Back to "the land of smiles" to finish our Asia backpacking trip on a high! We are heading to Phuket to do the other islands in the Andaman sea which we didn't have time to do before! Leggi altro
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  • 15giorni
  • 141fotografie
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  • 14,7kchilometri
  • 13,1kchilometri
  • Giorno 1

    1. Bali to Thailand Via Malaysia

    1 agosto 2023, Malaysia ⋅ ☁️ 31 °C

    We left Bali this morning and having a quick stopover in Malaysia, we had enough time to leave the airport for a walk around, but sadly not enough time to head into the city. It was starting to feel very humid again, we are definitely getting closer to Thailand. Despite hearing all about the strictness of Malaysia customs, everyone was lovely and we walked straight through without being checked James has heard its like a military operation and we even had a warning on the plane that its death penalty for minor narcotics which we have never heard before. We saw so many guards with guns in the airport, we are about to head back through immigration and wait for our connecting flight. We headed back through and walked through without even being checked, perhaps it's not as strict as they said.. We stopped and had some Malaysian food at airport, I really wasn't convinced on how it looked (as you can tell on photo 😂) but it actually was super tasty! Please note the 2 years in prison if you can't pay the fine for smoking in the wrong place haha! Phuket here we come!!!Leggi altro

  • Giorno 2

    1 & 2. Phuket

    2 agosto 2023, Tailandia ⋅ ☁️ 31 °C

    We landed in Phuket at around 1500 , we quickly grabbed our bags and headed for the bus station. To our luck , we were just in time for the bus that took you all the way to Phuket Town.
    The journey was about an hour long and our hostel was only a five min walk away from the bus stop . Once checked in , we did some washing and headed out to explore .
    We stopped off for some food whilst we were out and had a relaxed evening back at the hostel.

    Day 2

    Today we decided to head to Old Phuket Town. This lively little town is best known for its brightly coloured Portuguese style townhouses. The streets were so pretty and charismatic .
    Thalang road is the main road in Old Phuket Town , full of little market. We managed to buy some more gifts for family whilst we were looking around and stop off for a quick coffee.
    We continued to explore the markets around the area and took lots of pictures of the pretty architecture. We decided to treat ourselves to burgers for our evening meal on the way back to the hostel.
    We sorted our clothes ready for tomorrow and watched a free diving documentary on netflix (which is madness btw) before heading to bed!
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  • Giorno 3

    3. Phuket to 1. Phi Phi

    3 agosto 2023, Tailandia ⋅ ☁️ 30 °C

    Today was the day we were travelling to Phiphi, we booked a later ferry so we had time to pack up and get to the port. After some lunch we hopped in a taxi and arrived at the port. We had to wait 40 mins to board and 2.1/2 hrs trip to the islands. The ride was scenic and hot! We arrived and were greeted with ginormous breathtaking scenary, by far the most beautiful island we have visited so far. We were collected at the port by a lad who wheeled our bags most of the way to the bungalows. The last part is a hike over boulders and roots, it really felt like we were going into the middle of nowhere. We arrived and the view from our bungalow, is amazing across the bay. Sea is crashing about 3 mtrs below us. We chilled enjoying the sunset view and then went out for some food. On the way home music was banging, a nightly occurance here unfortunately and as we have no protection across the bay the bass still makes our hut buzz 😂. Sad occurance every night till 3am especially when your in paradise, we wanna fall asleep listening to the sea!! 🌊🎶Leggi altro

  • Giorno 5

    4. 2. Phi Phi Don

    5 agosto 2023, Tailandia ⋅ ☁️ 31 °C

    We woke up and enjoyed a coffee on our balcony, taken away with this bungalow for £15 a night, basic but has everything you need just no cooking or fridge. We headed to town to have some pancakes before we start our trek, today we were climbing up Koh PhiPhi to see it from viewpoints. We stopped at viewpoint 1 shortly before heading up to viewpoint 2. Here we had a an amazing (but expensive) ice coffee as we a reward after climbing 300 mtrs, nothing compared to base camp but in the humidity here it's a killer 😂. We enjoyed the view before climbing to viewpoint 3. We loved the view from up here, we sat and watched the sun set across the bay before heading down. We went to a really cheap but lovely thai restaurant and had some delicious food. We also booked a boat tour for tomorrow, taking us to all the famous surrounding islands!Leggi altro

