch den St. Petersdom)
      Letzteres war (von innen) mit Abstand das beeindruckendste was ich jemals gesehen habe! Ich muss sagen das sich die lange Zugfahrt definitiv gelohnt hat und ich sehr gespannt bin, auf meine Analog Bilder aus der Hauptstadt :)
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    • Giorno 233

      Roma & Vaticano

      24 novembre 2022, Città del Vaticano ⋅ ☀️ 18 °C

      Von meinem letzten Besuch vor sieben Jahren habe ich noch sehr positive Erinnerungen an die italienische Hauptstadt und so nehme ich mir zwei Tage Zeit um sie erneut zu erkunden.
      Vom ersten Moment an bin ich von ihrer erhabenen Schönheit und der schier endlosen Fülle an bedeutenden Orten und Bauwerken aus sämtlichen Epochen fasziniert. Besondere Bewunderung schenke ich den vielen großen Plätzen, deren Ästhetik kaum zu übertreffen ist.
      Aber auch darüber hinaus bietet mir die Stadt wunderschöne und abwechslungsreiche Facetten, die vom riesigen Park der Villa Borghese, über die zahlreichen breiten Prachtstraßen, die antiken Ausgrabungsstätten, der vatikanische Enklave, bis zu den schmalen Gassen mit gemütlichen Geschäften reichen.
      Mit mir sind reichlich andere Touristen unterwegs, aber mit Ausnahme einiger Brennpunkte verteilen sich die Menschenmengen auf ein angenehmes Maß und die Stadt schafft es scheinbar mühelos davon völlig unbeeindruckt zu bleiben.
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    • Giorno 33

      Das kleinste Land der Welt

      1 giugno 2023, Città del Vaticano ⋅ ⛅ 27 °C

      Nur ein Katzensprung trennte uns heute noch von dem kleinsten Land der Welt. Doch bevor wir den Vatikan besuchten, mussten wir einen Zwischenstopp beim Tierarzt einlegen und für unseren kleinen Teddy Tabletten gegen Magen-Darm-Beschwerden besorgen. Gesagt, getan und nach einem kurzen Spaziergang durch das Jugendstilviertel Prati, gab es für ihn noch heiliges Wasser im Vatikan 😉. Wir staunten beim Anblick der größten Kirche auf einem der größten Plätze der Welt. Abends schlenderten wir am Tiber entlang, vorbei an der Engelsburg, ins hippe Trastevere für eine anständige Pizza mit Ambiente.Leggi altro

    • Giorno 30

      San Marino, not San Marino 🇻🇦

      9 agosto 2023, Città del Vaticano ⋅ ☁️ 30 °C

      Country number 12 was originally meant to be San Marino but the 7 hour return journey was a little too much for being still under the weather and so it remains uncharted territory for the moment.

      Determined not to fail at the first hurdle and miss out on my 30 needed to complete the challenge, it dawns on me that another microstate country lies just over an hour away- Vatican City. I spend the evening booking tickets and the next morning hop on the train to Rome.

      Although contained completely within the borders of Rome, Vatican City has been its own city state since 1929 when it gained its independence from Italy. With under 50 hectares of land and under 500 people occupying its borders, it’s the world’s smallest country by both land and population. It has its own post office, stamps, euros and it’s a country with no taxes, whose economy is fuelled entirely by selling tourist souvenirs, museum entrance fees, and donations. It’s also the only country on the planet to never have granted women suffrage and has the highest crime rate per capita of any country in the world due to the number of pickpockets and tourist targeted crimes that take place on Vatican soil. It’s an incredibly interesting little country.

      Once I check off all the sights of the Vatican, I manage to find my favourite pizzeria from when I was in Rome years ago, and then I hop on the train back to Florence to pack for the onward journey to France tomorrow. So despite being ill, Florence hasn’t been a complete flop.
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    • Giorno 13

