Coast to coast plus...

August - November 2016
A 82-day adventure by Nathan Read more
  • 43footprints
  • 2countries
  • 82days
  • 158photos
  • 0videos
  • 16.3kkilometers
  • 8.0kkilometers
  • Day 56

    Point Reyes National Seashore

    October 25, 2016 in the United States ⋅ ⛅ 17 °C

    Leaving Gualala, I head for Point Reyes National Seashore were there is some backcountry camping. It is supposed to rain all day so I make sure everything is buttoned up so things stay as dry as possible. I even close my pant zipper pockets, which if you leave open is similar to leaving a jacket pocket open while skiing, but much wetter.

    Route 1 is again a challenge. The wet roads I found were no more slippery, but debris in the road had increased. I keep a keen eye out for sticks and other obstacles. Eventually I come around a tight corner and there is an unavoidable wet stick in the road. The front tire hits the stick. The stick is very close to parallel with my front tire as I'm leaning into the turn. I then feel the front tire ride up and over the stick as centripetal force pulls me to the outside of my turn. Luckily the stick wasn't too big and my front wheel only jumped a half inch or so, but it was big enough to make my heart jump about the same amount. I continue on towards the seashore and the rain starts to clear. The forecast has the following day listed as rain free, and partly sunny, so I should be alright sleeping for the night in the relative dry. I soon come to the visitor center and my outer shell and gloves have started to dry off. At the visitor center I get a permit and ask about weather and animals in the area. They seem to have raccoon and skunk problems at the campsites, so lockers available are at each site. A definite plus to not have to worry about food storage at camp. After getting the lay of the land I ride to the trail head and pack an overnight backpack, cover the bike, read it a bedtime story, give it a kiss goodnight and start a short 2 mile hike to the campsite.

    The name of the campsite is "coast". Very clever. This does throw some ambiguity into the mix when there is also a trail called "coast" but does not lead to the campsite called "coast". Luckily I remembered the name of the trailhead as well as how to get there and didn't start going down the wrong trail. It feels like I'm in the exact opposite place from the national seashore on the cape. There are shore birds, dunes, a very dense, diverse group of native plants that don't grow much outside of this area, and the possibility of great sunsets. I immediately spot a young buck on the side of the trail. Soon after that there is a flock of quail in the trail. Followed by a cool salamander also hiking down the trail. I'm pretty sure I'm in the right place.

    Soon enough I reach my campsite and I set up my tent. I might be a little strange but I enjoy setting up my tent. Otherwise I probably wouldn't enjoy camping much. Finding the right spot, then orienting the tent properly for ease of entry and sunrise while keeping in mind the grade should there be one, and if the tent is in a low spot, is a fun small challenge. The challenge then results in shelter and is fairly gratifying, especially when done properly.

    A quick dinner of still delicious lentil soup, is all that is left to do before heading down to the beach. The beach lies down a path which leads to a small body of water which almost blocks access to the beach. The path turns sharply as it becomes extremely narrow. You are only a few feet above the medium sized pool, but the drop off into the pool is steep. Slipping in might mean complete submersion, which would not be fun. I take careful steps and soon am staring at a beautiful windswept beach. There is a sliver of blue sky close to the horizon. Maybe I'll the sun today! As I walk down the beach, I follow animal tracks. Maybe it's a raccoon's tracks? I never find out, but I do spot some piping plovers. The same birds that nest on cape cod beaches all summer. Then the sunset happened! Well at least I think it did... The small window through the clouds was almost in the right spot. It still made for a great view though. That's as close as I've come to seeing the sun in a few days. Today was a good day.

    Pictures: Route 1 south of Gualala. A little more route 1. The first salamander I've seen in a long time. I remember finding them routinely under a rock which was under a downspout at the house I grew up in. A glimpse of the Pacific. Sunset with some nicely placed flowers. A little later and further down the beach.
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  • Day 57

    San Francisco

    October 26, 2016 in the United States ⋅ ⛅ 14 °C

    After a night on the coast, I spent the next day exploring the rest of the national seashore. I rode out to the lighthouse and then headed back towards the mainland. I'd seen signs for hog island oysters and wanted to try some so I stopped in at a restaurant and ordered a few. For being so close to the source, the price was out of control. $18 for 6 oysters! I bit the bullet and ordered some. They were good but not worth the price. That was my budget for local food in that area, so it was back to the regular diet. During the day I got in touch with Aaron and planned on going to his place in San Francisco that night. I made my way towards the city but had extra time before Aaron was out of work so I took a look at the map and found a road called the "panoramic highway". I knew what I was doing for the afternoon!

