Politischer Bezirk Salzburg-Umgebung

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    • Dag 33

      Day 4 - Salzburg

      3. desember 2023, Østerrike ⋅ 🌙 -9 °C

      Temperature: minus 3, then at 4 pm minus 7.

      Our tour leader organised a tour guide today for the walk around Salzburg. We left at 8.30 am and our guide spent nearly 4 hours showing us around. It was a wonderful experience. We bused back to our hotel and had a cup of tea, and then I caught the bus back in as I wanted to see the parade. It really was hilarious as one of the grouches chose me to have some fun with, I couldn't stop laughing. I 6 up with Kerri and Ken, part of our tour group, and we walked together. It was a bit of a billygoat walk most enjoyable.Les mer

    • Dag 7

      Mozartkugeln und Bier

      27. september 2022, Østerrike ⋅ 🌧 12 °C

      Der Morgen begann ähnlich wie am vorherigen Tag und wir entschieden uns bei einer Free-Walking Tour also bei einer kostenlosen Stadtbesichtigung mitzulaufen. Wir hatten Glück und erwischten einen unglaublich guten und lustigen Guide namens Leo. Immerwieder wurde die Gruppe miteinbezogen und der Informationsgehalt war wohl der höchste und am Besten ausgearbeitete über die Stadt den wir im ganzen Urlaub bekommen sollten. Nach zwei Stunden drückten wir Leo dankbar Trinkgeld in die Hand und bedankten uns für die schöne Tour😊. Auf seine Empfehlung ging es danach zur Confiserie Fürst, die einzig echten und wirklich originalen Mozartkugeln probieren. Und wir haben tatsächlich noch nie so leckere Pralinen dieser Art gegessen🤤😋 Danach ging es auf ins Mozart-Geburtshaus. Viele Info's über den damaligen Superstar. Eigentlich alles wie erwartet🤷‍♀️.
      Daraufhin wollten wir unbedingt einen superbilligen Asiaimbiss ausprobieren, der in einer der Seitengassen 22 Stück Sushi für 8,50€ verkaufte und wir wurden tatsächlich nicht enttäuscht vom Preis-Leisungs-Verhältnis. Zur Entspannung stiegen wir noch auf ein Boot zur Stadtrundfahrt, wo Nils kurz einnickte. Es war gerade mal Nachmittags und da wir sowieso nichts besseres mit unserer Zeit anzufangen wussten fuhren wir noch ins Braumuseum vom "Stiegl-Bier". Dort verlor ich sowohl meine Salzburg-Card als auch mein Halstuch, was aber erst im Bus zurück auffiel🤦‍♀️. Jedoch waren wir mit meiner Kindergartenfreundin Linda in einer in der "Academy-Bar" verabredet und fuhr Nils noch einmal zurück, um meine Sachen zu suchen während ich mit Linda schon ein Bierchen trank. Alle verlorenen Gegenstände hatten sich Gott-sei-Dank wieder angefunden😅. Und so konnten wir entspannt den Abend ausklingen lassen.
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    • Dag 12

      A small snippet of Salzburg

      1. januar 2020, Østerrike ⋅ ☀️ 4 °C

      Again we’ve been a bit slow on the posts over the last few days. Probably not a bad thing as it must mean we are busy or too relaxed haha. Salzburg was lovely and I would definitely go back there again if we ever return to Austria! Although I feel like we covered a bit of ground in the time we were there. We visited the house where Mozart was born and spent the first few years of his life (was fascinated to hear about his very talented sister who I believe was overshadowed by her brother!), went to Mirabell Gardens (a little bit more colourful in summer I assume but very pretty!). We saw a fantastic interactive exhibition about some historic musical instruments, caught the funicular up to the Fortress Hohensalzburg and then walked everywhere else we could. The NYE vibe was a bit tamer than Amsterdam 3 years ago although there were still fireworks going off everywhere. We had a great view of the festivities from one of the pedestrian bridges on the river. The weather was perfect and we felt like we had a chance to relax a bit on the last day of our stay. Staying healthy and been cooking up some delicious meals in our Airbnb’s :)Les mer

