Salzburg Stadt

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Le 10 migliori mete di viaggio Salzburg Stadt
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    • Giorno 1

      Nutze den Tag und gehe ins Land

      9 luglio 2022, Austria ⋅ ⛅ 21 °C

      Nach dem "richtigen Parken" (damit die Nachbarn nicht gestört werden, die wohl manchmal durch die Gäste etwas genervt sind) Auspacken und in Beschlag nehmen der Wohnung, sind wir auch schon Richtung Salzburg gestartet. (So richtig viel waren wir ja noch nicht gelaufen, aber es sollten noch 16km werden). Nicht weit hinter dem Haus begann der Weg am Almkanal und seinen Wiesen entlang bis Salzburg (so ca. 2,5km). Am Ende des Weges konnte man schon von weitem die Festung sehen. Die Ufer des Kanals wurden von Badefreudigen und Picknickern gesäumt und auch in den Parks wurden die Grünflächen von vielen sommerlaunigen Menschen bevölkert. Es herrschte eine entspannte Atmosphäre, nur die Fahrradfahrer, welche sich den Weg mit den Fußgängern teilten, waren manchmal etwas forsch. Die Altstadt war schnell gefunden und die noch zu inspizierenden Punkte im Hinterkopf vermerkt, nur der Rückweg wurde etwas länger. Die vermeindliche Abkürzung durch einen in den Felsen geschnittenen Tunnel (Bunker?), war zwar interessant, brachte uns aber ans falsche Ende der Stadt. Was meine Füße und Hüftgelenke mir dann die darauffolgende Nacht übel nahmen.Leggi altro

    • Giorno 4

      Salzburg, Austria

      12 settembre 2022, Austria ⋅ ☀️ 70 °F

      We left Vienna with a slight drizzle. We ate, on the road with McDonald's breakfast. I know. Don't judge.
      Our destination today is Salzburg. A beautiful city that is separated by the Salzach River. I just cannot believe it has been 25 years since we last visited this beautiful and pristine city.
      If you are a fan of the Sound of Music movie, you will remember the house on the lake. We are staying on the grounds of that great house. I can see Julie Andrews and Christopher Plummer walking on the back patio when the kids come to the house from the lake. Most of the kids fell into the lake. In the movie, the front of the house and the back of the house actually come from different great houses.
      We immediately went to the top of a mountain and began shooting pics back across the city to include the massive fort. With that task completed, we dropped the ladies off in old Town while Bruce and I looked for parking. Big mistake. It took us 45 mins to find a place. We found d a restaurant just off the main square and ate pizza and spaghetti. Great meal.
      We then set out to find the Chappell where it is said that the song Silent Night was written. It is just a 45 min drive from Salzburg. It is located in the town of Laufen, Germany. Wonderful story and setting.
      We returned to take some nighttime shots of Fortress Hohensalzburg, sitting on the top of a mountain, overlooking the city of Salzburg, as well as Schlosd Leopoldskron (the main house in the Sound of Music.
      Another glorious day.
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    • Giorno 34

      Day 5

      4 dicembre 2023, Austria ⋅ ☁️ -9 °C

      Salzburg to Vienna.
      Temperature: minus 8 and at 4.30 pm minus 1, but the weather man says it feels like minus 7 outside.

      We left the hotel at 8.15 am and arrived in Vienna at 3.45 pm. It was a much longer day than anticipated. The train was over 1.5 hours late leaving , and it took a lot longer to get to Vienna because of the weather conditions. Our accommodation is a backpacker. We could have fitted our last bathroom into our room here.
      Once we dropped off of bags, we headed out in the dark for a 3 hour tour of Vienna. Michael and I were too cold to look at the last place, so we headed back to close to our accommodation and had dinner. We managed well on the underground. Julia, a lady from our tour, joined us as well.
      Some pics from our walk around, sorry too tired to name the places.
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    • Giorno 4

      Day 128: Military History Nerd Day

      17 maggio, Austria ⋅ ☁️ 59 °F

      Today Kieran was a good sport and joined along in a museum trip to Fortress Hohensalzburg. As part of UMD’s military history degree, great emphasis is placed on how warfare changes politically, socially, and economically over time, from feudal war lords to royal families to ethno-nation state militaries. The Hapsburg Empire and Wars of Austrian Succession, Seven Years War, and German Wars of Unification are heavily covered because major advances in weapons/tactics and military science occurred at this time; it was also a major shift from dynastic family wars VS ethnic/nationality based wars, all occurring in Central Europe and specifically Austria.

