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  • Hari 28–30

    Salt flats and Altiplano

    1 Mei, Bolivia ⋅ 🌬 16 °C

    The next part of our journey would comprise of 3 days of 4WD over the salt flats. On our first day, we visited a site known as the train cemetery where we were able to see some abandoned trains leftover from a more industrial period for the region. After the train cemetery, we visited the salt flats which were surreal as there was just white as far as the horizon. After taking a range of photos including some cool perspective photos, we set off for where we would spend the first night on the Bolivian Altiplano

    The second day, was spent exploring the many different lagoons scattered in the ... Altiplano. It was here we were able to giant flamboyances of flamingos. Later that afternoon we had a final stop to see some natural geysers, which were stunning but it is debatable if the smell made it worth getting out of the car!
    Once we got to our location of the accommodation for our second night, we got changed into some warmer clothes, had dinner and then headed down to the natural hot spring for some stargazing. It was freezing on the walk down (pretty sure below freezing) but it was definitely worth it once we got in the hot springs and were able to observe the stars without any light pollution.

    The third day we left the cold and windy Bolivian Altiplano for the Chile border crossing and San Pedro de Atacama.
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  • Hari 25–27

    La Paz

    28 April, Bolivia ⋅ ☁️ 17 °C

    We started with an 8 hour bus ride from Pink to La Paz before meeting our Bolivian tour guide who explained La Paz to us and took us on a tour of La Paz using their public transport cable car system which was an amazing and unique way to see the city.

    The next day started with some exploring of the local witches markets before getting back on the cable cars and exploring more of the city from the sky. We then had our welcome meeting where we met our new our group members and your leader before heading for dinner and some drinks. The night finished with some drinks at a cool bar that served its cocktails in a cauldron.

    The final day in La Paz we had some free time to explore in the morning before having an amazing lunch comprising of 3 courses of local food. After lunch we went and played the local game of wolleyball, which is like volleyball but indoor and you can use the walls, against some locals. The day finished with watching the Champions league in an English pub before getting ready for our overnight bus to Uyuni.
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  • Hari 22–25

    Puno & Lake Titicaca homestay

    25 April, Peru ⋅ ☁️ 16 °C

    The first day was mostly spent traveling on a bus from Cusco to Puno. It was the most comfortable bus I've been on, felt like a business flight.
    Once we arrived in Puno, we spent some time exploring the town square and went for a night walk after dinner.

    On the second day we were on our way to our local homestays. We started by visiting one of the local floating islands, which are these small communities who were driven away from their homes to live on Lake Titicaca. The islands are cleverly built by using a base made up of blocks of the local reeds root systems tied up together which have properties like cork. They then maintain a bed level of reeds to make the island dry and habitable.
    Once we got to the local village, home of the Llachon community, we met our host, the lovely Mama Provencia who made a generous lunch for us. We then spent the afternoon assisting her with shucking the corn, all the different colours of corn was amazing. The afternoon jobs were followed by some competitive games of volleyball with the locals.
    In the evening we assisted with preparing dinner by peeling and cutting the vegetables whilst dressed up in the local garments.

    On our third day, we woke up and said goodbye to Mama Provencia, before heading off to explore more of Lake Titicaca. We then landed on Tequila island to explore and watch some traditional dances. After the few who were brave enough went for a swim in Lake Titicacas frigid waters, which was very refreshing. The day was wrapped up with dinner and drinks where we said goodbye to our first friend to leave the trip.
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  • Hari 20–22

    Cusco and Sacred Valley

    23 April, Peru ⋅ ☁️ 15 °C

    Cusco and night out
    Ferrata and ziplines

    After four long days of the Inca trail, our tired and smelly group were just looking forward to some hot showers and sleep in a modern bed. We got the train from Machu Picchu back to Ollayatambo before getting on the bus back to Cusco.
    Getting cleaned up and putting away our trekking clothes, our guide Julio had a special surprise for us. He took us to a bar that had a beautiful view of the Cusco hills where we enjoyed dinner and a few drinks.

    On the next day we had a day to choose our own activity. The group split in two, with half deciding to go with the early start so they could see rainbow mountain... ... The other half of the group returned to Sacred Valley for Ferrata and Ziplines.
    This activity offered amazing views of the sacred valley from the side of the cliff and the the ziplines were the longest I have ever seen and unreal.
    The second day was capped off with some drinks out in the Cusco night life, including some beginners salsa group classes and our second Irish pub of Peru!
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  • Hari 17–20

    Inca Trail

    20 April, Peru ⋅ ☁️ 17 °C

    The first day of the Inca trail was very exciting as we were immediately spoilt with stunning views of the mountain ranges which felt alien compared to anything we can see in Australia. On top of this, we had many opportunities to see old Inca sites on the first days walk which was capped off with camping in Wayllabamba where we formally met our porter team and watched the sunset over the valley.