  • Giorno 6

    5. 3. Phi Phi Don Island Adventure

    6 agosto 2023, Tailandia ⋅ ☀️ 33 °C

    We got up and headed to the pier to get onto our boat for the day, it was a really quick speedboat! The tour was quiet today at half capacity which was nice. We headed first to Monkey Beach, me and Grace had a quick look but saw monkeys attacking so kept distance before heading back to the boat quickly.
    We then headed onto Viking caves on Phi Phi Lee, a limestone cave where harvesting swallow bird nest happens, the Chinese believe it makes you live longer so thais climb up and use poo and nest for a soup, such a deliciacy and worth £12k a kilo, but it all sounds abit shit really 💩😂. We stopped just pass here and swam with some sharks which was exciting.
    Afterwards we cruised into Pi Leh Bay, wow. Stunning, the colour of the water against the cliffs. Our boat guy was pleased saying its currently really quiet but it felt heaving there, we enjoyed the views and had an unreal swim around parts of the bay, but slightly chaotic with quantity of boats everywhere! This is low season as well. Afterwards we headed to Maya Bay, famous for the film The Beach with Leonardo Dicaprio. Absolutely breathtaking with the water and cliffs, really did feel like you had found paradise. Just get rid of all the tourists then.. Ahh perfect 🌴👌. We had to stay on the boat as its currently shut due to having a 2 month conservation break as its visited by 4000 tourists per day in peak season, the reefs surrounding the island were not healthy looking 😒😕
    We then headed back to Phiphi Don island stopping at Long Beach for lunch and then onto Phak Nam Bay, both lovely but also sadly coral was not looking great, but we did see some big fish!
    Afterwards we headed for our last long stop, Bamboo island. We arrived and no Bamboo but lovely paradise island, we found some shade on the beach and had a private section to ourselves for most of the day. It was lovely here and we sat watching the sun come down, we were here for 3 hours. After dark we headed to a part of the island where they have UV plankton and jumped in, when you disturb them they flash under the water! It was so cool but slightly errie swimming around in the dark.
    We stopped for another Thai curry and this was one of the best we have had, it's always the small places which take you by suprise! Back to our cabin to catch up on 5 nights of penguins, 😂😂. PS NO FILTERS, the water really is that colour!
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  • Giorno 6

    6. 4. Phi Phi

    6 agosto 2023, Tailandia ⋅ ⛅ 30 °C

    We had a late night so had abit of a lie in and eventually left our bungalow for some breakfast. After some yummy pancakes we brought our boat tickets to Koh Lanta after wards we headed down to beach to arrange a taxi boat to take us to Wang Long Bay and Nui bay for some snorkeling, unfortunately the swell was to big to take a engined boat but "we would be fine in a kayak 400 rupies!". We double checked with another boat taxi and the confirmed that no boats are leaving are visitng there due to high swell. This was real shame as its our last 2 places to visit. So in the end we ended up walking around the town and then to the end of the beach as far away from the dreadful music as possible. We love Phi Phi but please turn your music down!! We stayed until sunset and then headed to our favourite restaurant for our final Phi Phi meal, Koh Lanta tomorrow!!Leggi altro

  • Giorno 7

    7. 1. Koh Lanta

    7 agosto 2023, Tailandia ⋅ ☁️ 30 °C

    We really enjoyed our last night in our little beach bungalow , we will miss it as it was so comfy and cosy , with great views !
    We were ready to leave for Ko Lanta the next morning very promptly, leaving enough time for one last coffee on the balcony .
    The walk to the boat felt very hot and tiresome , but the walk was only about 20 mins . We grabbed a seat near the front of the boat by the windows in the hope to cool down a little !
    The boat journey to Ko Lanta was only about two hours long and we managed to get a good deal on a taxi to our new little bungalow once we arrived .
    Once we were dropped off , the hotel staff greeted us with cold fresh orange juice and showed us around the resort. Our little bungalow for the next few nights is just perfect ! It even has a hammock outside!
    We sorted out some of our washing and went and sat by the beach for a while with a cold coffee .
    Afterwards, we went for a walk along the road just up from our bungalow and chose somewhere to eat.
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  • Giorno 8

