mengembara di 32 negara. Baca lagi
  • Hari 240

    George, South Africa

    17 Ogos 2023, Afrika Selatan ⋅ 🌙 12 °C

    The next day we had a relatively short drive down to George. It was a nice journey along South Africa’s impressive coast line. On the way we went to Oudtshoorn, which is known as South Africa’s ostrich capital. Naturally, we visited an ostrich farm. It was interesting to learn about the different types of ostriches and how they behave. We also got to feed them, which was terrifying!

    After we had finished, we headed to our accomodation, which was called an ‘eco coconut’. Basically it was a few shipping containers inside a bird cage thing, in the shape of a coconut. Sounds strange but it was actually amazing. It had an indoor and outdoor fireplace, plus a wood fire jacuzzi (which didn’t really heat up properly). It was set right on a big lake in a game park. We had lots of animals in our backyard including buffalo and rhino!! Finally we have seen the Big 5! In the evening we had a fire and went in the jacuzzi, which was only half heated but still really fun!
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  • Hari 239

    Prettenberg, South Africa

    16 Ogos 2023, Afrika Selatan ⋅ ☁️ 11 °C

    After the park, we drove to The Crags, which is slightly inland from Prettenberg, a huge tourist town on the Garden Route. We were staying in a beautiful lodge, where our room opened out into the rainforest. Unfortunately it was really cold here and the electricity kept cutting out. We had a lovely dinner in the main house around the fire.

    The next day, we went to the wolf sanctuary, which disappointingly was mostly just huskies. There were a few wolves there though, which were interesting because they were much bigger and more sedate than the dogs. Next we headed into the town of Prettenberg to look around the shops and have lunch. It is a super cute tourist town. After lunch we headed back to our accomodation for our spa treatment. Mum had a massage and Alex and I got a three hour treatment. After our massage we had access to the jacuzzi and sauna. We also got a delicious platter and a bottle of wine. Because of the dodgy power, the jacuzzi was wayyy too hot, so we ended up having the maintenance guy join us for part of the evening. The room was lovely though. There was a fire place and lovely candles around.
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  • Hari 237

    Port Elizabeth, South Africa

    14 Ogos 2023, Afrika Selatan ⋅ ☁️ 12 °C

    We flew into Port Elizabeth from Johannesburg in the afternoon and arrived at our hotel in time for an early dinner. Port Elizabeth is a relatively large seaside city. The next day we went to a shopping centre to do some clothes shopping. There is great shopping here and everything is very cheap. Mum and I both took home a few items each. Next, we drove out to our accomodation in the country located near Adda Elephant park. We were staying in a cabin on a river, inside an orange farm. It was very pretty. The next day we woke up early to go to the elephant park. Even though it’s advertised as being a park for elephants, it’s actually possible to see the Big 5 there. Unfortunately we didn’t see too many animals but we did see a large, injured hyena walking alongside our car. Apart from that, we saw a few elephants, zebras, impala and dung beetles (Alex’s favourite). Definitely wasn’t as lucky as Kruger, although we only spent a few hours there.Baca lagi

  • Hari 234

    Dullstrom, South Africa

    11 Ogos 2023, Afrika Selatan ⋅ ☀️ 13 °C

    We spent the next two nights at a fishing lodge in the country. It was lovely and set amongst pine trees. Alex and I had a fishing lesson when we arrived with a man called Oopa. He taught us to fly fish, which I found really challenging. Luckily, Alex caught a huge trout which they cooked for our dinner.

    On day two in Dullstroom we had another fishing lesson. I didn’t catch anything, but Alex caught another trout. After breakfast we went into the main town and visited a birds of prey sanctuary. It was very interesting and had lots of different owls, vultures and eagles. In the evening we had no power for three hours (due to load shedding) but we cooked a barbecue in the dark.
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  • Hari 233

    Kruger Park, South Africa

    10 Ogos 2023, Afrika Selatan ⋅ ⛅ 19 °C

    We arrived in Johannesburg after over 48 hours of travel since Alaska. We picked up a sim, found my backpack (which I had lost) and then found our rental car. The drive out to Kruger was about 4 hours and was an easy drive to the park. We were staying in an Airbnb in Marloth Park which is about half an hour to the entrance of Kruger. We were excited about this accomodation as there was plenty of wildlife in the advertisement. But when we got to the house we saw our backyard was full of impala and wildebeest! A few minutes later, a huge group of zebra came to visit!! We were so excited!

    The next day, we had planned an easy day with only a sunset safari booked. Mum and I headed down the road to grab a morning coffee. Just as we were walking, I looked up and saw a huge giraffe in the middle of the road in front of me! We followed the giraffe and saw a group of them eating from the trees. They were more timid than the other animals but we still got quite close to see them very well. After coffee, we headed into the closest town to grab some food and supplies and mum and I did some clothes shopping (it’s so cheap here!!). In the afternoon we headed to Kruger park to start our sunset safari. The trip started off slowly and we didn’t have many sighting for the first half an hour. Just as it was getting dark, our guide was alerted to a kill, where a pride of lions were eating a buffalo. We headed over and saw around 15 lions pulling apart a buffalo. It was amazing to see the bloody cats and hear their growls as the ate. The lions didn’t mind that we were there and our truck sat around 15 meters from the kill. Also on the safari, we saw elephants drinking from a waterhole, a heard of buffalo and we glimpsed a leopard slinking through the bushes.

