Pedrafita do Cebreiro

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10 лучших туристических направлений Pedrafita do Cebreiro
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    • День 37

      Windy and Rainy Walk to Triacastela

      24 октября 2023 г., Испания ⋅ 🌧 46 °F

      Today we walked 22 km or so to Triacastela. It was super windy and quite rainy at times. The trail was beautiful, sometimes through farmland and sometimes through the woods. It was pretty cold, especially when our gloves and shoes and hats got wet. I’m not an expert on wind speed but the gusts up on top of the ridge today were hard enough to knock us off balance!

      We stopped for hot chocolate and a sandwich when our fingers were getting super cold. It helped a lot!

      We saw a few cows out grazing but many cows were in their barns in the little villages. We were surprised to see the pilgrim monument we took a picture of. Poor pilgrim looks like he’s been fighting the wind since the Middle Ages.

      We were glad to get out of O Cebreiro. It’s cute but it’s a place that has a “we don’t really like pilgrims” vibe. The innkeepers and residents were not friendly at all. I kept waking up at 4, then 5, then 6 because I was anxious to leave. Triacastela is cute and our Belgian innkeepers are nice!

      Can you believe that tomorrow night we’ll be in Sarría, the starting point for 100 km pilgrimages? We have to be sure to get two dated stamps in our pilgrim’s credentials each day to qualify for a compostela, a certificate of completion, at the end of our Camino. It should not be hard; each day we’ll get a stamp at our lodging place and at any bar (coffee shop) or church we stop at. The distance markers we are seeing are now in the 130 km range! In Galicia, the markers are very precise, measuring the distance to Santiago in thousandths of kilometers, which means each marker tells you the precise number of meters to St. James’ tomb in Santiago.

      Edit: Here in Triacastela we are in such a nice pension (inn). We just went out for a wonderful dinner (for 13€ each we got first course, second course, water, wine for me, and dessert). David’s been fun, joking and having a great time, and I’m having a great time with him. Still, sitting by the fire at the inn before we go up to our room he asked, “What country are we in again?” We choose to be upbeat and joyful in spite of our challenges but sometimes it’s hard to watch his cognitive abilities slip away 😢.
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    • День 31

      Trabadelo to Fonfria

      21 июня, Испания ⋅ ☀️ 14 °C

      Oh my goodness this was a long one with two big climbs. The first, up to O Cebreiro, was long but on the whole not too steep. The second, after lunch, which always feels worse anyway, was very very steep but not too long with a cafe at the top. An Italian woman who came up just after us looked thoroughly shocked and the only thing she could say was “madre mía!”
      We started early. I woke up just after 5 and gathered my stuff up and left the dorm so as not to wake our fellow residents. We were ready to leave at 6 and walked out into the dark. Had to be quite careful about checking the way at first but it soon became lighter although stayed very cold for a couple of hours as we were in a deep valley that the sun couldn’t reach until quite a while after sunrise.
      Found first coffee and a good croissant in a bakery around 7 and then had a second coffee in Las Herrerías.
      Then it was onwards and upwards through the most exquisite scenery in the most perfect weather conditions to O Cebreiro.
      O Cebreiro is undoubtedly my special place on the Camino. I went straight into the tiny church and immediately all the emotions I felt last year came flooding back. Last year we stayed in O Cebreiro and went to the pilgrim mass conducted by a very special Franciscan priest. This year we started by talk g to the lady who was stamping the pilgrim passports. She then gave us a tour of the church explaining all the miracles that had happened there and I explained that this place was very special for me. She asked if I would like a blessing from the priest and obviously o said yes. I found I had tears pouring down my face and they were so kind. We both had a special blessing and both gave me a big hug which was much appreciated. I really don’t know what it is about that church. It’s tiny and very simple and unassuming but for me it’s one of the most important places. It remains hugely important to me.
      After the church we ate and had a drink (no alcohol obviously because still had a long way to go) but it was a lovely place with lovely weather and it was very hard to move on.
      Eventually we did, probably later than we should have done. Unfortunately it’s not all downhill from O Cebreiro. The path undulates for a while and then goes up to two more peaks, the second, Alto de Poio even higher than O Cebreiro. This fell very hard so late in the day and in the end we didn’t arrive until around 4.45.
      But the hostal is good and the wine even better so all good. We have a communal dinner tonight, three courses with wine, bread and coffee for €14. Vegetarian no problem.
      Lots of characters on the path today including Bernie from Austria again. He seems powered by beer and weed - he’d definitely had at least four large beers before reaching O Cebreiro and seemed to be stopping at every bar after that for another one. He’s definitely quite a character.
      Great dinner in the Palozzo with Simon (uk) Ryan and Kyle (us - New Jersey) and Ivan (Croatia ) (see picture) and lots of Italians. The glass of ribeiro I finally achieved at about 5.30 was so so good. After 32k I was ready for a drink!
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    • День 24

