Asia 2023

Julai 2023 - Jun 2024
My second long-term solo-trip through Asia.🀩 Baca lagi
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  • Hari 13

    Sigirya ancient city - Lion's rock

    6 Ogos 2023, Sri Lanka β‹… ☁️ 25 Β°C

    Hard to explain what Sigirya is about, as there is so much more, than "only" some ancient ruins β€οΈπŸŒ³πŸŒ±β›°οΈπŸ›οΈ

    So it's basically some huge rocks deep in the jungle, on and around some ancient ruins.
    Looking from above, it looks like "few houses in the jungle", are around the ruins, hardly can spot out the villages.
    That jungle-vibe dominated my stay here, permanently feeling living in the jungle, making 2 km to the next shop (not by foot during the dark, there are animals out there! About half day dozen dead humans per year, people say). Any ride to anywhere started with a ride through the jungle, permanently monkeys around (dogs keeping the housings free of them), obviously cows, lizards, squirrels...

    Further around some villages for touristic purposes have established and in between and around every 50-250 meters, you'll find a dirt road to a homestay in the jungle or so. Few luxury accommodations there, lot of local and/or indian tourists, as it seems.

    All the usual european countries already met here, some rare travellers, like from Slovakia, Turkey, Israel and Japan. In total I only have met 3 travellers from Asia here, so far, but its obvious that Asian mass-tourists are just going in their own groups by bus to the Sigirya site and directly leave to somewhere else. 🀷

    Villages are packed with family- and agency-tourists, so social life only in the Hostels. Stayed in two different ones, have to make a separate footprint for that 😬

    As I arrived at my room late, my first day was for catching some sleep, relaxing, chilling and socializing 😎
    Restarted to play chess, as some challenging and motivated players were around.β™ŸοΈβ›°οΈs

    Evening time we climbed up the "little P-rock" originally named "little" asides to the original Pindurangala rock. Went on a short, well walked path upon a plateau, giving an impressive view onto Lion's Rock and a nice and chilled sunset πŸ₯°
    Had nice talks and some Chess and Billard matches into the night. 🍻

    Next morning getting up at 4:40 wasn't easy, but climbing alone on my own pace and being nicely on time on the Lion's Rock, for seeing the sunrise, was great.
    Even found time to recover from climbing, before I was enjoying the view for a nice while, up there.
    Sitting inside the ruins, watching the sun polishing, climbing up behind jungle mountains - and imagine how it must have been, standing on the balcony of a huge and crowded palace in ancient times - was impressive.

    So Sirigiya ancient city - UNESCO World Heritage site, I highly recommend.
    Especially for sunrise, but sunset probably is very nice, too, having 360° view.
    After entering through the lions door, it's a long run and probably millions of steps on sometimes overhanging stairs several dozens of meters above the site,
    but the payoff is worth it twice.

    While walking here and there on the quite big site, more and more explanation boards showed up. Still needed some online information, but great basic information is provided. A security guided walk inside the images cave, update about that will follow later (STAY TUNED).
    Ruins of the gardens, pagodas, fortresses and the huge palace on top of them, were awesome, if you're more deep into archeological stuff, you probably could stay for a while there, but after 5 hours I left for breakfast at the hostel 😁
    Not very fair, but a comparison with Angkor Wat for my personal subsumption was like: Obviously it's much smaller, there are no buildings but "only" ground-ruins to see (despite the unique view from the top), but for me it had kind of similar vibes, but in a very different, Sri Lankan, style. It was absolutely worth the trip, 3 days at my amazing accommodations, gave me some nice safari opportunities, relaxation in the jungle and several sunsets/-rises on the top of enthroned rocks over the jungle. Few great places to meet travellers already established, lots of nice private A/C-rooms are available, too, what I've heard.

    UPDATE HERE & FOLLOW-UP planned.
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  • Hari 14

    Treehouse hostel in Sigirya 🌳🌴🌿

    7 Ogos 2023, Sri Lanka β‹… β›… 26 Β°C

    Staying in Hostels, most of the time, is one of the best parts of travelling, as you will meet people from all over the world, share experiences and impressions and you'll get lots of recommendations and information.

