In January 2017 I moved to the Seychelles, after having spent 4 years working in Turkey. Originally from Hungary, I have been living in different parts of the world, in Canada, France, and Bulgaria. Travelling is not only my passion, but my job too. Les mer
  • Dag 9

    Acajou Hotel, Praslin

    14. januar 2017, Seychellene ⋅ ☁️ 27 °C

    We were served a delicious dinner at Acajou Hotel, and finally there was good service. Yes, the first time since I arrived on the Seychelles! Later on I will write detailed about tourism and hospitality on this island and I will explain why is it a “Wow” moment, when something works how it should work. Pretty little hotel with rooms directly on the's amazing that each hotel is so different here. On the beach of Acajou I had the feeling like it looks like a bit of the beaches in Florida.

    Colourful little birds were flying all over, and there was also an angry bird with a punk hair, I read about that one that it's a local species.Not my fav one though. But there was also a cute green mini lizard, far more friendly than the punk bird. There are also many different kind of insects on the Seychelles, but about those ugly little thing I could write a whole chapter...

    The way back with the ferry was not as peaceful as the onward journey, the ocean was not at his best, so I really had to concentrate to survive the last 20 minutes.
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  • Dag 7


    12. januar 2017, Seychellene ⋅ ⛅ 27 °C

    On Praslin there are also very nice hotels, big, small, boutique hotel, guest house, luxury hotel: there is something for everyone. My favourites were here Le Duc de Praslin and Constance Lemuria. Le Duc is a boutique hotel nicely decorated with the work of local artists, a tropical little garden, a cool surf style beach bar and tapas bar with amazing view of the bay, where you have live music and entertainment almost every day.
    Constance Lemuria is a classical posh golf hotel, with an 18 hole golf course, 3 different beaches (all of them beautiful), great restaurants, a nice spa and luxurious rooms.

    Praslin is also home to the famous “Vallee de Mai” National Park. Unique to Vallee de Mai and to Praslin is the “Coco de Mer” - or Coco de Fesse: it’s a butt shaped coconut. It’s illegal to poach these coconuts. It’s possible to buy them - they are very very expensive and each of them has a barcode. It’s the Louis Vuitton, or the Manolo Blahnik of the coconuts. I remember there is a shop on Eden Island also, where you can buy them. By the way Eden Island is not far from the airport of Victoria, on Mahe Island. It is a man made island where you have a shopping centre, a yacht harbour, some good cafes and restaurants, a hotel called Eden Bleu and also you can buy property there.
    Since this was a business visit with site inspection and tight program, I couldn’t visit the national park yet, so later I will tell you more about Praslin.
    Les mer

  • Dag 6

    La Digue

    11. januar 2017, Seychellene ⋅ ⛅ 27 °C

    Yesterday and today were another two days with a full work program. Usually the evening when we finally finish work, I just try to be strong enough to clean my make up, take a shower, brush my teeth and fall into my bed. The handover with my colleague is really very intense, and when I think "oh but tomorrow must be a bit more relaxed", then actually the next day is just even more exhausting.
    Today we went to the other two bigger islands, Praslin and La Digue so that I get a picture about the hotels there. Thanks god the ocean was quite calm, even if in the rain season which is now, it could have been a lot more agitated. From the main island Mahe to Praslin it tooks around an 1 hour with the ferry line Cat Coco (cute name, isn't it?!) and from Praslin to La Digue with the ferry line Cat Rose maybe another half an hour.
    La Digue is the smallest from these 3 islands, and it's also known as the calmest. There are no cars, just bikes. You can rent bikes in the several bike rental places or at your hotel. There are also donkey carriages, so it's like as time stood still on this island and that you are actually living in the past century.
    The hotels are also smaller, there are some boutique style hotels for romantic getaways and also some guest houses for young people who like to be close to the nature.
    I really liked Le Domaine de l'Orangerie which is in a picturesque setting in a garden where it smells like orange flower. I also loved the rooms with the open showers, very nicely designed. There was an amazing view from the spa: the massage beds facing the wonderful ocean view from the top of the property. It really took my breath away.
    Les mer

  • Dag 4

    Victoria, Mahe

    9. januar 2017, Seychellene ⋅ ⛅ 28 °C

    I have noticed something's like you have a bad hair day every day. It's impossible that your hair looks anything like back home, nooo...I have the feeling I look like a lion with all my fur around my head because of this insane air humidity. Or maybe I just feel like an untamed lion now after my 12 hour work day.
    Today we spent the whole day at the office with my colleague, I was trying to get to know the destination, meeting people from the agency we work with...a lot of things to see, learn, understand.
    Nice thing about our office, it is located right downtown Victoria (the world's smallest capital)...If I step out of the office, then I can see the famous Clocktower, aka the mini Big Ben of the Seychelles. But the absolute best is that there is a cute little coffee house called La Dolce Vita right behind the office! And the owner is Italian, so there is real good coffee. And there is even more...cakes, ice cream. In one word: Happiness! Mondays are almost fundays (NOT).
    Les mer

  • Dag 3

    St Anne Marine Park

    8. januar 2017, Seychellene ⋅ ⛅ 28 °C

    We could do some snorkelling, which was also very nice. Lunch was a BBQ on the beach of Cerf Island, with some typical food Seychellois - grilled pork, fish, chicken and sausage. What I really liked, was the delicious salad and chili sauce that came with.
    My excursion companions were all very nice people. Chinese couple taking 10000+ pics, and even more selfies. Russian family with just usual drinking habit, but the star of the day was without doubt the South African man (but probably originally more like an Indian Maharaja) who just tore the whole ladder out of the boat as he was trying to get back on the boat after snorkelling. With my adopted german family (2 very kind couples) we nicknamed him walrus and were laughing so much...we just realised later that the word walrus means the same thing in English as in German, well oooops..