      O Cebreiro auf über 1300m geschafft

      23 августа 2022 г., Испания ⋅ ⛅ 26 °C

      The mega Uphill etappe is done- I was rewarded with a nice room and shower! After it I couldn’t move and slept on the bed while „watching“ „Agent K 9“ with James Belushi! Now my ugly smelling clothes wash and then I will learn Spanish and enjoy a nice dinner! I burned 5500 calories today! 😎Читать далее

    • День 35

      Loslassen – die Equipe und der Seppelhut

      31 августа 2022 г., Испания ⋅ ☀️ 19 °C

      Nun, über … davon berichte ich gleich … ist es Abend geworden. Ich weiß auch gar nicht gut, ob ich das, was ich mit euch teilen möchte, überhaupt in stimmende Worte bringe. Versuche ich es einmal.
      Ich habe nun seit Tagen darauf hingearbeitet, nach O Cebreiro zu gelangen. Und dann ist da ja auch der lange Anstieg davor. Andere Pilger gehen den Berg von Villafranca in einem Stück hoch. Ich wollte nicht so erschöpft oben ankommen. So habe ich kleinere Abschnitte gewählt und bin das ganze in drei Etappen hochgelaufen. Dann waren es von La Faba aus nur noch knapp 5 km, aber immerhin galt es noch, 400 Höhenmeter zu überwinden. So gut, wie es am Tag vorher geklappt hatte, war ich ganz zuversichtlich. Außerdem: 5 km – selbst wenn ich langsam ging, sollte das in zwei Stunden zu schaffen sein.
      Ich konnte mir Zeit nehmen, am Morgen länger schlafen und frühstücken, bevor ich dann um halb Neun loslaufen würde. Am Abend war noch überraschend ein weiterer Pilger eingetroffen, mit dem ich dann mein erhofftes Einzelzimmer teilen musste. Es war schon dunkel, als wir uns begegneten und wir murmelten nur ein kurzes Hola und dann drehten wir uns um und schliefen.
      In der Nacht träumte ich wirres Zeug – ich sollte einer ziemlich aufmüpfigen Jungengruppe etwas über den Äther- und Astralleib erzählen. Ich hatte ein gutes Konzept, trotzdem ging es total in die Hose –; ich träumte auch von meinem Zimmergenossen, wie er hell umleuchtet im Bett saß und meditierte.
      Am Morgen verabschiedeten wir uns kurz – immerhin gab es ein Lächeln – und ich ging los.
      Nun, meine Strategie war folgende: ich lasse mich nicht in Stress bringen, ich mache einfach kleinere Schritte – und sollte es noch anstrengender werde, mache ich noch kleinere Schritte. Ich habe da seit ein paar Jahren eine Equipe von Elementarwesen, die mich bei allen leiblichen, vor allem physiologischen Vorgängen unterstützen. Pyrene und Erron kennt ihr ja schon. Da gibt es noch andere, die jeweils ihren spezifischen Aufgabenbereich haben und sich um einzelne Organe oder System kümmern. In der Brust wirken Viridian Amar für das Herz und auch den Kreislauf und Juki-Juki, der Lungenminister. Eubonito ist speziell für die lichte Aura des Herzens zuständig. Er lädt mich schon lange ein, endlich mal einzutreten. Im Bauch sitzt Apollonia „La Morena“ – sie schaut gut nach der Verdauung. Dazwischen um das ganze System mit Zwerchfell und Psoas, also die Muskeln, die oben und unten verbinden und für Entspannung oder Flucht zuständig sind, sitzt Kalinari, den ich zu oft bitte, die Zügel anzuziehen. Im