Europe 2016

juni - september 2016
Et 113-dagers eventyr av Marnee Les mer
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  • Dag 19

    Rome Wasn't Built In A Day

    19. juni 2016, Vatikanet ⋅ ⛅ 24 °C

    Having gotten in quite late the night before  (or early that morning), I decided to have a sleep in, and headed into the city with Brooke and Nicolette at around 10am. We headed towards the metro station (thankfully running into some American girls who were heading there who showed us the way) and jumped on the train to the Vatican. Tamara had told us it was sounding like the Pope would be doing a eulogy in St Peter's Square after Sunday Mass at 12pm - unmissable.
    We had plenty of time, so went through a few souvenir shops on the way. We arrived at Vatican City at around 11.30, and found a good viewing spot, and waited for what seemed like forever in the hot, hot Roman heat. Then a window opened, and a red banner was draped over the window sill. People had filled the square at this point, and started cheering, and around 5 minutes later, Pope Francis appeared at the window.
    I'm not sure if it was the hangover setting in or something else, but I was completely overwhelmed and started crying. The old Catholic heritage was getting to me, and I couldn't believe I was seeing the figurehead of my faith. I'm sure my Nan was there with me, hopefully proud we'd made the journey, although she probably wasn't so proud when we left after about 5 minutes... The heat was becoming unbearable, and Pope Francis obviously wasn't speaking english, so we couldn't understand him anyway...
    I composed myself, and we headed off in search of food. We found a little restaurant a couple of streets out of the Vatican, and sat, ate pizza, and used their wifi for about an hour.
    Next up was a colleseum tour, and we had plenty of time to get there, so we began the 40 minute journey across the city. We stopped a couple of times along the way for photos, ice cream and water.
    We arrived with time to spare, and sat for a little bit, watching the world go by.
    We met up with the group, met our tour guide, and wandered through the Roman Forum and saw Julius Ceaser's resting place, before heading over to the main attraction, the Colleseum.
    The beauty of being in a tour group, skipping the massive queues! We went straight through, and learnt all about the gladiators, and how the colleseum was ruined by earthquakes.
    After the tour we had a bit of free time before we were supposed to meet Tamara who was going to take us on the metro home, however Brooke and I were exhausted, and knew how to get home ourselves, so we headed straight for the trains.
    After getting slightly lost when we came out of the station (it's the main station with trains to the airport), we asked some police for directions and finally made it back to the hostel.
    Exhausted, we napped on our beds, and when Jacinda and Carly returned, they did the same!
    We got ourselves up and organised for our included dinner at the hostel (lasagna) and headed down for our final goodbyes with a few more people.
    After the huge night last night, I decided to not have a big one, so when everyone decided to head out in Rome, I stayed at the hostel bar with Tani and Terryanne, and said more sad goodbyes to those leaving us.
    About 20 minutes later they all returned, as the bar they were heading to was closed, and my small night turned into yet another huge one... I think I got back to our room around 4am...
    Les mer

  • Dag 20

    Arrivederci Rome, Buongiorno Florence

    20. juni 2016, Italia ⋅ ⛅ 23 °C

    Editor's Note: From this point on, blogs were written once I was already home, so there's a good chance some details may be omitted...

    Early morning bags to coach, which I nearly missed because I forgot to set an alarm... Thanks to Carly for waking me!!
    Short drive back to Vatican City for our guided Vatican tour. We had the same tour guide as the previous day's Colleseum tour, and I'm not sure she was a massive fan of our group, she seemed to lose patience with us a bit... But she was very knowledgeable, so it was amazing to learn about and see all the amazing artwork throughout the different buildings and chapels.
    The Sistine Chapel was spectacular, and I could have spent more time looking around, there are so many incredible paintings all over the walls and roof. I found St. Peter's Basilica even more breathtaking, it is just massive, you could spend hours taking in the all the artwork and sculptures.
    We headed back out into the main square, and had 15 minutes to quickly use the facilities, grab something to eat, then head back to the bus, after saying more goodbyes, this time to Jorge!
    We made our way on the drive to Florence, but we had a fun stop on the way in a little town called Pisa! Famous for it's leaning tower, we headed into the main area for our photo challenge set by Tamara - take the most creative photo, rather than the standard 'holding up the tower' pic. I'm not the most creative person, but last minute decided to take a picture 'holding up' one of the other buildings, with the leaning tower obviously in the background. I was pretty happy with the pic, although I think some people thought I had seriously missed the real tower!
    A bit of fun and we were onto Florence! We arrived at our hostel quite late, around 8.15pm, had a quick included dinner, and then Tamara was going to take a few people to a karoke bar. I desperately wanted to go along, but also really needed a shower and a night in, and as it turned out, most people felt the same. I spent the night in with my roomies Alexis, Morganne and Enhle, and we all turned in at around 11.30pm.
    Les mer

