Nueva Zelanda

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Los 10 mejores destinos de viaje Northland
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Viajeros en este lugar
    • Día 110

      The Far North #1

      22 de noviembre de 2019, Nueva Zelanda ⋅ ⛅ 19 °C

      Donnerstagabends kommt Antonia bereits mit dem Bus in Whangarei an. Wir starten das Wochenende mit einem leckeren Caramel-Pretzel-Chocolate Whittaker's Eis und einem Einkauf für das kommende Wochenende.
      Antonia kenne ich von den Orientationdays in Auckland. Ihre Familie wohnt in Christchurch und im Oktober habe ich sie dort auch kurz besucht. Ihr Gastvater arbeitet als Pilot, weshalb sie öfters längere Zeit am Stück frei hat. Dieses Wochenende entschied sie sich für einen Besuch bei mir auf der Nordinsel :) Ich nahm mir den Freitag ebenfalls frei und so starten wir Freitagmorgens in Richtung Norden. Unser Ziel: Cape Reinga, der nördlichste Punkt Neuseelands, mit einem der wohl fotogensten Leuchttürmen und dort wo der Pazifik auf die Tasman Sea trifft.

      Unseren ersten Stopp machen wir bei den Hundertwassertoiletten in Kawakawa.
      Erleichtert und voll getankt geht es dann weiter. Auf dem Highway entdecken wir plötzlich ein Schild: "Kauri Forest 13km". Kurzerhand entscheiden wir uns diesen Stopp ebenfalls mitzunehmen. Leider ziehen sich diese 13km seehr in die Länge. Die Schotterstraße lässt keine Geschwindigkeiten über 30km/h zu. Schließlich gelangen wir zu einem Giant Baumstumpf, welchen wir ersteinmal garnicht finden, da er bereits total bewachsen ist. Den eigentlich Walk welchen wir hier machen wollten finden wir leider nicht und schließlich drehen wir frühzeitig um und halten unsere Laune mit guter Musik hoch :)

      Der nächste Stopp ist dann Ahipara, der Start (bzw. das Ende) des 89km langen 90-miles beach. Der Wind lädt zwar nicht unbedingt zum Schwimmen ein, die Wellen dagegen schon und die lasse ich mir natürlich nicht entgehen! Wir laufen noch ein bisschen am Strand entlang und machen uns dann aber wieder auf den Weg weiter zum Cape Reinga.
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    • Día 6

      Bay of Islands

      29 de noviembre de 2019, Nueva Zelanda ⋅ ⛅ 26 °C

      Weiter gehts Kiwis! Bevor wir losfahren zwicken wir aber noch ein Bädli im kühlen Meer - herrläch!🐳 Dann geht’s auf, zu einem der wohl schönsten Leuchttürme und gleichzeitig dem nördlichsten Punkt Neuseelands.🌅 Zu sehen, wie an diesem Punkt zwei Meer aufeinander treffen, ist ein spektakuläres Szenario.🌊 Anschliessend rasseln wir über Awanui und Kerikeri zu unserem jetzigen Aufenthaltsort; Paihia, Bay of Islands. Gleich an den Haruru Falls und einem Flüssli parken wir unseren Van und machen uns auf eine wunderschöne (und anstrengende...) Kayakfahrt durch den Jungle🚣🏽‍♂️ Wir runden den Tag mit einem Teller ’Spaghetti mit roter Sossä‘ ab.🍝 Bis morgen!💁🏽‍♀️💁🏼‍♂️Leer más

    • Día 112

      Privater Wasserfall, erste Abschiedsfeie

      24 de noviembre de 2019, Nueva Zelanda ⋅ ☀️ 25 °C

      Sonntag hatten wir eigentlich geplant noch ein paar Aktivitäten bei den Bay of Islands zu unternehmen. Wir wachen allerdings erst gegen 9 Uhr auf, verbringen einen entspannten Morgen, frühstücken, quatschen mit Franzi's Schwiegervater und so vergeht die Zeit dann doch relativ schnell. Nach dem Frühstück haben wir (für mich nun schon zum zweiten Mal) die Ehre von dem privaten Wasserfall zu springen.
      Anschließend gibt es endlich die seit Freitag heiß ersehnte Dusche und wir fühlen uns beinahe wie neu geboren. Ziemlich spontan (und ohne jegliche Erfahrung) schneidet mir Toni anschließend noch die Haare (Ich bin sehr zufrieden mit dem Ergebnis!).
      Um 1 Uhr kommen wir dann schließlich los und entscheiden uns dazu den Tag heute vollns entspannt zu verbringen. Wir essen noch ein sehr leckeres Eis am Strand in Paihia und machen uns dann auch schon zurück auf den Weg Richtung Whangarei Heads, wo wir heute Abend die ersten Au Pairs bereits wieder verabschieden werden.

