Kiwi Kampervan Foray

мая - июня 2016
20-дневное приключение от Peter and Sue Читать далее
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  • День 1

    Packing panic time

    18 мая 2016 г., Австралия ⋅ ⛅ 11 °C

    Packing, probably way too much but thinking not nearly enough clothes. Maybe they dont have shops in NZ so we have to take as much as possible. Simon & Michelle have allegedly sold our tickets so we will need to do some undercover sneaky business to recover these or we will have 2 weeks holiday in Wagga.Читать далее

  • День 2

    Ladysmith Boutique B & B

    19 мая 2016 г., Австралия ⋅ ☁️ 14 °C

    After a work day trying to get organised, finally left home at 4.30, arrived in Wagga for a gourmet meal at Louisas, then off to Ladysmith, our boutique accommodation / pet resort. Settled Max in and settled down ready for some air travel tomorrow.
    Fine & warm, about 21C but cool overnight
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  • День 3

    sydney, stinky plane

    20 мая 2016 г., Австралия ⋅ ☀️ 23 °C

    Smooth flight flight from Wagga to Sydney but the pilot lost all credibility by bouncing the plane a few times before getting it on the ground. A quick bus trip to International Terminal and before we knew it we were into the immigration line, but after filling in the Demarkation form we find that it is now automated. You insert your passport into a machine, walk forward, smile (or not) at the camera and the gate opens, and bingo, into the boarding area. No passport stamps here! Found our gate, then wait, wait & wait till an announcement that the plane has a blocked drain and can't be used. So we trudge off to another gate and wait for the replacement plane. Embarked about 1 1/2 hours late but better that than being on a stinky plane!
    Fine and warm day in Sydney
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  • День 3

    Auckland, anyone home?

    20 мая 2016 г., Новая Зеландия ⋅ ⛅ 18 °C

    Arrived Auckland airport after dark and i have seen more people at Griffith airport. Very quiet which is perfect, almost no queue at immigration, bags came out real quick and then we are out into the lovely moist Auckland air. Now looking for the hotel bus becomes a bit of a challenge with various airport giving us conflicting instructions before ringing the hotel and getting the real travel info. Short bus ride with Sue starting an indepth conversation with the bus driver. Checked into the Sudima Airport Hotel, very nice and after enjoying a very nice dinner, called it an early night, ready for Kampervan adventures tomorrow.
    Light rain but warm, maybe 20C
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  • День 4

    Raglan, virgin kamping

    21 мая 2016 г., Новая Зеландия ⋅ 🌙 12 °C

    After a pretty spiffy breakfast at the hotel, we took a 15 minute walk to the Britz depot. After rain all night and showering on and off we weren't sure if we would need a taxi or risk the weather, but after sitting all yesterday we took the risk and enjoyed our walk thru the industrial park.
    Received a nice warm welcome from the ladies at Britz and after filling out a most complicated check-in form on an iPad and signing a heap of contract agreements we were introduced to our campervans.
    Sue & Peter were changed to a Maui van and Simon & Michelle had the Britz, the difference being that when a van gets more than 140,000km, they slap a Britz sticker over the Maui sign. A quick run down on the gas, toilet, water and identifying any chips & scratches and we were OFF.
    Not quite. We had to return to the hotel to collect our bags first.
    We decided not to spend much time in Auckland given it looked like more rain and despite being a Sat the roads were jammed. So took a detour and found our way to Mt Eden, an extinct volcano which offers a great lookout of the city. Got to park our vans in the bus area, along with the real busses, before embarking on a 15 min walk up to the summit. Not too strenuous a walk but just as we reached the top, down the rain came. And being smart country folk from the driest continent on earth, we neglected to take either raincoats or umbrellas, they were safety tucked away in our vans, warm & dry!
    Anyway, took a couple of quick photos and bolted back down the hill and received a good-old drenching for our troubles. Lucky we had the van so the girls did a quick change into some warm dry gear.
    Funny rain tho, came down pretty solid, but softly, as if it was falling from just above us and really didn't want to cause too much trouble. At home that sort of rain would have teemed down and flooded cars & shops.
    So time to hit the highway - only trouble was that about 1/2 of Auckland had the same idea and it took about 1 hour just to clear the city.
    Onto the main highway 1, south and we decide to detour for coffee into a little town called Bombay, all good except there are no shops, only vegy farms and some cows. Trying to turn around & Peter stalls the van in the middle of the intersection and then won't start. Hazard lights on, stopping traffic for a while before it kicks over and we are off again, this time taking the short drive into Pukekoe, home of the world renowned Pukekoe Creamgold onion. Beautiful brown soil allows them to grow a whole range of vegies including some massive greenhouses.
    Enjoyed an excellent hamburger lunch, called a Kiwi Burger, i am surprised that Kiwi tastes a lot like beef, while we watched the rain showers pass by, again.
    Taking the opportunity we hit the supermarket and stocked up on some vital supplies like beer, wine and chocolate.
    Sick of the highway we took the B roads south, through some magnificent grazing, although hilly, country, finally arriving in Raglan, a seaside town on the west coast. No time to check out the town we went straight to the caravan park and got 2 of the best sites available, parked and spent 1/2 hour trying to set up our beds etc. All very new to petensue, the kampervan newbies! After achieving this it was time for a drink before cooking a steak and using the excellent facilities of the park. Big kitchen & dining area, bbqs, games rooms, got the lot. Pretty quiet so easy to get ourselves settled in. After disussing the day & making rough plans for tomorrow, retired early to enjoy outr kampervan double bed.

