world tour '16

sierpnia 2016 - lutego 2017
171-dniowa przygoda według Gone walkabout Czytaj więcej
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  • Dzień 37

    Charleston South Carolina's

    25 września 2016, Stany Zjednoczone ⋅ ⛅ 25 °C

    What a beautiful town, I'd like to thank Lauren for suggesting a little road trip down to the coast and south Carolina for my last weekend, it is a beautiful southern town with so much history and a great vibe.

    Friday morning we did the drive down here, pretty straightforward interstate driving, nothing much to report, it's been a tough few days for Charlotte after the police shooting on Thursday and despite Lauren and clay living 15 miles outside and us not really being directly impacted, Clay's office was closed Friday and there was a decent enough amount of concern around that you could sense it. Charlotte is a beautiful, inclusive, peaceful town and I think the main feeling was shock.

    Friday night after checking into our airbnb condo we headed out to dinner and got into some awesome southern food, my dinner involved fried green tomatoes, hush puppies shared starter and a deep South spin on paella for main....God I love good southern cooking.

    After dinner it was time for girls night again, me and Lauren headed off to the Charleston music hall to see the soggy bottom boys while clay took greyson back to the condo. despite the fact we were up in the cheap seats, we both thoroughly enjoyed the music and it was a great venue, there was an issue though, we were both completely and utterly distracted by the guy one row in front and three seats over, why?? Oh, just cos it was Bill freaking Murray!!! Apparently he is a big fan of the soggy bottom boys (someone saw him sneaking in and convinced him to go on stage to introduce the band and then he came and sat down near us) and loves Charleston because despite being obviously recognisable he gets to wander round here fairly anonymously. How do I know all of this you may ask? Well we were sat right in the middle of a big group that Bill....yea we're on a first name basis.... came in and I ended up chatting to my new best friend, who's dad is best friends with Bill Murray's best friend...I know right? I'm basically friends with a celebrity!!

    Saturday we got out early and met Al our carriage driver and Don...Our horse, for a carriage tour around this beautiful city, they really have done things right here with architecture laws in place since the early 1900's that state that any building that's been standing for over 70 years can't be torn down by anyone but God, this combined with the fact that the city was built out into the harbour by dumping the garbage and ballast from the ships that came over into the water and letting it settle for 100 years and the fact that Charleston was settled by a combination of the English, French and Germans over the years has lead to some beautiful
    And very varied architecture. Interesting little tid bit, they have doors to their outside porches before their front door because it gets so hot here the whole family used to sleep outside.
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  • Dzień 48

    just getting the map right

    6 października 2016, Stany Zjednoczone ⋅ ☁️ 16 °C

    Nothing exciting, just making sure the map route is right. Nashville post coming soon though

    Although, little bonus, here's a link to my holiday video's:…
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  • Dzień 53

    What an awesome town

    11 października 2016, Stany Zjednoczone ⋅ ☀️ 27 °C

    So my time here in Nashville is nearly over, it's been a great couple of weeks and everything I was hoping it would be.

    The people here are really friendly here in the music city and it is truly and apt name, fantastic musicians playing music all the time throughout the city.

    Since being here I have partied with the Tennessee titans cheerleaders, I've toured the Ryman (the mother church of country music), I've spent hours listening to amazing musicians up and down Broadway, I've walked through amazing parks and seen amazing things like a full-scale replica of the Parthenon and the spectacular floating globe war memorial.

    Saturday was a highlight and a fantastic day, starting with a backstage tour of the new home of the grand ole opry, some lovely pulled pork out the front whilst watching some brilliant musicians, a full show from Crystal Gayle in the opry and then a live birthday recording of the show featuring brad paisley.