    Route 1 was beautiful and without rain it was a blast to ride on. After finding the turn into the panoramic highway it immediately turned into switchbacks. At the crest of the road I was on, I saw the entrance to a park. I turned up that road which continued to ascend. The twists and turns seemed endless as the road narrowed. After a while I came to a parking lot and I could see the entire bay area. I somehow hit the perfect day for overlooking the city. No fog and a beautiful sunny day. I then headed for the Marin headlands and got some closer views of the golden gate bridge. I don't know how often you can catch a clear day on the bridge but every other time I've been in the city, the golden gate has been shrouded in thick fog, sometimes clearing for just a few minutes. I hung out and stared at the city. An unusual thing to do these days. I felt the ebb and flow of people showing up for a minute or two, snapping a few pictures, and promptly leaving. It wasn't very peaceful, and should have started charging money for the number of pictures I took of other people as they asked me to take their picture.

    After checking out the bridge it was time to head into San Francisco. I crossed the bridge and met Aaron at his apartment. We were able to sneak my motorcycle into his garage behind his car and his motorcycle. It was time to get used to tight spaces in cities again. It's always fun hanging out with Aaron. We had a couple of beers and then went out for some delicious deep dish a few blocks from his house. One of the things I really like about cities is convenience and proximity to restaurants, bars, and people. It can be tiring at times, but I usually enjoy a city when I have friends to hang out with. Thanks again Aaron for having me over! I can't wait to have you visit when I get to Colorado.

    The next day I headed for Oakland to see Lara and Jon. I crossed over the bay bridge and was introduced to California lane splitting. During rush hour there is always stopped traffic. I am usually at the mercy of the traffic jam, but I was now on two wheels which easily slice through traffic like a samurai sword through a watermelon. Not sure if that's a thing but you get the idea.

    It was great to see Jon and Lara again. Some recent transplants to the area, it was good to see friends doing what I plan to do very soon. We had great food, explored the farmers market on the weekend and hung out. It was a nice change of pace. Two more gracious and generous hosts. I look forward to hosting them as well when I find my next place to call home.

    After Oakland I made my way to Cupertino to visit David and Vanessa. I met them at one of their friends Halloween parties a few miles from their house. I arrived at the party not knowing anyone there, and easily gained entry. If you find a house with a party going on I've found that it's usually pretty easy to get in without knowing anyone there. Just an observation. I swear I'm not a creeper who crashes random parties. Soon David and Vanessa showed up as Waldo and a slutty pumpkin. The party had started.

    After the party Vanessa needed to make a shepherd's pie for a work pot luck the next day. We all chopped some veggies and hung out while Vanessa assembled the pie. After some great conversation I think I was able to keep them up past their bedtime. They both had work the next day so I rode back into San Fran to have lunch with Alison. We missed meeting up while I was in the city and I had time to go back for lunch. It's was good to see her even though it was just for lunch. After lunch I rode back to Cupertino but headed down the coast and over some mountains. Again riding on some great roads. I should mention that the weather in the bay area was mostly overcast with short rain storms, but Cupertino was the border of the rain I'd been trapped in for the last month. It was the light at the end of the tunnel.

    That night David and Vanessa and I went out for dinner. Another night out with friends. Something that I'd become accustomed to living in Boston for so many years, and really missed while on the road.

    Eventually it was time to keep going south. I really wanted to see Yosemite but for the second time on the trip I aborted the mission due to cold weather. Temperatures the park were consistently in the 20s at night. Time to go further south in search of better weather.

