Australian moments.

febrero 2018 - junio 2024
Una aventura abierta de Angharad Leer más
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  • Jess' 30th

    9 de noviembre de 2019, Australia ⋅ ☀️ 17 °C

    Drove up yesterday and had a night of chatting.

    Currently waiting for our bus to take us to our HORSE AND CARRIAGE.
    There are only 4 of us because 2 people dropped out.

    I stepped onto the carriage and to my utter DELIGHT there was a dog on board.
    My gasp would have been audible 100m away.
    Our horses name was Bonnie and the dogs was Heidi, who was a chihuahua. I love her 😭😭😭
    clip clip clip clip off we went to the first place - the McGuigan winery.
    I am in disbelief. I liked 80% of the wines. And I mean actually enjoyed not just class them as drinkable.
    Our server lady was called Margot and I think she had just the right level of passion. It wasn’t too much passion that it became unrelatable but she still definitely knew her shit.
    We were there for ages and because he were such a small group we tried like 10 wines. I have learnt today I like dessert wines.
    I ended up buying 3 different bottles of things - as did Jess.
    Clip clip to the next winery we went through the back roads of the vineyards which was pretty.
    The Tamburlaine winery is all organic and next door.
    We had our own private seating area. Our host lady was lovely but the wines were bloody shit except for the dessert wines again. Loving the muscrat dessert wines at both places.
    I’m very glad for the tin we could put what we didn’t want to drink into.
    I hate the dry ones.
    No one bought anything here - we then went
    went to lunch - on the way Cass, Jess and I all had a turn driving the carriage (let’s be honest the horse did everything itself) but still was super responsive - I clicked my tounge as a joke and it started to trot. Oops haha. Jess wasn’t wearing a bra. Bad planning Jessica .😂
    Wonderful little Heidi just sat in her box. The greatest dog.
    We ate at a Thai/Japanese place. Very good food actually.
    We then went to a cheese tasting place. Some truly delicious cheeses but I didn’t buy any cause I just felt if I was honest with myself I wouldn’t use them. We tried about 5. Helen and Jess bought the cow feta with garlic and sun dried tomatoes - my favourite one we tried so I’m hoping they use it for a family dinner one night haha.
    The shop had lots of sauces and jams etc which all look terrific and some were super random flavours like passion fruit butter. You could spend a fortune in there.
    Next door was a chocolate shop we also went into and all came out with something lol.
    I got peanut butter rocky road and PB fudge.
    We did also get like a little sampler thing there too.
    We then popped back to the Roche Estate which is where we had lunch and went to the Tempus two cellar. This one had the worst atmosphere of the lot. The other places hosts all had opinions and could say I like this one or I personally don’t lik this one. The vibe I got from this place was that if our lady said she didn’t like a wine she would get the can. Very business, very fake feeling. In saying that I liked their dessert wine here - everything was starting to taste the same though lolz.
    Next our final wine tasting - a place within the hunter valley gardens. Name to come.
    Wines were a no but we did chocolate sampling with them that when combined was bloody delicous. I ended up buying the lime chocolate. So randomly YUM.
    We also tried caramel vodka, mango and butterscotch liquor and their version of baileys all really good - I wanted to buy the mango and caramel but again couldn’t justify it. I did buy the lime chocolate though.
    These place suck you in cause they don’t sell the stuff they give you in store so it’s a now or never situation.
    You can order but it’s a 6 bottle minimum I believe.
    Everywhere we stopped everyone was so excited about Bonnie the horse.
    I think Jess had a great time and that’s the main thing.
    I had a bloody terrific day too!
    We got dropped back at the hotel (crowne plaza) at 4:45ish and went to our VILLA. For a while we all just chilled out on our phones having down time. It’s a big bloody day.

    I made up a cheese/meats/biscuit plates which we chomped down.

    We played board games all night. We played articulate, spot it, pictionary, the chocolate game and X rated charades.

    Had a fabulous time. So many laughs.
    Articulate is definitely one of my favourites if not favourite game.
    Pictionary wasn’t thaaaaat fun cause it was too easy.
    Spot it was great - definitely going to buy - it fucks with your brain. Great way to keep it sharp I reckon. Hard to explain. It’s kinda like snap but with pictures?

    The chocolate game was fucked - at first we were all trying to be as quick as possible to get the chocolate. By the end we were all being purposely slow cause we felt sick and didn’t want to eat anymore. We ended up with 3 squares left. We just couldn’t eat anymore.

    Charades wasn’t as good as expected. Would be hilarious if drunk and people didn’t give a fuck and just acted it full out.
    Helen acted out multiple orgasms though and I can’t unsee it OR unhear it.
    Jess got it on film too. Just wow.

    Just lots of laughs and comfort - me and cass set up our doonas and blankets on the floor.

    Will is currently looking after Jaxon and is done.
    “It feels like I have been working”
    I am sympathetic but at the same time I’m like well yeah? That’s what every house wife in the history of the universe has said. Raising kids isn’t a paid job but it’s a bloody job. Exhausting little things, children. Also why childcare is a hard industry even if not academic.
    Just got back from doing a mad vom. Ate too much cheese I reckon hahaha.

    I have had a truly terrific day!
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  • Christmas eve/day - Boxing day

    27 de diciembre de 2019, Australia ⋅ ☀️ 26 °C

    Chrissy Evez
    Spent day predominately at M&D’s.
    Did presents, had a nap then read the cat book before me and mum walked to church. Wasn’t on... lol walked back home.

    Got up at stupid o’clock to be at Jess’ by 6:45 to watch Jax open his presents.
    He wasn’t as excited as I expected. Still happy but not in awe.
    Jess is rocking this mum thing though.
    Left and I had a nap back at home.
    Will refused to open his pressies so they remained in under the tree as we headed to Moss street.
    My gifts from him are a pussy cat dolls ticket and shoes but nothing physical to open today.

    Went to Lunch - we were on nibbles. Did secret Santa - Helen got me and oodie which is great And I’ll use in winter - I got Jess a therapy blanket cause I looooovvveeeeee mine.

    Mum and dad rocked up and we spent the day eating.
    And trying to avoid politics but Bill simply cannot help himself.

    26th -
    Drove to port.