    Highlights of the day:
    * getting out of Auckland,
    * lots of beaut farming land,
    * good company

    Weather was showers to rain all day with a few sunny spots. Not cold but cool about 20C
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  • День 5

    Waterfalls & Gloworms

    22 мая 2016 г., Новая Зеландия ⋅ 🌧 12 °C

    Awoke to a glorious morning at the Raglan Caravan Park, so we took a stroll along the beach before breakfast. Bit weird having chocolate coloured sand.
    After doing the breakfast things we loaded up & headed out to enjoy the day. No more than 10km out of town it started raining again, just showers, off & on. Drove the short distance to Bridal Veil Falls which after the recent heavy rain were in full flow. Is a drop of 55 metres and the water breaks up on the way down to give the impression of a veil. We did the veiwing at the top, middle & bottom of the falls and then had to negotiate the heaps of steps to get back up. Spectacular falls in amongst the rainforest and for a few moments the sun broke thru to create some misty sunbeams through the trees.
    After a cuppa we changed our plan again and headed directly to the Waitamo Caves, arriving in time for the 2pm session. The tour is a guided walk thru the limestone caves and culminates with a boat ride, in the darkness, thru the cave with thousands of gloworms lighting up the roof like fairy lights.
    The day was getting on so we changed plan again and drove the 1 hour directly to Cambridge, arriving in time to set up in the light. Pretty much the whole trip was driving thru lush dairy farms, beautiful pastures and fat cows of all description and the occassional sheep farm. Cambridge looks like an old established city and the streets are named after writers, we are on Scott St, just past Shakespeare and Wordsworth Sts, whoever they were!!
    Turned pretty cool, windy & more showers so we settled in for drinks & pasta dinner in the campground kitchen and chatted to any other patron who dared to pop in.
    Cool day with showers all day, interspersed with sunny periods, about 18C

    * breakfast by the beach at Raglan.
    * Bridal Veil Falls,
    * Waitamo Gloworm Caves
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  • День 6

    can there be too much green grass?

    23 мая 2016 г., Новая Зеландия ⋅ 🌧 8 °C

    Cambridge to Matamata to Mclaren Falls to Tauranga to Rotorua.
    More rain overnight and woke to a broken sky, threatening more rain. Had breaky at the van park and on the road by 9, en route to Matamata, a short drive away. Following the signs we made our way to Hobbiton, the site where part of the Lord of the Rings was filmed. It is now called a tourist farm but instead of growing tourists, they just fleece them (thanks Simon for the pun). A very slick setup with buses used to escort the tourists through the scenery/farm and just happen to go through their own cafe & gift shops, for a discounted price of $79 each. Spent some time debating whether to do it until 2 bus loads of tourists turned up and took over the whole show so we skipped out and continued driving north. Went on roads winding through endless lush green pastures, full of fat sheep & cows, bordered often by hedgerow fences and immaculate farmhouses.
    Stopped at Mclaren Falls for coffee, but as usual, it started to rain and we had to finish and get inside. The falls were pretty modest at present, must be the only place in NZ that hasn't been drenched with rain.
    Headed into Tauranga, the start of the Bay of Plenty. Is a much bigger city thaan we expected and took much longer to get through it. Set the gps to find the tourist info office, only for it and the local signs to fail us, until we asked a local man walking along the beach shore and he directed us to both the best beach frontage and also to a nice cafe from which to view the said ocean. We did both but had to do so from indoors due to the frequent showers.
    Fed & watered, we headed out, stopping at a shopping mall to buy pillows, foam underlay, groceries & grog (all essentials for continuing happy camping).
    An hours drive got us the 65km to Rotorua, through steady rain and arriving in darkness at the Blue Lake Caravan Park about 10km out of town. The sulphur smell is much less out here and the park is again of excellent standard.
    Retired to the kitchen for drinks where Sue and Michelle found some more people to interrogate, this time a Dutch couple who own a small winery near Queenstown. They finally escaped to their table to play scrabble while we had a delicious dinner of pork steak & veg.
    Retired with more showers passing over.

