Camino de Santiago

syyskuuta 2022 - kesäkuuta 2024
A dream to be realized Lue lisää
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  • Päivä 11

    Day 9 - To Viana

    17. syyskuuta 2022, Espanja ⋅ ⛅ 17 °C

    Day 9 - To Viana (Saturday)
    18.4 km; 24°C
    Difficulty – 2/3
    Such a beautiful sunrise as I left Los Arcos this morning! I divided the trip to Logrono into two days. I wasn’t quite ready to do a 27.5 km day yet. So I stayed at Viana.
    I came upon an interesting site. I don’t know who made it (I assume Pilgrims), why it was done, or what it means. But it’s very interesting that pilgrims would take the time to do it. I’m sure it’s continually added to. Many beautiful views of vineyards today! I came across a bullfighting (bull and matador) courtyard on my way out. It would have been interesting to have caught that event. Very Spanish! And yet another gorgeous cathedral. Pretty much every village, no matter how big or small, has a huge gorgeous historic Catholic Cathedral. I wish I could get into all of them. Especially to light a candle. But most aren’t open when I go through.
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  • Päivä 12

    Day 10 - To Logroño

    18. syyskuuta 2022, Espanja ⋅ ⛅ 21 °C

    Day 10 - To Logroño
    (pr. Lo-gro-nyo) (Sunday)
    10 km; Difficulty 2/3.

    So today I made it the rest of the way…from Viana to Logroño. It was a short walk and I arrived at 1030 am, just in time for mass in the gorgeous cathedral…in Spanish 😞 But at least I went.
    The “wine festival”, a Mardi Gras of sorts, started in Logroño yesterday and will last for a week. So many people, and so much chaos! I was actually glad to leave.
    A couple from Idaho and I were sitting waiting for a restaurant to open for dinner and we met some people from Logrono who spoke English. After some visiting they decided to invite us and cook dinner for us. So wonderful!
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  • Päivä 13

    Day 11 - To Navarrete

    19. syyskuuta 2022, Espanja ⋅ ⛅ 20 °C

    Day 11 - To Navarrete (Monday)
    13 km; Difficulty 2/3

    Walking these days is a bit tougher than usual. I’m battling a cold which wears me out. My right lower leg, just below my knee, is sore. I think I’m developing a tendinitis.

    Today I walked past a fence that was decorated with hundreds of handmade crosses. It went on for kms. Quite obviously done by pilgrims over likely a long time.
    A landmark in Spain is the ruins of the “San Juan de Acre Hospital”. It was founded in 1185 and it was intended to be a hostel and provide aid to pilgrims. The floor plan was created in the shape of a cross.
    This cow on top of the hill was entering Navarrete. One would think they could get something better to represent them, LOL.
    Beautiful church again and Navarrete! They are everywhere; artistic wonders!
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  • Päivä 14

    Day 12 - To Najera

    20. syyskuuta 2022, Espanja ⋅ 🌙 16 °C

    Day 12 - To Najera
    (pr. Nahera)
    17 kms; Difficulty 2/3

    The vineyards are just so awesome and the grapes are amazing! Walking by them everyday, how can you avoid such a temptation? Well, you can’t! Many pilgrims snitch them for a treat as they walk by. You wouldn’t believe how delicious and sweet the grapes are! Vine well-ripened and ready for making wine.
    I came upon a poem written for Peregrinos. Unfortunately it is in Spanish but I will translate it when I can!
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  • Päivä 15

    Day 13 - To Santo Domingo

    21. syyskuuta 2022, Espanja ⋅ 🌙 15 °C

    Day 13 - To Santo Domingo
    21 kms; Difficulty 1/3

    There was such a beautiful, geologically spectacular backdrop to Najera which I took note of on my way out of town this morning. A friend actually had this view close out her window.

    I just love the sunrises. They never disappoint! And such a big sky. Thank love it!

    To the beautiful mountains of northern Spain…….is this the day we say goodbye? Or will we meet again around some bend or over some hill? If so, I will look forward to it. If not, then perhaps again one day. Until then, stay as magnificent as you are!