    Nana told me to buy her 4 pasties on the way. She is so excited haha.
    Hung with nana had nap
    Met Micah and John
    Took dogs to settlement point saw pod of stingrays
    Throw ball to honey and bear (Micah’s dogs)

    Watched some aboriginal video Lynley made with Richard’s cousin from England who is a bee pollen dude. She showed her extensive collection of art too.

    Went to dinner with Micah John and Brielle.
    Brielle is the first young right winged person I’ve met.
    My Steak sandwich was fab.
    Will and John Hated their steaks.

    Lynley didn’t know we were staying with her. awkward.
    Elise, Jeremy and kids are staying at Nana’s FOR A MONTH. Stay with your parents for fucks sake.
    Watching nana handle the kids destroy her house is comical but also ridiculous. Dick move.

    Holy cow Nana can crap on.
    Took her shopping to the grocers and IGA.

    She made me a mango smoothie and went to out a egg in it. No Thankyou..

    We popped over to the koala hospital. They didn’t had the horrendous burn victims from the recent fires on display. Mainly already fixed ones. Nana gave me 50$ to give them. They have done such wonderful work this bushfire season.

    Went to dinner with Joey Hamerton* at an Indian place then gelato. 🤤🤤

    I love this woman. Her imagination is wild.

    Today’s ridiculous stories are that she is so sentimental she had a cup sent back to England and my personal favourite - she once threw a 100th birthday party for a cup she named Ruby. She told the neighbors she was throwing the party for Ruby and invited them.
    When she walked out holding a cup Kevin (man who use to live next door) said “stupid woman! I missed the news for this” 😂😂😂
    I can just imagine Pupa sitting their in total infatuation. His love for her despite her ridiculous was beautiful.
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  • Aus open

    24 de enero de 2020, Australia ⋅ ⛅ 19 °C


    Mum and dad picked us up at 8:45.
    We were meant to fly out at 11 but our plane got delayed because of a late arrival and weather.
    We were in the Qantas terminal which had a crappy food court in comparison but I still found hungry jacks so I was happy haha. 🙃
    Psycho lady infront of me complained about her $1 slushee being melted and got 2 free drinks about it but continued making such a fuss that she set up and online hungry jack account just to make a formal complaint.
    Like get a bloody life. It’s a $1 slushie.
    Some people 🙄🙄.

    We all sat separately on the plane - it had screens though so I watched some family guy and had a nap.

    Dad had preorganied a shuttle. Total hassle to find. For starters, dad is 86% dead and missed half the instructions given to him but main problem was we were looking for conXion. As it would happen we needed to find a star bus with a teeny tiny sticker that said conXion.

    Hotel is nice. We got a 2 bedroom apartment. You need an actual key rather than swipe card to open the door which is a little old school haha.

    We all had a 2 hour nap, had TGIFridays for dinner then walked to the tennis. While we were eating we had a scare. Some dudes gas bottle was leaking and he was running with it and put it in the most isolated spot he could find (right near u) and ran away. People scattered. I was waiting for it to blow. Everyone was sort of leaning away and standing back.
    Some dude used a fire extinguisher which was pointless but it was a big fantastic scene taking place lol.

    Definitely in Melbourne. Had to walk through a climate change protest to get to the stadium and the stadium has “all gender” toilets.
    The Tennis ticket lady was a lune just yelling at everyone. Taking her job waaayyyyy too seriously.

    Match one was Osaka Vs Gauff.
    I was going for Gauff. Osaka won last year and Gauff is only 15 so good bloody on her.
    Delighted to say Gauff won. I think most of the crowd was going for her - everyone likes the underdog.
    I left half way through to get a drink and wasn’t allowed back in cause I left my ticket inside.
    I had to do a sneaky past the luney ticket lady - badass haha.

    Dude behind us was so annoying he said WOW legit every point.

    There was a thing Emirates set up - you put your seat number into the website and the camera would find you and take your photo. Will reckons it looks like he has a hernia hahah.

    Next match was Federer vs Millman. Originally didn’t know who to go for. The GOAT or fellow countryman?
    I ended up going for Millman. He should have won but didn’t. It was a wicked 5 setter though and the first game I’ve seen that did the 10 point tiebreak for the 5th set. The crowd was having some seriously loyalty dilemmas. Match didn’t finish until 1:30. Exhausted. Such a big day.


    Super tired but agreed to meet Bronte and Bea for brekkie. We walked there. Nice foods. So good to see them. Bronte hd to go but we walked with Bea to the market. She is so touchy but I love it. It moves you feel really Loved. She bought me some donuts 🥰

    Walked home and we all went back to bed.
    Very relaxing day just watching the tennis on the tv and dozing on the lounge.
    For dinner we went to the meat and wine Co. the. Over to the crown casino to lose some money :) played some pokies - more chili, got 2 free features but no chili 😟😟 haha
    As we were leaving I called out to dad and some old bag lost her shit at me. I told her to calm down and she told me to fuck off, me and my dirty legs 😂 gave her the finger and walked off. She was still bad mouthing me as I walked away. Wish I was in more confrontational sometimes.
    Back home now watching more tennis.


    Bourke street found an alley way with some cafes for breakfast. We were basically sitting in the kitchen and the Chef was a machine! just bang bang bang.

    Walked to the closest cinema and bought tickets.
    Had 1.5 hours to kill so me and Will browsed the shops.
    We saw 1917 which was good. I liked it more for his filmography or whatever you call it - basically it’s one continuous shot. Dad kept up a running commentary though. Such a pest 😂😂
    On our walk back we walked past a bazillion twits protesting Australia Day with signs like “abolish Australia” ?? Like what’s the plan after that darl? Protest cause you are passionate not a puppet or cause it’s the in thing to do.
    Melbourne is seriously a wonderland. The percentage of weird fucks is like about 50%. Already feeling dumber and kinda disgusted. Dad ad Will agree. All for inderviduality but what the actual fuck Melbourne.