Kreuzbein schafft Qua‘uitt, unterstützt von Freske, der wärmt, und Friske, die kühlt. Floyd sorgt sich um alles, was mit Niere und Blase zu tun hat und was abgeführt, bzw. wieder regeneriert wird. Im Kopf schafft Zaphir – besonders im limbischen System und regelt Hormon- und Nerven-Vorgänge. Schließlich gibt es Regula, die Herrin des Vagus. Sie reguliert das ganze physiologische System und steuert im Wesentlichen Herz, Lunge und Darm. Für die Ohren, die auch am Vagus hängen, wird sie unterstützt von Papageno auf der linken Seite und rechts von Papagena. Das ist also mein Team: Kikes Körperelementarwesen Equipe, kurz KEWE.
      Vielleicht hört sich das etwas verrückt an – und ist es ja auch ein bisschen. Aber für mich ist die Existenz von Übersinnlichem lange eine Tatsache, die ich in mein Leben mit einbeziehe. Und nur darüber reden, möchte ich nicht. Ich muss das auch spüren können.
      Nun, also heute Morgen. Ich hatte die ganze Equipe versammelt und ihnen meine Strategie vorgestellt. Ich bat sie mich zu unterstützen und bedankte mich für ihre tolle Mitwirkung und das Zusammenspiel in den letzten Tagen. Heute würde ich ihre volle Präsenz brauchen.
      Ich ging los. Es war noch dämmrig und neblig. Der Weg war steil und ich setzte Schrittchen vor Schrittchen. Es ging gut. Immer wenn ich merkte, dass da Erregung, also ein Anflug von Stress, aufkam, drosselt ich mein Tempo und zwang mich langsamer zu gehen. Ich bedankte mich bei der Equipe und bat sie, weiterhin dran zu bleiben. Alle schafften gut zusammen.
      Dann zwängten sich die ersten Sonnenstrahlen durch die noch dichte Wolkendecke. Wie jeden Morgen begrüßte ich die Sonne mit einem Lied: Aus der Nacht tief dunklem Schatten …
      Heute Morgen klang auch noch der Gong dazu. Ich habe ein App auf meinem Smart-Phone installiert „Mindfullness Bell“. Sie lässt den Ton einer Klangschale ertönen und erinnert mich daran, für einen Moment innezuhalten und gewahrzuwerden, wo und wie ich mich gerade befinde. Sie macht das zwischen acht Uhr morgens und acht Uhr abends immer 46 Minuten nach der vollen Stunde (warum gerade 46 Minuten weiß ich nicht, und ich könnte es auch nicht anders einstellen – ist auch egal).
      Meine kleine Kurzmeditation sieht nun so aus, das ich nach hinten in meinen Rücken spüre, dort blaues Urvertrauen empfinde und mir die Frage stelle: will ich aus meinem Leidwesen emotional reagieren und in die Enge geraten oder kann ich in die Weite gehen und drüber stehen? Nach vorne spüre ich die Verbindung – rosa – besonders alle Schleimhäute im Kopf oder Verdauungstrakt sind sehr sensibel für das, was außer mir geschieht. Will ich mich damit verbinden oder trenne ich mich und grenze mich ab? Oder noch schwieriger: verbünde ich mich mit anderen gegen andere – das wäre potenzierte Egoität? Dann suche ich meine Mitte. Es wird goldgelb, wenn ich mich zu meiner wahren Größe aufrichten kann. Das gelingt aber nur selten. Da gibt es einen Federkern in mir, der hält mich runter, macht mich klein, damit ich nicht auffalle. Und das kostet enorm viel Kraft. Ist doch paradox! Sich aufrichten, heißt, sich in seine wahre Größe hinein zu entspannen.
