• 日6

    Fira Santorini ~ Dinner in Oia

    2019年3月27日, ギリシャ ⋅ ⛅ 15 °C

    Woke up early this morning but it was still sleeping in compared to the 5am-6am in Paris. I think we were all needing a day to catch up on sleep. We all ordered breakfast to be delivered to our rooms. Kalyn and Kenzie walked over to their pick up area for the boat tour, swimming and lunch. They enjoyed it but the water was very cold.
    John, Robert and I decided to take the cable car down to the Old Port. Views from the cable was amazing. Unfortunately we had to wait 2 hours for it to take us back up. So we did some shopping, walked around the area, had drinks and had some amazing calamari. We we arrived to the top we decided to check out the area. OMG the steps are crazy. With my bruised toe it is very hard and painful. I'm keeping up the best I can. One must suck it up and move on.
    Kalyn & Kenzie arrived back to our hotel before we did so they were hanging out at the pool. We joined them for awhile. Great way to soke up my foot in freezing water. We were able to get some pics luckily. We met at 6pm for our drive to Oia which was about 20 minutes from us. Oia is very beautiful we weren't able to hang around as long as we would of liked to. Took pics and had a nice dinner. It got dark fast and our pick up was at 8:30-8:45 so it was off to the van. We hope to be able to see more tomorrow on our 4 hour tour.
    We arrived back to our hotel at about 9:30. We are dropped off at the street and we walk up. First time was killer but we've gotten used to it. Like I said "We Just SUCK It Up"!
    Beautiful place for sure they're building and remodeling so many awesome places. Look's like they are working hard to finish by summer. (So John keeps telling us that). Don't know how they get rocks, tile, dirt, sand, wood up and down all those steep steps. We actually saw this guy taking things down on a wheelbarrow. Unreal.
    Guess that's why we don't see gym's around here. Senior citizen's here are in better shape than we are.
    The food in all the restaurants have been nothing but amazing. People are very nice and helpful.

  • 日5

    SANTORINI Here We Come

    2019年3月26日, ギリシャ ⋅ ⛅ 17 °C

    Another early morning start as the shuttle is driving us to the airport at 6am. Need to get our boarding passes when we get there. Our plane departed at 9:30am. We arrived in Athens our layover close to an hour or so then shuttled to our plane. Then carried our carry on luggage up the stairs onto the plane. We arrived on time in Santorini. We waited for John and Rob's luggage to arrive. (They we're told it was too big so they had it checked in in Athens). Kalyn was also told to check her's in too. She told the desk attendant "you just let my sister go thru with the same size bag and a Disney tote"! So they let her through. We took two taxi's to our hotel. We got dropped off on the street and told to go up. Yes we had to climb up to get to our beautiful hotel. We were greeted at the door by Katerina and her staff. What an "AMAZING" welcome. They have only 10 rooms here. We were told to put our luggage down and she took us by the pool. We sat down right outside of Robert's Suite. They brought us out drinks Kenzie & I had sparkling Moscsto. It was very, very good. John, Robert and Kalyn had lemonade.
    We were taken to our room's and were in awe. A nice rolled up letter welcoming us, 2 bottles of wine and delicious fresh fruit.
    We received a map and some info on the island. There are alot of things to do and places to see. Kalyn & Kenzie are taking a boat ride to see other island's and do some swimming. John and I will check out the local sights, Robert may go get a tat.
    We'll meet around 5 or 6 head to Oia and have a wonderful dinner and take a walk around.
    We had the most fabulous place Salt & Pepper.
    HIGHLIGHT: Kenzie tried grilled SHARK for a bottle of wine.
    We all felt like we were at a relatives home and our Tia (aunt) was making us each our favorite meal. The hostess couldn't be friendlier. Her husband is the chef and he is truly AMAZING. Wakes up every morning at 7am to get fresh vegetables, fish and meat. Kenzie tried octopus for the first time. Said it was just ok. (Now I owe her onebof my bottled wines). The size of the shrimp was unbelievable and so delicious. Just when we thought we were done she came out with these little square bowls which was dessert. Custard with a strawberry type jelly on top. We all enjoyed our dinner very much to say the least. It's a very small place and reservations are needed located at the bottom of our hill. Thank you to our hotel hostess for the wonderful recommendation.
    Back to the room we filled out our form for breakfast to be delivered to our room or our balcony. We chose the room cuz I think it will be cold again tomorrow. We found two chocolate chip cookies for a night snack. We had our bottle of wine along with it.
    Looking forward to seeing more of Fira tomorrow.

