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    • Tag 10

      Day 6 Gernika to Bilbao 146.95 km

      28. September 2023 in Spanien ⋅ ☀️ 30 °C

      This was a day of very rough trail conditions ....mud and rocks!

      Before I explain I want to let you know that every day I see a black cat🥺 Today it was a ceramic one in a shop I passed this am....Harley's spirit♥️

      Great day and only saw maybe 6 pilgrims total.
      I have taken shots of the different trail surfaces to give you an idea of what we walk on.
      We went through a forest that had used heavy equipment.

      Trees today were eucalyptus and pine. Some pine trees are dying and I wonder if they have pine beetle here??

      We didn't go thru any towns.
      About 12 km in A lady had a stand by the edge of the road with fresh fruit, nuts ( freshly roasted off their trees) .What a treat!!!

      I also saw my first fig tree today!
      Very hot High 20's.

      I have added on a better map of the stage I walked as the one on my Garmin isn't great.

      Took the train to Bilbao from Lemaza as there was no place to stay there or on the next stage.

      Oh and I tried my first pinxto. They are like tappas.

      I lost my sunglasses but got another pair luckily🤗

    • Tag 7

      Tag 7 - Bilbao kann doch schön sein

      10. September 2022 in Spanien ⋅ ☀️ 24 °C

      Bis um 03:00 morgens hielt mich der Tennismatch wach und auch wohl er noch nicht zu Ende war, musste ich schlafen gehen. Von meinen Hotelnachbarn geweckt, da das Hotel so Hellhörig ist, öffete ich meinen Laptop und schaute das Spiel zu Ende. Kurz nach Mittagszeit, machte ich mich auf den Weg Richtung San Mames, dem Fussballstadion von Club Athletic Bilbao, einen Verein den ich seit ein paar Jahren verfolge und welcher mir echt sympathisch ist, da alle Spieler im Kader aus dem Baskenland sind, kein Ausländer und kein Spanier welcher nicht aus dem Norden von Spanien stammt. Das Stadion welches erst im Jahr 2013 renoviert wurde, hinterliess von aussen schon einen gewaltigen Eindruck. Einmal durchs Stadion gelaufen, sah ich das man auch hier eine Tour durchs Stadion inklusive Museum machen kann. Die Stadiontour hat mich sehr positiv überrascht. Es war alles modern und doch klassisch eingerichtet und als ich dann das Stadion von innen endlich sah, war ich gleich nochmals überrascht. Sieht selber! Nach der Stadiontour musste ich zuerst mal in einer Bar etwas trinken, denn als ich auf meine Wetterapp schaute, zeigte mir diese 30 Grad an, welche sehr zu spüren waren. Weiter zog es mich zum Guggenheim Museum welches ich nur von aussen betrachtete. Auf meinem Weg zu den beiden Sehenswürdigkeiten sah ich immer wieder spannende und schöne Skulpturen oder Gebäude. Das Bild welches ich gestern noch von Bilbao hatte, hat sich heute zum Glück gewendet. So freue ich mich auf zwei weitere schöne Tage hier. Was ich morgen machen werde, weiss ich noch nicht, denn es wird 38! Grad heiss, ich lasse mich also überraschen, dazu kommt noch das Real Madrid morgen bereits un 14:00 Uhr gegen Mallorca spielt, dies möchte ich ebenfalls nicht verpassen. Ich hole mit jetzt noch eine Pizza zum „znacht“ und gehe heute etwas früher ins Bett!Weiterlesen

    • Tag 12


      21. Oktober 2023 in Spanien ⋅ ⛅ 19 °C

      We got to Bilbao on Saturday in time to visit the Guggenheim. This is an anniversary for the museum so admission was free, so we popped in for a preview. There were few works on display in the large galleries. We saw Picasso sculptures and a light box, a Jeff Koons sculpture in glass.

      The art was mostly modern. My favorite piece was the mostly black painting in the photos. Pay attention to both photos. I just looked at them at dinner and laughed out loud in the restaurant where we are having dinner. I generally love art, and support displaying art that I don’t understand. AND, the Guggenheim proved my point …. TO ME! Not all art resonates with all humans.