    Pictures: Road to the lighthouse on point Reyes. View of San Francisco from atop Mt. Tamalpais. Golden gate from Marin headlands. Steep motorcycle parking at Lara's and Jon's in Oakland. A view of the city from faction brewery. Delicious grilled cheese sandwiches there. Thanks Jon!
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  • Day 64

    Where The Livin'z Easy

    November 2, 2016 in the United States ⋅ 🌙 18 °C

    I quickly found better weather just south of Cupertino. Cupertino was gorgeous, but the further south I went, there were fewer clouds and it was much warmer at night. I continued to follow route 1 south with the ocean to my right and mountains to my left. I soon came to Big Sur state park. Unfortunately a recent fire had kept all the campgrounds in the park closed. Luckily there are a bunch of campgrounds along the way. I travel a few more miles south and come to Limekiln state park, which consists of about 15 maybe 20 sites. My site put me right next to a stream in the shade of a few redwoods and steep cliffs on either side. The steam flowed straight in to the ocean which was a few hundred feet away. On the way to a modestly sized yet beautiful beach I crossed under route 1, which was high overhead. The bridge was like a giant doorway between the camping area and the beach and ocean. The beach was walled in on both sides by step cliffs. it almost felt like I was in an auditorium and the sky and ocean was on stage.

    I arrived fairly early in the afternoon and still had an hour or so to bask in the sun as it set over the water. This was the first sunset on the west coast I've had that's felt warm while wearing shorts and a tee shirt. I got to put my feet in warm beach sand one more time this year, and it felt great!

    Pictures: California Central coast. The left hand wall at the Pacific ocean theater. A cool rock. A gorgeous sunset. More cool rocks.
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  • Day 66

    75 And Sunny

    November 4, 2016 in the United States ⋅ 🌙 14 °C

    South of big Sur the weather continued to improve. Route 1 was also gorgeous. I headed south toward the LA area. My plan at the beginning of the day was to find a camping spot in the mountains nearby. As I continued south I remembered that Finley lives in long Beach. The next time I stopped I shot Finley a text seeing if he was around and if I could stay on his couch. Before I could ask if I could stay over, he offered my an inflatable bed in the guest room! I immediately changed my destination for the end of the day.

    I've always heard that I would find some delicious tacos out in this part of the country. I did a quick search for the Santa Barbara area and picked a spot. I'm not sure if Santa Barbara generally has good tacos, but the place I went to sure did. I had one fish, one al pastor, and one barbacoa. All delicious. Each taco was full of flavor, especially the al pastor which has pineapple in it! Then there was a salsa bar with about 8 or 10 different salsas. I think I might need to go back to try them all. I only tried the habanero and the avocado salsas.

    After lunch, I continued down the coast. Some areas were home to beach towns and some were just mountains and ocean. This is a gorgeous part of the country which seems like a dessert one minute and beach oasis the next. Soon I started to see off shore oil derricks near Catalina island which is off the coast of LA. I was getting close. As I navigated my way into Long Beach, I new there would be traffic. I was arriving at the height of rush hour. As I passed through Malibu traffic started to back up but it was still moving. By the time I got to Santa Monica traffic was stop and go. It was also about 80 degrees outside and my bike and I were roasting in the sun. I stayed on route 1 till I got passed LAX. The traffic was almost dead stopped, however California allows motorcycles to lane split. I was too hot and my cooling fan was cranked up, so I joined in with the rest of the free motorcycles. Just 10 miles per hour, and I was a lot cooler, but I was still about 25 miles from Finley's place.

    I got on to the 405, and it was 5 lanes of stop and go traffic. I noticed that there were motorcycles lane splitting between the carpool lane and the rest of the traffic. I was out of my element so I followed suit. My eyes were darting left and right as I comparatively flew by nearly stopped cars. As I sliced through traffic I noticed a few motorcycles behind me. I ducked into a lane to let them pass. Getting back between the lanes I found that the other motorcycles were traveling at about 40mph. This speed felt way too fast especially for my fat ass panniers, so I maintained a more comfortable 30mph. Soon I became more comfortable with my width and was able to concentrate on other drivers and stop worrying about my panniers getting ripped off by slower moving vehicles.

    After 45 or so minutes of intense riding I arrived in Long Beach. Finley arrived about a minute after I started to park the bike. We went up to his apartment and I was able to take a very refreshing shower just before Finley made some rocking chicken tacos. After dinner we drove to Huntington Beach for a beer. It was a great way to wind down after a stressful ride, and it was fun hanging out and catching up with Finley. Thank you for the great hospitality!

    The next day I reluctantly said goodbye to the ocean, but was headed towards my cousin Sam's place a few hours east which made me forget about leaving the ocean.

