Europe 2023

lipca - sierpnia 2023
Kandog, Shart and their bodyguard Matt backpack their way through Ireland, Italy and Croatia. Czytaj więcej
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  • Dzień 10

    Chill Positano Day

    25 lipca 2023, Włochy ⋅ 🌙 28 °C

    Today we had a sleep in and recharge, getting up at only 11am! Got some fresh eggs at the market and made brunch in our Airbnb together. Met Fang a local neighbourhood cat on the balcony after breakfast, and Matt decided to stay home with him for the day. Kandis and Sarah headed down the million stairs to Positano for a beach and local shopping adventure. We enjoyed the large waves and then found some gelato for an afternoon treat. We wandered the streets browsing local shops and making a few small purchases (only things that fit in our backpacks). For lunch we enjoyed pesto pasta and gnocchi while Matt had a salad above in Montepertuso in between his naps. Kandis and Sarah then braved the lines and crowds flagging down their bus and forcing their way on. Matt had kept the keys so Sarah climbed through the stairs railing to let her and Kandis back in. Now reunited as a trio we headed for dinner and then finished our night with drinks, a game of Mario party and late night snack. Czytaj więcej

  • Dzień 11

    Sorrento- Highlight: Pizza Making

    26 lipca 2023, Włochy ⋅ 🌙 24 °C

    Positano experienced high winds and every ferry leaving the town was cancelled. Good thing we only planned to take this and didn’t book our tickets yet. We headed back to Sorrento taking two different buses to get there. Luckily it was only +26 today since we have to wait an hour for a late bus outside. We packed in to both buses standing once again holding on for dear life through the swerving roads but made it. Had a very nice pasta lunch then explored the local markets and checked in to our new hotel. Matt is over the moon since it has a tub he kind of fits in. Tonight we joined a pizza making tour group that went to a local farm which was a 20 min drive up the mountain. Here we made pizza dough (that they later feed to their animals since it wasn’t great). Using their dough we successfully launched our dough in the air. We also enjoyed food grown from the farm including their own unlimited red wine, sour cherry juice, the biggest basil you’d ever see, limoncello, charcuterie board and a cake. Matt was labelled “Disaster Matt” since our group had two Matt’s. Overall 10/10 experience and a lovely day. Czytaj więcej

  • Dzień 12


    27 lipca 2023, Włochy ⋅ ☀️ 28 °C

    This morning we took our first ferry to the Island of Capri. We woke up early to have the whole day exploring the island. First we motored up to Anacapri a small town to ride the chair lift up Monte Solaro Mountain. The best views at the top! After the lift we had lunch in Anacapri and bused to the town of Capri. Then we took a stroll through the Gardens and down a windy path that led to a small beach surrounded by tall cliffs. We swam in the clear blue water around rocks and let the waves push us around. After the dip we made our way back to Capri town and got gelato for the second time! Waited a couple hours at the port to make sure we got on the ferry back before the crazy line of people. We found out that many people missed their ferries or experienced cancellations and we’re going to have a hard way home to Positano, good thing we already went there! Had dinner in Sorrento and in bed early to relax for tomorrows adventure. Czytaj więcej

  • Dzień 13


    28 lipca 2023, Włochy ⋅ 🌙 19 °C

    This morning we caught the ferry to Naples to start our last day in Italy. After arriving we had pre booked bag storage for the day so we could explore bag free. Turns out our bag storage was the back room of a cannabis chain store in Europe. Successfully dropping our bags we headed on our Mount Vesuvius tour. This included taking 2 separate buses up to 1000m altitude on the mountain. These buses were empty, comfortable and rated our most stress free rides. We then hiked 3km up to the top of the open crater, seeing inside the active volcano! We saw a bit of smoke and grumbles coming from inside, but we don’t think it will erupt for another couple years. Made our way down the trail and caught the buses back to the port just as some rain rolled in. The second bus back included a chaotic changeover with lots of Italian yelling, as well as heated Italian discussion between the bus driver and bus coordinator while driving. Good thing our stop was first (she took a mysterious exit before the first stop even happened). We collected our bags and checked in to our hotel. 5pm rolled around and we were starving. We wandered into a local pizza restaurant to find out nobody opens until 7pm for dinner. Luckily they let us stay for an early private dinner. We met the whole family and enjoyed a 3 course meal as the only non-family members in the restaurant. Ended the night with some Mario party and snacks. Fun fact: Matt slept on every type of transportation today. Czytaj więcej