  • Dag 21


    21. juni 2016, Italia ⋅ ☀️ 25 °C

    It was 8am breakfast and 8.45am jump on the coach to head into the main part of Florence, where we were taken to a Leather demonstration at Leonardo's Leather and Gold. Our guide spoke to us about how the leather trade originated in Florence, how to make leather items, and how to tell real leather from fake. The trick? Buy from a reputable seller...
    This store also sold jewellery, and had a puzzle ring, which Tamara had already told us about as she has one herself. Quite a few of us girls decided to purchase, although I went with silver rather than gold. Tamara promised we would have lessons on how to put them back together, should they fall apart, on the bus ride to Switzerland.
    We then headed into the main square, where we found Jorge (just can't get rid of him!). He was going to join us for our walking tour through Florence.
    We met our tour guide, and he took us on a walk through the city, telling us all about the history and showing us different sculptures. There were a few in the main square which were around 2000 years old, and were brought over from Rome.
    Whilst the real Statue of David is located in a museum, there is an exact replica, which stands in the spot the original did when it was first sculpted by Michelangelo. Our guide assured us it was much the same. Our guide (who's name escapes me) had a very dry sense of humour, and along with his accent, I think a few people missed the jokes, but I found him to be hilarious!
    The tour ended at the Cathedral of Saint Mary of the Flowers, which was absolutely stunning on the outside. Jorge and I decided we wanted to quickly head inside for a look, but once we saw the queue to get in, we decided against it.
    A few of us wanted to go and get some lunch, so Terryanne, Jorge, Jacinda, Ashleigh, Jessame and myself decided to sit down at a pizzeria near the main square. I thought I'd stray from the standard Margherita pizza, and opted for a Hawaiian instead, although when it came out, it seemed to be prosciutto instead of ham... Bit odd but still tasted great!
    We said our final, final goodbyes to Jorge, and left him to go on another tour he had organised for himself, and the rest of us headed in search of some gardens the girls had heard were quite spectacular.
    We crossed the river and made the hike up some hills, we found some stairs that looked like a shortcut, but we were following a gps so followed the main road. We made a sharp turn and sure enough, there was the end of the staircase. Terryanne and I found the stairs continued on the other side of the road so decided to cut away from girls and see where they lead. We all ended in the same place, but Terryanne and I had had time to sit in the shade and catch our breath. As it turns out, these gardens seemed to be hard to get to, so Ashleigh and Jacinda went off in search of them, while Terryanne, Jessame and I headed up a little further where we found another fake Statue of David and some incredible views of Florence. We stayed up there for a bit, soaking in the views and taking a few selfies, before we decided to head back down to meet Tamara who would take us back to the bus.
    As it turned out, even taking our time on the walk back we had just over an hour to spare, so we found a little restaurant and had some cocktails, the girls had belini and I had an Aperol Spritz.
    We still had some time so wandered around a little more before heading back to our meeting spot. We walked to the bus, jumped on and headed back to the hostel where we got ready for our optional night out - a tuscan dinner and night out at Space nightclub.
    Dave was still driving but Jo was back to join us for dinner, so we all jumped on the coach at 7pm and headed to the restaurant.
    It was a bit of a drive, but on the way we stopped at the same lookout we had been to earlier, took a group photo, and continued on our way.
    We were welcomed to the restaurant by the owner, and more Aperol Spritz (this is fast becoming my fave Euro drink!). There were 2 other contikis there, but they were already seated, so we made our way in to find 2 bottles of red on our table. I sat down with Terryanne, Nicole and Jono, and the two new American girls, Emily and Selena. I found out they were only 18 (thats TEN YEARS YOUNGER!!!) and decided to pour myself a red, even though I'm not much of a wine drinker, much less a red wine drinker! Turns out it's not so bad after some Spritz!
    We had about 5 or 6 courses, from bruscetta to pasta to ice cream, and enjoyed some entertainment by an opera singer, some people even getting up for the Zorba dance. By this stage we'd complimented our food with some white wine also.
    It was then time to head off, and we were all in party mode, so we chucked on some tunes on our way to the nightclub.
    This Space club had quite an odd system: you get a card and free drink on arrival, then every third drink you get (using your card) you have to go and pay at a separate register. I imagine this gets quite confusing for drunk people, but the club would do quite well out of it, as the fee for losing a card was substantial, and you can't leave unless you produce the card and prove you've paid for your drinks...
    It was still a cool club, we did karaoke: Tamara and I rocked Love is a Battlefield, and I'm pretty sure I sang with Dave the bus driver (now off duty). We headed upstairs where there was more drinking and dancing, I'm pretty sure I had a stumble of epic proportions which was apparently not graceful, but completely in time to the music, impressing two of the girls who told me all about it in the following days!
    I'm not sure what time I left, only that I was in a cab with Zoe, Daniel and Jim, and when we got back to the hostel there was a big group of us sitting at the tables and chairs outside.
    I remember someone got me a water, then a couple of us decided we were hungry so Matt, Charli, Gabe and I went in search of food. We could only find a closed servo with vending machines out the front, so after much confusion with our money, we headed back to the hostel.
    We stayed up chatting for a little while longer before heading to bed.
    Les mer