    • Dag 10

      A wet ride to Salzburg

      12. mai 2023, Østerrike ⋅ ☁️ 14 °C

      Passau to Salzburg was going to be a two day ride or one veeery long day if I went for it. It started off decently dry, but got more and more wet as I went. Wet, muddy and cold! I opted for a hotel in Salzburg, threw the (wet) towel in and hopped a train the last stretch! I spent the last day and a half hanging out in Salzburg and drying out all my equipment in the hotel. This morning I’ll be heading to an adjacent valley with a nice camp site by a little river, a sauna, pool and all the amenities! Also the salt mine tour that I want to check out is right next door! As long as I set up camp before it starts raining, let it rain! I’ve got a few hours of dry this morning, so I better start pedaling!Les mer

    • Dag 6

      Festung Hohen Salzburg

      26. september 2022, Østerrike ⋅ ⛅ 15 °C

      Fertig von den vorangegangenen Tagen krabbelten wir am Morgen aus unseren Hostelbetten. Jetzt wo die Muskeln Zeit zum Erholen bekamen fingen wir erstmal an sie zu spüren😅 Wir frühstückten zunächst in der kleinen aber feinen Hostelküche und freuten uns über Brötchen und Ei, statt Porridge mit Wasser.
      Gestärkt entschieden wir nun zunächst zur Tourist-Info zu schlendern und uns dort die Salzburg Card zu holen. Für 45 € begleiteten uns die nächsten drei Tage lauter Gratis-Eintritte, Vergünstigungen und freier Verkehr mit den Öffis. Schnell fiel uns allerding auch auf wie überflutet die Innenstadt mit Touristen war. Und wir waren nun ein Teil davon😬. Etwas überfordert von dem Überangebot an touristischen Attraktionen und entschieden uns zunächst für die Festung Hohen Salzburg. Mit einer Bahn ging es nach oben. Dort gab es ein wunderschönes Panorama auf die Stadt und die umliegenden Berge. Allerdings kam keine der gebotenen Aussichten an die Ausblicke unserer letzten Tage heran.
      Danach besichtigten wir die Burg mit ihren verschiedenen Ausstellungen zur Geschichte Salzburgs, der Festung und der ehemaligen Fürsterzbischöfe der Stadt. Wieder unten angekommen machten wir noch einen kurzen Abstecher auf den Friedhof und in die Katakomben am Fuße der Festung.
      Nachdem wir gesättigt und vollgestopft mit Informationen waren knurrte nun unser Magen und wir machten uns auf die Suche nach einem netten und vor allem bezahlbaren Lokal. Dabei stolperten wir immer wieder in irgendwelche teuren Luxusklamottenläden. Schnell mussten wir feststellen: Salzburg ist ein teures Pflaster. Schließlich fanden wir dennoch ein hübsches kleines Lokal und genossen Spinatknödel mit Bergkäse und Gulasch🙃 Satt und glücklich liefen wir zurück zur Unterkunft, wo wir den Abend gemütlich ausklingen ließen.
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    • Dag 59

