Draw-Your-Dream... On Tour

May 2019 - June 2024
I have a MISSION: people should think of their dreams in their life to be happy and fulfilled. So I travel around, interview people and ask them to draw their dreams on paper. All these dreams will finally be put together to one big mosaik Read more
Currently traveling
  • 33footprints
  • 6countries
  • 1,837days
  • 247photos
  • 0videos
  • 9.1kkilometers
  • 3.4kkilometers
  • Day 89

    Dreams of pilgrims and surfers

    August 19, 2019 in Spain ⋅ ⛅ 14 °C

    Today was actually my first kind of "free" day since weeks. The last days I had to hurry up, because I have to be on Tuesday, 20.8. in our airbnb villa, because on Wednesday starts a conference (for workshop facilitators like me, where we want to invent new games and ideas to make workshops more creative).
    Now, that I know, that I will reach Porto in time, I could relax a bit. Anyway I had to finish an illustration for a German customer. And I could not imagine a better place to "work"! I mean, sitting in my mobile workplace with the view of the sea and sun, watching the surfers at the rip curls from time to time. Can it be better?
    For the draw-your-dream-mission it was also very good. Early in the morning I met 2 German pilgrim ladies, on their "Camino de Santiago" who liked to draw their dreams.
    During the day, although or maybe because of it was my free day and all surfers here at the mobile home parking are so relaxed, and I was relaxed as well, THEY asked me, if they were "allowed" to draw somethung.
    I Iiked it a lot, because it were so completely different people and all had completely different dreams. Have a look!
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  • Day 89

    Fisterra= End of Land, spectacular view

    August 19, 2019 in Spain ⋅ ⛅ 18 °C

    Columbus called that: end of land = fin de Terra = Fisterra.
    Really nice place. This is the place-to-be for all the pilgrims of the Camino de Santiago. Here is almost trafficjam of all the pilgrims, haha.Read more

  • Day 90

    Santiago di Compostela

    August 20, 2019 in Spain ⋅ ⛅ 21 °C

    Stunning view from my camper van of the lighthouse at finisterre.
    Then visited the cathedral di Santiago di Compostela. All a bit touristic but I like when all the pilgrims come together and are happy to have done the Camino. I was at a "Misa", which was in another church, because the famous one is under cobstruction. I met 2 German girls, who - after the misa- were drawing their dreams.
    On the main square, where are most of the pilgrims it wa easy to ask for people to draw something.
    When the group started drawing, the kids appeared and asked if they can also draw sth.
    You can see little Messi, with the soccer shirt
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  • Day 91

    Porto, conference for agile workshops

    August 21, 2019 in Portugal ⋅ 🌙 19 °C

    Actually this was my main goal or motivation to reach Porto as a destination. I am here for 3 days at a conference or open space format, where about 200 workshop facilitators meet. That means: we are all in the job of helping companies to do innovation or do a change management or change a Mindset of companies to think more creative, to think more our of the box, to behave more flexible and actually change the philosophy of companies.
    We are the pioneers of thinking in a different way. We are here to invent new creative workshop formats, to exchange experience to question existing ways of working and organization. I feel like in the epicenter of change and we habe the power and motivation to really have a positive impact for the world and for the future.
    I have facilitated 3 sessions about creativity, innovation Sprint and about drawing your dreams.
    People liked it, when I gave them instructions and sketching advices what they could apply immediately and they were happy that they improved their sketching skills within minutes. They were surprised by themselves what they were able to sketch in short time.
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  • Day 96

    Surferbeach, South of Porto

    August 26, 2019 in Portugal ⋅ ⛅ 17 °C

    After this fantastic conference and our really, really superb BBQ party (2 times, the last 2 days!) with about 40 and 20 people in the garden of our Airbnb villa, I visited the cathedral of Porto and drove to a surfers beach, just about 30km south of Porto.
    At the evening/night I was at a nearby folk festival with music, candy, attractions, Rollercoaster and of cause everywhere fresh cerveza and BBQ.
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  • Day 97

    Arrival at the "Camino de Santiago"

    August 27, 2019 in Portugal ⋅ ☁️ 20 °C

    I decided spontaneously (yesterday) to walk the Camino de Santiago for about 180km. I know, that some people plan a trip like that for up to a year, but I thought: "Why not doing it just now. I am already so close!" So I asked my friend, who was already walking the Camino since 3 days to tell me where he is so I will catch him up by car and join the walk.Read more