  • Dag 22

    Ciao Italy, Grüezi Switzerland

    22. juni 2016, Sveits ⋅ ☀️ 24 °C

    8am bags to coach wasn't too bad, but it wasn't great. People (including Tamara) kept saying "I heard about you last night!" which had me slightly concerned as I thought my memory was completely in tact, but it seems it was just my party spirit, nothing to be worried about!
    We made our way to Switzerland, and immediately we were blown away by the beautiful countryside, quite unlike anything else.
    We made our way into Lucerne, a gorgeous Swiss town, where we stopped and made our way to a statue of a lion carved into a cliff wall, laying over Swiss and French shields, which was carved in the early 1800's. It was stunning, and quite unbelievable that it was so old!
    We jumped back on the bus and headed to Harry's, a Swiss Army Knife and watch shop, where we all stocked up on souvenirs and presents for home. They also did engraving, so I bought a white swiss army knife for dad with 'Krohny' engraved on it.
    From there we had an hour or so of free time, so I went for a wander around with Terryanne. Lucerne is a gorgeous little town to explore.
    We headed back to our meeting point near Harry's and sat with a few others for a while before we all headed back to the bus to make our way to Lauterbrunnen.
    The views became more and more incredible as we got closer to our destination, and we even got to stop for some photos along the way. We also went through multiple tunnels throughout the landscape, one was 16km long - one of the longest tunnels in the world.
    We got into Lauters at around 7pm, and as this stay was at a Contiki hostel, a Contiki person jumped on the bus to chat to us before we checked in.
    Tamara had explained that they like to play tricks on their fellow Contiki staff, so we all sunk down in our seats, and put our hands up and made gooses, so that's all the Contiki person could see. She was completely thrown off, it was hilarious. At one point she said "If you look over to your left.. Well, you can't see but imagine..." and we all pointed our Goose heads to the left, she started laughing, it must have been in perfect unison!
    We got off the bus, all laughing, picked up our bags and headed to our rooms. Tonight I was sharing with Katie and Charlotte.
    We only had a short amount of time to get organised before dinner at 8pm. After dinner Charli and I went off to reception to get our wifi passwords, then I headed off with Jacinda, Terryanne, Alyx and Allison to explore a waterfall a short walk from our hostel.
    In front of the path up to the waterfall was a small paddock with goats, who were all wearing bells, so they were really loud. We took some photos and continued on our way.
    It was a bit of a hike up, and I probably should have worn better shoes than my thongs, but it was truly spectacular. You could climb right up behind the waterfall, so we got a tad wet, but it was definitely worth it.
    We made our way back down to the hostel.
    A few of us decided to head into town for a quiet drink at the local pub, so we headed over. Once I realised my bourbon and coke cost 10 swiss francs (about $14AUD), I decided one drink was enough, plus it was super smokey so I headed back to the hostel with Alyx, stopping at the waterfall again for some night pictures.
    Once I got back, Charli and I decided to venture down to the shared bathrooms to shower. This is the first hostel that has been a true hostel with shared bathrooms and showers. And it was the whole reason I wouldn't normally want to stay in hostels! It was pretty grotty, and the showers only stayed on for about 20 seconds before turning off. Fun times...
    We then headed back to our rooms for some much needed sleep!
    Les mer