      Da hatte ich plötzlich eine Eingebung. Das, was ich gerade tat – nämlich mich zu bremsen und nur kleine Schritte zu tun – war ja auch so eine Art Kleinmachen, sich Zurücknehmen, nicht seine wahre Kraft einsetzen. Da kam etwas zusammen, was ich mit meiner großen Liebe in den letzten Tagen am Telefon bewegt hatte: sie war auf einem SE-Workshop mit Peter Levine, wo es um das Thema „Depression und Aggression“ ging. Kurz: wie zu viel Druck von oben (mit viel Kraftaufwand) auf mögliche Aggressionsausbrüche zu Unterdrückung und letztlich zur Ablöschung (von Lebendig-Sein) und Depression führt. Wenn nun die beiden – Erregung und Geführt werden – zusammenspielen würden, sollte ein herzerfrischender Tanz entstehen.
      Also: war da gerade etwas nicht ganz stimmig, dass ich so arg eingriff? Vielleicht stecke da ein Angst vor Überschuss dahinter. Ich sollte es doch schaffen, aus diesem Berghochsteigen, einen Tanz zu kreieren.
      Und wie zur Bestätigung kam mein Zimmergenosse von heute Nacht an mir vorbei – so ein nettes Hütchen auf – grüßte lächelnd und war verschwunden.
      Das Hütchen! Das ist so ein Code. Ich habe das schon öfters erlebt. Da gibt es einen Engel, der mich begleitet – ein Schutzengel könnte ich sagen, oder einfach jemand, der im richtigen Moment da ist und mich auf etwas hinweist – und der Räume um mich schafft. Als ich kurz von Estella war – ich sollte noch 4 km laufen, durch sengende Hitze, allein, ohne Ortschaft, mein Akku vom Smartphone war leer, ich könnte nicht mal Hilfe rufen, und meine Wasservorräte waren alle! – nun, ich ging los, was blieb mir übrig? Nach der Hälfte der Strecke, als ich um eine Ecke bog, saß da ein junger Mensch am Boden, den Rucksack abgezogen, die Füße von sich gestreckt. Ich wusste nicht einmal, ob es ein Junge oder Mädchen war. Sein/ihr Gesicht war gerötet und sie oder er trug einen Hut – so einen Seppelhut, wie in die Hirtenkinder tragen – ziemlich tief ins Gesicht gezogen und schaute mich mit tiefem Blick an. Es war nur ein Moment und da war keine Not – nur ein kurzes Gewahrwerden: aha, wir haben uns gesehen – es ist gut. Ich meine nicht, dass da ein Engel saß – aber dass er – der Engel – sich dieses Menschen und des Hutes bedient, um mir seine Anwesenheit zu zeigen. Das war nicht da einzigste Mal. So etwas war mir davor in anderen Situationen schon manches Mal passiert.
      Und nun am Berg dieser Nachtgenosse, der seinen Hut genauso trug.
      Aha. (?) … wenn ich …?
      Und dann lief ich los. Es ging schneller. Ich lies das Einhalten los und vertraute auf den Raum, den der Engel geschaffen hatte. Ich nahm natürlich die Equipe mit ins Boot und unterrichtete sie über die Planänderung.
      Das ist vielleicht das Geheimnis von Loslassen – sich vertrauensvoll Fallenlassen in dem Raum, den der Engel für mich bereitet.
      Ich könnte nach so einem Offenbaren etwas Rückmeldung gebrauchen. Also gerne die Kommentare mit etwas Text füllen.
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    • Trabadelo to O Cebreiro