    The second day was a daunting start as we had been told it was going to be the hardest day and right off the start it didn't disappoint as it was straight uphill to our morning break at Llulluchapampa, it was here we were rewarded with the view of the dead woman's pass, the peak that we would be getting to that day, and it looked steep but there wasn't a better feeling than finally getting to the top of that pass. We then had a short steep descent into the valley Paqaymayu Alto where our camp for the second night would be.

    The third day started with a slight ascent before going downhill for the majority of the day. Towards the end of the day, we treated to probably some of the best Inca sites to date. Intipata was a terrace farm that had the sole purpose to the grow crops that would be offered to the gods and Winaywana was a terrace farm that generates crops for people living in the area. We were spoilt for a view to watch the sunset and following stars on a rooftop near our campsite.

    Our final day had an early start, waking up at 3am so that we could get to the checkpoint for final walk to the sungate which would give us a unique view of Machu Picchu. After a 3 hour hike, we were rewarded with a clear view of Machu Picchu, fortunately with clear skies. Once we got our fill of the views from the Sun Gate, we headed down explore Machu Picchu.

    The day finished off with rejoining the rest of our Intrepid family for lunch before returning to Cusco.
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  • Hari 16–17


    19 April, Peru ⋅ ☀️ 16 °C

    Today we left Cusco to head out to Ollayatambo where we would be heading to the starting point of the Inca Trail the following day. On the way we stopped by a small community where we learnt about their lifestyle and how they make all the different colour dyes for their beautiful textiles. After that, we were dressed up in traditional clothing before having a local lunch. After the community visit, we had a quick stop to try Peruvian chicha but in my opinion the Ecuadorian version was nicer.
    Once we were in Ollantaytambo we went for a walk and explored the last living Incan town in Peru.
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  • Hari 15–16

    Cusco the Incan Capital

    18 April, Peru ⋅ ☁️ 17 °C

    Delicious local dinner
    Wandered around the town square at night
    On the drive to Ollayatambo we stopped for a view over Cusco, learnt about Pachachuti and his heroics to protect Cusco and the expansion of the Incan territory into the neighbouring countriesBaca selengkapnya

  • Hari 13–15

    Amazon Jungle

    16 April, Peru ⋅ ⛅ 33 °C

    It was an early and hungover start to the day when we had an early flight to Puerto Maldonado where we would start our foray into the Amazon jungle.
    One our river boat ride to our lodge, we spotted squirrel monkeys, capyberras and caymans. Once we settled into the lodge, we were treated to an amazing sunset over the river before going on a night jungle walk to observe some nocturnal Amazon denizens.

    On the second day we headed out to lake Tres Chimbadas to look for giant otters but unfortunately the weather meant we had to turn back. Once we got back to our lodge, we joined the locals to watch a game of the champions league which was surreal considering we were in the middle of the jungle. Some Titi monkeys even joined to watch the game. After this we played a game of soccer with the locals before getting ready for a night jungle cruise to try and spot some more wildlife.
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  • Hari 11–13


    14 April, Peru ⋅ ☀️ 26 °C

    It was time to say goodbye to Ecuador and our new friends we had made over the last two weeks as our new adventure was starting in Peru. When we landed in Lima, we settled into our hotel before going for an explore of Lima.
    The next day we met the first of our new travelling companions who we went on to explore the Miraflores district with before it was time to meet the rest of our to be Intrepid Family.
    Once we had our group meeting we went for a guided walk of Lima where we learnt about the origin of Paddington bear, explored Kennedy park (AKA cat park), tried a local dessert called picarones and went to dinner to try local ceviche and pisco. The night was capped with some introductory drinks with the group.
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  • Hari 8–10

    San Cristobal Island

    11 April, Ekuador ⋅ ☀️ 29 °C

    On the boat ride from Santa Cruz towards San Cristobal, we came across a pod of dolphins that put on a show, there must have been at least a 100 of them. Once we had checked into the hotel, we walked to the Galapagos interpretation centre where we learnt some history of the islands and about the three main currents (the Humboldt current, the Panama flow and the Cromwell current) that drive the diverse ecosystem that is the Galapagos.

    On our second day, we went snorkeling at a cleaning station called kicker rock, hoping to see some hammerheads. Unfortunately whilst we did not see any hammerheads, we managed to see giant schools of fish, swim with reef sharks and even managed to spot a school of eagle rays which was amazing.
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