  • Dag 23

    Top of Europe

    23. juni 2016, Sveits ⋅ ☀️ 13 °C

    Today's optional extra was to head up to the "Top of Europe" - Jangfrau Mountain. We had breakfast at 8.15am, then headed to the reception area to meet Tamara and walk to the station at around 9am. I headed over a little early so I could grab some supplies at the shop. I bought the token Switzerland beanie, and some snacks as we'd been told food would be expensive up on the mountain.
    Tamara gave us our tickets and we made the 10 minute walk through the town to the train station. We jumped on the Jangfrau Railways train and began our journey. This is Europe's highest altitude railway, and was constructed from 1896 and opened in August 1912. It cost 16 million francs to build, about $21.5mil AUD, apparently twice as much as originally estimated.
    It takes around 2 hours to make it to the top, so they include a couple of toilet stops and viewing platforms along the way.
    Once we reached the top, we had a completely free day, so I wandered off with the group in search of the snowboarding/skiing area. We were all amazed by the views and all of the snow, after being so warm everywhere else. It really was something else. Most people paid for ski and snowboard hire, while I opted to save my money and observe, becoming the unofficial photographer and videographer. I was in tears of laughter and my cheeks were hurting watching everyone struggle and fall (they were all laughing too!) Nat, in particular, had some truly epic tumbles, flying down the mountain on her snowboard at high speed and using the fence to stop... Had the fence not been there, we may have lost her to Jangfrau!!
    We spent about an hour and a half there, before a few of us decided to head in search of the Lindt cafe. Turns out that was a failed mission, as there in only a Lindt shop, not a cafe, so we instead headed to a small cafeteria instead. Ashleigh and I shared a bowl of chips with mayo and tomato sauce. Expensive - just like we were told it would be - but delish and fresh, so it was ok.
    We split up after that, and I spent the afternoon with Ashleigh and Jessame. They wanted to have a look at a couple of the souvenir shops, one of which was upstairs. I was feeling just a little odd from the high altitude - walking up the stairs was more taxing than normal, so I stood and rested by the shop entrance while they browsed.
    Once they were done we headed back downstairs to do the Jangfrau tour. This was a self-guided tour, and took about an hour. First stop was the Sphinx view point. Just wow. If we thought the views were good earlier... We took plenty of selfies and just stood and admired the views. It was all so incredible!!
    Next was Alpine Sensation, a sort of museum area, which was opened on the centenary of Jangfrau Railway, with lots of photos of the construction, a memorial to the workers who died during the process, and even a giant snow dome!
    From there we entered the Ice Palace, a series of rooms full of ice sculptures. This was really cool, and you could even find the acorn obsessed Scrat from Ice Age, stuck in the ice. Last stop was the plateau, another viewing area out in the snow. We took our last lot of selfies before we headed back towards the station to make our way back down the mountain.
    I was completely exhausted so napped most of the way back down, thankfully there was a few of us on the train to remind me to wake up and get off!
    We walked back to our hostel, and had about half an hour before another included dinner. At dinner it became apparent that we'd all failed to heed Tamara's warnings about needing sunscreen dispite the cold - everyone was looking a tad red. This did work out well, as we were having a Swiss Disco in the bomb shelter bar at the hostel with a couple of the other contiki groups, and theme was Red and White!
    A big group of us decided it was too early to head into the bar, so we sat outside to enjoy the sunset with a couple of drinks. I had some Jack Daniels to finish that I'd bought all the way back in Amsterdam, so it was perfect! I think it was starting to hit us that the tour was nearly over, so there was a lot of love and laughter in the group.
    We took some group photos, and once the sun had set, we headed to the bomb shelter bar to party up a storm, and show the other contiki groups how it's done. That we did, Tamara even got them to put on our day song, Follow the Sun. We stayed down there until they kicked us out, I'd say it was around 1 or 2am, then I had a bit of a drunken chat with Jacinda and Terryanne (they were sober and had been asleep!) and then headed back to my room to sleep!
    Les mer