    It's with mixed emotions that I head back to Charlotte, I'm really excited to see Lauren, Clay, Grayson and my boy Connor again as I've started missing them already, but unfortunately it signifies a pause in my travels for now due to unforeseen circumstances, but hopefully I'll get going again soon enough and you'll get another blog entry before you know it.
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  • Dzień 87

    adventures in babysitting

    14 listopada 2016, Stany Zjednoczone ⋅ ☀️ 19 °C

    So as most of you know, due to unforeseen circumstances I'm headed home tomorrow (hopefully for a very short temporary hiatus on the travel) but I thought I would share one last thing before that.

    On Friday I babysat young master Grayson for the whole day (just turned three in case you're wondering) and I thought I should provide a daily report to Lauren and clay in the way their preschool does...I maybe added a few more details than they usually do...

    Non school report-ish

    8-9.15 movie (kung foo panda), he's chill and relaxed laying on my belly drinking Apple juice...maybe this will be the easiest day ever

    9.15-9.45 aaaaaand nope... Bored now time for playing with toys, attempts to push towards educational number and drawing toys only last so long and is back to tiger vs alligator fights and another Apple juice

    9.45 - uh oh!! Is the shout as G looks down to where a fountain of pee springs fourth! maybe too much Apple juice!! fastest I've moved in weeks, lifting him up in one arm and rushing to the bathroom, alas I'm too late...bath time, clean clothes and back to drawing pictures in the chalk board...

    10.15 - pee in potty...seriously how he had any left after what he did earlier I have no idea but manages a rather large pee

    10.15-10.45 puzzles, 4 done, all by him...totes proud of himself...I totally guided him and should get some credit

    10.45 cartoons, another kung foo panda movie

    11 lunch, i know it's early but he was insistent he was hungry and wanted to eat noodles to become Dragon warrior...maybe too many cartoons, ate noodles with chicken and veg, tomatoes and Apple sauce...he ate it all, I had his left over grilled cheese from last night, not that anyone cares

    11.40 after a bit of stroppyness agrees to sit on toilet to try and poop....pees again...G is possibly half fire hydrant

    11.45 story, apples on top by Dr zues...he enjoyed it, I'm not sure what the message was and how I feel about it...

    12 in bed with pull up on, pacifier in and blanket over him with minimal winning....expecting him to kick off any minute it cannot have been that easy

    12.25 still in bed but partying with and talking to his toys and seems wide awake...hmm

    12.30 another story and hope for a nap...dosent seem interested bit staying in bed

    1.08 I beat the undertaker at wrestlemania and the steak is broken!!! Woohoo...oops this should be on this report

    1.20 in what I can only consider a protest at being left in bed G has filed up his pull up with a load worthy of any full grown African elephant, the smell is something I may never recover from after cleaning him off in the tub he was very insistent he wanted the shower on...seemed a bit odd and didn't think he would normally but who knows so after several clarification questions he was convinced and so was was on for all of 1.5 seconds before the freak out came

    1.30 dried and in his third outfit change of the day it's back to the cartoons so I can have the pleasure of cleaning up...I may have flashbacks afterwards...G wasn't convinced when I put the jetsons on but seemed to agree with my logic that when he stopped pooping his pants he would get to choose , another Apple juice

    2.35 another massive I over that a thing...I only give drinks when he asks

    2.40-3.35 turtle helmet fitted, safety straps on time to ride the radio flyer to the park (I totally pushed the whole way, kid is laaaaaazy on the peddling). We had a little trouble when we first got to the park when Grayson climbed up to the top slide and didn't stop and come back when he was told to...freaked me the f out until I figured out he was basically an expert at this climbing frame! Next up was G's Spider-Man audition, one boost onto the climbing wall and hold on while he climbed, next time climbed up himself with me standing close guard, the next 25 tonnes of climbing the wall and down the slide were a blur as he seemed to be trying to get quicker every time!

    3.30 cartoons

    4.12 he's peeing again!!!!!! Seriously!!!

    16.40 asked very nicely for a banana, when I said yes he started running for the kitchen...socks...hard wood floor...he slapped the floor pretty hard but only scared himself and only bashed his hand....salt into the bananas let....he had some orange pieces and the fruit cup from his dinner yesterday

    4.53...Getting pretty ancy for a smoke at this point and pretty sure I can still smell the poop from may be burned into my may just be me, i haven't showered today...wait this isn't my diary....