    We then went back to the hotel, got the tickets (ive learnt this trip dad has troubles making decisions for himself. Happened several times with different things but one example was he had a jumper in his hand, noticed Will didn’t so said he wasn’t gonna bring one either. I then said I was gonna bring one and he was then so on the fence it was unbelievable. How can a 58 year old man be so unable to make a decision for himself about this 😂 like he must normally just follow but because we picked different he didn’t know which was right. )
    Anyway off to the tennis via maccas. To my HORROR dad had shitty toilet paper on his back. No idea how he managed that but I didn’t want to embarrass him to I just ripped it off and put it In the bin. Never have I wanted hand sanitizer so bad.
    Got to the tennis early - bought a magnet at the gift shop 🙃 then passed times watching some mixed doubles. So boring. I just thought it was very amateur. The real highlight for me was participating in a Mexican wave that disrupted the game and a child - is guess 8 or nine screaming Aussie Aussie Aussie and the crowd responding with such enthusiasm and then once realizing it was a child come real patriotism happened and everyone applauded her. ❤️❤️❤️💕💕💕

    Apersol spritz was the drink of the tournament so i got one and it was gross. Note to self: do not buy.

    First match was Ash Barty Vs A. Riske. Crowd was much better this.
    Lots of funny guys making songs about “everybarty” in lots of different ways but my favourite was I’m a “barty girl” plays a point then some lone “you can brush my hair.. undress me everywhere.. “ all about the timing 👌🏻👌🏻
    Dad is deaf and I had to repeat most of the crowd comments for him.
    Barty won yewwww.
    Up next was Federer again. I went and bought a towel cause my magnet is off the 2020 towel design but it’s not obvious and I was worried I’d forget so if I bought a towel too then I’d remember😅😂😂
    We only watched the first 2 set. I think everyone was pretty out tennised and wary of an early morning. We walked home and watched the end on the tv.


    Nothing exciting today except an Uber to the airport cause the shuttle service dad organized is a joke. Wanted to pick us up hours earlier than necessary because they had others to pick up. I don’t want to spend 3 hours on a bus when it’s a 20 minute drive. Fk em.
    Plane didn’t crash - always a bonus.

    Home 🎉 has a great trip!
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  • Bnb getaway

    8 de agosto de 2020, Australia ⋅ 🌧 12 °C

    Wonderful weekend away.
    We snuggled by the fire, ate bad food, walked around the property looking for wild flowers, watched movies, played Yahtzee and drank wine.

    I did step on a frog though which was pretty upsetting lol.
    It definitely has a terminal headache- I had gelatin on my foot afterward. BIG YUCK.

    It POURED as well. I loved listening to it. The whole south coast flooded.
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  • Drinks

    26 de septiembre de 2020, Australia ⋅ ☀️ 15 °C

    Girls night started with $30 margarita sliders. Amazingggg.

    Went to scary canary where Will joined us.
    Drank lots.
    Em the drunk bitch vomited over our table then got naked in the bathroom as she dried her shirt wtb the hand dryer.
    To nobodies suprise we got kicked out lol.
    We then went to bungalow 8 having a few “shots to go” the way at clubs that were already at capacity.

    I had a fantastic night. Just happiness and silliness with good friends.
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  • Skydiving

    28 de septiembre de 2020, Australia ⋅ ☀️ 19 °C

    It got cancelled the first time around so this was attempt number 2 and I was so scared.
    When we arrived we had to register and I chose to pay an extra $30 for personal insurance in case of death lol. 😅
    I felt the info provided before getting in the plane was very rushed and unguided. Didn’t go up feeling overly confident.

    We jammed about 15 people into this tiny plane everyone straddling each other. I felt ok at the start but as we climbed higher and higher I began shaking and focusing on my breathing.
    The people in the middle of the plane on the floor jumped out first. Mick was in front of me so then he went.
    We had to butt slide to the plane opening.
    Thank goodness I had to sit on the edge and dangle my legs over I don’t think I could have stood.
    As we leant over I though ok here we go we are doing it.
    My main memory of what I could see is “I see trees”.

    What occupied all my thoughts on the free fall was that I was so cold, I was too cold. and that my ears hurt.
    It was kinda like the pressure when scuba diving and this major STINGING sensation.
    Once falling I wasn’t scared I was just wanting it to end because of how uncomfortable I was.
    The free fall wasn’t tummy falling at all. It almost fet like I was on a windy boat. I was aware the floor was getting closer and that I was falling but the sensation wasn’t some mad adrenaline rush as I expected.
    My dumb ass didn’t realise my dude was trying to prompt me to smile for a picture and not asking if i was ok. I just kept nodding hahah

    I wasn’t scared when falling I was honestly so focused on how uncomfortable I was. I was tensed just waiting for it to be over that I forgot about the parachute. It wasn’t until after it went up i was like oh yeah. Hurray it worked haha.

    Once the parachute open I immediately felt dizzy.
    I told the dude I though was gonna vomit and he respomded “.....I’d prefer if you didn’t” hahahaha

    I then did a vomit over myself and was in and out of consciousness the rest of the way down. He was trying to keep me awake. I remember him being like 3 minutes to go. 2 minutes to go.
    He tried to get me to raise my legs but I couldn’t do it.

    I was awake for landing thank goodness. I lowered my legs too early though so I landed in splits. He freaked out but I was like no all good I bend this way it’s fine 🤣

    I had to go rinse my jumpsuit and leave it on the lawn. Lol.

    Don’t need to do it again. I honestly don’t even remember the falling part, just the cold.

    But I did it so I am proud of myself.
    Another tick for the bucket list. 💪🏻
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  • Adelaide

    22 de octubre de 2020, Australia ⋅ ☁️ 20 °C

    Day 1.

    Corona virus is still in full swing so South Australia is the only border open to NSW that doesn’t involve the 14 days quarantine so it was the only travel option (actually I think NT might be open too) I’m still excited though. I’m keen to just walk around and see it properly. Last time when I went for diving I saw airport, pool, airport.
    Will couldn’t get time off work but they released cheap flights and I jumped at them. Keen to go ANYWHERE.

    The airport was so quiet. Only 15 or so flights for the day. 90% of shops shut.

    So many odd balls on my plane.
    I was at the gate and some lady went up to the counter and was like “so, where do you want me to wait”
    And the jetstar lady just looked at her like????????? in one of the 100 chairs available. Are you expecting some vip experience?? Lol

    They made loads of social distancing announcement but then the plane was full?? I had a middle seat booo.
    I laughed out loud at the safety demo. They added as an after thought at the end “if oxygen is required, you will need to remove your mask before putting on your oxygen mask”
    Like fucking duh.
    Literally no faith in humanity 🤣

    Also the chick doing the safety demo was SO OUT OF TIME. It was like she is deaf and they were playing a different audio and she didn’t know.
    Doing the life jacket during the seatbelt bit??