  • Dag 24

    Bonjour Paris

    24. juni 2016, Frankrike ⋅ ⛅ 20 °C

    It's fairly safe to say some of us weren't feeling spectacular today as we boarded the bus at 8am for the final part of our tour - Paris, we're coming for you!
    Swiss Alps to Paris was set to be our longest drive yet, so the stops were short and uneventful, and we ended up checking into our hotel at around 7. I was with Terryanne again, and I had a quick shower before we headed down for our included dinner at the hotel at around 8pm. This was a fun one, with cheese and champagne, snails and chicken (no, I did not try the snails!)
    Most people decided they wanted to check the Eiffel Tower off the list straight away, so Terryanne and I decided to run up to our room and get organised, then met Alli and Alyx in the lobby to catch an uber there.
    The drive was entertaining - I don't think any of us could actually believe we were in Paris. And then there it was...
    We thanked our Uber driver and jumped out of the car. This is where we really had our 'Oh my God' moments. For Alli, Paris is what this whole trip had been leading up to, so she was stoked. Terryanne and I had been more excited for other places, but now that we were standing under the Eiffel Tower... This was something else... I don't think I can really put words to the feeling, only that I felt the same back in 2009 when standing by the Lincoln Memorial in Washington D.C. Just and overwhelming feeling of "Holy crap - I'm really here!"
    We decided to head up, and there are 2 entrances, stairs or elevators. We intended on finding the elevators but all of a sudden, here we were climbing up 600 stairs. Extremely exhausting, but so worth it. What a view! And we were ON THE EIFFEL TOWER!!!
    It was dusk when we arrived, so the sun had set once were up there and we got some great views of the city lights. We bought some souvenirs at a shop inside, and eventually decided it was time to head back down (thankfully by elevator this time).
    We decided it would be easier to uber a little bit away from the main area, so we walked along the river, crossed it, took some more photos then ordered it.
    We had an awkward moment where we almost got into a random persons car, thinking it was our uber (whoops!), but were soon on our way back to the hotel. I think we got in around 1am.
    Les mer