    8. 2. Koh Lanta

    8 agosto 2023, Tailandia ⋅ ☁️ 29 °C

    We woke up to the heaviest rain ever like literally everything was flooding outside. This was thick set till about 2 oclock. We arranged for moped to be delivered and put on our waterproofs head to toe😂 ready to tackle the day. Luckily we had nice weather the rest of the day and headed across the island to Old Lanta town, it was an old Chinese sea Gypsy settlement which was cool, very wild wild west looking, all shanty wooden buildings, we did abit of shopping and stopped to have a coffee which had an awesome view of surrounding islands. We then headed down the island to Pirate cove, this was a red limestone beach but was quite rocky and big waves not a nice recipe. We headed then upto the viewpoint, after reading this was doable on moped we went for it, wasn't really doable but we got 3/4 of the way up without coming off 😂 was so funny. We climbed through the jungle to the viewpoint and saw a big family of monkeys which scarpered when they noticed us. We didn't stay long as both covered in mosquitoes despite the repellent 😂this island is notoriously bad for them apparently. We sketchily got the bike down the jungle path and headed to the beach to watch sunset. Dinner at resort tonight as we want to be up early as tomorrow we have loads to see!!Leggi altro

  • Giorno 9

    9. 3. Koh Lanta

    9 agosto 2023, Tailandia ⋅ ⛅ 29 °C

    Today was an exciting day as we were off to "Khoa Mai Khew" caves. We were also slightly hesitant as Thai caves don't have a good track history as recently a football team of 14 boys got stuck for 14/15 days! We headed to the caves and sat and waited for our guide to come. After about 30 mins we upto the cave which took about 30 minutes walk through the jungle up the mountain. We realised this was going to be more difficult than we thought as even the walk up to the caves was really difficult, slippy and steep. We eventually got to the top absolutely dripping in sweat we headed into the cave, it was really tight with alot of crawling and tight spots and sketchy ladders. Typical Thailand... But was very enjoyable we saw a big spider and about 100 bat's. James had hiccups and was letting out the loudest hiccups all the way around the cave which the group found entertaining. On our way out we had to crawl through the smallest hole about 2 mtrs and it was full of a muddy puddle which was lovely 😂. Once we left and got back to the bottom we were so sweaty, hottest thing we've ever done, hands down.
    After cooling down we headed back to our cabin to get changed and then headed down to Koh Lantas scenic beaches alongside the national park. First stop Bamboo Beach, which was lovely but full of rubbish overflow as Thailand has a real issue during off season with Malaysian and Indonesian rubbish floating ashore.We stopped and saw a family of Monkeys which were on the road. We decided to move on to our next stop Nui Bay, here was lovely and less litter so we stopped for the evening, we then stopped for a look at Bakantiang beach whilst racing the sunset home. We ran down to our beach with a beer to watch the sun go down and it was a cool sunset tonight. Afterwards we had some tea and then we packed before unwinding for the evening.
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  • Giorno 10

    10. 1. Ao Nang, Krabi

    10 agosto 2023, Tailandia ⋅ ☁️ 29 °C

    Our little mini bus arrived at 0930 to take us to Krabi . The mini bus was very cramped and we initially had quite a few stops along the way . We were under the impression that it would take 4.5 hours to get to Krabi airport . Luckily we were then in about 3 hours and then had a short taxi ride to our homestay.
    Once in our room , we did some washing and chilled for a few hours afterwards. We think the heat took it out of us a bit yesterday in the cave ! We eventually gathered the energy to have a look around the main beach street in Krabi called Ao Nang and walk down to the beach .
    There were quite a few people skim boarding at the beach, which is pretty impressive ! We decided to stay and watch them whilst the sun went down .
    At this stage , we were both feeling pretty hungry . We slowly walked back along the main street and thought we would stop off at an Italian for a change. We had the most disgusting pizzas ever and it was a complete disappointment- reminding us why we never stop off at these types of restaurants, a curry would have been much nicer !
    We walked back to our hotel and showered etc. We shared a couple of beers and had a relatively early night .
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