      As a result, we saw the whole Guggenheim in a shorter time than we expected, and for free (which was a nice break because Vueljng charged us 120 Euros to gate check our carry on bags, which is on par with their reputation for chicanery).

      The Guggenheim is said to have brought new life to Bilbao in these times where a significant amount of industrial jobs have moved to other countries. It’s impact on Bilbao is obvious, with lots of shops and restaurants located near the museum in a neighborhood that was previously industrial.

      We had a delicious variety of empanadas for dinner, definitely a go-to treat.

    • Tag 1


      10. Juli 2023 in Spanien ⋅ ☀️ 26 °C

      Mit schwerem Herzen habe ich mich von meiner Familie und Frau verabschiedet um nun endgültig aufzubrechen.

      In Bilbao habe ich mich sofort sehr wohl gefühlt, die Stadt ist herrlich zwischen 7 grünen Hügel eingebettet. Es macht Spaß durch die Altstadt zu schlendern Tapas zu essen und in das quirlige Leben der Stadt einzutauchen.Weiterlesen

    • Tag 11

      Bilbao 🥰

      19. August 2023 in Spanien ⋅ ☀️ 32 °C

      I'm spending a couple of nights in Bilbao before heading back towards Biarritz for a Wednesday flight. Fortunately, a few of the other girls from the Picos holiday were overnighting in Bilbao yesterday, so we were able to meet up for a beer and a meal.
      There's a festival here at the mo, so down by the river it's a madness of stalls (beer, mojitos, burgers...) and a few large music stages, which were unbelievably loud! I wonder if I'm just getting old?😆
      We managed to find a quiet bar for a beer and a nice restaurant for food. Restaurants don't open until 8.00pm, though, and I like to be in bed by 10.00pm 😂 so I wasn't sure I'd make it 🙄😅. But I wasn't alone as the others had flights to catch today, so I just managed to hit the pillow in time for a very good sleep 🥱💤😅.
      Today, I bimbled down to the Guggenheim and was very pleased to gain entry as a 'pensionista'! I'm pleased, because the art wasn't much to my taste, so I didn't spend too long in there (and anyway, my feet were killing me!) I did appreciate some of the art, though, and it's such a fantastic building. The large 'muriel' is made of bottle tops - I've included the explanation - I can really appreciate this type of art!
      It being Sunday means most shops and restaurants are closed around the hotel so, unless I want to walk back to the Guggenheim and wait until 8.00pm, I'm going to be eating in my room. It's been stodge all day 😖 but as I've already walked 14km, I'll let myself off🙄😅.
      Hondarribia tomorrow 👏👏👏

    • Tag 6

      Pozueta to Bilbao, Spain

      6. September 2023 in Spanien ⋅ ☀️ 82 °F

      Wonderful stay at the albergue in Pozueta last night. Amazing communal dinner served so I was able to meet a few others I’ve been running into briefly on the trail. Guy from Iowa, Slovakia, and a guy and gal from the same city in Canada (Quebec City) who didn’t know each other until last night. There were about 10-12 in our room and it was quiet all night. Slept like a baby. We set out together this morning and walked a couple hours before arriving at the first village for food/coffee. It is really hot here. I think it got to 95 degrees, supposed to be a little hotter tomorrow but luckily we are only doing 20Km. Unbearable. I, of course researched historic weather for the whole route and found lows this time of year are 60’s and highs of mid 70’s. I feel silly for having a jacket and leggings and a long sleeve shirt in my pack!! To think i was worried about being cold on this route. We will get a mix of weather for sure but, it’ll be 80’s-90’s for the next week. We had a 300 meter climb today that about did me in and then straight down into the city. It still felt like an easy one compared to the other day where we just climbed and climbed with no towns all day. I think that day was nearly 600 meters. We were about 3/4 up the mountain and we see Iowa sitting on a bench that was in the middle of nowhere. He said he got dizzy from the hike and heat and had never had that happen to him before. He said he drank plenty of water, but, it didn’t matter, we were sweating it out faster than we could put it in. After talking to him we looked across the trail and noticed a vending machine full of several drink choices. I couldn’t believe my eyes, I thought it was a mirage! I had water, but it was warm, so this was such a nice surprise. I got an electrolyte drink, my 3rd of the day. I couldn’t get enough. It wasn’t a really beautiful hike today, we walked through towns, on pavement, exposed to the heat with little shade, so that kind of sucked.
      Bilbao is a really big city, and really beautiful. I wish i had more time here. We went to the Guggenheim, which was cool, but that is all we could fit in before it was time to feed our bodies that burned about 1900 calories today! We are definitely operating on a calorie deficiency!! There’s no way I’m taking in that many calories a day. My watch says we walked 18.77 miles and 40,585 steps. I believe it. Nathalie’s registers more, but I think hers is messed up. It always says a lot more. All I know is that it was long and hot!
      Luckily I booked a place in the old city which wasn’t located on the other end of town. Tonight we are at a hostal, but since I was booking several accommodations months ago, I was able to get a private room tonight and the other two are in bunk rooms. I really needed this. I don’t mind too much the bunk rooms, but a quiet private room is nice and I hope to do this every 5 days or so. Proper rest is super important to pull off this mileage day in and day out for a month.
      It’s 10:30 here and I need to get some sleep, good night.