  • Dag 25

    Parlez Vous Francais

    25. juni 2016, Frankrike ⋅ ⛅ 19 °C

    Hotel breakfast was at 8am today, with most of us jumping on the bus at 8.45 for a city tour with Tamara and Jo. Tamara shared her wealth of knowledge about this gorgeous city with us, as we did multiple laps of the Arc De Triomphe. There is an enternal flame lit at the Tomb of the unknown soldier, which has apparently only ever gone out once, and of course it was because an Aussie couple tried to cook a sausage on it... Straya, mate!
    We drove down the Champs Elysees, where all of the expensive shops are, your Louis Vuitton, Prada etc, as well as a bunch of car showrooms. We drove through the Place de la Concorde, the largest public square in Paris, and through Opera House and shopping district. We passed the Lourve, and also the Notre Dame cathedral. We finally stopped at a french perfumery, called Fragonard, where we had an included tour.
    We met our guide and she took us through Fragonard's history, how perfume is made and the history of the fancy perfume bottles. Frangonard's perfume can only be bought at Fragonard's stores, and they are only in France. Of course this sucked us all into buying a few bottles, so I picked one I liked to give to Mum.
    From here it was a free day to explore Paris, so I headed off with Jacinda, Alex, Ali, Brooke and Nicolette in search of some proper French crepes and croissants. It ended up being too hard a decision so we split again and Brooke, Nicolette and I wandered the city. We ended up getting crepes from a little food place in a park just off the Champs Elysees. Nutella and banana - Delicious!!
    We walked up the Champs Elysees, venturing into different shops, before making our way into Laduree, a bakery famous for their macarons. The queue was nearly out the door (always a good sign), so we jumped on the end and made the difficult decision of what to buy, and what size. I'm not a huge macaron fan, but these were something else - believe the hype!
    We made our way back outside and I decided to part ways with the girls, too much to see and I didn't want to drag them along!
    I made my way to the Metro station, then realising how close I was to the Arc De Triomphe, ran up and took some photos.
    I headed to Charles de Gaulle Etoile metro station, worked out how to buy a ticket (easy enough), and followed the signs to the correct platform. It would be difficult to get it wrong, the signage was fantastic! I only had to wait about 2 minutes and my train arrived, and 8 or so stops later I was at the Hotel de Ville station. I got off the train and found my way out of the station, and tried to get my bearings. It was a little difficult, as my maps on my phone weren't loading properly without data, but I figured it out and headed on my way to the Notre Dame.
    It was such a beautiful day to be walking through the city. I finally made it to the cathedral and there was security and signs everywhere - no entry into the cathedral until 4.30pm. It was currently around 1.30 or so, and we were supposed to be meeting Tamara at 4.30. I won't lie, I was a little shattered... It's not like I hadn't seen enough churches along the way, but second to the Vatican, it was the one I was most looking forward to!
    Nevermind, I took plenty of photos out the front and headed towards another catherdral recommended by Tamara - Sainte-Chapelle. This one doesnt look like much from the outside, but there was a line and a €6 fee to get in, so I figured it must have been alright. The queue moved fairly quickly, and I walked inside to see some nice stained glass windows. I wasn't overly impressed, and thought to myself that Tamara may have over exaggerated how nice it was, until I found a small staircase in the back corner. I walked up and was completely blown away by the room upstairs. There was 15 huge stained glass windows surrounding the room, the sun was shining brightly through them, I think I actually gasped when I walked in. I wandered around, took some photos, then headed back down the stairs.
    I had about an hour to head back to the meeting spot, so I decided to continue walking, hoping to pass by the Lourve and take a couple of token photos. I crossed the river and walked along it, then started to panic a little that I wouldn't make it back in time, so upped the pace. By the time I got to the Lourve, walked in the wrong entrance and got stuck behind a gate, I could only take a quick picture and then walked through the gardens on the property, finally arriving back at the Place de la Concorde with about 15 minutes to spare.
    We jumped on the bus and headed back to the hostel, where we had a couple of hours to get ready for our final night on tour.
    We jumped on the bus at 6.45, on our way to our parisian dinner at Restaurant La Mère Catherine. Jo dropped us on the main road, and we hiked (in our fancy clothes) up to the top of the hill to Sacre Coeur Basilica. What a view! We took some photos, then made our way to the restaurant.
    There was a duo singing in the corner, what started as some lovely french tunes, turned into some cracking Katy Perry and Britney Spears covers.
    I had the french onion soup (delicious) followed by chicken with french fries.
    Jacinda, Charli, Brooke, Sharne, Nicolette and I had booked the Moulin Rouge, rather than the contiki cabaret choice, so we had to bail before the end of dinner, so we rushed a few goodbyes to people we may not see again, then hiked back down the hill to the main street.
    We made it just in the nic of time, walking in and finding our table during the opening number.
    My initial thoughts were that it was a little tacky, but once you embrace the over the top smiles, all of the boobs out and about, the true corniness of it all, it's actually quite spectacular! In between all the dance numbers, there are some truely incredible acts. A ventriloquist who was hilarious, a lady in a pool with pythons, and my favourites, 2 people on roller skates, on a tiny platform doing some amazing acrobatics! Many gasps from the crowd during their performance!
    After the show was over, we grabbed our programs and headed to the bar next door, O'Sullivans. Tamara had told us the rest of the group would be meeting there after their show.
    Well, thanks to the Euro cup, and the Ireland V Wales game, this Irish pub was packed. It was the most disgusting place I've ever walked into. I have no doubt in normal circumstances it's great, but we walked through so many sweaty welshmen, the place had the stench of poo and vomit. That's not an exaggeration. In the time we were there, Wales won and the Welsh got even rowdier, and a few others showed up. We tried to message Tamara to find somewhere else to meet, but by the time the rest of the group arrived we gave in and found an area on our own. We drank away the disaster of the final night, I think I headed out on the dance floor for a while with Natalie, and eventually ubered home with Nicole, Jono and James.
    I snuck into my hotel room trying not to wake Terryanne, and went to bed for the last time on Contiki!
    Les mer

  • Dag 26

    This Is Our Last Goodbye...

