Australia 2017

Eylül - Ekim 2017
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  • 41,5kkilometre
  • 37,6kkilometre
  • Gün 1


    16 Eylül 2017, Kanada ⋅ ⛅ 20 °C

    Alright party people! My bags are packed and I am ready to go! Fit my life in a 30L pack and I am ready to rock and roll.

    Tim hortons: ✔
    Ride on the magic carpet to the gate: double ✔
    Sitting at the gate like a millennial on my cellphone: ✔
    Obligatory awkward selfie: ✔ Is that anxiety or excitement... both?

    If you're reading this... I would say thank you and get a life... there are more important things than knowing what I am up to! Haha just kidding. Thank you and I will do my best to keep you all updated!
    Okumaya devam et

  • Gün 2

    Hong Kong Airport

    17 Eylül 2017, Hong Kong ⋅ 🌙 32 °C

    Well there is 12.5 hours of my life I am never getting back. All in all it is not a bad flight. I mean I got mac'n'cheese and ice cream for lunch, anyone who knows me knows that's pretty much a go to meal. I finally got out of my bubble and watched some good new movies, meaning they came out in the last year.

    While waiting in line to get on the plane I met these two sweet old ladies, and we got to chatting. Another small world moment. They were a Scottish and English turned South African turned Australian who were traveling through the Rockies. Turns out one of them lived in Boksburg. It really is quite amazing to meet fellow South Africans all over:)

    Arriving here to attempt to find food... awesome. Regret the decision of Popeyes at what is 5am. Oh well. It's all that looked inviting to me. Those of you who know me, know this. Sorry Danika... I didn't even think about trying anything! Now for a 5 hour layover, because what a surprise we actually landed an hour early. Never had that before. Really looking forward to sleeping on the plane. Hopefully I sit next to someone who has a better concept of personal space and respect for others. *fingers crossed* or *hold thumbs* as some of you would say!
    Okumaya devam et

  • Gün 3


    18 Eylül 2017, Avustralya ⋅ ☀️ 19 °C

    I have finally landed, looking a little ragged, but alive and awake. Small successes. Waiting at Southern Cross Station on platform 9/10. Feeling a little movie referency here.

    What can I say so far. Looks like a mix of Canada and South Africa, they just sound a little funnier!! Even have a little of the same kind of architecture happening, and definitely a few more "exciting" pieces.

    I am loving all the looks I get right now. I am sitting here in 3/4 tights and a t-shirt... although I am wearing shoes., which is not common. The people beside me all look prepared to go to Winnipeg. Okay. Slight exaggeration. But like it's 5C not 20C.

    Boy am I glad I didn't have check on baggage. I was halfway gone by the time I was supposed to land. So let's call that another small success! Got one more hour on a train before catching up with one of my fave Aussies. It's been 5 years, and I can't wait... honestly I am not sure if I am more excited to see her or to sleep. This is a toughie!!
    Okumaya devam et

  • Gün 4

    Melbourne - Dandenong, & the 1000 steps

    19 Eylül 2017, Avustralya ⋅ ⛅ 9 °C

    First day being a full human being, got myself a nice 12 hours of sleep.

    Breakfast was an adventure in working on my "what to eat list" courtesy of Dale.
    Milo ✔
    Vegemite toast ✔
    Tim tams

    Then we decided to work off the calories we ate by climbing up the 1000 steps, and off to the look out at Mount Dandenong.

    The afternoon was then spent with a walk around Lilydale Lake. Reminds me a bit of Rice Lake but not surrounded by a forest. We then acted like the adults we are and played on the playground... sorry, I acted like I was an adult, Beck just watched me. And it turns out it's swooping season which means that the magpies are laying eggs and apparently they attack you when you get close. So that was a fun experience getting swooped by a bird... literally a cm above my head. But apparently this is lucky as they are known to draw blood. So your questions are answered.... yes everything in Australia is trying to kill you!

    Being attacked by my first Aussie animal ✔

    After our near death adventure we went out for dinner at Hunter and Barrel, kind of a less expensive Keg I want to say. Either way. I got me a nice steak, so good way to end a day.

    👣's: 16783 - 10.72 km
    Okumaya devam et

  • Gün 5

    Steavenson Falls

    20 Eylül 2017, Avustralya ⋅ ☀️ 9 °C

    I think I can get used to 12 hour sleeps! Woke up to try another morning of vegemite and Milo! I may need to alter my day to day Canadian life!

    Beck and I then hopped in the car and ventured down the gorgeous drive to Steavenson falls!! These falls drop about 84m and these photos do not do it justice. Definitely in my happy place. Such a gorgeous and scenic drive, reminds me a little of the Sunshine coast. We then walked to the bottom of the falls, and then "hiked" to the top. Imagine a very easy Quarry rock! With a view just as spectacular.

    On the way back through Marysville we decided to stop for a bit. After a summer like we have had in BC this town hit home. In 2009 it burned down due to wild fires, and there were many fatalities(look up black saturday), and they are slowely bringing the town back to life. A very inspirational and sad story.

    So we thought we would support the local economy and since I have been told "there is no meat pie like an Aussie meat pie", we stopped at the local bakery and had an Aussie meat pie. And I was not disappointed. Yet another diet change? Hahaha

    Aussie meat pie ✔

    On the way from the bakery, we decided dessert was a must. So we stopped off at the Yarra Valley Chocolaterie. Yes that photo is all chocolate. Sorry Charlie's Chocolate Factory... But this place puts you to shame!! I said it 🙊

    To end the day with a nice afternoon nap is a must!