  • 日4

    PARIS SIGHTS and Last Night

    2019年3月25日, フランス ⋅ ⛅ 11 °C

    This is our last day in Paris much left to see. We met for breakfast at our hotel at 7am and ready to hit the cobblestone streets at 8am. Well not all are cobblestones. Our first stop s 20 minute walk from our hotel was to Le Village Royal which had a lovely display of colorful umbrellas. Our second stop was to LaFayette Gallerie' which has got to be one of the most beautiful shopping places in Paris. Beautiful stained glass dome and a beautiful decor around each floor. The walk across the glass floor was interesting. It was fun watching those afraid of heights or glass floors hang on for dear life and get off quickly. We then went to the Louvre to see the pyramids and to see the actual building. Next was shopping then to the Pneuf Bridge. From there we walked over to the Notre Dame Cathedral which was as beautiful as I remember it to be. We stopped for a bite to eat right outside of the church. We walked to see the Panthenon then off to Luxembourg gardens and headed back to our hotel to rest a little before going on our evening Seine River Cruise.
    We decided to take a taxi to the location to save life on our feet. I stubbed a toe which is now black and blue and have blisters starting on my heels. Pain and all I stuck in out and kept up.
    The hotel called for our van pick up at 6pm. We are a 20 minute walk away and an 8 minute drive away.
    Driver pick us up on time we start driving thru much traffic. Driver cannot get us over the bridge any of them because the chinese president is visiting and for security reasons the bridges are being blocked by police. One is still open so we tell the driver to drop us at a corner and we'd cross the bridge. People along with cars were not allowed to cross. John was told that in 20 minutes it would reopen. Sitting in the cold we waited until they told us they had no idea when it would be open. We decide to walk to the bridge that was still open. We crossed the bridge and walked the waterfront only to find out that the driver was way off on where we were to be left off. We ended practicality walking back a quarter for a mile back the opposite way. Made it to the 7pm boat ride but by the time we got the boarding passes the boat was on it's way. We had to wait for the 7:25pm cruise. Note it is breezy and very cold. Finally were on the boat no tables for the champagne like we thought we'd have. They give you these funny looking lids that look like shot glasses to put on your small bottle and drink it that way. Kalyn and I had only a sip as we both are not a fan of it without juice. Mimosas are more to our liking. The cruise had beautiful views way to cold to be outside but we did go out to get a few pics. An hour later we walk to get dinner. Found a nice restaurant close by. Kalyn and I had great hot chocolate. Robert and Kenzie ordered a drink and John had lemonade. Food was delicious.
    Kenzie is wanting to do shots so she did along with Rob and John.
    We're finished John calls for an Uber van. There is an 8 minute wait and minutes later driver is not there. He can't get over the bridge. They are still CLOSED. So here we go walking over the bridge to meet up with the van. We luckily made it there around the same time.
    Well you can see everyday we had some kind of adventure. Never a dull moment in Paris or with us.
    We get to hotel Kalyn and Kenzie come with me to take pics from our balcony. John and Rob stay downstairs. We finally all get to our rooms to pack get some sleep for a 6am pick up for our flight to Santorini via Athens.

    👣 16,000 steps 7.4 miles.