    Picture: The beautiful California coast on route 1 just south of big Sur. I didn't take as many pictures as the landscape begged, but I was enjoying the ride too much to stop and take pictures every few feet. The road is also fairly twisty.
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  • Day 70

    Climate Change

    November 8, 2016 in the United States ⋅ ☀️ 21 °C

    Leaving the LA area was not a particularly pretty ride. large roads and construction explode from the city, leaving spaghetti like tracks in the desert. Eventually the roads became sparse and all that remained was dessert and strip malls. That then became desert and dry mountains; the landscape became beautiful again as I drove further into the Mojave. The temperature increases and there were almost no clouds in the sky. This place is what I imagine when I think of a desert.

    I arrived at Sam's place where he and his girlfriend Diana and her family live just on the boarder of Joshua Tree National Park. Sam and Diana happened to be in the driveway as I drove up so I knew I was in the right spot. We caught up and hung out for the evening. I got to meet Diana's kids Davian and Cassius. Everyone made me feel at home and it was a very relaxing few days. Sam, Diana, the kids and I went out for a hike one day, and we also went to a nearby playground one morning. The playground brought me back; what a fun group.

    After a few days it was time to get back on the road. I left around around 4:45 in the afternoon, and daylight savings had ended without me really noticing, so I only had about an hour to get to my destination and set up camp. I was going to camp in Joshua Tree, but it was too late in the day so I found some BLM land just outside of the park. The sunset in the desert is gorgeous. A few clouds lit up from the disappearing sun and the entire sky was visible. Usually there are buildings or trees or hills or mountains in the way. The sunset in the desert is almost like being in the ocean.

    The next day I rode through Joshua tree. I didn't feel like going for a hike or doing much exploring as the scenery didn't appear to change much and there is no water in the park except at the entrance, so all water needs to be carried. Hiking in desserts doesn't seem to be my thing, so I rode to Red Rocks and Vegas. The ride through Joshua Tree was really nice though.

    Pictures: A view if the San Andreas fault and Palm Springs. Sunset over Yucca valley from BLM land just outside Joshua Tree. My campsite in the morning. Joshua trees in the park.
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  • Day 70

    Oh Fu!!! Oooooh Sh! Get The FffffOut

    November 8, 2016 in the United States ⋅ 🌙 17 °C

    On the positive side, late night shows will have 4 more years of material. I guess that's all people care about. I can't believe this is happening...

  • Day 71

    Vegas Baby!

    November 9, 2016 in the United States ⋅ ☀️ 15 °C

    Just outside of Vegas is Red Rocks. On my way there I drove through the heart of the Mojave desert. Luckily for me it wasn't too hot because it is November, but temperatures here can crest 100 degrees on a regular basis in the summer. The Mojave was beautiful. Large mountain ranges surround you and it looks like you'll be trapped, but the roads sneak between the mountains like a cyclist doing the wiggle in San Francisco. Then you see more flat desert and the next range off on the horizon.

    About 50 miles outside of Vegas there is some cool technology out in the desert. Three large thermal solar collectors sit on the desert floor directing sunlight at a focal point. Imagine a huge array of mirrors all pointed at a tower in the middle of those mirrors. You can actually see the intense light beaming back to that central tower. I wasn't able to get a picture as I was on an interstate, but if you're curious look up the Ivanpah solar power facility. It's pretty cool. Apparently the beams of concentrated light can kill birds that fly through them as the air temperature can reach 1000 degrees Fahrenheit. A terrible side effect of such a technology as a dessert ecosystem is such a fragile one. About 3500 birds were killed during the first year of operation, and apparently the company that built the technology is trying to deter wild life, especially birds, from entering the air space surrounding the intense light.

    Before arriving at Red Rocks, I made sure to stop at an in and out. I'd heard of the burger joint from many people who said it was not to be missed. I didn't get to one in Cali as I was on a hunt for good tacos, which I felt was more important than a fast food burger. The Vegas area isn't known for tacos so it was time for a burger. I think I need to run some more tests to see where the in and out burger stands among others, but it was a solid fast food burger. I'd eat another one. Animal style is definitely the way to go. Thanks for the heads up Sam!

    After a burger I shot over to red rocks and drove through the park loop. I wasn't inspired to go for much hiking here either so it was time for bed.

    The next day I made my way into Vegas and got ready to see the Cirque du Soleil show O. Before the show I walked around the strip getting lost in the mega hotels near the Belagio. What an unusual place Vegas is. A gigantic city in the middle of a desert. I think it's strange how we see nothing wrong with using tremendous amounts of power and water for an adult playground in the desert, but some people are opposed to building renewable energy systems in the same area. Just something to think about.