    Hostel life always follows a scheme, but never is the same, wherever you are. And even if I've seen some really shitty places, calling themselves "Hostels", imo most of them are a good choice. But sometimes, there are outstanding places, built and managed by great people who have a great understanding, what are travellers needs and what backpackers are expecting from a good hostel.
    In Sigirya Treehouse Hostel, they even went a step further and built a great unique and extremely spacious hostel, integrated into the surrounding jungle.
    So there are several "treehouses", technically just Bungalows built on ~3m poles, so you are staying right into the treetops πŸ₯°
    Sitting on your private balcony, surrounded by palms and trees, looking at the monkeys going around in the area, is an amazing start into a new day! ❀️

    Rooms are basic, but meeting local standards very well, mosquito nets provided and a nice shower. As "houseguests" are inevitable in jungle areas, we shared our bathroom with a little frog with some of it's baby's, but we easily accepted our mutual personal boundaries. 😬
    There are some rooms on the ground, too, haven't checked them, as the treehouses are awesome πŸ˜…
    Furthermore there's all you need, like a huge common area providing Billard, chess & checkers, a nice chill-area with a hammock and a big table so you will enjoy your meals together with other backpackers.
    Bar and restaurant provides everything you could need from morning to late evening, which is quite nice, as the next village is about 2.5km ahead.
    But they'll give you a lift, anytime you need, so getting around is very easy.
    They're providing a lot of activities, as most good hostels do, unfortunately the actual yoga teacher was delayed, so I wasn't able to do that. But all activities provided, were nice and I've nobody heard complaining, I think everyone there had a great time.

    Going there with my own rented scooter, gave me the freedom to do rock climbings, explorations or meeting up with other travellers at one of the villages, on my own.

    All the staff there is amazingly friendly and caring, the atmosphere is unique, and I had some great chess matches and met some travellers, I very likely will meet again, on my trip. 😎
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  • Hari 14

    Day trip to another beach - πŸ›΅πŸšπŸšŒ πŸ„

    7 Ogos 2023, Sri Lanka β‹… ☁️ 31 Β°C

    Went from Sigirya to Pasikuda, to bring back my scooter, went on to Arugam Bay by public buses.
    A nice trip, a great experience, made new friends, love enjoying Sri Lankan life, taking a fresh coconut drink asides the street. 🀩
    No more words needed. πŸ˜…
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  • Hari 16

    Surflessons in Arugam Bay

    9 Ogos 2023, Sri Lanka β‹… β›… 32 Β°C

    Conscious about going to a 'surfers place', I still was surprised to learn, that Arugam Bay is one of the Top 50 worldwide surfspots and how much it's packed with Surfers. From all over the world, any surflevels possible, lots of beginners. As there is the so called 'Babypoint' directly at the beach, there are nice small waves and whitewater, 'round the clock.

    While neighboring Pottuvil looks like a fishermen city, Arugam Bay is heavy touristic, seems to be an artificial town: Main road (otherwise there are only some dirt side roads to beach and/or facilities/housings) packed with restaurants, tourist ships, surfschools, accommodations, tiny groceries.
    Many restaurants and food stalls serving most common international food, from sushi to pizza, burger and even Schnitzel. πŸ˜… If you're looking around a bit, can find amazing seafood, lots of Sri Lankan food, for reasonable prices. All you can eat rice & curry buffet, or some decent devilled prawns in a luxury beachfront restaurant, or or an in front of you grilled Red Snapper or a variety of Rotis, you can choose on a broad range. Not as cheap as in Trincomalee, more surfer orientated but meals for different budget are available.