  • 日3

    METRO Delay & Disney Paris

    2019年3月24日, フランス ⋅ ⛅ 8 °C

    Day two in Paris started at 6am. If one does not start early you miss out on a lot of hours to see a lot of the city sights. As we walked around the quiet empty streets no cars around Paris we decided to start the morning with the prettiest STARBUCKS ever. It was CLOSED!
    We decided to walk to Le Village Royal to see the beautiful sight of colorful umbrellas. We ended up at the wrong village. Well we did see some beautiful buildings and did stop back at Starbucks. A coffee/tea and a delicious danish was this mornings breakfast at 7:30am.
    All done now time to get on the metro and head to Disney Paris. Robert and John purchased the tickets and off we went on our way. Well kind of...we had 25 stops and only made 5. The metro STOPS unexpectedly as their had been an accident. When the metro stopped we were in a dark area. Lights remained on. Right away movies you've seen with this happening comes to mind. WE received message on the speaker in FRENCH! No one around us speaks english. John asks one gentleman and he speaks very little english. Tells us their was a victim and we'll be getting off. We see from the windows people from the back cars walking on a small area on the side of our car. We are all to get off but have to jump down 4 1/2 FEET!! As we wait for our turn to jump off a couple next to us from Ontario Canada tell us they speak English and tell us there was a victim on the tracks. We wait for our turn on the edge of the door opening of the car to a small walkway which is very lightly lit. I used my cell flashlight to help see our our path. We get seperated only by a couple of people and see the emergrncy crew try to remove the victim from under the first car.
    We work our way to the exit with the canadian couple. Kenzie and I get to the other side but John, Kalyn and Rob can't get the exit stiles to OPEN. We wait and try to no avail. A man comes from our side and gets the large door open to pass with luggage. He goes in and Kalyn, Robert and John make it to our side. Now how do we get to Disney? We figure we'll need to get an Uber. We were lucky the other couple starts calling and we decide to go 50/50 on the charge. Uber indicates they can only take 6 passengers. We're "7". John calls for a car for us and we get picked up first. We get to DISNEY 10:15am just 15 minutes later than our scheduled time but we made it.
    Disney Paris is amazing. We loved it!! It was very cold 51 degrees with a breeze. We'd get some sun but turn a corner and it would get colder. Lots of fun rides the longest we waited is an hour. Disney Paris and Hollywood Studios was alot of fun. Got back to our hotel room at 11pm it's time to sleep for tomorrow we're meeting for breakfast at 7am.

    👣 26,005 steps 12.3 miles.

  • 日2

    Air Flight & Eiffel Tower

    2019年3月23日, フランス ⋅ ⛅ 10 °C

    Ready or not here we go on our family adventure.
    To start off early started at 6am. Left the house for 7am. First stop Starbucks for coffee.Kenzie stayed in car cuz she was way in the back.
    We arrived at LAX with alot of time to spare.
    Our flight was arriving late which meant we were going to be late to San Francisco. John went to customer service and Suzanne found us an earlier flight which would allow us 30 minutes to get to our Paris gateway. That didn't happen cuz their delay in bringing in planes was late. We arrived at 3:27pm gate to Paris closed at 3:40pm. Luckily they held the gates for all passengers grabbed our backpacks and ran. WE MADE IT and arrived in Paris!
    Our driver was there waiting for us on time. The airport was confusing but we found him!
    It was about a 45 minute ride to our hotel. Two rooms were ready one was not. We did arrive much earlier than our check in time. We freshened up a little John and I went to the hotel bar. We were given some Tonic Water and croissants. At 2pm we headed to the Eiffel Tower for our 5:30 tour. Dark clouds came in no rain just very cold and breezy. Kenzie was so excited to finally see The Eiffel Tower. Tower it was only a 11 minute walk from our hotel.
    Dinner at a great cafe with some of the best waiters.
    HIGHLIGHT: Kenzie tries ESCARGOT for the first time for a few euros.
    Well it's back to the hotel to get ready for Disney Paris. Going by train and meeting up at 6am.

    Movies Watched SFO to Paris: A STAR IS BORN,

  • Itinerary, Flight & Hotel Vouchers

    2019年3月18日, アメリカ ⋅ ☀️ 16 °C

    As John would say "I'm not organized it's just my OCD". Well kind of, let me explain.
    My first travel adventure was for 27 days in europe and I was 17.
    I was with a school group with chaperones. An
    ITINERARY for 17 year olds I guess is what is needed. I know if we were on our own we would have missed many of the tourist spots that should not be missed.
    I enjoy looking into each country to see what the top 10 places are a must to see. I fit them into my days and work from there.
    I use the app "VISIT A CITY" alot of the time. I used it for our European trip in 2016. This app allows you to add your hotel location, add your sights, restaurants etc. It even gives you the estimated time it takes to enjoy the attraction and the option to purchase tickets. It also gives you the time it takes from A to B walking. If you are there 3 days it will suggest what the best day is and hours. You can adjust or edit any of the information. Love It!
    I also have a page for prices on all our shuttles to and from airports to hotels. Price for our train ride to
    Disney Paris and return transportation to hotel.
    Tickets for tours all printed and apps downloaded on my cell. (Always have backup although you are able to print at many of the hotels).
    As you saw on our last picture we do use the cubes now in our travels. Even if it's just a weekend getaway.
    It really makes it easy to locate an item instead of messing up your whole suitcase. When arriving at your hotel you just put the cubes away in the drawers. That's if you don't have anything to hang.
    Also helps in minimizing what you take.
    We also use the travel bags where air is taken out to flatten and use up less room. This is great for thick items like sweaters. I used it in 2016 for my renewal wedding dress. Funny story, we found it in our suitcase still flattened in the bag. Oops.
    Robert is all packed up and ready to go. He'll be taking this backpack and a small nylon one for everyday usage.