    5.01...we learn that we should sit properly on our chairs when we slide off and onto the floor scaring ourselves again... Apparently G Has been saving up accidents for just before mummy and daddy get home...

    17.03 daddy is on his way back to the train station, we better go get him...
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  • Dzień 124

    heathrow airport - on the road again

    21 grudnia 2016, Anglia ⋅ ⛅ 9 °C

    and so it begins again after months of furiously trying to get everything resolved my trip is back on and i fly out to sydney via Seoul in a couple of hours.

    I have treated myself for the first and probably last time to a business class ticket so im current living large in the business class lounge with fantastic glass of wine, a comfy seat and some free wifi... that being said im getting daggers from everyone in here as being me i have showed up in shorts, bright blue trainers and a loud t-shirt... buuuuuuut also being me, i couldnt care less!

    Checking in was nice and easy apart from when the lady seemed to be tapping away for quite a while and then said "I'm having a bit of trouble printing your bording passes... oh wait... im sorry I mistook you for an economy passenger"... jeeze everyones a critic, might have been the beaten up baseball cap, tatty hoodie or the shorts but come on im classy... deep down.... deep deep down
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  • Dzień 125

    Adventures in fancy-pancery

    22 grudnia 2016, Korea Południowa ⋅ ☁️ 4 °C

    Today I am on my first ever business class flight... What an eye opener! If this is how the other half lives, I'm in! Just need to get an unlimited amount of money somehow hmmmm...

    So lets go through it, from the beginning, the lovely Ms Joyce dropped me at the Heathrow airport and i said my goodbyes before heading inside to find where to check in, unsurprisingly, inside the terminal there are long queues for almost every check-in, having a quick look up at the board i noticed that business class check-in is D25-D28 ... Fair enough... Off i wander... There is one person in front of me in line and then I'm checking in... We’re off to a good start

    After a few minutes of furiously tapping around on her keyboard the lady behind the counter tells me she is having trouble printing off my boarding pass and then like a revelation i see something in her eyes as she looks up and says “I'm so sorry sir i had mistaken you for an economy class passenger and that's why it wouldn't print”....a mistake possibly down to the fact that no one in the history of clothes has ever looked less “business” than the 6’3” skin head in a beaten up baseball cap, tatty hoody and knee length blue shorts... If she had said that she felt obliged to downgrade me i would not have been surprised! Fortunately she didn't and handed me my business class tickets and directions to my business class lounge! Oooh get me!

    Business class lounge lift entrance located, i step in to said lift and one floor later stepped out into a lavishly decorated reception area manned by 3 people... None of which gave me a look to suggest i was welcome or that they believed i was anything other than lost! There was an indisputable look of surprise on the face of the man when i presented him with my ticket and gave him my biggest smile, not at all thinking to myself “yea that's right, you have to be nice to me now A-hole”

    Inside the beautiful lounge was a food buffet, a coffee, tea and soft drink station to help yourself to and a fully loaded cocktail bar with a lovely man who introduced himself as Dave. Over the course of the next hour and a half Dave helped me out with 4 beautiful glasses of Sauvingon Blanc whilst i tucked into some beautiful finger food followed by some very nice curry (food I would later come to regret), i was tempted to go and utilise the shower rooms... Just because they existed... But restrained myself and instead used the free wifi to post on facebook, message some lovely people who were wishing me well and browse a bit of news.

    Getting into the “business/first class queue” at the gate was fun, instead of joining 200 people queuing i was quickly ushered to a separate door onto the plane! that's right people, you don't turn left any more you get a whole entrance to yourself to keep away the rif-raf!

    My seat is something else, its lie flat, its almost a cabin to itself i have so much space and i currently have my feet up on my Ottoman! Oh yeah... that's right and later will recline it into full bed mode!

