backpacking down under

september 2016 - september 2017
Et 367-dagers eventyr av B4tt3rij Les mer
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  • Dag 1

    gabbing stuff

    17. september 2016, Nederland ⋅ ☁️ 18 °C

    This is my first post so don't judge me. Cause most people unfortunately don't speak Dutch I'll do my blog in English. A'j neet twEngels kun't sprek'n of lez'n dan he'j 't schoap an't driet'n an en dat zal mien een bal jeuk'n.

    I've got now the most of my stuff together for my trip. I had some vacuum bags, what awsome invention! The person who invented this should get a diploma for it! Now the my backpack is easier to pack. Currently trying to get all my stuff in the backpack, it takes a lot of effort. They should make an Olympic sport of it.

    Tomorrow my full last day @ NL. Most people get some resting or chilling. Not for me! Tomorrow my last cross competition hopefully with podium place. Witch maniac would ever think doing one of the extreme sports just the day before they flew to their Holiday? I do! Haha.
    After the competition a dinner with family and friends.

    Monday going to the airport @ dusseldorf.
    Les mer

  • Dag 3

    Last day @ NL

    19. september 2016, Tyskland ⋅ ☀️ 13 °C

    Yesterday cross competition was good, eaten a lot of dirt! And most of all, I finished all manches with an broken engine! I finished 4th so a good result for the last competition.

    In the evening had a dinner with most friends and family, that was an awsome surprise! Thanks everyone for the great evening.

    Today try to catch my flight to Hong Kong it leaves 13:25 local time @ dusseldorf. I think this is the first time of my life I'll be bored for 11 hours! But I have to sleep. Cause I'll arrive 6:35 local time @ Hong Kong and want to see the city there. Else I have to bore myself for 15 hours wat in my opinion is impossible to accomplish.
    Les mer

  • Dag 5

    first day Sydney

    21. september 2016, Australia ⋅ ⛅ 15 °C

    Finally I could sleep in the plane, only I got a stiff neck from the chairs. I arrived @ 8:30 at the airport. The douane was a bit stricter. But lucky not as insane as on TV. Then wait for my transfer and arrived 11:00 at the hostel. I was still a bit tired so slept like an owl for a couple of hours.

    I hoped the travel agency received my simcard. But that wasn't the situation. And the hostel has very expensive wifi. So now go to cafe's to get Internet. It's terrible, hopefully the simcard Will arrive in a few days.

    And this evening hang out with my first Aussie mate!

    I'll probably go to bed after sesamstraat so I'll be rested for tomorrow. Temperature is 19 degrees so a chill summer day @ Netherlands.
    Les mer

  • Dag 6

    walk though Sydney

    22. september 2016, Australia ⋅ ⛅ 16 °C

    Today first meet the group for introduction week. We went to the bank and activated our bank cards.

    In the afternoon we went for a walk through Sydney. But I would guess Sydney is a part of the Netherlands, we had yesterday and today rain. Not as bad but had rain!? Dammit it's fuck'n Australia no rain is allowed! I think the rain must have sneaked into my backpack. Hopefully on my way back I take some Australian sunshine with me to Netherlands!

    Tonight we had a drink and slice of pizza @ the bar downstairs. The beers and sigarrets are way expensive. Beer on happy our $5 and normal like $6,50 that sounds more like an unhappy hour... Lucky I don't smoke anymore! A pack of 24 sigarrets cost about $26 dollars! What!? Yes $26 dollars that's more than $1 each sigarret.. So if you wanna quit smoking just go to Australia. Other reasonably food is the same price as Netherlands.

    Tomorrow hopefully no rain @ the boattrip.
    Les mer

  • Dag 8


    24. september 2016, Australia ⋅ ⛅ 14 °C

    Today we had to experience an old classroom talk. It was all about work and traveling Australia. We had a lot of info so a lot to process.

    In the afternoon we had a boar trip! Yeaaah!! It was all sunny and we had to go on a small boat and everyone thought NOOOOO!! That would never fit with almost 30 persons. But it would fit. And we had an awsome barbie(bbq) on board! We had a swim in the chilly water and learned some people say kippenvel! The pronounce was so terribly funny. Afterall it was an very good boat trip.

    I grabbed a pizza with a couple of friends at domino's. Here it's so cheap, only $5,95. Other food is like $20. So really cheap!

    Good night and maybe tomorrow we'll have an zombie walk in stead of an beach walk:-P.
    Les mer

  • Dag 9

    Beach walk and bar walk!

    25. september 2016, Australia ⋅ ⛅ 15 °C

    Yesterday we got to the sidebar. That's a bar beneath the hostel. A dutch friend Danielle she would order a drink there and an offer friend mara whistles at the manager. And de manager thinks Danielle did it so she get the wind up front. She was really pissed off. But luckily no fight.

    This morning trying to get to the skydive center and they were closed! What!? They should be open. But doesn't matter. I got to a breakfast bar a downloaded a film totally legally:-D Haha. Got some food from the supermarket. I had to check blieb it myself, really strange. The meat is really expensive here. Like 1,5 times as high.