      The fortress itself started as early as 1077 and continually morphed and built into one of the largest European medieval castles existing today. In more recent history, it had been used to hold Italian and German prisoners in World War II.

      There was a special exhibit that featured rifles/weapons and their improvements from 14th century up until World War I which Kieran really enjoyed. It followed a specific Austrian regiment that lasted during this time period and discussed all conflicts/battles they participated in over hundreds of years. It was a great nerd day for Mary and it was nice to recount a few lessons from her favorite Professor Jon Sumida. Also we broke the daily record for a marble labyrinth game!

      After the fortress, we visited Augustiner Bräu Mülln on recommendation from good friend Hannah Shockley. You show up, grab a stein, pay for a ticket , and then the beer man fills it up with the brew. There were little food stalls, meals, and deserts to enjoy in the beer hall.

      We ended our day touring the Mirabellgarten Palace Gardens and then catching up with good friends Andrea and Japan Trip Planning squad!

      Augustiner Bräu Mülln
      Bäckerei Raha
      Familie Pavlovic

      Austrian Potatoes
      Chocolate Cake

      Fortress Hohensalzburg
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    • Giorno 6

      Festung Hohensalzburg & Petersfriedhof

      2 maggio, Austria ⋅ ⛅ 23 °C

      I was feeling in a hurry when I arrived in Salzburg this afternoon, my first stop in Austria 🇦🇹 I'm only here for 26 hours in total and tomorrow the weather forecast is looking horrendous so I felt I needed to see as many outdoor sights as humanly possible this afternoon while the weather was good! ☀️

      However, within an hour or so of setting off, my mood changed completely. Gone was the stress of finding the most strategic route to tick off everything I wanted to see. In its place a sense of tranquility emerged as I found myself in an absolutely beautiful city with awe-inspiring architecture, carefully curated gardens, the sounds of symphonies seeping into the streets, and simply stunning surroundings.

      It also helped that I had bought a Salzburg Card before coming here which let me skip every queue of tourists, filling me with an incredibly gratifying sense of smugness! I used the pass to head up to the fortress overlooking the city, which provided a succinct history of the city that gave an overview of the city from its time as an Archbishopric in the Holy Roman Empire through to the end of the First World War. It also provided some incredible views of the city and surrounding countryside from the top of the Prison Tower. Admiring the surroundings, I couldn't help but think back to The Sound of Music, which I watched before going on holiday.

      I've only been here a few hours now but already Salzburg is quickly emerging as one of my favourite cities! (Or should I say, one of "my favourite things"! 🎵)
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    • Giorno 19

      Hohensalzburg Fortress

      14 ottobre 2023, Austria ⋅ ☁️ 68 °F

      One of Europe's biggest castles, this was at the time "impregnable" and the seat of power for the archbishop of the region. Beautiful views from the panorama platform built at the tower top in the 1800s. I went ahead and hiked up instead of taking the funicular (LOT of uphill lol). The model of the medieval town in salt was a nice touch (since the salt trade is literally what put Salzburg on the map).Leggi altro

    • Giorno 32

      Salzburg Day 1 Xmas, Rupertinum, Mozart

      12 ottobre 2023, Austria ⋅ ☁️ 18 °C

      After a 2km walk with our suitcases to the train station, we arrived in Salzburg and checked-in to the Little Guesthouse Salzburg. Most of the accommodations we have booked are self contained apartments on Airbnb. This accommodation gives much more than air. We actually get breakfast, cake at morning and afternoon tea, and a commercial grade Jura espresso machine.

      Salzburg is a big city, not as beautiful architecturally as Prague or Dresden, with lots of squares.

      We got the Salzburg card from the information centre that gives you free entry for 48 hrs into the main attractions, transport and a boat cruise .

      We visited the Rupertinum, museum of modern art, home where Mozart was born, and Christmas Museum.

      We have also discovered that if we picked restaurants outside the touristic area, the prices are more reasonable. We found a restaurant that served typical Austrian food called Gösser Stub'n. Wonderful food and dumpling dessert with Nutella inside that the staff highly recommended.