    • Tag 2

      Day -2 - Bilbao

      25. September 2023 in Spanien ⋅ ☀️ 24 °C

      I arrived in Bilbao around midday. I walked around quite a bit this afternoon and found the city to be very beautiful. I arrived with no preconceived ideas or knowledge as I was only interested in one building: Frank Gehry's Guggenheim Museum. What I found is a wide variety of building styles that work well together as, and I may find this all over Spain, there is an attention to detail, either a building feature or well considered, and placed, greenery that enhances the structures overall. I'm very tired now as I didn't get a lot of sleep on the plane trips over to Spain, so I'm really hoping I sleep well tonight. One thing I found a little confronting was the two machine gun armed guards at the airport in Bilbao! Oh, and I must share my delight at being greeted at the airport exit by a driver with my name on a sign (his iPad really) - just like in the movies - I've arranged a few of these pre and post Camino. One disappointment; I wasn't able to get into any churches!Weiterlesen

    • Tag 3

      Day -1 - Bilbao

      26. September 2023 in Spanien ⋅ ☀️ 23 °C

      What a great day! I've walked 27kms as I made my way around the city and loved every minute of it. The map I used is threadbare. The Guggenheim exceeded expectations, and the day just got better from there. I visited the Fine Art Museum, saw heaps of incredible buildings, I was able to get inside four churches (the Spanish really go all out on the altar decorations) and followed the Way of Saint James (just a little bit). I even visited the local Bullring (not active). I'm sitting in my hotel bar, having a well deserved beer and watching the foot traffic along the river (Ria de Bilao - the Nervion). I am so glad I came here and was able to explore. P.S. the photos I've shared are just the tip of the iceberg - I took heaps of photos today.Weiterlesen

    • Tag 11

      Bilbao Sightseeing

      20. Mai 2023 in Spanien ⋅ ☁️ 17 °C

      Also heute war Sightseeing in Bilbao angesagt, obwohl ich mich etwas schonen wollte, aber es ging schon wieder. Gestern wurden es wieder 20 km und die letzten 10 km mit Bus, dafür heute doch noch 26 km zurückgelegt.Aber das Guggenheim Museum und die Stadt sind sehenswert. Eine sehr laute Stadt, die Straßen sind voll mit Menschen, die feiern, essen trinken,...Weiterlesen

    • Tag 43

      Bilbao Das Museum

      18. November 2022 in Spanien ⋅ 🌧 13 °C

      Das Guggenheim Museum in Bilbao zählt wohl zu den bekanntesten Bauwerken in dieser Stadt.
      Gestern haben wir die berühmte Biskaya Bridge besucht und heute fahren wir mit der U-Bahn in das Zentrum zum Museum. Regen ist prophezeit, laut Wetterbericht ist um 10 Uhr angenehmes Reisewetter, wir nutzen diese zeit.
      Wir kommen noch zeitgerecht ohne großen Andrang im Museum an können ganz bequem Karten kaufen, als Pensionist 7,50 € und gehen nun durch die moderne innere Struktur dieses besonderen Bauwerkes. Für mich ist fraglich wo die Kunst ist. Manchmal überlegt man was mehr Kunst ist, das Exponat oder dieses Werk als solches zu bezeichnen.

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