    The circus was amazing as was the surrounding area. I had an awesome seat too. The seat was so good and I was dressed in the nicest clothes I had with me, which were my only pair of pants and my button down flannel patterned shirt, that one of the ushers jumped in front of me on my way to my seat to make sure someone with my style was in the right spot. After the show I got to see the fountain show at the Belagio. Pretty cool. After Vegas it was onward to the Hoover dam! Another renewable energy technology in the middle of fragile ecosystems.

    Pictures: The Mojave. Red Rocks. My view at O. The fountain show at the Belagio. Lake Mead which is above the hoover dam.
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  • Day 72

    Dam! Where Am I Going To Sleep?

    November 10, 2016 in the United States ⋅ 🌙 16 °C

    The Hoover dam! What a cool piece of technology and engineering history. This dam was the largest of its kind when it was conducted, and many new technologies were created during the project. The concrete was continuously poured for 2 years. Just think about that for a minute. Continuously means 24/7/365 (it might have been 363). It was poured as interlocking blocks, not just one giant mass of concrete. The scale of the project was massive, not only for the construction itself, but the effect it has on the desert, people in the surrounding area, as well as the people hired to build the dam as it was built during the great depression. It would have been cool to see this dam as a kid when I was learning about the great depression. Things may have sunk in a bit better.

    I almost didn't take the dam tour, but then I remembered that I was here specifically to see the dam. I'd be crazy not to go inside. The tour did make me late for my departure however. The tour was worth it though. I recommend seeing this wonder if you're on the fence, or have any interest in large scale energy and construction projects. It's also cool to see how people got shit done. Under the right circumstances we can accomplish anything. The dam was completed under budget and ahead of schedule. This is unheard of nowadays. Again, I think the great depression played a big part in the construction of this dam.

    My plan for the night was to find some more BLM land as I entered Arizona. I left the dam around 3, so I only had 2 plus hours to find my home for the night. As I rode into the desert, the sun was getting dangerously low. I wasn't going to make it to where I had planned on sleeping. Lucky for me there is a lot of BLM land in northwestern Arizona. From the highway I spotted a few campers off the road, so I slammed on the brakes and set up my tent just before dark. Road noise was pretty loud but I was happy that I wasn't looking for a place to sleep in the dark. If it's for free it's for me!

    Pictures: The intake towers. Marble floors made on the cheap during the depression. A 50 foot diameter underground intake pipe. Gratuitous dam photos. Where I slept for the night. The road is about 300 feet to my left.
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  • Day 73

    Racing The Sun

    November 11, 2016 in the United States ⋅ 🌙 20 °C

    Earlier in this trip I was chasing the sun across the country. The days were nice and long, and I could ride for as long as I felt comfortable. Then I would stop, set up camp, make and eat dinner, then find a nice place to watch the sun set. If I stopped riding before I got tired, I would even have time for a 2-3 hour adventure on foot. I don't really have a good sense of what season it is, so I feel out of touch with how short the days are now. Overnight it seems the daylight hours have been cut almost in half. Transitioning from relatively flat dessert, to more mountainous dessert has also cut extra daylight out quite literally over night. I am starting to barely have enough time to find a place to sleep, set up camp, make and eat dinner, all the while the sun is setting. It's also getting hard to sleep all the way through the night as the sun is my alarm clock and it keeps getting later and later in the morning.

    The Arizona desert is amazing to look at though. The temperature is almost perfect. When I wake up it is usually in the low 50s I'm guessing. By the time I'm done eating breakfast the temperature is warm enough that I don't mind washing my dishes with cold water. The first two hours of riding this morning we brisk, but not uncomfortable. Mid morning till noon is perfect. Then the afternoon gets a little hot, to the point where I'll seat if I stop moving. Then I'll arrive at my campsite just after the sun goes behind the mountains but just before sunset, any I'm comfortable in short sleeves and shorts. After the sun sets, I need to immediately don some pants and a long sleeve shirt. I think I'm right on the boarder of having enough daylight, and the temperature be warm enough for me to be comfortable. I feel this journey is approaching it's end. I guess the end of something enjoyable is always bittersweet. You can now look back at those enjoyable memories and put to use your new experiences. There is also something new waiting for you in your next journey. Who knows what it will be!