      Distance walked 11.7 km
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    • Giorno 1


      10 maggio, Austria ⋅ ⛅ 18 °C

      Sind heute später los gekommen als gedacht. Aufbruch zu Hause um 11:00 Uhr Ankunft in Salzburg und 17:00 Uhr. Wir haben den Bus auf einen Parkplatz in der nähe der Stadt geparkt und wollen dort auch übernachten. Ohne Strom und WC.
      Salzbug ist eine sehr schöne Stadt mit wahnsinnig vielen Fußgänger Zonen. Zum Glück haben wir die Räder dabei und können auf Erkundungstour. Leider hatten wir nicht mehr viel Zeit um alle drei Besichtigungstour auf der Festung zu machen. Allerdings war der Blick grandios und hatte für eine Runde gereicht.
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    • Giorno 2.001

      Die Salzburger Katakomben

      17 ottobre 2023, Austria ⋅ ☁️ 7 °C

      Am Rand des Salzburger Petersfriedhofs befinden sich erhöht die Katakomben, die in den Festungsberg gehauen wurden. Sie sind höchstwahrscheinlich spätantik-frühchristlichen Ursprungs und dienten trotz ihres Namens nicht als Begräbnisstätten, sondern wohl als frühchristliche Versammlungsorte.Leggi altro

    • Giorno 31

      Day Thirty-One: Salzburg

      15 aprile, Austria ⋅ ☁️ 18 °C

      This was the end of our Italian journey and the start of a lot of driving... but surprisingly, I loved Italy, and honestly, I might go back. I know some areas we didn't get to go, which I would love to! But this is a very exciting trek as well, a very beautiful drive. Unfortunately, I was asleep for a lot of it... but it was beautiful from what I saw. Even living in alberta and seeing them at home something is so magical about mountains, and these ones were spectacular. When we hit Salzburg, it was pouring rain and cloudy. And of course, I booked the walking tour... during the tour, I learned that my windbreaker is only water resistant as the rain was finally hard enough to soak through. But the tour was called the sound of music tour because it was filmed in Salzburg but the guide barely talked about it. Turns out everyone in Salzburg hates the sound of music. We actually learned a lot of cool history about the city and how small it really is. Turns out it was a very clean/disease free city back in the day because the archbishop would flood the city every Sunday to clean it. I saw where Mozart was born and that his sister was just as good and performed/traveled with him. And he was on a lot of drugs and opioides (meth) to get through. So when he was on the road for 17 years high on all sorts of drugs, it makes sense we wrote like over 700 songs. We also went to a palace built by an archbishop for his "girlfriend" and 10 plus kids. He would even send letters to the pope, his uncle begging to let him marry her. Which, for obvious reasons, can't happen. So he just lived with her and made a shit ton of kids. But the palace was amazing. He was obsessed with symmetry, so everything was perfectly symmetrical. They even built the garden with the castle on the hill perfect in the middle of the background. Also, it turns out every archbishop that came into power would build a bigger and grander church and palace to show how powerful he is and one up the guy from before. So Salzburg has around 45 churches in one of the smallest cities I have been to so far. The white one after Mozart house is actually the university chapel, and the university beside it is the most basic building ever. You can kinda see it above the umbrella. After the tour, it stopped raining, of course... I walked back with Nick and had this Austrian hotdog that was only here, and I didn't know what it was, but it was the best hotdog I have ever eaten. We even got a pretzel, but it was a sweet one with Nutella, which was disappointing because it was salty or a pretzel at all, just a pastry. Me and Nick were going to have a nice heart to heart, and then this random dude in our group just walked up and joined us. He is always around.. but then we went back to the hostel, and I met up with ethan and another guy who didn't do the tour and gave them the tour myself. I would make a good tour guide. We also went to one of the oldest currently maintained and used graveyard. And it was so strange seeing graves from 2023 and the 1500s. As well as weird chapels built into the rock wall. As we walked around, the church bells were going too, and it was very spooky, and I was waiting for something to happen. Total vibe. Then it was a simple dinner and back to the hostel, Ethan went out to party, but Nick was chilling with a group of the gang, so I decided to stay with them. And I got to steal a whole bunch of the schnapps from them, the coffee was very good. After we got a little drunk, Nick and I climbed this latter that was on the wall, which was hilarious and totally would have gotten us kicked out, but when I got to the top, there was just 12 bottles of wine sitting there... and one was unopened, so you know what I had to do... take it. Then we went back and hung out and met up with ethan for a while, too. Good day, for sure.Leggi altro

    Potresti conoscere questo luogo anche con i seguenti nomi:

    Salzburg Stadt, Sbg, Salzbourg, Salisburgo, Salzburgu

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