  • Dzień 14


    29 lipca 2023, Chorwacja ⋅ 🌙 26 °C

    Another early rise for an early flight. This flight unfortunately was delayed. We checked in and loaded onto a bus to the plane before finding out we had to unload and wait another 1.5 hours. This meant we missed our ferry. Never the less we arrived in Croatia. Our cab driver to the port was amazing! He loves ice road truckers and let us know how great he thinks Canada is multiple times. He did help us pick a ferry and show us where to go since he “loves his Canadians”. Matt took a snooze on the ferry and then we arrived in Hvar. We explored the island today seeing a castle and swimming at the local beaches. We also met a very friendly black dog who we have named Timothy. Kandis and Sarah enjoyed stealing Matts goggles to take underwater pictures and videos while Matt supervised from shore. We enjoyed a seafood lunch where our waiter was impressed with how much shrimp we ordered. Our dinner was pasta and of course more gelato. Our night also included wine and views from our stunning balcony where we watched the sun set over the sea. Czytaj więcej

  • Dzień 15

    Split Boat Tour

    30 lipca 2023, Chorwacja ⋅ 🌙 26 °C

    After watching multiple episodes of Italian scooby doo Sarah was inspired to solve the mystery of what screams at us in the trees in Croatia as we walk. It is cicadas. We took a ferry back to Split this morning. Surprise surprise Matt took a nap on it. We explored the town and tried a pizza place recommended by Andrew. Kandis and Matt also had gelato twice today. Today’s main activity was a boat tour to three islands including the Blue Lagoon. We explored Trogir first checking out the historic town. We found a footprint in cement and Kandis is Cinderella because it fits her perfectly. After this we snorkelled for the whole stop at the blue lagoon. We chased fish and took a lot of underwater pictures. Sarah knocked over part of a rock wall here and almost smashed Matts phone. Don’t worry it missed. Then we went to our last island that was covered in vegetation. We call it the green island. Here we had some food, went to the market and Sarah made a cat friend that followed her. Our boat ride back was at sunset and included some mega waves while Kandis tried to carefully transport eggs back for our breakfast. Czytaj więcej

  • Dzień 16

    Krka National Park

    31 lipca 2023, Chorwacja ⋅ ⛅ 23 °C

    We got up early today and went to cook eggs and toast for breakfast only to find out Sarah bought yeast instead of butter. She shouldn’t have been allowed to grab things off the shelf without supervision. Breakfast was a little sad but we still ate it. From here we took a bus to Krka National Park. Matt slept yet again. Upon arrival we got to see numerous waterfalls, a bunch of small fish, and a water snake swimming about. Kandis and Matt had their first gelato of the day. Then we crammed onto a river boat (our slowest boat ride of the trip) down to a small town named Skradin. In the town we had lunch of burgers and everyone got a gelato after (Matt and Kandis’ second of the day). We then hit the beach where swans and ducks share the water with people. Finally a beach that doesn’t give you salt eye. We threw a ball and did water acrobatics. Sarah was quite scared of the beach swans especially when we watched it try to chomp a clueless ladies’ hand when she entered the water. Also a dumb family was feeding the swans, and Kandis hoped the swans would bite them. Then we took the bus back to Split (you guessed it Matt slept on this ride). We stopped at a market to get real butter to make tomorrows breakfast less sad. We had dinner and Kandis and Sarah got shamed by the waiter for not finishing their gnocchi. Apparently even big portions need to be fully consumed or it’s offensive. Then we had another round of gelato, bringing Matt and Kandis’ total of the day to 3 gelatos (record breaking). Finished the night with Mario party, wandering the street with Kandis in her pjs to find the super moon, and wine/charcuterie snacks. Czytaj więcej

  • Dzień 17


    1 sierpnia 2023, Chorwacja ⋅ ☁️ 28 °C

    Kandis set the alarms for today but forgot to remove her typical work alarm so we were awoken 50 minutes before our agreed upon time. Breakfast this morning was wayyy better since we had butter. We packed our bag and checked out of the airbnb. We met up with a tour group and hopped in a van to go canyoning. Canyoning started in a small village overlooking the canyon. We were suited up in wetsuits, water shoes, jackets, helmets and life jackets. Unfortunately minimal pictures were taken since we didn’t have our phones. Canyoning included hiking down the rocks into the canyon for 15 minutes then exploring for 3 kilometres (which felt like 10 and took 3 hours instead of our usual 45 minutes). We got to jump off rocks into the water, swim, float, slide down small waterfalls, and Kandis led us through a cave in pitch black. Our guides were amazing and even scared Kandis and challenged her to a doggy paddle race. We saw multiple waterfalls on the adventure and got to swim behind one and jump through it. Then we hit the market with our guide to grab snacks for our private transfer from him back to Split. By now we were starving and ate lunch by the port. We then had our gelato of the day and got on an airport shuttle. Kandis was a mess at this point and consistently spilt gelato on herself, her bag and the ground. The shuttle was hot and swerved a lot. Our flight is delayed and we are hoping to make it to Paris tonight. Czytaj więcej