      Ramona und Chloé, welche beide schon seit März hier in Neuseeland sind, haben inzwischen beide ihren Vertrag beendet, werden nun noch etwas reisen gehen und anschließend zurück nach Hause fliegen.
      Zum Abschied haben wir noch ein kleines Überraschungsbarbecue mit allen Au Pairs aus der Nähe geplant. Dieses findet bei Josie statt, welche dafür die perfekte Location besitzt. Wir sitzen ziemlich direkt am Wasser mit einem super Blick auf den Sonnenuntergang. Solche schönen Abende werden wir hoffentlich noch öfter haben diesen Sommer :)
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    • Día 67

      Vendredi 13, pas de chance

      13 de diciembre de 2019, Nueva Zelanda ⋅ ⛅ 23 °C

      Premiers pas difficiles sur l'île du nord ... !😟

      • Nous nous sommes réveillés sur l'île du sud avec une amende (non méritée !) sur la parbrise en ce début de vendredi 13, ce qui n'augure rien de bon pour la journée... Finalement l'amende est annulée (prise en charge par l'agence de location) ouf 😌

      • Arrivés sur l'île du nord (avec du retard et des difficultés à trouver la navette adéquate ^^) on prend un nouveau van plus grand pour nos 2 semaines restantes ! 😎 Malheureusement, le temps d'aller faire les courses, le frigo nous a lâché (et les oeufs se sont explosés par terre 😬). Agence fermée, on se débrouille à racheter des fusibles et à galérer à faire fonctionner le frigo le temps de retourner à l'agence le sur lendemain... 🥶

      Bref, pas de chance pour ce vendredi 13 mais les choses sont rentrés dans l'ordre ! On a eu un nouveau van, et on a choisi un peu de repos dans le Northland 😴😉

      Une visite rapide de cave et de quelques plages 👣
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    • Día 4


      24 de diciembre de 2019, Nueva Zelanda ⋅ ☁️ 18 °C

      The second Destination today was Paihia.
      A small town located in the inner Bay of Islands, in the northern end of the North Island.
      Definitely a bit odd to have 25 degrees on Christmas Eve! We had a really yummy dinner sitting outside, next to the sea and listened to Christmas songs 🎅🏻🎄🛷 hope everyone is having a nice Christmas Eve!

      Das zweite Ziel am heutigen Tag war Paihia.
      Paihia ist eine kleine Stadt in der Bay of Islands der Region Northland auf der Nordinsel von Neuseeland.

      Es war sehr ungewohnt heilig Abend bei 25 Grad zu verbringen. Beim sehr leckeren Abendessen auf einer Terrasse am Meer haben wir heute Weihnachtslieder gehört. 🎅🏻🎄🛷
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    • Día 5

      Oethei Bay

      25 de diciembre de 2019, Nueva Zelanda ⋅ ⛅ 17 °C

      On the way to Otehei Bay island, our tour guide told us that James Cook discovered the islands, and in his journal described that the bird sound was so loud on the islands, they needed to go off shore to have a conversation - unfortunately he also decided he’d like to farm the land and burnt the islands, killing most of all the birds. Those that survived were killed soon after from the cats and dogs that he introduced into the island. All the birds didn’t have wings (as they had no natural predators), and all of the birds are now extinct. Can see why they’re so protective of their wildlife here! They’re really strickt about conserving the islands and they’re trying to introduce birds back onto the island.