    Even if there are lots of fishing boats around the beach, on the main beach several surfschools, restaurants and dozens of surfers in the water from 6am to sunset, clearly dominated the town.
    There just some bigger Hotels of all standards in the periphery, no local business or industry to be seen.
    Beach is nice, obviously a lot of waves, if you can handle the touristic and surfer vibes, main beach is nice to chill and watching surfers.
    There are some small beaches and several surfspots of different levels nearby, so it's worth renting a scooter (6-8.5€) and going around.
    Even at some remote but nice beach surfspots you could rent a surfboard or get a fresh fruit juice from a guy in a shed.
    If you can handle all the crazy surfers, it's a nice place to hang around and have some fun.
    So while looking at surfers for a while and talking to some at my hostel, I finally decided it's worth a try, even if it will be a long term project and cost some amount of time πŸ˜…
    So starting with surfing at the beginning of my trip, very likely beeing able to practice a lot in Indonesia and Philippines, there's a chance that I'll be able to ride some nice waves within 2 or 3 months. It is a physically challenging and exhausting sports you need to practicea steadily to improve.
    First surflessons have been great, hopefully I will be able soon to practice on my own, as for now I'm more falling off the board, having a short ride still is rare. πŸ˜…
    But some surf lessons should bring some improvement, soon 😎.
    Furthermore I need to find some prescription surfing glasses, as for now I'm using my prescription goggles, I've gotten for snorkeling, originally. Looking funny with that on a surfboard πŸ˜…πŸ€£
    Do not expect photos from me surfing, for a while, because it would just be me falling off a surfboard in the whitewater. πŸ™ˆ
    So let's see, how's going πŸ™‚
    Life's a wave! πŸ„
    Added two pics about surfing, seeing that surfers are really crazy, showing more than a dozen of them in the water before sunrise! 😯
    Furthermore, surfing can be a rough sports, especially if your lacking of fitness πŸ˜… So some bruises and cuts are the price to pay, but on my last day here, I finally were able to ride some waves unassisted, one even up to its end! πŸ₯°
    Surfing is amazing, can't wait to go on in Indonesia! 🀩😎
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  • Hari 19

    Travelling to Sri Lankan mountains 🚌

    12 Ogos 2023, Sri Lanka β‹… β˜€οΈ 30 Β°C

    Trip from Arugam Bay to Ella
    Perfect bus ride, both connection buses seemed to be waiting for me πŸ˜…πŸ€
    Byebye Ocean, up into some Sri Lankan mountains.

  • Hari 20

    Ella - some hiking in the jungle

    13 Ogos 2023, Sri Lanka β‹… ☁️ 23 Β°C

    Ella or Elle is one of the most popular destinations in Sri Lanka - for good reason.
    It's built into the jungle, as seen often here, but located in some beautiful mountains of Sri Lanka's center, it offers great views from nearly any place.
    The main road is extremely touristy and a huge nightlife area, after sunset, but as the city is spread widely into the surrounding mountains, it's easy to feel like being in the jungle, anyways.
    There's a historical railway bridge to see, surrounded by tea plantations and a nice experience, when a train goes over it, through all the people 😎
    Walking under it, over it and high above the bridge (making a fresh-juice-break in between 😎) was so beautiful and relaxing, loved every moment.
    Furthermore I've met another traveller from Poland, had some great times together and very spontaneous we made a great plan for a little adventure trip, more about that soon 😬.
    Didn't do the hikings onto Ella Rock or Adam's Peak, two of the highest mountains in Sri Lanka, as I ran out of time πŸ™ˆ. Nevertheless, little Adam's Peak at sunrise was a nice hike, too, and gave some great views on the mountains around.
    All in all a great place to enjoy nature and mountains.
    And, finally, I was able to see a cricket match, one of Sri Lanka's most popular sports. Accidentally (again πŸ˜…) took a wrong turn and passed by Ella's cricket field, watching some school teams playing, surrounded by their classmates. πŸ™‚
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  • Hari 21