    Cool day, showers to rain about 18C, a bit warmer on the coast and cooler inland.

    * So much green grass, almost too much!
    * great views from the mountain pass.
    * avoided paying $79 each for being driven around a tourist farm, Hobbington.
    * had excellent meal in Mt Manganui.
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  • День 7

    Action Day in Rotorua

    24 мая 2016 г., Новая Зеландия ⋅ 🌧 12 °C

    Not much travel today, just action.
    Rained most of the night and the morning didn't offer much hope for a sumny day but we had plans so headed out after brekky to the other side of town to Canopy Tours for a Zipline experience. Zipline is where you are attached to a steel cable which is attached to 2 trees and then you zip along that cable.
    What a great experience this morning was, without sounding like an advert for the company we went with, everything was outstanding. Sue was in fine form and created a great fun mood that everyone, including the 2 guides got right into the spirit.
    After getting geared up, we were bundled into a mini van and driven about 15km out of town when they have set up their tour in an unlogged conservation area. We were taken on a 10 min walk thru the rainforest till we reached the 1st platform. A safety briefing, then we were sent 1 by 1 on our first zip line, set way up in the trees. Our party of 10 was mostly beginners so a bit of trepidation first up but then everyone was busting to get to the next zipline. 7 ziplines in total and 2 rope bridges. By the last 1 some of us we going off backwards & Simon successfully went upside down. It was showering but hardly noticeable under the rainforest canopy. The highest zipline was 22m off the ground.
    At the end we had about 15min walk back, stopping a couple of time with our guides telling us how they use part of our entry fee to fund pest eradication projects in this area to allow native birds to recover in numbers.
    After 3 1/2 hours we were debriefed, un loaded and sent on our way.
    With some time to kill we headed into town and lunch a park which is dotted with natural hot springs, mud pools & stink of sulphur. As is the norm on this trip, it began raining before we finished lunch. So after a quick look around we went in search of a real geyser only to find the bigger ones are all locked away in private tourist areas, not for us today.
    Through the rain we drove about 20 mins to our next activity, the Hells Gate, mud pools & geo-thermal park. Just as we arrived the staff we setting up for a traditional performance, we were allowed to sit in (at no extra cost). Consisted of 3 men & 3 women, Maori, performing some songs and stories from their family, from this very area. Lovely singing was very nice.
    Time to get dirty - we got our gear, got changed and next thing we are sitting in a pool, covering ourselves in the black mud that is supposed to be heaps good for you. 20mins is allowed, then a shower and into the hot thermal pool for a relaxing soak before another shower to wash off the sulphur. Only Peter wsx silly enough to go in the ice cold plunge pool between other pools., no sense! Was raining, again, so we didn't do the walk through the geo thermal area.
    Was getting dark as we found our way back to the caravan park in time for a drink, chat, some washing was done on the smelly clothes that had accumulated, dinner and early night declared as the rain tumbled down some more.

    Weather was cool and showers to rain all day, did not really see the sun at all.

    *Ziplining in some amazing rainforest
    * Ziplining with a great company and a good group.
    * relaxing in a 40C mud bath, followed by a 40C thermal pool.
    * getting to hear some lovely Maori singing
    * should say that rain is a highlight but we are getting over it, the idea of campervsn is to enjoy the outdoors, but eating all meals indoors is not quite the same.
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  • День 8