    26. juni 2016, England ⋅ ⛅ 17 °C

    A very early 7am breakfast, as we wanted to actually leave on time. It was going to be a very empty bus, with only 15 of us leaving Paris to end our tour in London. A few people got up early to say goodbye, and there were many tears as we pulled away at 8am. Tamara played our day song for the final time, and to say I was a little teary would be an understatement... I was a blubbering mess!
    Our first stop was at Paris airport, where we said more goodbyes to Matt, Jim and Colin who were flying out of Paris to continue their travels.
    We continued on for a while, everyone pretty much keeping to themselves before we had a service stop on the outskirts of France.
    Terryanne and I took some photos with the bus before jumping back on, and we were headed for the ferry to Dover. Tamara handed out some cards for us to fill in for immigration.  I also spent some time drafting what I was going to write on cards to give to Jo and Tamara once it came time to say our goodbyes.
    We lined up for the ferry, had to pass through immigration, and boarded the boat. Terryanne and I figured we'd taken enough pictures of the white cliffs on the way over, so we found some comfy couches and attempted to log onto the ferry wifi. Terryanne wasn't successful so she had a bit of a snooze, I tried unsuccessfully to call mum, then decided to actually write out my cards.
    It seemed a short trip and we were in Dover, so we jumped back on the coach and we were on our way.
    As we drove into London, Tamara put on our Day song again and more tears ensued. She also mentioned she had some souvenirs for the few of us that were left, and I got a cute little dinosaur in a dome... Which I soon realised was made out of a condom! A souvenir from Amsterdam, no doubt!
    We drove into the Royal National Hotel in Russell Square, departed the bus, collected our bags and said more goodbyes. There were more tears, and Terryanne and I set off on the walk to my hotel and Kings Cross Station, where Terryanne was going to be jumping on a train out to her grandparents home.
    More teary goodbyes, and I made it to the Tune Hotel.
    I checked into my hotel room, which was in the basement of the building, and layed straight down on the bed! It was a tiny room, but the bed was comfy and it was only me, so it was perfect.
    That joyful moment lasted all of about 10 minutes, then I realised I was lonely, so I messaged a few of the others who were staying in London and we agreed to meet at the pub at the Contiki hotel.
    I made my way there, found a seat and had a cider, and listened to all the groups around me, who were all clearly contikians meeting before their tours were to begin. All of the feels!
    Before long Charli, James, Travis, Tani and Divya had joined me. We had a couple of drinks there before deciding to head to Kings Cross for a bite to eat.
    We found a buffet place which had a bit of variety - Indian, pizza and everything in between.
    We stayed for about an hour or so, by which time I was feeling positively exhausted, so I said my last goodbyes, and headed back to my hotel for some much needed rest.
    Les mer

  • Dag 27

    Old Contiki Meets New Contiki

    27. juni 2016, England ⋅ ⛅ 19 °C

    Having a double bed and whole room to myself, complimented by a relatively early night, meant I had the best sleep I'd had this whole trip! I had agreed to meet with Charli and explore London, and I said I'd meet her at her hotel at 9. I was running late, but got there around 9.15... Charli wasn't in the lobby and had lost her phone in Paris so I was at a bit of a loss as what to do. I eventually went up to reception, and they gave me a phone to call her, and I was able to wake her up! No phone = no alarm, but she was ready in a flash and we went off in search of food and a cheap replacement phone.
    I got a warm ham, cheese and tomato croissant from Pret (sooooo tasty - I miss them so much now I'm home!), and Charli got some food and coffee from Starbucks.
    We headed for Carphone Warehouse, who apparently had cheap prepaid phones. Charli got one, set it up and we were on our way!
    We wanted to check out Notting Hill, so we jumped on the tube to Notting Hill Gate station and came out right on Portobello Road. We walked up through the Portobello Markets, checking out lots of nic-nac shops, and found a crepe stand in the middle. Delicious!
    We kept exploring, eventually finding the blue door from Notting Hill (the movie) and took a couple of photos.
    We grabbed some more coffee/hot chocolate at a cafe on the corner and decided what to do next.
    We decided to head back up Portobello Rd towards the tube station, and found a pub on the way for lunch.
    The pub was called Sun in Splendor and had the most beautiful 'pub dog' named Bruno. He looked like he was only a puppy, and was the manager's dog. He just kept walking around getting the patrons to play with him - adorable!
    We had some food and a drink and decided to head to Camden to check out the markets there.
    Back on the tube and we arrived at this vibrant little suburb. We found an Urban Outfitters (one of my favourite stores in the US) and spent some time in there before making our way through the makets.
    It's like a maze, you could really get lost in amongst the stalls. Most stalls also have similar clothes and products, so you feel like you're walking in circles. I can only imagine what it would be like on a weekend!
    We made our way out, checking out a few more stores along the main road before finding another pub, time for another drink!
    The Buck's Head had some great cocktails on the menu, so we ordered one each. We got to watch a little bit of Wimbledon, before heading back to our hotels to get ready for our night ahead.
    We'd made plans to meet up with a friend from my 2009 USA contiki, Michelle! She suggested we meet at a pub in Convent Garden, the Punch and Judy. Charli and I arrived first, then Michelle, then Charli's friend Doug met us also.
    The 4 of us had a couple of drinks on the balcony overlooking some buskers, one of whom was an Aussie (but kinda terrible...). We then went in search of food, stopping at Bella Italia for some pizza and pasta, and of course some more Aperol Spritz!
    After a few more drinks we headed for our final destination of the night, Roadhouse.
    This was a really cool bar, an American style venue with neon signs everywhere. There was a live band, and they announced they were going to have a bandaoke contest!
    The first girl that got up was ok, but Michelle, Charli and Doug thought she was amazing... So me being the complete diva I am, decided to show off...
    I got up and sang Katy Perry's I Kissed A Girl, and apart from a small bit in the middle where I momentarily forgot the tune, I think I could say it was pretty good. Always fun to sing with a band!
    Fairly confident the others weren't expecting much when I went up there, so I hope I entertained!
    More performers gave it a shot, and after some deliberations, a winner and runner up were announced... And that runner up was me!! By this point Michelle had gone home as it was a Monday night and she had to work the following day, but Charli and Doug got to share my MONSTER of a cocktail with me. It was HUGE and the 3 of us couldn't finish it, enlisting the help of some other girls near by.
    We continued to dance the night away before deciding to call it a night. We attempted to catch the tube home, before realising it was closed, and decided to walk home instead... It probably only took half an hour or so... Maybe an hour!
    Les mer