    A Tuktuk adventure - first part πŸ›Ίβ›°οΈ

    14 Ogos 2023, Sri Lanka β‹… ☁️ 30 Β°C

    You remember, at Ella I've met Kasia from Poland, while hiking through the mountains we made a great plan: As both of us wanted to make a Safari on Sri Lanka, but didn't want to spend a whole day in a jeep to get there, we decided to rent a Tuktuk and go on ourselves to Udalawale national park, for a safari 😎.
    Hiring a Tuktuk in Ella wasn't that easy and while walking around asking people for it, we ran into Ami, the Indonesian traveller I had met in Trincomalee before πŸ˜….
    Having a brief chat, we invited her to our trip, so "Tuktuk-crew" was complete πŸ›ΊπŸ˜Ž
    Finally we managed to get a Tuktuk for rent, even a very fancy one 🀩
    So the next morning we started, as I was the designated driver, I had to fight for a while with gear shifting, it's quite tricky πŸ™ˆ
    While going down from the mountains, we rapidly understood, why the owner of the Tuktuk made a detailed explanation, how to change tires: we had a flat tire after going like 10km from 250km total trip length 😯πŸ€ͺ
    But as I'm feeling like being a lucky man, during this whole trip, it happened literally 30m away from a Tuktuk mechanic's, even a tire shop was only 100m further down the road πŸ˜….
    While we had some discussions by phone with the Tuktuk owner about buying a new reserve-tire, deducting the rental fee, the great guys from the Tuktuk mechanic's changed our wheel (~ 1.8$, tip included πŸ˜…). So after about an unplanned break, taking like 1.5h, we were able to move on 😎.
    First planned stop was at Diyaluma falls, Sri Lanka's 2nd biggest waterfall.
    An amazing experience, it's a huge, impressive waterfall, looking at it from the downside. From the last Tuktuk parking upwards it was like a 20min hike on small paths, awarded with an unbelievable view and the creek going through a great series of small ponds, before falling down the steep cliffs.
    Only a few tourists around, mostly local ones, so free roaming around and going quite close to the cliffs was amazing.
    Walking a few minutes upstream took us to the second part of Diyaluma falls, way smaller, but wider and a big pond to have a swim. Some nice little steps in the waterfalls made kind of showering or sitting in the falls possible πŸ₯°
    A great and very refreshing experience! 🀩
    Loved this place so much, that we had to hurry a bit, to arrive at Udalawale not too late, but we didn't care πŸ˜…πŸ₯°
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  • Hari 22

    Safari - Tuktuk adventure part 2 🐘🦎🦌

    15 Ogos 2023, Sri Lanka β‹… β›… 23 Β°C

    Udalawale national park is a great place to see a bunch of animals and, of course, the famous and majestic wild elephants of Sri Lanka.
    So, after our adventurous Tuktuk ride of about 150km, we arrived late at our Safari lodge. But had a great dinner, on the way, at a locals' restaurant. Rice and curry buffet, refill included, for about 1.6€, tasted amazing!🀀
    Obviously no nightlife in Udalawale, as most people here are visiting national park and safaris are starting between 4:30am and 6:00am.
    So after a short night we jumped in our jeep, at park entrance lot of jeeps already piling up. Luckily all the jeeps spread soon over the huge area, so mostly our jeep was quite alone on the trails.
    But if our guide had spotted any animal, it took only a few minutes, till other jeeps stopped by - and vice versa πŸ˜…
    Ran into one male elephant within the first 20 minutes, not shy at all, placidly eating some grass.
    Met two herds of elephants, later, but as both had babies with them, one just 3-4 weeks old, we kept distance, as they're very protective.
    So impressive and fascinating animals πŸ₯°.
    Further on we met some deer, buffalos, of course, some chameleons and lizards, a wild Sri Lankan chicken and some fascinating birds.
    Crocodiles were online swimming around, probably it already was too hot for them, at that time. πŸ˜…
    So Safari was great, after lunch we left, Ami went to the south by bus, Kasia and I went back to the north. My Tuktuk and me had to do the last part, up to Ella mountains, on our own, as I dropped off Kasia on the bus to Arugam Bay.
    Mountain roads are very nice with a Tuktuk, too. 😬
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  • Hari 24

    Maldives - On my way to Ukulhas 😎🏝️🀿

    17 Ogos 2023, Maldives β‹… β›… 28 Β°C

    Plans are made to be broken 😁
    After I've read, how cheap flights from Sri Lanka to Maledives are, I took a further look and found out, that during off-season, Maledives are quite affordable 😎

    So here I am, on my way to a few days of relaxing, snorkeling, amazing beaches and, hopefully, some great impressions and experiences.
    Soon more to come 🀩

    So excited 😊😬😎🀩
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  • Hari 27

    Salty lips 🌊🏝️🀿

    20 Ogos 2023, Maldives β‹… β›… 29 Β°C

    What could I say about the Maldives, that isn't obvious?
    Permanently having a salty taste in my mouth, as I'm jumping in and out of the water. Exploring endless and always exciting reefs with uncountable amounts and variety of fishes and corals, all day.
    I was visiting some friends from Sri Lanka on neighbour-island Rashdoo, for a day trip, having a great time together!
    Swimming with some Mantas, only a short boat trip from Ukulhas, where I'm staying.
    Enjoying great and sometimes spicy food. Tasting unseen and creative homemade snacks from locals.

    Could stay here, for a while, but that would burden my budget a lot. Even if there's off-season.

    Will try to add some more impressions about people and daily life, later, if I find time for it πŸ˜…
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