Appenzell Inner Rhodes

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Top 10 Travel Destinations Appenzell Inner Rhodes
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    • Day 1

      Beschenkt und inspiriert auf den Weg

      September 1, 2022 in Switzerland ⋅ ⛅ 17 °C

      Am Vorabend erlebte ich noch eine beflügelnde Veranstaltung in der Brache St.Fiden, einem lebendigen, bunten und ermutigenden Zwischennutzungsprojekt in St.Gallen. Genau solchen unkonventionellen Initiativen möchten wir auf unserer Reise auf die Spur kommen.
      Im Garten meines Elternhauses konnte ich die ersten Aepfel von meinem Bäumchen ernten; diese Aepfel und der weitere Segen aus Mutters Garten kommen mit ins Auto. Beim Abschiedsbesuch bei Therese im Freiburgischen haben wir die üppig wachsenden Krautstiele (Mangold) zu Capuns verarbeitet.
      Und schließlich hat das Blättern in Thereses Buch über die Kraniche uns wieder mit Reise-Inspirationen erfüllt. Auf geht's.
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    • Day 1

      Auf geht's

      August 30, 2023 in Switzerland ⋅ ⛅ 12 °C

      Ein letzter Blick ins abendliche Appenzellerland, am Vorabend auf der Hohen Buche. Der Bus ist gepackt und so kann es am Mittwochmorgen wie geplant losgehen.
      (Was vergessen ging, wird sich noch herausstellen. Zum Glück reist Renata in drei Wochen nach. 😉)Read more

    • Day 2

      Weekend in St Gallen

      January 12 ⋅ ⛅ 32 °F

      We arrived in Nuremberg, grabbed the rental car and made our way to St Gallen. Around the halfway point we stopped and had lunch in Ravensburg Germany. Once we arrived in Switzerland, we got showered and cleaned up for pizza and gifts with Dennis, Jelena and the grandkids. The next morning we met them along with Jelena and her son for the morning at an indoor water park. After the park we went to Jelena and Dalibor’s home for an hour. After getting ready for dinner we met everyone at a restaurant with traditional food. Klaus and I decided to stop for a drink in downtown St. Gallen at a bar we really like. We woke up Sunday, packed up the car and went to Dennis and Jelena’s to have breakfast and say our good byes. It was great seeing everyone and we miss them already. We drove from St Gallen to Nuremberg where we will be for the next 5 days.Read more

    • Day 34

      Österreich ✅

      April 3, 2023 in Liechtenstein ⋅ 🌫 2 °C

      Und das war's dann mit Österreich auf dieser Reise. Hier ein paar Daten über den Weg bis zur Grenze heute, die ich zum Spaß gesammelt habe:

      Tage - 34 (davon Pause 4)

      Strecke - 858km

      Kaffee - 46

      Gläser Rotwein - 4

      Tafeln Schokolade - 11

      Blasen - 2

      Regentage - 8

      Schnee/Graupel - 5

      Geweint - 10x

      Länder - 3

      Paar Schuhe - 2
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    • Day 6

      2 days in one post

      April 17 in Switzerland ⋅ 🌫 3 °C

      On the train to Luzern, we have a 2 hour ride giving us time to relax, snack, and enjoy the unfolding scenery. We made swift work of packing up, and distributing our various food items among us.

      This stay in St Gallen, which I have dubbed "Fun with Appliances," has been unforgettable. We've crammed so many unique experiences into such a short time. Alongside those experiences, we've dealt with an electric kettle that didn't perform nearly as well on the stove top, a coffee machine that mangled 2 or 3 pods before I got it ( that one is user error), a clothes dryer that was exasperatingly slow, and a strangely random placement of very few electric outlets.

      We met a cousin, another Micheal, who I first met online doing geneaological research. It is so rewarding to meet in person and Micheal shared with us so much information, and maybe, best of all, an enormous hand drawn spiral family tree. It is a truly remarkable work. A very generous and exceedingly pleasant young man who took time out from his busy life to meet us in person.

      After this morning visit, we set out immediately to the charming towns of Appenzell and Altstatten. The rain is not enough to put us off our intended hike after browsing through the shops and taking multiple pictures of the very singular local architecture . Homes here have colorful accents and are decorated with drawings and other pretty embellishments.

      Persistent clouds seem to be lightening, and brief moments of sunshine are increasing in one direction, although a threatening dark cloud is menacing in the other. We'll take those odds so head optimistically to our chosen trail, a route to Seealpsee lake. It's a hard climb up, and the weather changes abruptly. We're laughing as we take our selfie, and head back down quickly, stopping only for a roadside lunch that is so late in the day it actually becomes dinner.

      Next morning starts with a workout climbing the tight spiral, dark staircase of the 15th century St Laurenzen Kirche. After ascending past the enormous quadruple bells, we emerge to a magnificent view over old St Gallen and the cathedral. Amusingly, the man below who quickly flipped the closed sign over to open when we enquired, had somehow raced up here ahead while we paid, so he greeted us at top and bottom.

      Now over to the Abbey Library. After donning our required protective felt slippers, we are able to enter the Library. It is absolutely Library with a capital L, an extravagance of carved soaring bookcases rise from an inlaid wood floor to reach up to the elaborately detailed ceiling murals. The sensation of being amidst the thoughts and ideas centuries old, the fragrance of leather, old vellum, ancient surrounds and it's overwhelming on every sensory level. That such beauty can exist is profoundly moving.