  • Dzień 18

    Paris Sucks

    2 sierpnia 2023, Francja ⋅ 🌬 18 °C

    We landed in Paris today at 1am after a 2 hour delay in Split airport. We almost got to board but a crew member was hurt and we had to wait longer. Our air bnb was close to Eiffel Tower so it was an hour drive from airport resulting in a 2am arrival (1st reason Paris sucks). Our cab driver even stopped to gas up on the way to our place. We encountered an only speaking French receptionist at the bnb building and he was very rude (not surprising, classic French people)( 2nd reason Paris sucks). We then we’re getting ready for bed and Matt found the biggest moth we have ever seen and it started flying around. Sarah has to be called to swing a towel around until she hit the moth to the ground (3rd reason Paris sucks).
    After confirming it was dead and disposed out the balcony we settled into bed and fell asleep with no alarms set. Waking up around 9am (the same day) we got ready and went to find a spot for brunch. We clicked the first floor button in the elevator and the door opened to a wall. We definitely thought we were stuck in the elevator but we’re able to change our plan to floor 2 (4th reason Paris sucks). After eating and drinking finally hot coffee as it wasn’t 30 degrees out, we walked to the Eiffel Tower. This was amazing to see and we admired how big it was. Kandis then used the wildest bathroom of the trip. It spoke in French to her, cleaned itself after every user and took 30 minutes for a 5 person line (5th reason Paris sucks). In that time Matt and Sarah enjoyed the Eiffel Tower views. We had amazing pastries but Paris fought back and the wind took Matt’s treat off our bench and onto the ground (6th reason Paris sucks). Then we explored the air bnb pool on the 32 floor (realizing the “360” views” does not include a window viewing the Eiffel Tower)(7th reason Paris sucks). Needing a chill day from busy Paris streets we went to see Oppenheimer. After the movie we came back to our place to find our apartment smelled bad. On the walk back we witnessed an unexpected couple 30 ft in front of us get a bucket of water dumped on them by hooligans on a bridge above. They were drenched and the wet man chased the kids who dumped it on them (8th reason Paris sucks). Now back to the room smell, turns out Matt for the second time left a fan sucking in gross air throughout the room. Kandis and Sarah stuck their heads out the window to avoid the smell. Matt had magically turned the room into smelling like a men’s hockey room in one afternoon. We cracked some wine to handle the smell and process how much Paris sucks. We headed to the market to get more wine then off to the Eiffel Tower for a night view. During our wait to see the sparkles so many people attempted to sell us wine and tacky light up towers (9th reason Paris sucks). We denied these requests in creative ways since we had our own wine and snacks. After seeing the twinkle lights we returned home to realize our tv supports everything but Netflix (10th reason Paris sucks). We put Youtube on with videos about Italy and Matt used his bolognese pasta and the fan to make a room air freshener and we pretended like we were back in Italy.
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  • Dzień 19

    Return to Canada

    3 sierpnia 2023, Kanada ⋅ ☀️ 23 °C

    Left Paris this morning and headed right to the airport. The airport was very large. You had to go to the right terminal, get passport checked, take a train to your letter, get your bags checked then find your gate. The worker doing line control for passports ushered Sarah into an under 18 line and Kandis was quick to yell she’s to old for that. The airport is pretty much a mall with fancy stores such as Gucci welcoming you. Matt checked out the airport museum. Our flight was on time and smooth. It was a 9 hour journey but thanks to time change only landed an hour after we left. During the flight we played lots of games on the TVs, Matt snoozed a bit and Sarah/Kandis watched a movie together. Then we got to Calgary airport for a layover and of course a mega delay. WestJet letting us down once again. Boarding the plane it’s 10:50 pm local time but 6:50 am for our bodies and we did not sleep (besides Matt briefly in the cab and on the plane). Off to Edmonton for the night and ready to pass out after this all nighter. Czytaj więcej