      Tour Day 10 - Lake Bled & Salzburg

      18. juli 2023, Østerrike ⋅ ☁️ 29 °C

      Special guest appearance- EC for the final day of tour
      Hello! Georgia is being the driving hero of the day for the first day of the road trip, so I’ve gotten the call up for the find penguins post!
      I (Erin) woke up for a quick morning run back up to the castle before breakfast and getting back on the bus for the last day of the tour. We jumped on the bus and the first stop was Lake Bled, which was a stunning lake in Slovenia. Got some photos and had a walk around the lake. We sat down for a coffee and then realised we had to be back at the bus in 20 minutes and it was a 12 minute walk. Safe to say it was the fastest I’ve ever skulled a coffee but luckily no burnt mouth. Made it back to the bus with 5 minutes to spare, so continuing to rebuild our reputation as the non late girls. The next stop was Salzburg, which is sound of music town. Turns out, not a very popular movie in our tour group. Kriszti our tour leader is not a fan because of the historical inaccuracies, but still tried to get everyone hyped by playing the songs. It really felt like I was the only one who enjoyed it. She pointed out a few of the mountains from the movie as we drove which were really pretty. Georgia reported the soundtrack and the town have not made her to want to watch the movie, so no wins on that front. We were a bit late to Salzburg and they are pretty strict on tour busses so we potentially got fined. When we got to Salzburg we went through the gardens which were stunning, and may have been featured in the movie, but it has been a long time since I’ve seen it, so I can’t confirm. We only had an hour, so we went in search of waffles. Instead Geo found some spaghetti ice cream which was exciting. Jumped back on the bus for the last leg of the journey and managed to not get stopped by border security going back into Germany which Kriszti said was unheard of. Made it back to Munich and went for a final dinner with most of the tour, at a little Italian restaurant. Sat with the guys and chatted about highlights, lowlights and weirdlights on the trip, which was a lot of fun. Walter was a lowlight and cucumber boy was the weird light for me personally. Went back to the hotel and had another drink with a smaller group, which was good fun and then were embarrassingly the first to head to bed at about 11, the oldies stayed up for another drink. Overall, an awesome tour with some amazing places and some very interesting characters met along the way. Definitely will miss Kriszti's local knowledge and the bus beers vibes. But looking forward to potentially finding a salad somewhere that isn’t Central Europe.
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    • Dag 1

      Salzburg on The Way

      28. desember 2022, Østerrike ⋅ ⛅ 3 °C

      We decided to stop over in Salzburg on our way to our friends in Italy. The girls were particularly excited because this was the filming location for "The Sound of Music." That is a movie they recently discovered and truly enjoyed. Their little voices have filled our home with the memorable songs from the movie ever since they watched it.

      Poor Mabel's cough flared up again before we left, but we rallied despite the lack of sleep and everyone traveled quite well. Everyone was excited to be in adventure mode again, so the joy of traveling trumped the tiredness. We traveled by rental car which allowed us to encounter more of the countryside and the Alps. The snow capped Alps with lingering clouds and lush green valleys below were just a spectacular sight to see. Oh and all the long tunnels made for extra fun! One tunnel took Seth five breaths to complete. We went through many long tunnels this trip.

      Our hotel was fantastic and had a pool, but I forgot the swimsuits! Luckily, the kids were very understanding and kind about that. They were really just excited to see the city and be traveling again. We drove into Salzburg and hit the streets exploring. We walked along the river as dusk chased us and the city lit up with Christmas lights. We were drawn toward the town center by Christmas trees and the delicious smells of the Christmas market. We shared one thing savory and one thing sweet! The Schaumrollen was a sweet cylinder shaped pastry filled with whipped marshmallow cream topped with powdered sugar about the size of a child's forearm. We decided on Spätzell because we didn't hit our carb goals for the day. Ha ha! This dish consisted of drizzled, fried dough covered in cheese and pork.

      As we wondered further into the city, we encountered "Mozart" on every corner as this city is also famous for being the birth place of this incredible musician. This trip stirred their curiosity of Mozart and his impact on the world through music.

      We ended the night with an incredible feast at a restaurant with multiple playgrounds! We ordered not understanding how large the spread would be, but we could have fed at least two other adults easily. It was beyond delicious with meats, fresh veggies, sprouts, and freshly made potato wedges. Sehr lecker! Needless to say, we were stuffed and fell to sleep quickly back at it hotel after a full day.
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    • Dag 3

      Salzburg 2 jours 3/8 aprem-5/8 midi

      4. august 2023, Østerrike ⋅ ☁️ 19 °C

      Arrivés jeudi 3/8 aprem. Après avoir déposé nos valises à notre hôtel Drei Kreuz, aussitôt repartis dans la vieille ville "Altstadt" piétonne, du côté de la cité des princes archevêques et de la cathédrale, ce même quartier qui a vu naître Mozart et l'a vu évoluer durant ses 26 1eres années, quartier enclavé d'un côté par la falaise d'une montagne, de l'autre par le fleuve Salzach.
      Nous avons flâné dans les vieilles rues Getreidegasse et Judengasse, jusqu'aux places Waagplatz, Mozartplatz, Residenzplatz. Des enseignes en fer forgé partout, des façades colorées, beaucoup de boutiques modernes chocs mais aussi de vêtements traditionnels (Tracht, Dirndl, Lederhosen pantalons courts en cuir, Loden ...) et des célèbres confiseries Mozartkugeln au marzipan.
      Visité la maison natale de Mozart au 9 de la Getreidegasse, découvert clavecin et premier violon de l'enfant prodige, l'appartement familial, sa chambre, salle de musique, ses 750 oeuvres dont 500 terminées et publiées, ses 20 opéras, son arbre généalogique, des tableaux de ses parents, de sa femme Constance Weber, de ses 2 fils sans descendance. Toujours aussi passionnant !
      Soirée sage dans un Biergarten près de notre hôtel : Die Weisse.