    Arrived safe but had horrid turbulence.
    SO MANY CHILDREN ON BOARD. There was this one group I wanted to murder though. They weren’t seated together and kept YELLING for/at each other “ TONY, TONY, HEY TONY” all freaking flight. Fk off. They were about 10. Old enough to have their shit together.

    Once we arrived we had to show our border crossing requests which I had done a few days ago so I got through pretty quickly.
    I have no restrictions ✌🏼

    I ordered an Uber to take me to my hotel. My driver was a chatter. 🙄 he was lovely but he was talking politics and I ceebs lol. And it was like a 20 min drive.
    First impressions are that Adelaide is spacious, green and clean.

    Check in was simple, went upstairs and rested a bit while I charged my phone.

    I then went looking for dinner. Saw some dude doing some graffiti but it was middle of the day on a sort or mural bridge so maybe legal.
    I eventually found Hindley street and I Loved the vibe!! It’s like Melbourne but without the arrogance lol.
    So many food spots, bars and chill places. I ended up at a Thai place called the lunchbox it was average but they gave me complimentary chicken wings haha.
    I then decided I wanted ice cream and looked for a place near by. I found a spot called 48 flavors that did peanut butter ice cream so I walked the 4km round journey to get it lol.

    Adelaide is beautiful wtf. It’s seriously gorgeous. The people are a little odd though. I feel like there are a lot of questionable characters down side streets and just I suppose drunk vibing people.
    A lot more aboriginals and Africans here too.
    Lots of face piercings as well.
    My ice cream chick was so passionate. She made n sample some and talked about the production and her opinions etc.
    I ended up with a half scoop of peanut butter and a half scoop of raspberry sorbet which went lovely together. I figure kind of like a P&J sandwich. I walked my way back to the hotel. I think I feel less safe here. I’ll have to wait see if the odd people are because I’m in city centre or all of Adelaide lol. Time will tell.

    Walked past this 12 year old saying “I’m not gonna sleep with him on my birthday”
    Uuuuhhhhmmm. Go home little girl, where are your parents wtf.

    The older buildings like court house and post office are beautiful sandstone.

    Things I have noticed today are that their smoking laws are less restricted, there are a lot of kink shops, and I keep running into people. Do they not follow the walk on the left rule here? cause I have genuinely pissed a few people off lol.
    Walked back to the hotel, watched some tv , smelt myself then realized I needed toothpaste and deodorant ha.
    Went to get that.
    I’m keen to look around tomorrow, I just vomited up my dinner in the shower though and it’s a knob you can’t move so I’ve had to scoop it down the drain with my hand 😭😭🤢
    How good is reflux.
    Bed timeee :)

    Day 2.

    Great sleep in the nude. Didn’t bring enough cloths to smell up the ones I have haha
    Woke at 9, showered and headed to the zoo. It was forecast as 90% chance of rain so I put on my rain jacket.
    It was a decent walk but easy enough.
    The zoo was awesome. Way bigger than I expected and I saw animals I hadn’t seen/don’t see often ie not In Taronga. I saw otters, capybara, panda, cerval, Mandrill and an albino meerkat.
    Lots of school groups and mum groups.
    I really enjoyed myself.

    I then went over to the botanical gardens next door. A lot of it was untamed mess/beauty but I loved the rose garden and lily pads. Just a lovely lush green area.

    It was nearly 1pm by now and I still hadn’t eaten cause zoo shop was shut (the eatery - I bought 2 tea towels at the gift shop Lol)
    I walked to the dumpling king for lunch and ?? I expected to have dumpling because, well, the shop name? But they only have plain pork dumplings and then 45 other types of foods.
    Odd name choice. Very misleading. I still ate there cause I had bothered to walk so far but it was eh.
    Walked back to the hotel and am currently charging my phone before I go back out - I’ve taken a lot of pics today haha.
    Will called before, he is busy at work. Just called to check in :)
    It is yet to rain.

    I decided to catch an Uber to the Himeji gardens which were about 3km away. The sky looked suspicious and I didn’t want to get caught in the rain.
    Cost me $10 so that was fine. My driver was so confused by me though 😂😂 he didn’t understand why I was by myself in Adelaide for 2 days “that is very strange” he said to me several times. Unsure if cause I’m a solo female (he was Indian and had been in Aus less than a year and that time has been covid so probs haven’t come across solo travelled yet), because Adelaide is unexciting in his view, or became my trip was so short.
    Maybe all the reasons hahah. He was lovely though.
    He dropped me off and I walked straight in. The gardens were lovely but smaller than I expected. I sat on a rock and though about God and creation for a while. ❤️
    I love Chinese and Japanese gardens. Their trees are just so much cooler lol.
    I then decided to get a DiDi to Rundle mall cause it would cost me all of $3.50
    I just walked Down the strip and popped until a few shops.
    So many goth teens. Why are 75% overweight? You do you babes but are the fishnets over your stomachs reaaaaally your best outfit option?
    There was a cool statue of a pig eating out of a bin.

    I saw an add for the graham norton show so that’s my evening plans. I decided to get a bottle of wine and do a face mask for after dinner. I walked past a homeless man near my hotel and did the whole awkward smile thing for the 5th time but thistime he asked if I had change. I said I didn’t and walked on but after I had bought my wine I decided to get out $20 and walk back to give to him. At the time he was talking to another lady so when I handed it to him I don’t think he really registered but I heard the other lady say “see” and then yell Thankyou after me as I walked away.
    Even if he buys booze. There was me holding a bottle of wine. Who am I to talk lol.
    I’ll never forget the guy I gave $2 to as a child, who nearly cried as he thanked me and immediately went to buy food.
    I feel good about my good deed. :)
    He had a bongo with him but had the skills of a 4 year old. Just banging it and seeing what sound it makes lol.

    I’m not in my hotel room writing this to get it out of the way before my relaxing evening.
    I still have to decide my itinerary for tomorrow.

    I went out to dinner at an Italian Resturant. I got sat opposite a man who kept staring at me and taking to me. Lovely but my anxiety kicked in so I stuffed my face then got the remainder to go.