      Here resides the 16th century St Gallen globe, as it turns out a replica. It's a marvel of its time, the accuracy is incredible. Also here we can pay our respects to Shep-en-Isis, a mummified Egyptian priests daughter from about the 7th century BC.

      Leaving the Library, we need a quick lunch break. We've had the idea to look for the bakery where our cousins parents met, but hunger overtakes us. Bratwurst and bread roll it is!

      We then spend some time in the area called the Vaulted Cellar, the route to which involves a suspicious " maybe not in service" looking elevator. The lower level guides you through 1400 years of history. There's a colorful ornate manuscript from about 895, executed by a very artistic monk. And a stunningly lifelike mannekin, presumably the effigy of the monk Gallus himself. We spend an inordinate amount of time admiring the lifelike perfection of this model, photographing from many angles, naming him, and laughing at imaginary scenarios wherein this model might cause alarm to the unaware. Leaving the Cellar, we pass the security guard watching everywhere on her screen of cameras. No doubt she thought we were far too old for such hilarity. We remain impressed with the skills of the unknown creator.

      The cantonal archives are located in the same complex. I'm always searching for records, and the couple I have in mind can't be located, but another very satisfying result is found. The death certificate of our great grandfather, with the actual signature of his wife. I feel like I want to ask more and more of the cheerfully helpful Patric but it seems arduous to locate each item, but time has slipped along, and our day is almost gone.

      I've forgone the chance to see a 1200 year old plan for the building of a monastery, but it's a highlight due me nonetheless, to glimpse my family history.
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    • Day 10

      St-Gaal et Rheinfal

      July 4, 2023 in Switzerland ⋅ ☁️ 22 °C

      Aujourd’hui, visite du village de St-Gaal, plus précisément de l’Abbaye et sa majestueuse bibliothèque (cherchez des images sur Google, vous comprendrez). La cathédrale était magnifique, l’orgue immense jouait lorsque nous l’avons visitée.

      Nous avons ensuite visité le musée à l’intérieur de l’abbaye où se trouvaient d’anciens artefacts de la ville (St-Gaal s’y serait établi au 7e siècle), clés de voûtes, livres anciens (certains de plus de 1000 ans). Nous avons ensuite enfilé des pantoufles de feutre afin de visiter la bibliothèque impressionnante. Une architecture superbe, des boiseries travaillées aux planchers de bois à motifs, des livres du plancher au plafond, de très vieux globes terrestres (avant l’arrivée des Européens en Amérique), un sarcophage et sa momie, bref, de quoi satisfaire ma famille de curieux.

      Nous avons ensuite repris le train jusqu’à Rheinfal pour aller voir les chutes du Rhin. Des très belles chutes avec une eau turquoise dans un décor enchanteur. Un petit musée rigolo, une belle promenade et hop, on reprend le train pour revenir à la maison. On a arrêté en chemin pour manger dans un petit fast-food de gare quand même très bon. Ça faisait du bien au niveau prix aussi, car les restos sont très chers en ville.
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    • Day 2

      Zwischenstation Feldkirch

      March 28 in Austria ⋅ 🌫 7 °C

      Wir gratulieren Papa zum Geburtstag 🎂 und dann geht's weiter auf die große Route. Da wir aber den D-Aufkleber vergessen haben, den wir außerhalb der EU benötigen, drehen wir um und fahren über München und noch bis kurz vor Salzburg.Read more

    • Day 16

      Letzte Station Feldkirch Österreich

      June 2, 2023 in Austria ⋅ ☀️ 24 °C

      Um 9.45 Uhr haben wir uns schweren Herzens vom Lago Maggiore verabschiedet.
      Über den San Bernadino Pass ging es über den Splügenpass nach Thusis wo wir in einem kleinen Cafe leckeren Kuchen gegessen haben.
      Durch Chur ging es dann nach Feldkirch nach Österreich zum Hotel Bären, unserer letzten Unterkunft.
      Wie immer: Zimmer beziehen, duschen und dann durch das Städtchen flanieren.
      Zum Abendessen hatten wir, nach vielen Pasta, Fisch und Steak jetzt endlich wieder mal ein tolles Wiener Schnitzel mit viiiel Preiselbeeren - lecker!
      Zurück im Hotel haben wir uns noch in den Gastgarten gesetzt, etwas getrunken und geqwirkelt.
      Nun liegen wir im Bett, lesen noch und dann wird geschlafen wollen morgen nicht zu spät los.
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    • Day 4

      Das ÖRK hilft

      July 4, 2016 in Austria ⋅ ☀️ 23 °C

      Wir kommen im Schulungsraum des Österreichischen Roten Kreuz unter. Wir haben nicht nur eine super Aussicht sondern auch viel Platz, eine Dusche und eine Dachterasse.
      Jetzt sind wir alle erleichtert und kochen nicht mehr vor uns hin (in der Sonne).Read more

    • Day 10

      Hike to Säntis (2502m)

      August 11, 2023 in Switzerland ⋅ ☀️ 18 °C

      Again, it is a day of adventure. Today, we are hiking to Säntis 2502 m. It was a scenic hike with a panoramic view. The path was not so easy for all stiff, stony small path uphill. The last part know as 'Himmelsleiter' was challenging and adventures. Enjoyed the hike and is the highest point for me in this whole trip.Read more

    You might also know this place by the following names:

    Appenzell Inner Rhodes, Appenzell Innerrhoden

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