    The next day was our first full day of self driving in the park. But before we left the house, we were greeted again by a few zebras who had stopped by for breakfast. We arrived at Crocodile Bridge Gate at 6am and were one of the first to enter the park. Our first sighting was a larger group of giraffes grazing on tree tops. Before breakfast, we saw some elephants in the distance. We had breakfast at a lodge on the river, where we had a great view of a huge group of hippos. After breakfast, we came across a traffic jam. We shortly realised that there was a family of lions on the road. Somehow we got to the front of the cars and spent a good amount of time driving right behind and beside two lionesses and a cub. It was a very cool experience! For the rest of the afternoon we saw plenty more animals, including a close up of an elephant, hyenas and eagles.

    The following day I woke up early and looked out the window. Just in front of the porch, there were a group of giraffes feasting in our trees!! We headed back into the park after breakfast. Due to our later start, there was less game around. We still saw lots of giraffes, zebra, elephants and buffalo. After lunch we had a close encounter with a group of elephants who were not impressed with us driving so close to them. We came face to face with a huge elephant walking towards us. We reversed quickly which seemed to diffuse the situation. The highlight of the day came in the late afternoon when we came across another huge traffic jam. We asked around and found out that there was a family of cheetahs which we could easily see through our binoculars. Spectacular!
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  • Hari 225

    Seward, Alaska, USA

    2 Ogos 2023, Amerika Syarikat ⋅ 🌙 12 °C

    Our shipped docked early and we checked our luggage into a storage and delivery place. Then we took the shuttle downtown and had coffee and a walk around the waterfront. It was incredibly foggy. The waterfront was nice - a rocky coast line with flat water - very Alaskan! In the afternoon we were able to check into our accomodation, which was a large camper trailer out of town in the forest. Although it didn’t have a flushing toilet, it had two bedrooms, shower and kitchen. We also had our own fire pit. We played a game of corn hole while we waited for our luggage to arrive.

    The next morning, Alex and I walked and picked up our rental car. Then we visited Kenai National Park and hiked to view Exit Glacier. I really wanted to do the ice walking on the glacier, but we didn’t have time. Then we went to pick up the fishing equipment which the Airbnb host, Angela, had lent Alex. She had also told us about some fishing spots where he could find salmon. Salmon fishing is tricky in Alaska as there are lots of rules and regulations and we needed to also get a daily fishing license. We found a sign down to the beachfront and then walked along until we found the mouth of the river. It was a beautiful area with a lovely blue river which ran to a inlet and running stream where the salmon were. Alex caught one salmon on the lure and then, once they had stopped biting, he snagged another (this is a technique also used to catch salmon). Mum and I lit a fire on the bank and spent the afternoon there.

    The last day we woke up early to catch a bus to Anchorage. This was our last stop in Alaska before flying on to South Africa. Lucky for us, we spotted a moose from the bus window!
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  • Hari 221

    Glacier Bay, Alaska, USA

    29 Julai 2023 ⋅ ⛅ 12 °C

    We were woken by the cruise director over the speakers to tell us we had reached Glacier Bay. When we looked outside we were floating through and iceberg filled fjord lined with snow capped mountains. When we looked closer we could see hundreds of otters which were rafted together and floating on their back. They were so cute! Then we saw a little puffin with a big orange beak!

    We floated past a number of impressive glaciers before we reached Margarite Glacier, which is a huge, 60 meter high tide water glacier. We spent one hour watching the glacier but unfortunately we never saw a calving (when a chunk of the glacier falls off). Our next stop was John Hopkins glacier, named after the university where it was studied. This glacier had distinctive stripes, making it look dirty. But this was simply where the glacier had collected sediment as it moved forward every year.

    We turned around at the end of John Hopkins Bay and headed out of Glacier Bay. On our way out we managed to glimpse an orca in the distance. We saw it’s water spout and dorsal fin so we were sure it was an orca!
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  • Hari 221

    Skagway, Alaska, USA

    29 Julai 2023, Kanada ⋅ 🌙 12 °C

    Today we had our last stop for the cruise in Skagway. Today we had to use the tenders to get ashore. Once we got to town we had to hunt around for free wifi so that I could check the details for our booked tour.

    Skagway is a scenic area, famous for the Whitepass. We drove up to the pass and on the way stopped at a few vantage points.
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  • Hari 219

    Juneau, Alaska, USA

    27 Julai 2023, Amerika Syarikat ⋅ 🌙 13 °C

    Today we went ashore without a booked excursions but when we arrived in town we booked whale watching for the afternoon. We looked around the town, which had 4 cruise ships in port! It was built on cruise tourism and mum and Alex bought some souvenirs. In the afternoon we boarded the bus to go whale watching. On the way out we stopped at the Mendenhall Glacier which can be seen from many vantage points around town. We were also super lucky and saw a black bear with her two cubs.

    Once we got to the marina, we boarded our boat and headed out to see the whales. It wasn’t long until we spotted plenty of humpbacks. The highlight was our first stop, where we saw 10-15 whales bubble netting. This phenomenon only happens in Juneau and only for a few weeks of the year. The whales catch their fish by creating a spiral of bubbles while the leader approaches from below and scoops up the fish. Our second stop was to watch a few more whales feeding and diving. This group got quite close to our boat! Unfortunately it was difficult to photograph the bubble netting to accurately depict its awesomeness!
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