    Day 3.
    I don’t know if it’s bed bugs or mozzies but I am itchyyyy. I have 4 HUGE bites. Like 5c coins and one that’s even bigger.
    I was so paranoid when trying to sleep.
    Anyways I got up and was ready to go by 9:30.
    I ordered a DiDi to take me to waterfall gully. Another chatty driver but this one I couldn’t understand. I said pardon at least 8 times but I don’t think he could understand me either.
    I decided to get a bottle of water and eat brekky at the Resturant down the bottom THANK GOD because I then started walking and fuck me 🤣 it just went up and up.
    It was a nice walk but very generic bush. I wasn’t blown away or anything but still a nice place to be.
    By the end of this walk my Fitbit recorded 145 flights of stairs 😂😂😂😂😂
    I saw a brown nosed bandicoot.
    I was walking with the same people and I learnt on girl was ON A FIRST DATE and she had no idea where he had gone and she was fucking feral about it 🤣🤣🤣 what a total wank. Just kept walking without her hahaha.
    The look out was nice, again nothing jaw dropping but I still had a really lovely time.
    The walk back down was hard in a different way. My left knee fucked up just like it did during EBC on the way down. It was so steep I was so shakey.
    The waterfall at the base is nice.
    I then got an Uber to Glenelg beach. Helen recommended it and the i suppose “main” strip was very manly vibe and lovely but the beach was shit lol.
    ALSO I was looking for something to do so I was like ok I’ll eat some chips on the beach.
    DIDNT DO CHICKEN SALT?? What unaussie BS is this.
    I bought them anyway but they were terrible so I fed them to 200 seagulls. They were very enthusiastic and stalked me afterwards. Lol
    I found a cold rock which I was pumped about so I got me some delicious ice cream.
    Phone was dying, it was quite cold so I decided so just go wait at the airport.
    I did my usual browse in the bookshop, am now writing this and will board in 30 mins.

    Overall I had a fabulous time!
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  • Adelaide

    22 de octubre de 2020, Australia ⋅ ☁️ 20 °C

    Day 1.

    Corona virus is still in full swing so South Australia is the only border open to NSW that doesn’t involve the 14 days quarantine so it was the only travel option (actually I think NT might be open too) I’m still excited though. I’m keen to just walk around and see it properly. Last time when I went for diving I saw airport, pool, airport.
    Will couldn’t get time off work but they released cheap flights and I jumped at them. Keen to go ANYWHERE.

    The airport was so quiet. Only 15 or so flights for the day. 90% of shops shut.

    So many odd balls on my plane.
    I was at the gate and some lady went up to the counter and was like “so, where do you want me to wait”
    And the jetstar lady just looked at her like????????? in one of the 100 chairs available. Are you expecting some vip experience?? Lol

    They made loads of social distancing announcement but then the plane was full?? I had a middle seat booo.
    I laughed out loud at the safety demo. They added as an after thought at the end “if oxygen is required, you will need to remove your mask before putting on your oxygen mask”
    Like fucking duh.
    Literally no faith in humanity 🤣

    Also the chick doing the safety demo was SO OUT OF TIME. It was like she is deaf and they were playing a different audio and she didn’t know.
    Doing the life jacket during the seatbelt bit??

    Arrived safe but had horrid turbulence.
    SO MANY CHILDREN ON BOARD. There was this one group I wanted to murder though. They weren’t seated together and kept YELLING for/at each other “ TONY, TONY, HEY TONY” all freaking flight. Fk off. They were about 10. Old enough to have their shit together.

    Once we arrived we had to show our border crossing requests which I had done a few days ago so I got through pretty quickly.
    I have no restrictions ✌🏼

    I ordered an Uber to take me to my hotel. My driver was a chatter. 🙄 he was lovely but he was talking politics and I ceebs lol. And it was like a 20 min drive.
    First impressions are that Adelaide is spacious, green and clean.

    Check in was simple, went upstairs and rested a bit while I charged my phone.

    I then went looking for dinner. Saw some dude doing some graffiti but it was middle of the day on a sort or mural bridge so maybe legal.
    I eventually found Hindley street and I Loved the vibe!! It’s like Melbourne but without the arrogance lol.
    So many food spots, bars and chill places. I ended up at a Thai place called the lunchbox it was average but they gave me complimentary chicken wings haha.
    I then decided I wanted ice cream and looked for a place near by. I found a spot called 48 flavors that did peanut butter ice cream so I walked the 4km round journey to get it lol.

    Adelaide is beautiful wtf. It’s seriously gorgeous. The people are a little odd though. I feel like there are a lot of questionable characters down side streets and just I suppose drunk vibing people.
    A lot more aboriginals and Africans here too.
    Lots of face piercings as well.
    My ice cream chick was so passionate. She made n sample some and talked about the production and her opinions etc.
    I ended up with a half scoop of peanut butter and a half scoop of raspberry sorbet which went lovely together. I figure kind of like a P&J sandwich. I walked my way back to the hotel. I think I feel less safe here. I’ll have to wait see if the odd people are because I’m in city centre or all of Adelaide lol. Time will tell.

    Walked past this 12 year old saying “I’m not gonna sleep with him on my birthday”
    Uuuuhhhhmmm. Go home little girl, where are your parents wtf.

    The older buildings like court house and post office are beautiful sandstone.

    Things I have noticed today are that their smoking laws are less restricted, there are a lot of kink shops, and I keep running into people. Do they not follow the walk on the left rule here? cause I have genuinely pissed a few people off lol.
    Walked back to the hotel, watched some tv , smelt myself then realized I needed toothpaste and deodorant ha.
    Went to get that.
    I’m keen to look around tomorrow, I just vomited up my dinner in the shower though and it’s a knob you can’t move so I’ve had to scoop it down the drain with my hand 😭😭🤢
    How good is reflux.
    Bed timeee :)

    Day 2.

    Great sleep in the nude. Didn’t bring enough cloths to smell up the ones I have haha
    Woke at 9, showered and headed to the zoo. It was forecast as 90% chance of rain so I put on my rain jacket.
    It was a decent walk but easy enough.
    The zoo was awesome. Way bigger than I expected and I saw animals I hadn’t seen/don’t see often ie not In Taronga. I saw otters, capybara, panda, cerval, Mandrill and an albino meerkat.
    Lots of school groups and mum groups.
    I really enjoyed myself.

    I then went over to the botanical gardens next door. A lot of it was untamed mess/beauty but I loved the rose garden and lily pads. Just a lovely lush green area.