      At Oethei Bay we had a Christmas lunch barbecue and then came back to Paihia for ice cream 🍦🤤
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    • Día 49

      Ghost town

      25 de diciembre de 2019, Nueva Zelanda ⋅ ⛅ 23 °C

      We arrived at 5 in the morning. We were lucky to be from two of the dozen or so countries that were allowed through the quick 'self service' passport scan. Unfortunately though, neither of our passports worked and we still ended up queueing, albeit in a much smaller line than the other peasants. Next stop and a first for us: bio security. A rather rude old dude hastily pushed us through a questionnaire about our gear and food. We thought people in New Zealand were friendly, but this guy seemed keen on leaving a different impression early on. We were sent behind a fenced area where we had to show our hiking boots and tent. The tent was then taken from us for inspection in their 'lab'. We were released and in the airport arrival area. After a desperate expensive basic grocery shopping (because we were afraid to starve knowing almost everything outside the airport is closed on Christmas Day) , we received our tent back. The next step was to get our rental car. Using a free number on an airport phone we ordered a free shuttle to get to the pickup place. There, they let us watch a short movie on how to drive in New Zealand and then we were allowed to leave with our Morris Garages car. While it wasn't a first for either of us to drive on the left hand side, we certainly needed some time to get used to it.

      We drove off to the north. Avoiding a toll road brought us to the small beach town of Orewa Beach. An excellent opportunity to have Christmas breakfast at the beach while watching some surfers. Driving further we could already admire the variety in New Zealands fauna just by looking outside the car windows. At a not so special viewpoint we found a nice snack shop selling us a sandwich and milkshake to stay in our happy but very tired Christmas mood.

      We were slowly running out of drinking water. Trusting the CamperMate app, we pulled into a campsite. We didn't find drinking water but the very nice Uretiti beach in Waipu bay. Later we read someone drowned there that morning.

      Knowing that we needed to buy groceries, towels, flip-flops etc for our beach trip to the very north, we thought it was a good idea to spend the night in the city of Whangarei. We found a campsite nearby, which was a bit expensive for our standards but we soon found out that's just how it is here. You can easily pay 10 euros per person to occupy a single tent spot. We wanted to enjoy our Christmas dinner by going out, mainly because we were super tired as our bodies were thinking it was 16 hours later and we also just didn't have anything we could cook except for oats. Walking into the center, it felt like a ghost town. We only saw a handful of other (desperate) people walking around, and despite of knowing all shops were going to be closed, we had hoped for more than a single restaurant to be open. The choice for dinner tonight was an easy one.
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    • Día 50

      Boxing Day in New Zealand

      26 de diciembre de 2019, Nueva Zelanda ⋅ ⛅ 20 °C

      Boxing day meant that the ghost town was suddenly full of people shopping for discounts. And so did we. First we made sure we got enough groceries to survive a few days. The supermarket was amazing, there was so much, we hadn't had that for a while. We also got a simcard, and in another store we got beach towels, gas, and much needed flip-flops for Susanne.

      It was time for lunch when we finally had everything together. The lunch spot of the day was at the base of the Whangarei Falls, a nice small waterfall at the edge of the town. We really liked the care that was taken of the park it was in, it looked spotless, the people were nice, and it was for free.

      After some nice views we arrived to the next stop. A small hike brought us to the Tutukaka Lighthouse which is located on the so called Kukutauwhao Island. Only reachable during low tide, we were actually wondering what the definition of an island is. While the lighthouse itself isn't interesting, the views are pretty amazing. And also the walk there through some nice little jungle was very cool.

      It was getting late afternoon and we read about two free 'campings' for not self-contained vehicles/tents like us. In reality they are parking lots of which a small part is designated for overnight stays. Arriving at the first one of those, we learned that this small area was already completely full. The next one, Sandy Beach Camp in Woolleys Bay, appeared to be the same, but there were some volunteers from the district present that told us we were allowed to set up our tent right behind it on a patch of grass. That was great to hear, as it was right in front of a beach and there were public toilets as well.
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    • Día 51

      Lunch in the rich people's garden

      27 de diciembre de 2019, Nueva Zelanda ⋅ ☀️ 23 °C

      We woke up to beautiful blue sky and a view of a very nice beach and some picturesque rocks with the typical diverse New Zealand plants. Making it a good habit, we had breakfast at a bench at the beach before getting ready to drive off for another road trip day in Northland. While driving, we saw two chickens cross the road. We still haven't figured out why they did that.