    We are guided on the trail by many different means. Some are particularly unorthodox! (i.e. arrows on the ground made of stones).

    My right leg bothered me a lot for the first half of today. I discovered that if I stopped and stood with no weight on it, it would
    temporarily feel better. Then I could go for a few hundred metres before having to stop again. That went on for hours. It REALLY slowed me down! But I will do anything to avoid aggravating it further. Some people with similar problems are grounded and have to find a place to rest their injury for days. That is NOT in my plans. But then it’s not up to me. The Camino rules me now.
    My leg felt quite a bit better in the afternoon for some reason. So this afternoon I kept walking and walking until I reached Santo Domingo.
    It wasn’t until I arrived there that I realized I had walked for the last 15 km without a break. Not even stopping to sit down. Not the smartest thing I have done, and I won’t do it again, but I just kept watching for a rest stop and nothing appeared.
    It does indicate my fitness level is improving.

    And here are some beautiful churches. I love going in these cathedrals. They’re so beautiful with all the gold and colours.
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  • Päivä 16

    Day 14 - To Belorado

    22. syyskuuta 2022, Espanja ⋅ 🌙 17 °C

    Day 14 - To Belorado (Thursday)

    It was unusual to see someone wearing a John Deere cap, so I had to take a picture.

    Just can’t get enough of those cathedrals! Church of San Juan Bautista in Granon on the way to Belorado, built between 15th and 18th centuries!

    Who would have thought farmland could be so beautiful. But then my frame of reference is the flat prairies Alberta. All the crops had been harvested already except sunflowers (not sure what all they grow but they do grow wheat and barley). And it’s time to harvest that shortly. It is used for sunflower oil and sunflower seeds. Pilgrims having fun again making faces on the sunflowers 😂

    Iglesia de Santa Maria church in Belorado, built in 16th century.
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  • Päivä 17

    Day 15 - To Ages

    23. syyskuuta 2022, Espanja ⋅ ☁️ 15 °C

    Day 15 - To Ages
    (pr. Ahes)
    28 kms; Difficulty 2/3

    Today was not a really nice day on the trail. It was uninteresting.
    28 km is a long way to walk at the best of times, with interesting landscapes for a distraction. I spent pretty much the whole day walking on gravel roads, like service roads, with bush on both sides. Pesky flies were constantly pestering me. There were no servicios for a 12 km stretch of the trail, yet one must continue drinking. I’m sure many people dipped into the bush, including me. But I was probably the only one that got bitten or stung by something on the back of my arm!!! And it hurt like hell….for a long time!! Don’t know what it was, but hope it wasn’t anything bad!

    Interesting looking sunrise with the clouds!
    The church in a particular town had an amazing backdrop!
    Photo of a monument of those that died in that community during Spanish Civil War.
    I have a couple pictures of part of the trail. You can see how the trail was essentially buried in the bush. The second one gives a closer-up look at how steep the other side of the valley was.
    A beautiful fern, three different colours showing three different stages of growth.
    This church was at a place called “San Juan de Ortega” on the way to Ages. It is named “Iglesia de San Juan de Ortega” after Juan Velasquez who is considered patron saint of innkeepers and also the saint of fertility. The church is home to his tomb.
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  • Päivä 18

    Day 16 - To Burgos

    24. syyskuuta 2022, Espanja ⋅ ⛅ 10 °C

    Day 17 -To Burgos
    23 kms; Difficulty 1/3

    It was a cooler day with misty rain throughout my walk. I am in desperate need of more clothes because I have one pair of pants and the only long sleeve shirt I had I inadvertently left at one of the previous Albergues! And it’s getting cold in the mornings. I’m looking forward to getting to Burgos. In fact I am planning to spend an extra day there to tour some highlights and buy a few clothes.

    Enroute to Burgos I passed a small town called Atapuerca, famous for its archeological site.
    It became a world heritage site by UNESCO on November 30, 2000. This is where greater than 90% of prehistoric humanoid artefacts in all of Europe were found, including a new species identified as “homo antecessor”(dated .77 to 2.5 million years ago) and the last common ancestor of modern humans and Neanderthals. They were thought to have been cannibalistic.