    It was nearly 1pm by now and I still hadn’t eaten cause zoo shop was shut (the eatery - I bought 2 tea towels at the gift shop Lol)
    I walked to the dumpling king for lunch and ?? I expected to have dumpling because, well, the shop name? But they only have plain pork dumplings and then 45 other types of foods.
    Odd name choice. Very misleading. I still ate there cause I had bothered to walk so far but it was eh.
    Walked back to the hotel and am currently charging my phone before I go back out - I’ve taken a lot of pics today haha.
    Will called before, he is busy at work. Just called to check in :)
    It is yet to rain.

    I decided to catch an Uber to the Himeji gardens which were about 3km away. The sky looked suspicious and I didn’t want to get caught in the rain.
    Cost me $10 so that was fine. My driver was so confused by me though 😂😂 he didn’t understand why I was by myself in Adelaide for 2 days “that is very strange” he said to me several times. Unsure if cause I’m a solo female (he was Indian and had been in Aus less than a year and that time has been covid so probs haven’t come across solo travelled yet), because Adelaide is unexciting in his view, or became my trip was so short.
    Maybe all the reasons hahah. He was lovely though.
    He dropped me off and I walked straight in. The gardens were lovely but smaller than I expected. I sat on a rock and though about God and creation for a while. ❤️
    I love Chinese and Japanese gardens. Their trees are just so much cooler lol.
    I then decided to get a DiDi to Rundle mall cause it would cost me all of $3.50
    I just walked Down the strip and popped until a few shops.
    So many goth teens. Why are 75% overweight? You do you babes but are the fishnets over your stomachs reaaaaally your best outfit option?
    There was a cool statue of a pig eating out of a bin.

    I saw an add for the graham norton show so that’s my evening plans. I decided to get a bottle of wine and do a face mask for after dinner. I walked past a homeless man near my hotel and did the whole awkward smile thing for the 5th time but thistime he asked if I had change. I said I didn’t and walked on but after I had bought my wine I decided to get out $20 and walk back to give to him. At the time he was talking to another lady so when I handed it to him I don’t think he really registered but I heard the other lady say “see” and then yell Thankyou after me as I walked away.
    Even if he buys booze. There was me holding a bottle of wine. Who am I to talk lol.
    I’ll never forget the guy I gave $2 to as a child, who nearly cried as he thanked me and immediately went to buy food.
    I feel good about my good deed. :)
    He had a bongo with him but had the skills of a 4 year old. Just banging it and seeing what sound it makes lol.

    I’m not in my hotel room writing this to get it out of the way before my relaxing evening.
    I still have to decide my itinerary for tomorrow.

    I went out to dinner at an Italian Resturant. I got sat opposite a man who kept staring at me and taking to me. Lovely but my anxiety kicked in so I stuffed my face then got the remainder to go.

    Day 3.
    I don’t know if it’s bed bugs or mozzies but I am itchyyyy. I have 4 HUGE bites. Like 5c coins and one that’s even bigger.
    I was so paranoid when trying to sleep.
    Anyways I got up and was ready to go by 9:30.
    I ordered a DiDi to take me to waterfall gully. Another chatty driver but this one I couldn’t understand. I said pardon at least 8 times but I don’t think he could understand me either.
    I decided to get a bottle of water and eat brekky at the Resturant down the bottom THANK GOD because I then started walking and fuck me 🤣 it just went up and up.
    It was a nice walk but very generic bush. I wasn’t blown away or anything but still a nice place to be.
    By the end of this walk my Fitbit recorded 145 flights of stairs 😂😂😂😂😂
    I saw a brown nosed bandicoot.
    I was walking with the same people and I learnt on girl was ON A FIRST DATE and she had no idea where he had gone and she was fucking feral about it 🤣🤣🤣 what a total wank. Just kept walking without her hahaha.
    The look out was nice, again nothing jaw dropping but I still had a really lovely time.
    The walk back down was hard in a different way. My left knee fucked up just like it did during EBC on the way down. It was so steep I was so shakey.
    The waterfall at the base is nice.
    I then got an Uber to Glenelg beach. Helen recommended it and the i suppose “main” strip was very manly vibe and lovely but the beach was shit lol.
    ALSO I was looking for something to do so I was like ok I’ll eat some chips on the beach.
    DIDNT DO CHICKEN SALT?? What unaussie BS is this.
    I bought them anyway but they were terrible so I fed them to 200 seagulls. They were very enthusiastic and stalked me afterwards. Lol
    I found a cold rock which I was pumped about so I got me some delicious ice cream.
    Phone was dying, it was quite cold so I decided so just go wait at the airport.
    I did my usual browse in the bookshop, am now writing this and will board in 30 mins.

    Overall I had a fabulous time!
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  • Engagement

    29 de enero de 2021, Australia ⋅ 🌧 22 °C

    So up until today I have had suspicions.
    -Date night was to a surprise location.
    -We were at Adam Webber’s house the other day I went outside and Adam shushed Will to be quiet. What can’t I know about?? (Adam currently has ring possession- he showed us on NYE so I figured it could be relevant)
    - He was measuring my ring finger against his fingers for size comparison.
    - We moving to QLD - might want to ask so we can celebrate with family before we leave.
    - He got weirdly upset when I said I had packed all m nice clothes and asked what I was gonna wear to date night.
    - He sent me a picture of a ring asking my opinion.
    - He told me I had to be available the day after date night. I thought maybe to tell our families.
    - Told me to look nice.
    - we simply do not do big DATE NIGHT often enough to not be suspicious.

    Spent the day trying to talk myself out of it. I spent 2 hours in the bath giving myself a pep talk. Did not want to end up being disappointed.

    We went to meat and wine Co in the city. We had a delicious starter plate, steaks with amazing mushroom sauce and drinks.

    I had noted he didn’t have bump in his pocket or wallet earlier so at the resturant I was arguing with myself in my head while trying to remain calm and tell myself it wasn’t happening this particular night. He kept using language indicative that we were going home.

    We then went for a walk to get drinks. Honestly if I hadn’t had suspicions I really could have foiled these plans. Getting drinks hardly interests me. Giving him more opportunities to ask does 😂

    CONSTANTLY telling myself to calm down and that it was okay if he didnt ask.