    In the afternoon we had an beachwalk with an incredible sight. We walked though an incredible big graveyard!.

    After getting back I went with my German roommate and an other German guy to domino's to get pizza. My roommate was angry that he talked all the time English to me while I could understand and speak a bit German. Haha. When we waited @ domino's some guy starts to kicking an other guy. The angry guy says: YOU STUPID FUCK! WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE? YOU DON'T FUCKING CALL IN THE MIDDLE OF THE SIDEWALK!. Yeah I know, wtf is the angry guy thinking. The sidewalks are here 2 times as big als Holland. So I guessed the angry guy must have problems at home. Really weird situation but cool story :-P.

    This evening we had an bar walk with 2 groups. The first 2 bars where okay. The third one was a club and it was a lot better than the bars we had been to so great!. From the club to the last bar we went 5 minutes with an party bus! It was awesome! Great music and everyone who was standing almost fell on the ground. At last we arrived at the sidebar again and this time it was an fuck'n good evening with a lot of mates!

    Tomorrow checking out of the hostel and going to base camp above Newcastle. Goodnight fella's!
    Les mer

  • Dag 10

    base camp!

    26. september 2016, Australia ⋅ ⛅ 17 °C

    We are going with bus to basecamp. In total it was a drive of 4 hours and on the map of Australia is only 1mm. Australia is so big! We had to order alcoholic drinks before we arrived so they could get it from the store, $35 for 24 bottles of beer! So expensive here.

    After we arrived we had to share a bungalow with 4 rooms and 24 sleeping places. It is here in nature, so much better than Sydney. Everyone whant to had a drink with the pizza. And it was raining so badly,nobody would run 100m to get the beer out of the van. Really! Today almost half day of rain and real hard rain. This is Australia why all the rain?. But finally we had the beer and did some games with a great group. After a while some people were tired and they get to bed. With the others we did go to the beach, it was very pretty with all the stars and the sound of the sea.

    Monday we had to get early out of bed. Like 6 a clock and have breakfast. We went to the sand dunes here and went sandboarding. That was really a awsome experience!. We went to the dunes with some sick jeeps. And to get there we had an great off-road experience. On the way back we drove next to the sea on the beach. After we got back we left again for a 30 minute hike up the mountain with an incredible view!!

    In the afternoon we had time off and went together to the beach, the weather was nice, sunny and 24 degrees. I tried to surf but couldn't get in the board. So I'll have to learn it at surfcamp.
    Les mer

  • Dag 11

    basecamp part 2

    27. september 2016, Australia ⋅ ⛅ 23 °C

    Last evening we had an good 'bbq'. Everything was already prepared and there was no actual bbq. A bit disappointing. After dinner we had an reptile show and could hold some lizards and snakes. It was very cool, luckily nobody was killed by harmless reptiles :-P I went to my room and found a spider, it was harmless and was like 6cm big. All the girls who stayed in that room panicked when they saw the picture!

    after the reptileshow we went to party on the beach and make a fire. It was quite cold but with the fire it was just warm enough. I definitely will do it again!

    This morning I went to see a car near basecamp. And I gonna buy it. But not now, I'll have to go to Sydney to skydive, and after an week I'll go back to get the car.

    I was just in time back @ basecamp to pack my stuff to get to the harbor for a boattrip. With de boattrip we spotted some dolphins but they weren't getting close to the boat.

    Now heading back to Sydney by bus and train.

    I'll want to change my plans and move surfcamp up an week. Cause then I have time enough to get the car and travel through the blue Mountains up to surfcamp. And on my way I gonna buy some stuff for my car like refrigerator and mattress. And from one mile to surfcamp would be a long ride.
    Les mer

  • Dag 13

    nothing special.

    29. september 2016, Australia ⋅ ⛅ 14 °C

    The bus and train trip was way to long! It took like 5 hours to get in Sydney.

    Yesterday I had to arrange stuff like a Medicare card and pickup my new mobile number. I also went to the skydive center for information about next Saturday and he said that I could stay there at an hostel. I have to be on the dropzone @ 6:45 so that's a bit early. I also met a new friend Ryan, he's from the US and probably he'll come along with my car trip and travel together. I'll pick him up on my way to surfcamp.

    Today I'll do my laundry and have an lazy day. Tomorrow I'm headed to the hostel @ the dropzone. I'll let you know how everything went with skydiving.
    Les mer

  • Dag 14

    skydive center - arriving

    30. september 2016, Australia ⋅ 🌙 12 °C

    Today I had to check out of the hostel. It was to bad. I thought it was nice with all the friends on the room.

    I went to the skydiving center with train an cab, it took like 3 hours. Pff I'm happy when I finally have my car. I never ever did so less on a whole day as today. After arriving @ the dropzone I met some local people who lived there. What a mess! All old caravans and old buildings. But the people here are very cool. I walked around and every time I saw someone new. And I did completely nothing whole time from 2 pm.

    I already have my wingsuite for tomorrow :-D. (wingsuite is for people above 300 jumps). Now early to bed because tomorrow we start at 6:45.
    Les mer