    👣's: 9781 - 6.73 km
    Okumaya devam et

  • Gün 6

    Gunnamatta & Peninsula Hot Springs

    21 Eylül 2017, Avustralya ⋅ ☀️ 19 °C

    Couldn't have asked for a better day than today. We started to day off with a morning trail ride to the beach. What a gorgeous ride!! We went through forest trails and off to the beach. Never have I had a more beautiful ride. Nothing beats coming up the hill to see the blue blue ocean!

    My beautiful white steed was called Fleur and what a beautiful beast she was... wouldn't mind putting her in my suitcase!! I was followed by Beck on Diesel, yet another gorgeous guy. All the horses were very calm and easy tempered. Although the guy in front of me was having a hard time getting it right. Between his horse not wanting to move, stopping every second to snack and his horse racing off. He didn't have to much in between and much control. We feel it was more him than the horse, and boy did he give his girlfriend heck for riding off to fast in front. It was actually quite comical!

    After our ride we headed off the the winery where we had an amazing lunch! Even the veggie dish was delish! Yes I ate veggies that I can't name or find at the grocery store. We sat for a while and enjoyed the view and relaxed our sore legs.

    After we were full and had let our food settle, we headed off to the hot springs. Think Harrison, but like 8 times the pools and just such a gorgeous place. No photos to show, but not even photos can do it justice. It was like botanical gardens meets water falls meets hot tubs. The perfect way to relax and definitely the best thing for our bums after a 2.5 hour horse ride. Still going to be sore tomorrow, but SO worth it.

    👣's: 15639 - 12.21 km
    Okumaya devam et

  • Gün 7

    Great Ocean Road

    22 Eylül 2017, Avustralya ⋅ ☀️ 16 °C

    Cousin day! The original Hailstorm!!!

    Met up with my cousin Storm and her partner Xavier and started our journey down the Great Ocean Road. With a stop off to get the essentials for the drive, the adventures did commence.

    Cheezels ✔
    Milo Bars✔

    The drive was long but there were many stop offs along the way. First stop was to view the Canola fields in Werribee. After a quick stop off for a photo op, we continued on our way. Next stop was a cute little town called Anglesea, this is where Storm and I proved how grown up we are and we played on the swings... (sensing a theme here?)

    Next stop... a town called Lorne. Here they have an award winning ice cream shop called Dooley's along with the title of cleanest street in 1997.

    Vegemite ice cream✔

    Consensus..... peculiar. Not unpleasant but also not enjoyable. Basically a failure to achieve the salty and sweet situation.

    The long and winding road did not disappoint with many unfolding views if gorgeous bays and blue skies, and plenty of little beaches to stop off on the way. My favorite by far was Sheoak Falls. A short walk through a somewhat forested area led us to this gorgeous little clearing.

    The remainder of the drive was though the Great Otway National Park. If you ever have a chance to do it. DO IT! You will not be disappointed.

    We made our way to our accommodation which we managed to score through my cousin and her amazing photography connections and talent. We dropped off our bags and food and got ready for our next adventure...
    Okumaya devam et

  • Gün 7

    Twelve Apostles

    22 Eylül 2017, Avustralya ⋅ ☀️ 19 °C

    After we got to the accommodation and dropped off our things we headed off for the evening adventures... hunting down the sunset at the Twelve apostles.

    Here we encountered our second set of stairs for the day... a huge set of stairs (Gibson's stairs) down the cliff to the beach. But worth it... yes!

    After we had achieved our desired photos we went back for nourishment. Storm made a delicious vegetarian pasta... yes... vegetarian.

    After dinner a couple Storm and Xave's friends, Andy and Jackie, joined us. Such a nice pair of people. Andy is a very energetic photographer and storyteller. He travels a lot to Canada for work so it was nice to be able to chat with someone about a shared interest.

    Cascade draught - Tassie beer✔

    👣's: 4710 - 3.2 km
    Okumaya devam et

  • Gün 8

    Wattle Hill Sunrise & Wreck Beach

    23 Eylül 2017, Avustralya ⋅ 🌙 15 °C

    Good morning, and hello 5:30am. Yes that's right. We, Storm, Xave and I, got up before daylight in order to see the sunrise. Wasn't the most epic one I have ever seen but still a great way to start a morning.

    After our sunrise viewing we headed back the the cottage for breakfast. Vegemite and toast.... yes please!

    We then headed down to Wreck beach, again just the three of us. And yes you heard me, Wreck beach. But that is a Shipwreck beach! Here we found yet another set of stairs! Thank you to all my North Van hikes for preparing me! We walk quite a ways down the beach to find the wreckage but it is quite a site to see, just anchors and some bits and pieces of steel gears. Definitely gives you a different perspective actually seeing the remnants.
    Okumaya devam et

  • Gün 8

    Loch Ard, London Bridge & Bay of Islands

    23 Eylül 2017, Avustralya ⋅ 🌧 15 °C

    We couldn't have asked for better timing after leaving the Tree Tops. It started to rain pretty hard. Yes I know this would suck for most people, but I do love the rain.

    We stopped at Loch Ard Gorge, which is this absolutely breath taking site. It was pouring and windy and cold. So there were no photos. We sped back the warmth of the car and continued our way West. Amazingly the rain slowed and eventually stopped as we made our way towards London Bridge. Now the song that popped into your head... yes this bridge did fall down. It used to connect to the mainland, but it fell. Luckily no one was hurt, just a couple people stranded, who were rescued within hours. Next was the Bay of Islands, which true to its name is a bay of islands. Amazing views, and possibly a gorgeous sunset. We however were to cold to stay... back to the cottage for dinner, a well deserved soak in the tub and an very early bedtime.

    👣's: 19189 - 13.3 km
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