    Our day of colours

    25 мая 2016 г., Новая Зеландия ⋅ 🌙 10 °C

    Left Rotorua, went South to Wai-O-Tapu then onto Taupo
    Thought our luck had changed with very little rain overnight but no sooner had we begun breakfast then it started again. Some advice from the park staff made us make tracks for a thermal park, south of Rotorua, however we were delayed after the bottle of vinegar fell off the shelf and 500ml turned into about 5L, all over the cupboards & floor. A quick clean up and we scoooted down to Wai-O-tapu, a large geo-thermal park.
    Got there in time to buy our tickets and drive the short way back to the scheduled eruption of the Lady Knox Geyser. We and about 50 other tourists were sitting there waiting & wondering how they know the geyser will go off at 10.45 every day. Next thing a young gent from the park steps up with a brown paper bag & microphone and proceeds to tell us the story of the geyser. Apparently the area was originally used as a prison and some prisoners doing some work found the geyser / hot spring and used it to wash their clothes. The story goes that a cake of soap fell into the hot spring and very soon after the geyser erupted.
    So, the paper bag contains some detergent type stuff, the park man chucks it into the hole & viola, about 5 mins later, up she goes. Nice work.
    Returning to the wai-O-Tapu park we embarked on the 1 1/2 hour walk around, go past a huge array of sink hole, bubling mud pools, hot springs, sulphur mounds and streams. Quite incredible to see the water and rocks range from white to orange to bright green to black, all within a few metres of each other, depending on the minerals dissolved in the water. Most of the springs and pools are 100ç. Stunning colours despite the overcast day and heaps photos were taken.
    Luckily we were within 100m of the end of the walk when the rain reminded us that it hadn't finished yet. Poured for about 1/2 hour so we stayed indoors and had a dry lunch.
    Back in the vans for the 60km drive to Taupo but stopping on the way ay Haku Falls, just out of Taupo.
    Hardly any walking involved as the falls are right close to the carpark and we were treated to a little sunshine as we looked about.
    The falls are smallish but carry a vast amount of the most brilliant blue water through a very narrow rocky gorge before tumbling over the falls, into the river.
    A short drive into Taupo, checked into the caravan park then drove back into the CBD for a brisk walk around town, getting a few more supplies and returning to the van park.
    The usual happened in the kitchen while preparing dinner, Sue & Michelle pounced on anyone in or entering the kitchen, giving them a good grilling, asking them to explain themselves, their reason for being here and some basic family info before allowing them to continue their own dinner. Even got the Chinese ladies to hand over a sample of their cooking for us to taste, it was delicious I must say.
    More rain!

    Weather remains the same, just with a few more non-rainy periods, was cooler today with a brisk wind.

    * lady knox geyser
    *wai-o-tapu geo thermal park, outstanding scenes
    * haku falls
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  • День 9

    Art, wine, sea & sun

    26 мая 2016 г., Новая Зеландия ⋅ 🌙 11 °C

    Drove from Lake Taupo, east to Napier, south to Te Mata Peak and stopped at Waipukurau.

    Finally woke to a blue sky above, but by the time we had breakfast, a chat with some other campers and a photo shoot with the girls new best friends, some ladies from China, it began raining again, at least only scattered showers.
    In between showers we snapped some more photos of the river & lake then began our drive east over the mountains towards Napier. Can see where the pine plantations have been cleared and now support large scale sheep production even if the soil looks pretty poor.
    A pretty easy 2 hour drive, arriving in the coastal town of Napier before lunch, giving us time to stroll around the CBD where many of the shops have retained the Art Deco designs that they were originally built in, after the big earthquake which destroyed the original town in the 1920s. The shops are new but the building facia and upper stories have been retained as original.
    Took the vans up some very narrow windy streets til we got to The Bluff lookout were we enjoyed our lunch whilst overlooking Napier town to the south & the coastline to the north. Long way till the next land to the east, maybe Chile?
    Deciding there was not much else on our Napier must do list, we headed south to a winery called Mission Estate, established & operated by some Marist monks for over 100 years. What a spectacular winery, situated to the west of town, up on the side of a steep hill, surrounded by vineyards & lush gardens & lawns and 180 degree views. There is the cellar door, function room, restaurant, chapel & retreat. The main building was relocated there in the 1930s and has been functioning ever since. Not many monks left so it is run as a commercial winery/function centre. Wine was pretty good too so we purchased a few before we got too relaxed.
    Aiming for another lookout, we wound our way through extensive horticultural area with many apple, pear and kiwi fruit orchards, all looking in top condition. No abandoned orchards here.
    Then the gps took us through numerous backroads and suburban streets till we reached the base of Te Mata, a treeless mountain to the south of Hastings. The road to the summit was a single lane road, maybe 5km long with numerous blind corners and almost no barriers between us and about 500m drop to the bottom. Michelle was driving their van, did a fine job untill we reached the top & was pretty stressed out by the view straight over the edge, straight down.
    Was well worth it with spectacular views in all directions, over the ocean to the east and over the Hawkes Bay valley to the west. Wind was blowing strong & cold so after a brisk walk about we tackled the steep descent back into Hastings.
    Still had some daylight left so we hit the highway south and drove a further 50km, arriving at Waipukurau just on dark. Checked into the only van park, thinking the worst but pleasantly surprised. Plenty of long term residents here, local workers who have fixed term or casual jobs. Met a few during dinner in the communal kitchen and had a few laughs at their antics. Turned cold & very windy.

    1st day with continued sunshine after showers in the morning, was quite warm on the coast but cooled right off later on.

    * making new camping friends at Lake Taupo,
    * Art Deco buildings in Napier,
    * great lookout at Napier and even better one at Te Mata, despite the drive up.
    * checking out the outstanding Mission Estate Winery,
    * surprisingly good van park at Waipukurau
    * clocked up 1000km this evening
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