      Vatican City tour

      16 settembre 2023, Città del Vaticano ⋅ ☁️ 21 °C

      Well today was the day, Beth and I both up early for our tour. Beth cooked us eggs on toast, I made the coffee and then downstairs to catch an uber to the tour office. Of course there were many others there to. You had to be there 25 minutes before the tour started at 10 and we go there at about 9.10 so told to wait outside on the street till 9.35am as there were lots of people getting organised 🤨. BTW whilst waiting this little hawker comes up and said you have to cover your shoulders and knees…. uh oh didn’t notice that on the tour information… and Beth had a sleeveless top and shorts on, I had a skirt just on my knees. Told him I don’t need anything I could pull my skirt down… Beth got stung for 2 scarves at 10 Euro each. I succumbed and bought one too. Not happy at all I tell ya, plus temp was rising and that didn’t help us at all. by 9.30 the temp was 25 and rising. got to 32 today btw
      Finally we could go in and get our pink sticker, and then wait for some more. Lots of waiting in this city…. Off we trot with the tour guide Pascale following his little flag, following along like little chickens behind the mother hen.
      We get into the Vatican entry point and Pascale informs us that although we booked for the Vatican Museum, Sistine Chapel and Basilica, the Pope was having a meeting until 1.00pm and we couldn’t see the Basilica so basically they would just extend the museum visit…see where this is going? Not happy…
      Anyway after a bit of delay and waiting and lining up again we get our headsets and off we go, did I tell you there are steps…lots of steps…Beth has a crook knee, my back wasn’t playing the game either so both a bit weary of stairs.
      Lots of beautiful art, the marble is extraordinary, the tapestries and paintings unbelievable. So many photos, so many beautiful things to admire. But I have to say after the first hour, it was becoming rather much same same if ya know what I mean.
      Loved the square, loved the ceilings throughout, they sure liked their baths the popes thats for sure and wouldn’t mind one like it at my place 🤭.
      Finally we get to the Sistine chapel and the guide says the tour ends here, just go on through, sit down and take the time to enjoy the beautiful Leonardo paintings. Well that would of been good, because we no longer had a guide we were pushed through like cows in the cattle yards, prodded at every moment to keep moving. I reckon we had about 2 mins inside before being herded out. Those who still had a guide, were able to stand in the middle and admire the paint works. Throughly disappointed and the review will reflect that when I get a moment to do it.
      so Beth and I have decided we aren’t doing tours together, they are always a bit of a flop!
      But we can tick that off the bucket list. Wish I had seen the Basilica though, dammit!
      Back to the apartment and met up with Kel and Susie, went to lunch and had Spaghetti Cabonara, delish. Home for me to put my feet up and fell asleep for 2.5 hours.
      Easy night at home tonight, got into Netflix and watched a movie together with platter food for dinner.
      Bed time now, its 11.40pm and feeling jaded.
      Tomorrow is our last day in Rome and off to Valencia. Bit of trouble with our onward flights to London later this month, but I will tell you about it next time.
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    Potresti conoscere questo luogo anche con i seguenti nomi:

    State of the Vatican City, Staat der Vatikanstadt, Vatican City, Vatikaan, Vatican Man, ቫቲካን, الفاتيكان, Vatikan, Ватыкан, Ватикана, Vatikaŋ, ভ্যাটিকান সিটি, ཝེ་ཊི་ཀན།, Ciutat del Vaticà, Vatikán, Y Fatican, Pavestolen (Vatikanstaten), Vatikandu nutome, Βατικανό, Vatikano, Ciudad del Vaticano, Vatikano Hiria, واتیکان, Dowla Waticaan, Vatikaanivaltio, Vatican, An Vatacáin, Cidade do Vaticano, વેટિકન, Batikan, עיר הותיקן, वेटिकन सिटि, Grad Vatikan, Վատիկան, Kota Vatikan, Páfagarður, Vaticano, ローマ法王庁 (バチカン市国), ვატიკანი, Vatikani, វ៉ាទីកង់, ವ್ಯಾಟಿಕನ್, 바티칸시티, ڤاتیکان, Vatikaani, Vatiká, ວາຕິກັນ, Vatikano miestas, Nvatika, Vatikāns, Firenen'i Vatikana, Ватикан, വത്തിക്കാന്‍, व्हॅटिकन, ဗာတီကန်, Vatikanet, Vatican State, भेटिकन, Heilige stoel (Vaticaanstad), Vatikanstaten, ଭାଟିକାନ୍, Stolica Apostolska (Watykan), Citad dal Vatican, Umurwa wa Vatikani, Orașul Vatican, Vatikána, Letëe tî Vatikäan, Faatikaan, Vatikanen, வாடிகன், వేటికెన్, นครรัฐวาติกัน, Місто Ватикан, واٹیکن سٹی, Thành phố Vatican, Orílẹ́ède Fatikani, 圣座(梵蒂冈), i-Vatican City

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