    That was a first Sunday well spent on the be continued...
    Les mer

  • Dag 3

    St Anne Marine Park

    8. januar 2017, Seychellene ⋅ ⛅ 29 °C

    Before getting to the serious work, I had the chance to spend my Sunday on a boat trip. The St Anne Marine Park consists of several small island and coral reefs with plenty of fishes. Each small island is known for something else: one of them, Long Island used to be a "quarantine island" where ships had to stop and the people coming from the ships were examined to detect if they had any disease or illness before debarking on Mahe Island. Then later there was a prison there...the Alcatraz of the Seychelles! I'm sure prisoners had quite a nice sea view from their prison cells. After the not so brilliant past of the island, it will finally be known for something nice: currently they are building a Shangri-La hotel on the island. My favourite island was Moyenne Island. Huge turtles are living on the island and the island was once also a home for a dog shelter. The dog shelter was founded by a British woman: she took the stray dogs from the main island Mahe, and took them to Moyenne Island. When she opened the shelter , it provided home to 5o dogs and later when she died, there was 70 dogs living there. The dogs are not there anymore, but the giant turtles are still there, more than 120 of them. They are strolling around the island freely, we were even feeding them - they like all kinds of leaves, they are not very picky. There is a trail going around the island, takes about 45 minutes to go around, the first half of the trail is easy, the second half needs a little bit of climbing skills, but it's nothing that wouldn't be manageable in sandals or flip flops. There is also a small cemetery where the owner of the island was buried when he died in 2012. The owner was Brendon Grimshaw, also a Brit, who bought the island for 8000 pounds roughly 50 years ago. Thanks to him, the island is untouched, no hotels, just untouched nature.
    We were travelling with a glass bottom boat so we were able to see the corals and the different fishes, the zebra fish or the sergeant fish. The corals were a bit destroyed by El Nino, which is characterized by unusually warm ocean temperatures. The corals are very sensitive, the water can't be either too hot or too cold, otherwise they die. There was also a submarine tour planned on our excursion but it was too wavy to move from our boat to the submarine, so we had to skip that.
    Les mer

  • Dag 2

    Seychelles International Airport

    7. januar 2017, Seychellene ⋅ 🌬 29 °C

    Early morning at 6 my flight landed on the airport of Mahe Island, Seychelles. There was so much humidity, that I could barely see the mountains around and the small airport building. In the last couple of days it has been raining so much...but the weather was gracious with me upon my arrival: although it was pretty cloudy and humid, it hasn't been raining. I take this as a sign - a good start!

    After a small tour of the airport, and a "business breakfast" talking with my colleague about some work things, I could settle in the hotel where I will stay till my colleague leaves the island. Then I will move to where she used to live, which is called Coral Strand Hotel.

    I slept a bit, because i was up for more than 24 hours, and then I went on a discovery tour around Beau Vallon, where I am staying. I have some quite sharp memories from Beau Vallon, I was visiting a friend of mine 2 years ago here. The only change what I saw for the first sight, was 1-2 new restaurants and a brand new jungle gym not far from the Savoy Hotel. I was quite impressed with the jungle gym overlooking the ocean...Miami is definitely coming to Beau Vallon!

    What I really liked the first time I was here, was this breadfruit chips. So when I saw it in the supermarket, I was happy that already on my first day I can eat something local, something typical. Another funny thing from the supermarket, or better said a funny thing about prices on the Seychelles was that this breadfruit chips, some bread and some cheese cost the same as a bottle of Malibu black bought in the duty free. It's somehow a strange price equality, especially compparing to Turkey, where alcohol in general was quite expensive. I'm excited to go local and explore what they eat, drink, how is their culture, their way of life. Mission to be completed: how to be a Seychelloise.
    Les mer

  • Dag 1

    Frankfurt Flughafen

    6. januar 2017, Tyskland ⋅ ☀️ -4 °C

    The blank pages of this diary are waiting to be filled with adventures, fun, sun, sea...everything what the Seychelles has to offer for me. But let's just start at the beginning...why am I travelling to these islands (115 of them to be exact!), situated in the Indian Ocean, east from Africa? A couple of months ago, an opportunity was offered by the company I am working for. Team Leader on the Seychelles - sounds like a dream, but of course as everything in life, it has positive and negative sides also. After a couple of days of hesitation (at the end...what do I have to lose, right?!), I did take the job...and here I am now, writing about my first steps towards a new least for the next 10 months;)

    After the big decision has been made...the following step was getting in touch for the first time with the bureaucracy Seychellois. According to my Seychelloise friend, whom I surprisingly know from Hungary, not from the Seychelles, bureaucracy is quite some thing there. After having proven that I do not have AIDS, my lungs are perfectly healthy and that my intention is to actually work on this island considered to be a paradise on Earth...after more than 3 long months, on the day of my actual departure for the Seychelles, I finally did receive my so called GOP, the "Gainful Occupation Permit". Well I was told that to be able to survive working on the Seychelles, one really has to be just before my check-in for the flight from Frankfurt to Mahe Island (main island of the Seychelles), this famous piece of paper arrived...yeeey, ready to board flight no. DE 2302 destination Seychelles!
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