  • Paris, Santorini & Athens

    2019年3月17日, アメリカ ⋅ 🌙 15 °C

    The trip we have been waiting for is finally approaching. This trip was mom's idea for me to take Kalyn to Athens and Kenzie to Paris. My nieces have always for whatever reason have wanted to visit these two cities. I myself have visited Athens & Paris back in June of 1979.
    I'm also thankful to mom for having John and Robert join us. This will be a trip to remember for sure.
    This trip we have used the travel expertise of Travelmasters. They have taken on making our flight reservations and our hotel. Tripmasters gives you the ability to choose your flight & hotel of your choosing or they will do it all and find you the best deal. We chose the days, the amount of days at each place and the hotels. We are excited to see how easy the transitions go.
    I have emailed each hotel for confirmations. (Just something I always do for piece of mind. I also print out all email confirmations).
    So far the hotels have been great with communication and helpful with questions on shuttles, rooms and touring tickets. It's nice to read they are as excited to have us as we are excited to be there.
    We are all packing for carry on luggage only. This took a bit of work for a couple of us. (Kenzie & I).
    We seem to have realized that we're not moving there just vacationing for 8 days.
    We are all very excited and look forward to making new memories.

  • 日28


    2016年5月26日, アメリカ ⋅ 🌙 16 °C

    1. Understand Currency of countries.
    2. Look into transportation from A to B.
    3. If possible book bus, train and plane reservations
    before travel. (Keep in mind some will not show.
    May need to wait a month before travel.
    4. Travel Light (if possible)
    5. Always arrive at least 2 hours earlier for train, bus
    or Airlines.
    6. Buy small souveniers. Ship larger and fragile
    7. Take currency of money being used or use credit
    card for larger purchases.

    1. Use clothing cubes for packing. (Keeps you
    organized and easy to find items)
    2. Use soaps, shampoos, conditioners from hotels to
    keep weight down in suitcase.
    3. Use document holder for your Passports.
    4. Use a folder for your itineraries, plane tickets,
    tours. (Mine was seperated by country)
    5. Make a list of the places you want to see and
    their hours.
    6. If possible, purchase tickets of tours ahead
    especially if they are on your "MUST SEE" list.
    7. When reserving your hotel ask if they offer tours
    from their hotel. We were able to buy our tickets
    for the Sound of Music tour and obtain our tickets
    at the same time we checked in. Pick-up was
    available as well.
    8. Don't be afraid to ask questions.
    9. Get a MASSAGE somewhere along your trip❣
    10. Schedule your time. Don't RUSH. Enjoy!

    What We Loved about our Trip:
    1. Weather was perfect 98% of the time.
    2. We were there before TOURIST SEASON really hit.
    3. It was nice and GREEN.
    4. People were very nice and welcoming.
    5. Food, Wine and Beer.
    6. You can use as much water as you want.
    7. Hotels we stayed at were CLEAN.
    8. We were within walking distance for most of
    the sights we wanted to see.
    9. We loved trying new foods.
    10. Loved we could drink and had transportation.
    11. Enjoyed renting a car and driving in Germany.
    12. In each hotel we had our OWN Bathroom.
    13. There were STARBUCKS is all the countries
    except Italy.
    14. NO DELAYS in transportation.
    15. We were gone 23 days instead of the 10 we
    originally were going to take. 😉
    16. That SALZBURG is still as Beautiful and still
    my favorite.
    17. All the BREAD
    18. The tasty CHOCOLATE
    19. Foods are Healthier.
    20. Clean, Fresh air.