      16 октября 2022 г., Испания ⋅ ☁️ 10 °C

      Elly, our host at El Puente Peregrino, is an excellent and creative cook and she fed us and our Danish friends Penny and Frank a beautiful meal last night. Red lentil curry, Shakshouka, and chocolate brownies all accompanied by vino tinto of course. Elly also left us a basket of goodies for a predawn breakfast.

      Today was another big contrast.

      We spent the first four hours walking up the Valcarce river valley. We walked along the verge of a quiet road which has mostly been replaced by a motorway we could see in the distance. The river in a steep sided valley was rarely more than 20m from our path and it’s sound was a relaxing backdrop.

      We passed through a village every couple of kms and stopped for lunch at Las Herrerías, 12km up the slowly climbing valley.

      In various places small herds of dairy cows grazed in the riverside meadows, their cowbells tinkling peacefully..

      After Las Herrerías the final 7kms to O Cebreiro was dramatically different and physically demanding. We rose 800m in altitude sometimes climbing along narrow rock strewn paths with 13% slope.

      Towards the end of that climb we crossed the provincial border into Galicia, our sixth and last province on this camino.
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    • День 34

      Day 33, Pradela to O Cebreiro

      25 июня 2023 г., Испания ⋅ ☀️ 20 °C

      Our Irish roommate, Matt, was worried before bed that he wouldn’t know what time to get up because his charger was broken and he had no watch. In the event he decided to get up at 4am and leave around 4.30 - his rattling around woke me up pretty thoroughly. A shrieking cockerel and a cacophony of barking dogs conspired to ensure I didn’t get back to sleep after his departure. I don’t know why I ever thought the deepest countryside would be tranquil. We left at 6am, before dawn, again hoping to get as much of the day’s walk done before it became too hot. We speculated about how far Matt had already walked.
      For our first 3kms, we made a steep (and in my case, cautious) descent into Trabadelo, the town where we had planned to stay the night before. And then there was a long stretch of fairly flat walking by the side of a road and a river. Many of the little places we passed through were quite pretty but somewhat blighted by an enormous highway overhead. The only saving grace was the absence of traffic - in stark contrast with the UK, the motorway infrastructure here seems to vastly exceed demand.
      The most challenging part of the day began about 13kms in when we began the steep ascent to O Cebreiro. We were expecting temperatures above 30. I fortified myself first with coffee and a banana and we began the climb after 9.30am. It’s a rise of 630m over about 8kms - and Dominic, who cycled it a few years ago, had mentioned that it was very demanding! Some was through wooded areas and I was grateful for the shade (although Fiona was tormented by flies). Once again, the views were stupendous. When the walking is so hot and arduous, I have to remind myself to stop and look around, because my instinct is just to plod on until the ordeal is over!
      We stopped at every opportunity to rehydrate and, were greatly surprised to bump into Matt, last night’s roommate. We thought he’d be at least 10 kilometres ahead of us but he said he’d realised it was too dark to walk at 4.30 so he’d gone back to sleep on a wall in the village. He intends to walk 40-45 kms every day but I find myself amazed that he ever reaches the destination he’s heading for. He’s an electrician at home - afraid I’d be reluctant to employ him! I really wanted to tell him to get a bus to Sarria to ensure he completes the Camino this time (he’s tried before but he didn’t manage it) however, I stopped myself, mindful that I not his mum.
      At the next village we stopped again and, after a recuperative choc ice, we carried on the climb and crossed into Gallacia, the final Spanish region of our Camino. Within another kilometre we had reached, O Cebreiro, the beautiful little village at the top of the mountain where we are sleeping tonight.
      After a very filling lunch of mounds of goats cheese with quince jelly and honey, we slipped away for a nap and a cold shower (no hot water at all in our albergue). We also rearranged some of our later bookings to try to avoid overly long days in the final week.
      With its curious thatched roofs, O Cebreiro looks quite different from the villages we’ve passed through in Castile and Leon. It’s got great charm and I’m very taken with its Celtic character. (Evident in the music and the jewellery). There are wonderful views from all sides - I’m not sure I’ve been anywhere surrounded by more natural beauty.
      At 7pm we went to mass in the Romanesque church in the village where the lovely priest played church music on his iPhone at strategic moments in the service and addressed the pilgrims in broken English as well as in Spanish, blessing us all before we left and giving each person a stone.
      We had dinner with Ramona and later watched the sun going down together over the hills. We had to stay up until 10pm to catch it but tomorrow is a short day and the temperatures are cooler up here in the mountains so we thought we could allow ourselves a lie-in.
      I’m feeling sad that we are approaching our final week but am trying to savour each day that remains.
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    • День 4

      O Cebreiro - Santiago

      16 мая, Испания ⋅ ☁️ 48 °F

      6 hour bus ride and we are here at the destination where we start our 150 mile Camino walk tomorrow! 😁

      Got our first stamp. That’s a thing. It’s like a medal 🥇 at each spot when you arrive. It’s awesome. I love medals.

      The town we are at is called Cebreiro. It’s cobblestones and castle looking homes. It’s awesome. I want to buy one.

      Everyone staying here are pilgrims, that’s what people are called that do the Camino. Or peligrinos in Spanish. It’s like being a part of a cool club or a cult, either way, super cool. 😎

      Went to our first mass of our adventure. It’s tradition for the peligrinos to attend as they begin their journey.

      Oh by the way, it’s cold and rainy 🥶.
      But God made cold, and rain, and the Camino…so it’s all good.

      Our hearts are ready. ♥️ ♥️

      Tomorrow it begins!!
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    • День 5

      Camino Begins!

      17 мая, Испания ⋅ ☁️ 39 °F

      We did it! Well at least the first 13 miles of the 150 🤪

      It was cold and rainy but an incredible first day. 😄

      The landscape is beautiful. Tons of Green a color we don’t see in Vegas.