    After my pre-flight champagne and hot towel, its time for dinner... Just the 5 courses and my choice of wines, cocktails and spirits, my table has just been adorned with a pristine white table cloth... I am excited!

    Starter - parma ham with cheese, salad and bread with olive oil & Vinegar
    Soup - Potato with croutons
    Main - Beef Cheek with sprouts, potato and beetroot
    Cheese - a selection cheeses with grapes, crackers and a lovely port
    Desert - Chocolate brownie

    (I should think its now clear why i came to regret eating in the airport, but if im gonna eat like a king it may as well be henry the 8th!)

    Dear god I'm stuffed, the lights have just been turned out at 22:35 so it must be bed time, had a few vinos with my dinner, so sleep shouldn't be too tough... Or so I thought until i combined a few contributing factors. Firstly let me say this I fully appreciate that compared to Economy this was the best 4 hours and 20 mins sleep anyone has ever gotten...however I would like to paint you a picture.

    For starters, the lie flat seat concept on planes is fantastic... for normal sized humans, whilst i wasn't exactly cramped, my feet felt completely stuffed into the strange box whole that becomes the end of your bed and due to other bits of the seat around you, there is very little space to bend your legs, unless, as I did at one point, you give up and sleep with one leg out of the bed and on the floor in the gangway.

    So, as an opening gambit, I'm sure your thinking, aww, poor little tall boy couldn't get comfortable in his plane bed and your sarcasm is not unwarranted, so let me throw in a fun fact that most of you know but might not have considered... I have a sleep Apnoea... I have to sleep connected to a surgical mask that has to be plugged in. So now i have the plastic hose from that snaked over me... Oh and the seatbelts for a lie flat chair bed thingamabob... They are three point like a car, so now I'm strapped down to a small table-like bed with a surgical type oxygen mask on, with one foot on the floor and I can hear 2 things, someone snoring (not me... Mask was working) and a kid in front of me crying... So i decided to sleep with my headphones on to drown out the noise.. So now I'm strapped down to a small-table like bed thingy that goes into a weird little whole, that my feet don't quite fit into, so one of them is on the floor, I have an anaesthetist mask strapped to my face with 2 straps, a pair of headphones over the top of that, wires and surgical hoses hanging all over me... And yet I managed to sleep! Go me!

    Little shout out to the bathroom, whilst not exactly a world away from any other air plane bathroom did have L’octane moisturiser and Toner... For the men reading... Dunno, I assume it is another type of lotion...small disposable combs, not much use for my bald head, disposable tooth brushes and sachets of toothpaste and mouth wash... Its the little things.
    After my adventures in sleeping I have just over 3 hours left of my first flight after which I i get a few hours in Seoul Airport (at which point I’m hoping to get wifi and post this) followed by another 10 hours down to Sydney where I'm sure I'll get to do all of the above again!

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  • Dzień 128

    Adventures of the big black dog

    25 grudnia 2016, Australia ⋅ ⛅ 27 °C

    Having finally made it to Sydney after so many delays I should be over the moon, I'm in an amazing city with one of my favorite people in the world, it's Christmas day and it's sunny!

    The prefect time for an old acquaintance to come visit and spoil the party, I'm trying to enjoy myself and get out and get involved but unfortunately the big black dog comes with a decent dose of anxiety, agoraphobia and general desire to be alone in a dark room.

    This might be an unusual topic for a travel blog but it's the reality I'm gonna have to live with and I'm sure many other people have had to. Mental illness is something that should be openly talked about and perhaps there is a little selfishly cathartic about writing about it as well.

    Trying to focus on some positives, we had a lovely Xmas eve lunch of fresh seafood risotto and white wine out in the sunshine with a view of the harbour bridge and despite my general dislike of crowds and shopping being ultimately compounded by the black dog we managed to spend a bit of time and downtown and buy me a shirt and shoes so we can go to the boxing day races with Rachel's friends.