    I really trailed off there but it's too hard to edit this with one finger, so it'll stay. The desert is gorgeous! I stared to see the type of cacti that look like the cacti that's drawn in a roadrunner/Wiley coyote cartoon. The scenery is actually pretty close to that cartoon. My advice if you never see this part of the country is to get off your as and come see it! Then watch roadrunner cartoons and compare. Not a bad homework assignment; although I guess the first half may not necessarily be at home.

    Today I made a trip to visit my grandfather's resting place. Coincidentally it is Veterans day, and he served in the air force during the Korean and Vietnam wars. It was good to see him again. RIP Grandpa Bill.

    I then headed for the start of the Apache trail which my Aunt Monique had recommended. The trail started out as a paved road. It soon became very bumpy fit about 6 or 7 miles. The bumps were very regular, went across the entire road and were spaced about 10 feet. At the same time the sun was getting dangerously low in the sky. Soon the road smoothed out and the ride got a lot better. The scenery was stunning around each corner. While I didn't like the fact that the sun was about to set and I still had yet to secure a tent spot for the night, the light made the landscape light up all around me. With about 20 miles left on the trail, it became unpaved. The road was hard packed sand and suitable for my motorcycle. I did scope out the trail using my handy dandy pocket computer and paper map in search of a nice place to rest for the night before venturing down this trail. I did find a few campsites, but came across a forest service road that was begging me to check it out. I eventually found the road, just before the sun set at the virtual horizon behind the mountains, and it too looked suitable for my motorcycle. It may have been difficult for a low clearance front wheel drive car to climb back out, but my two wheels did the trick. The road was steep, narrow, windy, and without guard rails. At the bottom of the forest service road was a boat launch and several flat spots to camp. I unpacked my gear set up camp, ate a quick dinner and got ready to head to the grand canyon in the morning.

    Pictures: These are all pictures along the Apache trail. The last one is the Roosevelt dam which controls the Salt river downstream.
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  • Day 74


    November 12, 2016 in the United States ⋅ 🌙 12 °C

    In the morning I still had another 10 miles of unpaved road to traverse. It was slow going but beautiful. I eventually came to the Roosevelt dam which was modified between 1989 and 1996 to increase the height by 77 feet. It was determined that the original height wasn't high enough for a possible flood, so that's why the damn was modified. The original dam was built between 1903 and 1911 out of stone cut from the nearby canyon. At the time it was the largest stone dam in the world.

    The ride to the grand canyon was beautiful. More mountains, cacti, and high desert. The road brought me to about 8000 feet and it got cold for a few hours. A quick stop in Flagstaff for lunch, and then I continued to the canyon. I wanted make sure I got to the backcountry office before they closed and find a spot try sleep for the night in the national forest just outside the park. On my way out of Flagstaff I had beautiful views of a lightly snow dusted Humphreys peak. A 12,637 foot peak in central Arizona.

    I arrived at the backcountry office just after 4 and obtained a permit for two nights at the bright angel camp at the bottom of the canyon just past that Colorado River. I quickly turned around and set up camp in Kaibab national Forest immediately beyond the park boundary to the south. The forest was very inviting with nicely spaced trees and a few established camp spots. I chose one and made camp before the sun started to set. Something I hadn't managed to accomplish in the last couple of days. I got ready for a cold night, as the forecast said it would be in the 20s. I donned all my clothes and climbed into my sleeping bag after dancing around outside my tent to watch the moon and keep warm for a bit.

    The night was cold and for whatever reason, I woke up at 2 and couldn't sleep the rest of the night. I tossed and turned till i couldn't take it anymore. I new it was going to be even colder outside my sleeping bag and tent, but I wasn't sleeping so I braved the cold and started a fire in the fire ring. I knew the ring wasn't a legal one (you're not supposed to have a fire in a national forest unless it's in a ring provided by the national forest) but my hands and feet were about to freeze off. The small fire I made was just big enough to warm me up so I wasn't too uncomfortable. Time to make breakfast and break down camp. Every few minutes I would come back and warm my hands and feet. Once everything was packed up, I started the bike after a few tries and went to the visitor center to warm up some more.

    Pictures: a bridge just passed the Roosevelt dam. The Roosevelt lake side of the dam. An elevated view towards the canyon. Looking back at Humphreys peak. My campsite in Kaibab. A frosty helmet next to the fire. Not the same as a frosty mug.
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