      Vendredi 4/8 matin : retour dans la Vieille ville pour visiter cette fois ci la sublime cathédrale baroque-renaissance. Le fond baptismal qui a vu baptiser Mozart, les orgues auquel il a joué. Ces fresques orangées, cet immense dôme/coupole, balcons magnifiques, de marbre blanc et noir, sa crypte où reposent les tombeaux de tous les anciens archevêques jusqu'au dernier de 2015 ... Somptueux ... Et quelle émotion pour tous les 4 d'assister par hasard à un concert d'orgues de reprises de morceaux de Mozart dans cette cathédrale en remontant de la crypte, quel son !
      Puis nous avons pris le temps de flâner à nouveau Capitel Platz ; la place du vieux Marché "Alter Market" avec sa vieille station météo, sa vieille pharmacie "Apotheke" de l'époque des premiers Archevêques, sa jolie statue centrale ; puis la place de l'université "Universität Platz" qui borde l'ancienne faculté de théologie jusqu'à la place Herbert von Karajan d'où nous avons vu par hasard la reine de Suède sortir d'un hôtel restaurant pour monter dans une grosse berline BMW avec chauffeur tandis qu'un compagnon montait dans une Bentley avec chauffeur.

      Puis nous avons traversé le fleuve pour découvrir l'autre maison de Mozart puis le château Mirabell et ses superbes jardins, sous une pluie fine.
      En entrant dans le château, qu'elle belle surprise que ce concert de musique traditionnelle et démonstration de danse folklorique d'un groupe de tyroliens ou bavarois qui nous ont ravis tous les 4 !

      Enfin 1km a pieds pour rejoindre une Brasserie populaire Augustina Bräustūbl aux salles immenses dans un ancien cloître, avec immense Biergarten, et ou les tonneaux de bière Augustina brassée sur place se vidaient à coup de chopes d'1 litre.
      Les mer

    • Dag 3

      Jour 3 - On arrive en Autriche !

      1. august 2022, Østerrike ⋅ ⛅ 27 °C

      Nous voilà partis pour la première étape à vélo ! Objectif : atteindre Salzbourg 🇦🇹

      Nous sommes partis en train de Munich ce matin à 10h et sommes arrivés à Trostberg (🇩🇪) à 12h. Nous avons déjeuné dans un parc et fais la sieste avant de prendre la route direction Salzbourg.

      Nous avons eu la chance de rouler sous le soleil avec les Alpes comme paysage. La vue était exceptionnelle à nous en faire oublier notre fatigue. 😋

      Après 57km de vélo et 430m de dénivelé positif, nous avons franchi la frontière Autrichienne vers 18h30 !

      Ce soir nous dormons en auberge de jeunesse, nous reprenons des forces pour entamer la seconde étape à 8h demain matin !
      Les mer

    • Dag 83


      12. juni 2022, Østerrike ⋅ ☀️ 75 °F

      Miles: 8.39 Steps: 20507
      Flights stairs: 21

      We spent the day on our own little “waking tour” of the city. The Sound of Music was set entirely in Salzburg, and it is also the birthplace of Mozart, so many sites revolve around those two things.

      Salzburg is SO quiet - you could hear a pin drop it’s very peaceful and nice to walk around the city.

      We eventually wandered our way into a beer garden and I finally joined Jordan in a beer - poured from a wooden barrel into rock mugs! I figured if I was going to have one, now would be the time! 😂 lolI think my last beer may have been in high school - just not a fan of the taste.
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