    We've also booked tickets to go to the botanical gardens on new years eve where I will be able to tick an item of my bucket list and watch the Sydney new years fireworks display, something I have wanted to do since I first saw them on millennium eve 17 years ago!

    Hopefully my next entry will find me on the bounce back to normality but until then look after yourself and each other and keep talking about what bothers you.
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  • Dzień 132

    Adventures with animals

    29 grudnia 2016, Australia ⋅ ☀️ 30 °C

    So after the visit of the big black dog it was inevitably gonna take some time to get back to 100% but i feel like I'm heading in the right direction, all be it slowly. I have however with the help of my glamorous assistant been out and about a few times.

    The first of our outings was to "International Passport day" at Royal Randwick Racecourse... for whatever reason if you take any international passport to the races here on boxing day you get free entry! ... I say free, the fact that i am travelling with what can only be described as the most casual of all clothes means that i did have to spend $70 (£42) on a pair of shoes and a shirt to make me presentable enough to get in.

    It was a decent day, nice to meet one of Rachel's close friends, Alesha, and have a bit of a flutter, although apparently I'm better at Canadian betting than Australian as i didn't pick a winner all day. We did manage to sink 3 bottles of champagne and get pretty darn sunburnt despite applying some factor 35 before we went out. After the races we headed to Coggee which is a beech suburb of Sydney which seemed pretty cool but pretty busy. In the event we only ended up having 1 beer and then went for a bit of Indian food before heading home.

    I was still suffering with jet lag by the 27th and woke up at 2am so we had another pretty quiet day, we went for a quiet lunch in newtown ( a funky Soho esq suburb of Sydney) of tapas and sangria before heading back via the pub and i managed to stay awake until 10pm! ooh get me! but the resulting sleep appears to have got me back on track.

    Yesterday was the day we did something I had really been looking forward to and the second of the animal related activities... A trip to Sydney aquarium, I had really good memories of the aquarium from the last time i was here 10/11 years ago and was excited to see what had changed and show rachel. Interestingly the aquarium I remember from all that time ago is still the aquarium now... it would appear that no one has cleaned, painted or changed anything at all except throwing extra animals into the already crowded tanks. And speaking of crowded... I appreciate its the summer holidays over here but, my god!! to say the place was rammed would be like saying the pope is a little bit religious, we couldn't move more than a few steps without walking into, getting walked into or having our ear drums burst by the next little bundle of over heated, over excited , sugar fuelled holiday loving kid... the joys!

    The only redeeming feature was the penguins, being a favourite of mine, one of Rachel's favourite and an area that was marginally less rammed (because we opted not to wait the extra 25 minutes for what looked like a 3 minute dingy ride around said penguin enclosure) we did have a few smiles (especially when one took a huge bird dump in front of another that swam straight through it... god we're mature) and relaxed a little bit. We managed to salvage the day somewhat by making a swift exit to Angus (steak house) and grabbing a steak sandwich next to darling harbour before heading back to chat, chill out and watch some funny TV.

    that's about it for now, but for fans of New Years Eve, I have a bit of exciting news, myself and rach have splashed out on some great tickets for the fireworks and i will be ticking the Sydney harbour new years fireworks off my bucket list after about 17 years!

    extra few photos here (nothing too exciting):
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  • Dzień 137

    adventures in a new year

    3 stycznia 2017, Australia ⋅ ⛅ 24 °C

    So its 2017! happy new year to everyone, been a fun start to the year with the highlights being a day trip to the blue mountains, the new years eve fireworks and a day wandering round Sydney and exploring.

    The year got off to a fantastic start, fulfilling a 16 year dream of watching the Sydney harbour new years fireworks (you can see a video I made here: (… ) decided to go with a song from the year that i first told myself I would be here for it one day (2000).

    Whilst I wouldn't have changed a thing about the fireworks it was extortionately overpriced to do anything in Sydney that night, as it is in most places but when you're paying A$300 (£175, US$218) i would have liked a bit more than a picnic box (which was admittedly nice, but still cold picnic food and a bottle of water) and the opportunity to sit on a patch of grass with a great but still partially obstructed view. Like I said though, I'm glad i did it but it was a one off.