    What we didn't like so much on our vacation:
    1. The Toilet Paper. (Mary)
    2. The Pillows (John)
    3. Not having an elevator at one of our hotels.
    4. The organization of tours at the Vatican.
    5. The trash around some streets in Rome.
    6. Munich, Germany
    7. Graffiti. But that's just part of being a
    8. Having to pay to use the TOILET. EVERYWHERE.
    They call them WC or Toilets instead of
    bathrooms. But they still understand. They are
    always clean.
    9. Bathrooms were always downstairs.
    10. No Refills on drinks. A lot of the PLACES.
    (Luckily BEER is inexpensive)

    Marys Favorite Places:
    1. Salzburg, Austria
    2. Prague, Czech Republic
    3. Krakow, Poland

    John's Favorite Places:
    1. Italy. (Tuscany & Amalfi)
    2. Krakow, Poland
    3. Copenhagen, Denmark

  • 日25

    Home Sweet Home

    2016年5月23日, アメリカ ⋅ ☀️ 16 °C

    Slept in til 7am. Well I woke up at 5am took some awesome pics of the sky.
    We're packed and ready to fly later. For now it's off to breakfast. Had a nice view and the buffet was wonderful.
    Decided to check-out early took pictures in front of our hotel and John bought me a nice bracelet in the hotel shop.
    Took a shuttle to the airport and waited in lines just in time to get to the gate to board. Luckily our seats were by the door (Emergency Door). YaY for LEG ROOM!
    Watched 3 movies on our 10 Hour Flight. Watched BROOKLYN, MONTE CARLO and CAROL. John watched FLAGS OF OUR FATHER and SUNSHINE. He also watched BIG BAND THEORY episodes.
    Arrived on time and Rob had just arrived at LAX. Customs has changed since I last traveled but none the less we got through it.
    Had an AMAZING vacation. Wonderful memories.
    Thanks for coming along with "US"!

  • 日24

    Copenhagen Layover

    2016年5月22日, デンマーク ⋅ ⛅ 17 °C

    The time is close, so close that tomorrow we'll be HOME! Woke up in Prague had a nice breakfast at the hotel. Hung out in our hotel room til it was time to checkout walk across the street to the airport. SO CONVENIENT.
    We got our luggage checked in and we took off towards our gate. Stopped at some of the stores along the way. We sat and waited a little over an hour before we got loaded. (I mean get on the plane) 😉
    The flight was only 1 1/2 hours long. Pretty much all our flights have been 2 hours or less.
    John sat by the window and I sat in the middle. Luckily, no one on my left side. We bought a chocolate bar, cappuccino at one of the shops. John bought some kinda juice we've never heard of. CHOCOLATE WAS VERY GOOD!
    The view from the plane arriving to Copenhagen was pretty different. We of course flew over Sweden. Wish we could of stopped there too! 😆
    We arrived in Copenhagen and got a taxi to our hotel. This hotel truly stands out. Very Modern. The staff very nice and they speak English. We got settled in and decided to take a taxi to Kongens Nytorv (main area). We decided instead of walking to take a cruise. It was nice and we got to see the outside of many main attractions. Weather was nice on the cruise. A little cool but felt good when the sun was hitting you.
    We walked down a street filled with many shops, restaurants, bars, ice cream shops and souvenier shops. We walked by Tivoli. Unfortunately we didn't have time to go in and enjoy. On our list to do another time. We walked and walked ending up in an area which didn't really have much to see. We came upon a Radisson Hotel so we took a taxi back to our hotel.
    We were both hungry so decided to have a nice dinner at our hotel. Afterall this is our last European meal. We mainly enjoyed the "BEER"! The beer had honey in it that came from bee's that are located at the top of the hotel. It truly was one of the best beers I've ever had. And if you know me I'm more of a WINE person. 🍷
    After dinner we came back to our room got settled for tomorrow. Tomorrow we fly home.
    🛬 My brother Rob will be picking us up at LAX. We should arrive around 5:30pm.
    So it's Home Sweet Home tomorrow. 🏡
    "Thank YOU" to our family/friends who followed us through Czech Republic, Germany, Austria, Italy, Poland & Denmark.
    We loved sharing our journey with you. Travel has always been my PASSION. Hoping John and I can continue seeing this WORLD of ours. There is so much history, beauty and culture to take in.
    "BELIEVE" and make it HAPPEN!! WE DID❣


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