      Route Summary
      Destination: Triacastela, Galicia
      13 mi, 1117 ft

      Starting the stage in O Cebreiro means immersing yourself in a world where history and legend intertwine. Known for its pallozas and its mystical air, this village offers a unique perspective of the Way of St. James.
      As you move on, the road descends through the majestic Sierra de Ancares, presenting breathtaking landscapes and evoking stories of ancient Celtic villages. Each step towards Triacastela is a descent through the natural and cultural diversity of Galicia, culminating in a village that marks the beginning of new discoveries and the promise of more wonders on the Camino. The final stretch to Triacastela is a descent through a landscape that mixes rich vegetation with the history and traditions of the region.
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    • День 30


      21 апреля, Испания ⋅ ☀️ 18 °C

      Lucy, Maggie and I are sharing two adjoining bunks, and when we went to have showers, got to know each other very well indeed given there were no doors - school/pool spec. Surprisingly to Lucy and I, Maggie was the prude about this - she's since indignantly asked every pilgrim in town staying elsewhere if they have doors on their showers.

      I kneaded my laundry in the freezing water next to Fabrice, hung it out with pegs loaned by Lucy, and then went to get a wine, joined by them one by one and then stragglers until our table in the alley had three others attached to it and about 15 pilgrims around it.

      Bells pealing, Fabrice let me rummage around in his bag to borrow a jacket for the cold church and we all hustled up to mass, Lucy setting me off with the giggles a few times as our priest (a Patrick Dempsey lookalike) herded us through a half hour ceremony.

      It finished with a special pilgrim portion, where we all stood in a circle and he handed out pebbles with yellow arrows painted on. There was a prayer I can't remember, because someone from each language had to read it to the group. Lucy and I were the only native English speakers and she wasn't having a bar of it so I had to. Nervous, I spoke clearly and retained nothing except the last line: be happy - make others happy.

      After we went to dinner, and after they left I joined my Camino cousins, the Brazillians and Italians, at their table and had a grand old bilingual time. They're a big lot - I like them very much but they are too many to make a family out of so cousins it is.

      Lucy and I are currently shaking with laughter in our bottom bunks listening to Maggie huff and puff in French at the snorers. I am so scared for this to end. If I walk with them tomorrow it might be harder later. But is that reason not to?

      Why now. Why *now* am I finding these people, letting them find me? Another lesson, I'm sure. In Pamplona I think I needed to let the others pass and walk alone, I wonder if now, on the other end of the journey, it is the opposite. A test - can you leave this, can you appreciate something inherently temporary? Can you love and lose?
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    • Day 36 - La Portela to O Cebreiro - 14km

      4 октября 2023 г., Испания ⋅ ⛅ 23 °C

      I am sitting on top of a mountain, literally! I am sitting outside my albergue looking at breathtaking views. It was only a 14km hike today but it was all uphill, and 8kms of it was steep. I am in O Cebreiro for the night and it is at an elevation of 1330m.

      I woke up at 7am ready for an 8am take off, but to my surprise, David, the owner of the the albergue was making us Churros with chocolate for breakfast. I don’t think I have ever had one before. It was delicious and very kind. With my belly full, I was off at 8:30am. The day was a beautiful sunny day again. The walk up first takes you through a few cute villages and then starts on a track path, full of mud and cow dung. Man were there flies everywhere. That part wasn’t so pleasant, but I still enjoyed it as it was real hiking.

      The second half was a little easier terrain with mostly dirt and rocks, but there was no tree shelter. I found a shrub once and kind of rested behind it, but really, mostly sun exposed for the afternoon. I arrived at the top around 2:00pm, just in time to be greeted with a bus load of German tourists. This is a wonderful spot and I can understand why tour busses would come up here. There are views almost 360 degrees around. I am really looking forward to the sunset tonight, and then the sunrise in the morning.

      The hike itself was pretty tough, but I took it at a slow and steady pace. I really wasn’t tired until about the last 30 minutes. It was around that time, where we officially leave Castilla Y Leon and enter Galicia. I love that, when you enter Galicia, then you know the end is close. My app says there is 152kms left and the trail signs say about 159km left, I will go by my app thank you.

      Tomorrow is mostly down. I have booked a private room to treat myself so there is no rush to get off in the morning. I can sit and enjoy the views, that is if there isn’t a fog, and if there is, then that will be fun in itself.

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