    On the 3rd I decided to have a wander round Sydney and get my bearings while Rach returned to work, I was also hoping to buy myself a reasonably priced digital camera so that I can take some better photos and share them with you lovely people. But unfortunately no-where had what i was looking for in stock and nothing in Sydney is reasonably priced so that didn't happen. I did however find some fantastic views including a great bar in darling harbour with reasonably priced Gin and lovely fried prawns for lunch where i spent a little while before walking on and eventually finding Barangaroo reserve which was lovely with a great view of the bridge and some lovely grass to sit on for a few hours a read a book.

    That day gave me a good opportunity to re-evaluate my views on Sydney, I do like this place a lot, as i did last time i was here, however its either gotten a lot busier or I have gotten a lot older and grouchy about crowds... I suspect its a combination of the 2. Don't get me wrong its no where near London busy or anything and I do still really like it here but its not quite the idealised picture i had in my head from 11/12 years ago.

    The 4th was a fantastic trip up to the blue mountains.. The day started with a trip to Featherdale wildlife park in the north Sydney suburbs which had lots of kangaroos, Wallabies, Koala's, Wombats and Birds. I absolutely adored this Koala that was a) fast asleep (unsurprisingly) but was b) snoring his head off! I've never heard a noise like it i think he may have given me and my dad a run four our money with the racket produced. After a quick stop for lunch in a small town in the lower Blue Mountains we drove on to the aptly named Scenic World for spectacular views from the paths, horizontal, glass bottom cable car, the steep cable car down to the temperate rainforest and the worlds steepest railway back up again afterwards. The whole day was topped off with a short boat ride down from Parramatta into Sydney, under the bridge and into Circular Quay just in time to meet up with Rachel finishing up from work! (video highlights of the day here: (… ) .

    Last night was good fun as well, my measure of a good place is always its people and running into a random group last night and being invited back to one of their converted warehouse apartments and partying on their roof until the early hours reminded me why i love the people of Sydney!

    Next week I'm picking up a car on Monday lunch time and driving slowly round the coast to Melbourne for Thursday, Rach is flying down on Friday to spend the weekend and I'm driving back up to Sydney on the following Monday.
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  • Dzień 143

    Adventures in the Ocean

    9 stycznia 2017, Australia ⋅ ⛅ 26 °C

    Time to get on the road again! Monday morning I picked up a car (Mazda 4 by 4 type thingy) and got on the road south into Heathcote National Park.

    First up... driving on the left hand side of the road... haven't done that in a while! secondly, the middle of Sydney was not the best place to get started as its pretty sodding busy and oh that's right it has some weird underground motorway thing called the distributor... obviously I'm a very macho and confident person and was in no way crapping myself for the first 45 minutes of my driving experience...

    after 45 minutes I got out of the city and into the national park...WOW! absolutely spectacular area of national beauty as the road weaves through hills and forests and if like me you take a side road off for 15-20 absolutely spectacular beaches!

    I went down to Garie Beach for no other reason than I had picked it out at random from google maps! After a little look around I decided that the beautiful white sands and clear ocean was too much to resist and reassuring myself that I would never see anyone there again I got my board shorts on and the man boobs out! it was time to go play in the sea! I have given this some thought and I honestly cannot remember the last time I swam in the sea... I must have done it at some point but I do not remember it! It was a lot of fun, the waves were pretty decent so it was more of a wade out and try not to get knocked over while jumping through them than a swim but I enjoyed it! next time I need some sort of surf / boogie board!

    I did capture a little video (don't worry, not a man boob in sight):…

    after drying myself off and attempting to remove all the sand... and failing, I got back on the road! I spent the rest of the day shaking off bits of sand and driving down to Warilla, stopping briefly for a schnitzel dinner (what the Australian obsession with schnitzel is I don't know but its on every single menu!) and on to my airbnb for the night.
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