    He then arrived at a door and he said “I also got a hotel room”
    when we got to our room and I did a walk around and saw his sports bag already there I was so so so excited. BREATH ANGHARAD.
    We went out on the balcony to look at a wonderful harbor bridge view. When we came back inside he said “this is to say Thankyou for coming to Brisbane with me”


    And I believe my response was “I will.” I may have said yes too. I can’t remember I was too busy being delighted that he was asking and noticing if he was on his knee.
    And cue ugly crying.
    I don’t think we kissed. I cling to him like a life boat weeping.

    The ring is perfect.

    I’m fucking delighted.

    First of all he tipped $30 at dinner wtf 🤣
    Our hotel is in circular quay. With a harbor bridge view with like a full kitchen and spa bath.

    The ring cost $5500 - Ludicrous.

    Had a bottle of moet prepared and 2 glasses waiting.

    We had a spa bath together 🙊

    I FaceTimed Em and Ash. I went to call mum but decided to wait until tomorrow.

    Will said he has been keeping the ring at work. Checked in earlier today and dropped off his stuff. He remembered to pack me some clothes :) everything except a bra so I’ll be bouncing tomorrow hahaa.
    He also went to mum and dads house because he knew dad could only keep a secret for an hour max but neither were home so he didn’t ask. I dont mind. I’m just happy the surprise wasn’t ruined.
    Will said he asked mum for Lylas ring when we visited Nana over Christmas. He didn’t end up using it because it was poor quality but he got it cleaned for me and gave it back. I’m gonna maybe back earrings or a necklace.
    He also gave me a certificate of authenticity - ring also has his initials carved into it ❤️

    I’m so happy. It’s surreal. I have a fiancé wtf haha

    Classic Will doesn’t want to take photos though 🙄
    He has promised tomorrow. :)

    Can’t wait to tell Nana.

    Had breakfast at city extra. Wore my ring 🙊 it’s a little big so I’ll need to resize.
    We caught an Uber home then headed to the Pickering’s house. Jess had spoilt the surprise because she got suspicious about date night too lol. So yeah Helen basically yelled I knew it!!
    Helen and Bill seemed genuinely happy.
    We then went to mum and dads. I walked in the door and mum was like show me show me show me.
    Told dad. He seemed a little startled. More time passed the happier he for about the situation.
    Nana happened to call so I told her. She was very happy and made a lovely high pitched noise and asks how he did it. Said it made her day.
    I can imagine her giddiness after she hung up.
    We then went back to Pickering’s to tell Jess but se wasn’t there yet so we called grandma.
    It went along the lines of
    “Grandma, I proposed to Harry last night?”
    “Huh.. what did you say??” 🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️🤣
    She was delighted too.
    Went home and eventually Jess arrived.
    Flashed her my ring. She screamed I knew it and half crash tackle hugged me and cried. She often referred to me as a sister which warms my heart; I love it. I always act super awkward when it comes up though. Haha.

    Told Sonali privately and had a phone chat with her before I made my Facebook announcement:)

    We then had family dinner. Jess had gone and bought us a happy engagement banner and flower balloons (they looked like big pink anus’
    We had a delicious Chinese dinner.
    Dad bought 2 bottles of expensive champagne and we all toasted. Bill did his usual speech and dad did a quick one too. Dads happiness made me teary.
    For once in his life Jaxon was so well behaved. 🙌🏼🙌🏼

    So giddy.
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  • Move to Brisbane

    25 de febrero de 2021, Australia ⋅ ⛅ 24 °C

    I resigned from my job giving a months notice in November - Will got the job offer in December. So, I have spent the last 2 months doing shit all being unemployed waiting for this day.
    It’s actually been really unenjoyable. The not working at a soul-sucking job part is fabulous but everything else is bleh. I have felt very stuck and have just wanted to leave. Waiting is no fun.
    Also the not having a job and therefor no money to do exciting things combined with covid restrictions and most friends working during the day has make me bored. Also a major point to my unhappiness has been living with Jess and Jax. Eternally grateful that they took us, cannot ever thank Jess enough - but have also loathed living there these last 4 months. (There about 10 months all up).
    The amount of back and forth yelling causes me so much stress I can feel my blood pressure lol. I’ve never been able to feel my blood pressure before. Lol.
    Have felt contained to our 2 rooms because I didn’t want to interact for my own mental health.
    (Intention not to whinge but remind self of how delighted I am to be leaving and why. As I said, so genuinely grateful.)

    We had originally planned to move to Brisbane in maybe 12-18 months but after a few answered prayers, Will got the offer and we jumped at it.
    He has secured a 10K pay rise and it will be less work. Hurrah.
    They are also paying for us to move which will savers thousands in the long run. 🕺🏻

    However the big stress for me has been getting there. Originally it was looking very likely that we would have to do 2 week hotel quarantine to get across the border.
    That thankfully got canned and borders opened up.
    I think I could do it myself but I would hate to be in a box with a cranky Will for 2 weeks.
    We also would have had to have paid for someone to trailer my car across the border as we were originally required to fly in.
    Once borders opened our new plan was to drive across the border as usual - until Will got told he had to drive his Ute up, leaving me to be the solo driver of my car. 😬😬😬
    As I have never driven past Gosford, this was unwelcomed news.

    Which leads us to today 25.2.21.

    I had a horrendous nights sleep. Woke up to every noise and leaf russle. 🙄
    I woke up with a thumping headache and to a weather forecast of thunderstorms.

    Cue 2 separate cries.
    One to Will as he said goodbye to me and one to Helen.
    I was so worried.
    It was 8 am (an indication of my quality of sleep if I’m up and bright eyed at that hour.)
    And I decided fuck it, try beat the storm.
    Said bye to Bill and Helen - smashed 2 panadols, bought neurofen and big water, had 2 of them and got in my way.

    The first leg to heatherbrae was fine. I get randomly attached to the cars driving with/near me. They become like a security blanket. I don’t like losing them or seeing them turn off the highway.
    I played music stupidly loud but thankful did a very minimal amount of choreography in my head. I had some murder podcasts ready to go but music was passing the time well enough.
    When I got to McDonald’s I cried. I looked over and Imagined/felt God sitting in the seat next to me keeping me safe. Made it. 😭

    A genuinely sensational wee was had.