    I had to laugh at what was written on this arrow sign. Some pilgrims have quite a sense of humour!

    The path was particularly difficult in spots today. With lack of concentration it was a recipe for twisting/spraining an ankle or falling and worse!

    I am wondering if anyone can guess what this road sign means!
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  • Päivä 19

    Day 17 - Day in Burgos

    25. syyskuuta 2022, Espanja ⋅ 🌙 10 °C

    Day 17 - Day in Burgos

    I was looking so forward to shopping in Burgos. But much to my dismay and bad timing, today is Sunday and ALL the stores are closed!!! So there will be no shopping which is really unfortunate!

    Today the day started with a confusing and discouraging morning. I looked forward to the day off the trail, yet I was itching to get back walking. I felt lonely and isolated. If I said the Camino Trail does not involve soul-searching, I would be telling a lie!

    But my day improved, thankfully. I moved to another hotel which was closer to the Cathedral and Museum. I was fortunate to be able to tour the Museum of Human Evolution which was amazing!! It contains so much interesting information about evolution and archeological finds, some from the nearby village of Atapuerca which I mentioned yesterday. I have included a few pictures. I won’t bore you with all the things I found interesting, but these pictures are particularly interesting. I recommend you take a minute to read them.
    I then toured the cathedral, which was beyond belief!!! I took a million pictures and here is just a taste. Of course pictures never do justice to something so beautiful!
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  • Päivä 20

    Day 18 - To Hornillos

    26. syyskuuta 2022, Espanja ⋅ 🌙 12 °C

    Day 18 - To Hornillos
    (pr. Horneos)
    21 kms; Difficulty 2/3

    Today was a VERY interesting day.

    I travelled through a small village and saw a little church that I decided to stop at. There was a nun there who gave everyone a miraculous medal around their neck, put her hands on our shoulders and said a prayer. I don’t know what it was about that little church, but many people became quite emotional when inside. This nun was from the St. Vincent de Paul order who are committed to serving the poor. She told us the story of how she became a nun.
    Many years ago, on this one particular day, she was in Paris with friends. She got separated from them and got lost. She saw a “shrine” and went in, prayed, and asked herself what she should do with her life. She heard a voice tell her that she should join the St. Vincent de Paul order. And so she did. That was 40 years ago! And she has been serving ever since.

    A couple days ago I was phoning around looking for a place to stay at Hornillos. At one hotel I talked to a man named Samuel. He told me if I couldn’t find a place to call him back and he would see what he could do. So I called him back. He set me up at a place about 10 km out of town called El Molino, his parent’s place which is usually closed down but they were willing to open it up for desperate pilgrims. When I got into town I went to see Samuel and he called someone to come and pick me up. By then there was several others that had joined the group to go out there. While I was waiting for the ride I saw a picture on his wall about the movie “The Way” and he proceeded to tell me this story:
    In 2003 Martin Sheen, and Emilio‘s son Taylor did the Camino Trail. I read that they did it by car, I guess because they only had two weeks.
    It turned out that they stayed at El Molino. Taylor and Samuel's sister met, fell in love and eventually got married.
    In 2009 they all went back to Spain for Taylor‘s wedding and stayed to shoot the movie. Samuel told me they shot scenes of the movie at El Molino and a man by the name of Maxi, who was also in the movie, is still at El Molino. So I was anxious to get there and check it out.
    El Molino is a BIG beautiful place that kind of reminds me of the plantation homes in the southern states. I can tell it was an active Albergue at one time, still beautiful, but becoming rundown. Samuel‘s parents live in Burgos and I guess they have Maxi looking after it. I took many pictures and when I have the chance I will watch the movie again to see if I can recognize any parts of El Molino!
    Photo of Samuel and you’ll see a picture of the movie on the wall. If you zoom in you will see it signed by Martin Sheen in 2011.
    You can see Maxi in the bottom left corner of the last picture.
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