  • Day 99

    My birthday in a monastery

    August 29, 2019 in Spain ⋅ ☀️ 22 °C

    So, today is my second day at the Camino de Santiago. It is actually my birthday and it is strange, because - I think - since I am 15 I always have celebrated or at least experienced my birthday at midnight the day before.
    Not here at the Camino. We went to bed yesterday at 23.30h.
    The Camino today was very pleasant. Again nice scenery along the coast. A good lunchbreak with good food at a restaurant, where we were served local Spanish food with squids and paella.
    Then we passed by a beach and we looked really like from a different world with our pilgrim backpacks among all the surfers and half naked people at the beach. I called a monastery to reserve a place to sleep, but the guy at the phone told me not to arrive after 19.00, otherwise they would be closed. So after a quick swim in the breaking waves and ripcurls, we just bought a bottle of Portwine and almost had to run steep uphill to arrive in time. On the top of the hill, we got rewarded at the church/monastery with a perfect view of the coastline and beaches.
    When Jorge, the guy who let us fill in the registration form, has seen my date of birth he had to smile. Later he gave us fresh grapes and fruits, what was really good. A bit later a girl from Poland arrived and she wondered how be were carrying the heavy bottle of wine uphill. We invited her for a glass and I explained that it is my birthday. Now - big surprise: it was her birthday too!
    We shared some food and wine and were chatting about life and the Camino. She also has drawn her dream on paper and I gave her some sketching advices.
    Good night! In 6 hours we have to wake up to be ready for the next 30 kilometer.
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  • Day 101

    Day 4 at the Camino

    August 31, 2019 in Spain ⋅ 🌙 21 °C

    Same procedure as every day. Alarm clock at 6.30h, but I woke up at 5.15h as at that time the first pilgrims get up. We are now already in the 100km radius of Santiago and there are more pilgrims. You even find more improvised "shop", selling coffee, fruits and souvenirs out of their car.
    We decided to go the "camino espiritual", which takes 1 or 2 days longer than the normal route, but is less crowded. After the forth day, you already feel the 120km in your bones and feet and it is almost the general topic of the pilgrims who has which injuries or "damages".
    We stay at a small, pittoresque fishing village.
    Interesting route: the yellow arrows of the Camino wanted to guide us through the water. Later we found out, that at the right time the water has gone because of the tide.
    The "youth" is buying drinks at the supermarket to get prepared for Saturday evening.
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  • Day 102

    Day 5, horrible night

    September 1, 2019 in Spain ⋅ ⛅ 22 °C

    The night was horrible.
    My tooth was aching and I could not sleep. I can not imagine the last years when I felt so much pain. It felt like someone is nailing a nail in your jaw, but not for seconds. For hours. And the head feels like exploding. I slept maybe 2 hours.
    Anyway. We stood up at 6.30h and began walking the most strenuous part of the whole trail. 3hours uphill to a monastery.
    The way down at the trail called "stones and water" (Piedras y Aguas) was the most pleasant we had.
    At a small restaurant we had good and cheap food.
    Finally we arrived at one of these official, public albergues, where are about 40 people in one room.
    Today : 33km
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  • Day 107

    Nice surprise after sudden wake up

    September 6, 2019 in Portugal ⋅ ☀️ 20 °C

    I actually had two mornings. Or two wake ups:
    First was at 5.30h in the morning after just 3hours of sleep. Actually I told myself, that I wanted to take care more about myself and look that I get enough sleep. As sleep is the best medicine. I think, that the one night in Santiago with a good 7hours of sleep was the reason, why my hurting tooth got well again just in one day.
    Nevertheless I offered a very special person to be the private chauffeur from the airport-hostel to the airport. It was just 1km, but a very dark und dodgy area for a woman to walk alone at night.
    So I really got woken up by her at 5.30h and I played the private taxi driver. It was early, but it was a pleasure for me to do her this favor.
    I came back from the airport and parked my van somewhere in nowhere close to the airport.
    Luckily I could manage to fall asleep again,... Just got woken up a couple of times by some aggressive dogs, who were barking whenever someone passed by.
    So my second wakeup was, when someone was knocking at my van at about 9 o clock. I climbed down from the first floor of my mobile castle to the ground floor to see who is knocking.
    I immediately told them: "sorry!" because I was blocking their gate. At night I was not aware that it was a gate, because it looked like a normal wall.
    My feeling of "feeling guilty" and "the people must be angry with me" vanished after seconds when the guy told me, that a Volkswagen bus like mine is his dream. He told me that he has the older version, VW T3 from 1983, and we were chatting in half Spanish, half Portuguese about the VW Bullies.
    He asked me if I would like to come in for a coffee, what I really appreciated.
    I had blocked the gate of a workshop, where they modify cars to be able to transport disabled people and wheelchairs.
    I got in, we were talking, and finally they were even drawing their dreams in my hexagons.
    We had a funny time!
    They told me, that they will be in Germany next week at a exhibition for their show cars and after I told them, that I was working as a car designer for some years and did the Papamobile for pope Benedikt, we exchanged our contact data. I will update that later.
    That was a really nice company and really friendly, warm-hearted people!
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