      Out first stop was in Oakura. We read about a possible short walk to the end of a peninsula with nice views. Unfortunately that was again only possible at low tide and we didn't want to wait that long. The beach there was still good enough for an enjoyable short walk.

      Some viewpoint stops later we got hungry for lunch. Finding the perfect lunch spot was a difficult one but we are confident to say that we found it at Jacks Bay. We weren't quite sure if it was private or public but stayed anyways as it looked just too perfect with 4 chairs facing a perfect bay with nice boats, blue water and an empty beach in front. Right behind us there were some enormous gardens and expensive houses. We were just heading back to our car and while still joking about that this is our holiday mansion, we heard a helicopter landing right where we were having lunch just minutes before. Turns out the place didn't just look expensive but apparently is wealthy enough to afford private helicopters as well.

      Our next stop was the peninsula of Russell. At the very top we went for a walk up a small mountain to Tapeka Point to have a nice view over the famous Bay of Islands. It was all so nice, Machiel had a hard time asking himself why he was born in the wrong country. While being known for not being a fan of beaches, he actually realized he wanted one of these New Zealand beach houses with huge windows and terraces facing one of the thousand bays.

      It got later so we unfortunately had to drive further. We managed to get some cash without transaction fees, so we felt very lucky. Then we got even luckier with the ferry we wanted to take from Okiato to Opua to shorten the way. Arriving at the harbour, we saw the ferry full with cars, looking ready to leave. There was a STOP sign and we stopped for it, unsure what to do without further instructions. The car behind us then thought 'what are these tourists doing?', drove around us and onto the ferry. We followed them and when we parked the car, the ferry was already moving.

      A short ride later we arrived just south of Kerikeri at a camping with very soft grass. Before having a delicious wrap dinner, we needed to get some fresh vegetables. This was an excellent opportunity for Susanne to get nostalgic as she spend several weeks in Kerikeri 10 years ago. Visiting the former Kerikeri Farm Hostel was nice and weird at the same time. The main building still looked the same with its orange trees all around that Susanne was treating when working here for a few days back then.

      When going to bed later in the evening we discovered a sandfly problem. Hundreds of them were around our tent trying to get in, and when we went in at least 50 or so of them managed to join us.
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    • Día 54

      Another day at another beach

      30 de diciembre de 2019, Nueva Zelanda ⋅ ☀️ 20 °C

      We woke up in the dunes and had breakfast at the bench in front of the kitchen area. The wind had nicely decreased throughout the night. So our tent didn't need the car as a shield anymore. We packed and left to drive to the very north of New Zealand. We knew of two campings in that area. Of both we had heard that they were full so we were afraid that wouldn't work out. We decided to try anyways starting with the one at the end of a 15km gravel road gambling that less people would do the effort to get there. Also we went there already in the late morning hoping that would make the difference. 10km before the end we saw a sign saying 'Camping full'. We went on anyways because previously we were also already once allowed on a camp that had a 'full' sign. Our perseverance paid off. They actually had space and the camping usually gets full around 16:00.

      We found a good spot for our tent and then enjoyed the beach for the rest of the afternoon. The bay looked amazing surrounded by forested hills and came along with a smaller bay at the edge. The water was very clear and, seeing one other couple in the water, we decided it was time for our second swim. The water was cold and after encountering a quite big sea spider and stepping on something big moving under our feet, we changed our minds. Instead we laid down on the beach and watched other people who seemed to have similar experiences changing there minds about if or if not to swim.

      The camping is one of many managed by the Department Of Conservation. They usually have dry toilets and this one even had cold showers and everything seemed very new. We got rid of the sand-salt-sunscreen mix in the showers and enjoyed a tasty curry-lentils meal which would have been even quicker would we be more patient cooking it. But we are probably just missing our two chef cooks Daniel and Franzi.
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    También podrías conocer este lugar por los siguientes nombres:

    Northland, Нортланд, Nordia Regiono, Northland eskualdea, Northland Region, נורתלנד, Region Northland, ノースランド地方, ნორთლენდის რეგიონი, 노스랜드 지방, Te Tai-tokerau, Нортленд, Wilayah Northland, Northland Tōa-khu, Northland på New Zealand, نارتھ لینڈ علاقہ, 北地大区

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