    I wasn’t danger tired tired but I was tired, and when I entered settlement city into the gps it was too far away for my mental perseverance to handle so instead I chose a rest stop closer to set the gps to.
    I stopped in to get nana her 4 vegetable pasties at heatherbrae pies and then continued on until I got to the rest stop.
    Got out to stretch my legs and looked up next rest point to get to.
    An hour later I pulled into the next stop and did the same thing except this time I was close enough I could handle how far away port was - still an hour but an hour isn’t as scary.

    Drive drive drive.
    Made it to Port. 🎉
    I have a tv and laptop in the car and Nana’s garage isn’t available so hopefully they don’t overheat or get stolen. 🙃🙃🙃
    Went in to say hi to nana.
    Gave her her pasties and ring box I scored her. She wasted no time putting her ring in 🤣
    (Background story is after we got engaged mum and I drove up to port to show her the ring, she hardly cared about my ring but was beside herself over the light in my ring box and took it so she could look at her own jewelry sparkle in it 😂
    So i told her I would try get her one, which I did ☺️)
    I then went and had a 2 hour sleep cause I was exhausted.
    Not much news about the rest of the day, just enjoying hanging out with nana.
    She made delicious cutlets and come veggies for dinner.
    It’s near enough to Easter that I am genuine SHOCKED she hasn’t tried to force feed me hot cross buns.

    I was in the shower and I could hear her yelling for me - I thought she might have fallen or something so I hastily went to her still in my towel.
    She wanted to show me bats. 🙄🙄
    Granted, it was very cool, like a migration but don’t use that panic stricken tone 🤣
    She is disappointed I missed the first bit - she said there were millions and from the tail end I did see, millions is likely.

    I’m now in bed. I’ve booked us a hotel in coffs harbor tomorrow - I’ll meet Will there.
    I want to see the big banana.

    Nana took me to get petrol to refill my car and it only cost $25 she could hardly believe it. “I’ve never heard of such a thing” 😆
    She gave me another $50 in cash because she felt like I hadn’t spent enough. 😂
    To pass time before I left we half talked about her dying.
    I grew balls today and asked “are you ready” and she replied yep. So that will help me when it comes.
    She doesn’t think she is good enough for heaven “i hope he lets me... I reckon he’ll let me in”
    Went on to talk about how she feeds the birds and that is kindness lol.

    Did our goodbyes and I love you’s. I think she loves it. Her face completely lights up when I go to hug her. I don’t think anyone else is overly emotional with her. I said I love you very much and she said basically at the same time I love you SO much.
    I think we both know it can always be the last time. But she doesn’t bother saying with mum or anyone else. Just our thing. 😭😭
    We walked down to the garage and I gave her a final cuddle. She loves it 🥰
    Waved to her from the car and drove off.

    Car had a bloody hissy fit. Air on switched off and started blowing super hot air, music skitzed it, gps shut off and phone wouldn’t connect.
    At least it was a straight line so I wasn’t overly stressed and had time to fix the issue.
    Still I was stressed Will was gonna call me and my car would startle me with a volume level 100 ringtone and make me crash lol.

    Drive was about 2 hours - made it to coffs - met Will at our motel.

    Will did some work - sent emails and stuff.

    We then went to the big banana and got the token photo.
    We then went to the local shopping centre for food. Lots and lots of shop options.

    Just hung out at the motel and organized 3 house inspections for Tuesday.

    Currently watching friends. Will sleeping.

    One of the motel rules is confusing. The microwave is for heating and NOT for cooking.

    Not loving the random noises I can hear outside. Feeling very close to other guests.


    Will never woke back up last night so he was better rested than I. He had a solid 15 hours give it take. Lucky bastard.
    I felt ok though.
    Psyched myself out again though and needed a hug before we got on our way.

    I saw 2 WILD emus. Bonkers. Like obviously they are a native wild bird but it also never occurred to me.... 😅😅 Especially to be near a highway.
    Will saw them too.
    I was so Intrigued when I looked back down I had somehow got up to 130km/ph.
    Then started to have an argument in my head about the pronunciation with an American.
    Then started practicing the conversation I’d have with the police officer when I got pulled over for speeding.

    Honestly a miracle I am alive and writing this.

    Stopped in at first rest stop but didn’t get out. Just changed gps to new location. Still doing the hour by hour thing for mental strength.

    Did get out at Ballina service stop to get petrol then kept driving.
    Didn’t mind today’s drive - this half is way more beautiful that the drive to port.
    I did however mind the last hour.

    Crossed over into QLD (got somewhat emotional) as then hit the traffic.
    Fuck off QLD.
    Suddenly on 5 lane highways where no one is doin the whole “keep left unless overtaking thing”
    To difficult to explain scenarios but long story short there roads made me so stressed and mad.
    Constantly in the wrong lane which is normally ok but NOT HERE. Being in the wrong lane can mean you are 4 lanes away from where you need to be and have 5 seconds to to fix the problem.
    Also no one lets you in OR thanks you if you let them in.

    This is just the start of a stressful self discovery journey I’m sure. 🙄🙄🙄🙄

    MADE IT.
    No parking on street and someone in our garage spot. 😬
    So we took minimal bags inside.
    Blah blah - we went to the closest woolies which happened to be in the cbd... and cost us $16 for parking hahaha youuuu beaaauuutyyyy
    Fuck off lol.
    Bought like $200 worth off food so I can avoid having to drive for a few days. Will definitely be going to a different woolies next time lol.
    From what I have seen Brisbane cbd is a lovely area.
    Back at bnb and I set up the apartment- we left a note on the car in the garage in our spot and when we got back thankfully it was gone so we were able to take the tv and remaining stuff in my car up.
    The evening adventures included cooking some vegetables (loving pumpkin and onion atm)
    Then there was a fire alarm but it sounded like next door until suddenly... nope... definitely is not next door haha.
    No fucks were given by Will. I made him evacuate though.
    We are level 8 so had to take a few flights of stairs down where heaps of people were waiting outside. Fire engine there but gave us the all clear so back up we went.

    I have spoken to more building residents today/members of public than I have spoken to in Sydney in last month lol. Bunch of Chatty Cathy’s.


    I’d like to take this moment to complain about how many double round abouts there were on the way to get here.

    Apartment view is lovely.

    I actually beat Will to Brisbane which surprised everyone. No one more than me 🤣
    He got out and had food while I just went through the drive through at ballina.

    Said bye to mum and dad 24.2.21. Cried and said I love you to both. Didn’t cry when going to Europe, but our current intentions is that this is permanent making it a bigger deal.
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