  • Dag 28

    No Business Like Show Business

    28. juni 2016, England ⋅ ⛅ 20 °C

    I decided not to set an alarm this morning, thinking I'd wake at around 8am, 9 at the latest, but as it turns out, I needed the sleep and didn't wake up until 10! Having a room with no windows didn't help, it was pitch black!
    Once I realised the time, I got up, showered and organised, and made my way to Leicester Square. The plan for the day was to see a show or 2, and there's a TKTS stall in Leicester square, where you can buy same day show tickets, often discounted.
    I ended up settling on a matinee of Beautiful: The Carole King Musical, and also bought a ticket to Guys and Dolls for that night.
    I had plenty of time to spare before the show, so I decided to explore the area, and find something for lunch.
    I found the Royal Opera House and Drury Lane, then stopped for a burger at Byron Hamburgers. I had a delicious burger and a 'hard shake' - a chocolate thickshake with Baileys, yummmmmm!
    By then it was time to find the Aldwych Theatre for my first show of the day, Beautiful: The Carole King Musical. I chose this one because I'd seen it win a few Tony Awards a few years back, so I knew it would be good!
    Beautiful follows the life of Carole King, from being a young girl with a dream, to an extremely successful songwriter, to a star in her own right. She suffered a bit of heartache, but the music is truly spectacular - I actually didn't realise how many CK songs I knew! I sang and danced and laughed and cried all the way through it, and I really hope it comes to Melbourne so I can take Mum to see it. I have seen it's coming to Sydney, so hopefully it's only a matter of time!
    I came out of the show at around 5pm, so I had a couple of hours to race back to the hotel, grab a coat and head back out again.
    On my way to the Phoenix Theatre, I stopped and grabbed dinner at NY Fold, a New York style pizza shop - my favourite! I sat down to eat my pizza slice, then headed across the road to see Guys and Dolls.
    I picked this musical for 2 reasons, the obvious being it's star - Rebel Wilson! The Aussie girl gone Hollywood starlet now has her name in lights on London's West End. The other reason was that Guys and Dolls is a Broadway classic which I've never before had the opportunity to see.
    It was everything I'd hoped for and more - Rebel was wonderful, and it was perfectly over the top and colourful. Plus I nearly cried when the cast sang 'Sit Down You're Rocking The Boat'. We performed that song when I did dancing as a kid, and I didn't realise it was from this musical. An extremely exciting surprise!
    After the curtain call was over, I thought I'd see if there was much of a crowd surrounding the stage door to meet Rebel, and there was! I hung around for about 20 minutes, and there were around 30 or so people around when she finally came out. She was so kind and gracious, saying hi to fans, taking selfies and signing autographs. I tried to say something about being a fellow Aussie when I handed over my program for her to sign, but I don't think she heard me!
    On a high after my huge day of shows and 'meeting' Rebel, I jumped on the tube and headed back to my hotel.
    Les mer